2021 Resolutions
Go To -> Records Office Home | 2022 Resolutions | 2020 Resolutions |
| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status |
Note: For resolution #’s in black see status. (Last Updated 3/27/2024)
21-001-FWF | Approval of 26(Twenty-Six) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-002-FWF | Reserving Tribal Allotment T1435 for Shell Creek Congregation Church. | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-003-FWF | Reserving Tribal Allotment T1435 for Fort Berthold Native American Church Chapter’s Ceremonial Religious Use. | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-004-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites, December 2020 NRC.[Annelisa Three Irons] | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-005-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Allotment(s) T 2203 for the Whales Phase 5 Pipelines Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-006-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Allotment(s) T2203 for the Whales Phase 6 Pipelines Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-007-FWF | Consent for Approval of a Right-of-Way across Allotment(s) (868A and 823A) for the Charles Packineau 17H Pad Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-008-FWF | Consent for Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Allotment(s) T755A-C and 755A-D for the project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-009-FWF | Approving Earth Work Contract With Woodstone, Inc | 1/14/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-010-FWF | Approval of Asset Transfer Agreement with Cenex Pipeline, LLC | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-011-FWF | Approving Agreement For Use of Las Vegas Property For Filming Of American Ninja Warrior | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-012-FWF | Approving the Purchase Of The Shopko Building | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-013-FWF | Approving Makes Cents, Inc. and Uetsa Tsakits, Inc. Shareholder Distribution Policy | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-014-FWF | Approving Engagement Agreement For Local Counsel | 1/14/2021 | Y | Active |
21-015-FWF | Tero Recodification | 1/14/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review, see 21-250-FWF |
21-016-FWF | Approval of 22 (Twenty-Two) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-017-FWF | Reserving T716A for West Segment Economic Development | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-018-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites – February, 2021[Crystal Taylor, Byron J. Brady, Kristin Chase, Lakota Chase, Sylvia Chase] |2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-019-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100228 across Tribal/and (Allotments 1700 and T2028) for the Boy Chief USA Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-020-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (T2028) for the Boy Chief USA Pipeline Corridor Submitted by Marathon Oil Company | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-021-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (T5461 and T5462) for the Collins USA Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-022-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (T 5480) for the Banta USA Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-023-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-Of-Way across Tribal/and (T1835, Tl836 & Tl976-A) for the Dakota Pad Temporary Water Line Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 2/11/2021 | Y |Active |
21-024-FWF | Amending Resolution No. 18-182-FWF | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active|
21-025-FWF | Approval and Authorization of Four Bears Segment to Proceed in the Building Construction Project of the "New Four Bears Segment Community Building with Approved Budget Amount of $25,000,000.00 for Construction, Architectural and Engineering. |2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-026-FWF | Approval of Contract by White Shield/East Segment with Pendleton Woolen Mills, Inc., for 250 Custom Manufactured Blankets with depiction of the Arikara War Horse for a total cost of approximately $39,300.00. | 2/11/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-027-FWF | Approval of Housing Development Budget Amount of $3,600,000.00 for Four Bears Segment for FY 2021 | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-028-FWF | Inter Tribal Buffalo Council Grant Application | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-029-FWF | Approval of the Purchase of Robert White Home - 205 7th Ave E, New Town, ND 58763 for the benefit of the Four Bears Segment | 2/11/2021 | Y | Active |
21-030-FWF | Approval of 28 (Twenty-Eight) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-031-FWF | Approval of the Relinquishment of Lee Whirl Ross Enrollment Number 301 U-07860 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-032-FWF | Authorization for Grant Funding Submission by Tribal Education Department for CTAS Purpose Area 9 – Tribal Youth Program | 3/10/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-033-FWF | Rescission of Resolution No. 19-004-FWF | 3/10/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-034-FWF | Tribal Business Council Approval of Application for the Rehabilitation Services Administration, American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services CFDA Number 84.250M. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-035-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites – March, 2021.[Charles Moran, Jr., Crystal Taylor, Sasha LaRocque, Jr., Quinn LaRocque, Lyle LaRocque, Victor Stevens, William Wells, III, Declan Jones, Tanya Fimbres] | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-036-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Mountrail/Williams Electric Cooperative – Secondary Transmission Line Project | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-037-FWF | 2021 Agriculture Lands Leasing Policy | 3/10/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-038-FWF | Reserving Tribal Fee Tract Mountrail County Identification Number 520004000 for the North Segment Community Green House Project | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-039-FWF | Reserving Tribal Tract T549A for the Four Bears Community Development Area. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-040-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Anthony Vitko. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-041-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Henry Almit Breuer. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-042-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Blaine Fox. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-043-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Donovan Dixon. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-044-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Ethan White Calfe. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-045-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Greta W. White Calfe. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-046-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Austin Gillette. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-047-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Wade Howard. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-048-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Luke Spotted Bear. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-049-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Nancy Vitko. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-050-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Scott Simenson. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-051-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Tom Breuer. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-052-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Verlee K. White Calfe-Sayler. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-053-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Weston Schettler. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-054-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [Twin Buttes Motel]. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-055-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (2217, T2215-B, T2214, T 2256) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. [ QEP Buffalo 10-6 URD Line Project] | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-056-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (T602A and T603A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. [ XTO Smith North URD Line Project] | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-057-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (2248, T2006-A, T2101-C, T2006) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc.”[ Bruin Belford Yale Project] | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-058-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal lands (1083A and T664A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. [Mandaree Water Intake Line Rebuild Segment 1 Project] | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-059-FWF | Authority For The MHA Emergency Operations Center to Seek on Behalf of MHA Nation the FEMA Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) for Fiscal Year 2021. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-060-FWF | Delegation of Authority to the Board of Directors of Mandaree Enterprises, LLC to Issue Limited Waivers of Sovereign Immunity of the Subsidiaries of Mandaree Enterprises, LLC and Businesses Entities Owned by Such Subsidiaries | 3/10/2021 | N | Subject to Legal review |
21-061-FWF | Amending Resolution 14-093-VJB, Approving Funding in Support of Sundance Ceremonies and Other Religious Organizations | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-062-FWF | Additional funding for Mandaree School Construction for FY2021. | 3/10/2021 | N | Subject to Legal review. Related: 18-309-FWF , 18-310-FWF , 19-014-FWF , 19-112-FWF , 19-261-FWF , 19-262-FWF .
21-063-FWF | Approving IMDA Lease With Marathon Oil Company | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-064-FWF | Adoption Of Building Code And Establishing Amendment Thereof | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-065-FWF | Authorizing South Segment to Apply for and Accept a USDA Grant, 2021 Rural Business Development Grant, for Honey Business | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-066-FWF | Tribal Opioid Response Grant, Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. | 3/10/2021 | Y | Active |
21-067-FWF | Approval of Amended Fiscal Year 2021 General Fund Budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-068-FWF | Authorization for a one-time Disbursement of Funds from Tribal Oil & Gas Royalty Revenues to All Enrolled Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-069-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $19,750,000.00 | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-070-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $16,600,000.00 | 4/8/2021 | Y |Active|
21-071-FWF | Approval of 31 (Thirty-One) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-072-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites – April, 2021 [Elizabeth Tikanye, Clairesse and Nathan White Horse, Leigh Arlis Brown Eyes, Michaela Ann Bacon]. | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-073-FWF | McKenzie Electric Easement [Four Bears Utility Corridor]. | 4/8/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-074-FWF | RTC/FBRW Easement | 4/8/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-075-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Edward Danks' Easement | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-076-FWF | Request to the Secretary of Interior to Acquire Certain Tribal Fee Lands in Trust for the Benefit of the Mandan Hidatsa & Arikara Nation | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-077-FWF | Request to the Secretary of Interior to Acquire Certain Tribal Fee Lands in Trust for the Benefit of the Mandan Hidatsa & Arikara Nation | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-078-FWF | Reserved | 4/8/2021 |
21-079-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Leases | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-080-FWF | Shared Ag Leases | 4/8/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-081-FWF | Approval of the 2021 Fort Berthold Reservation Burn Ban. | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-082-FWF | Amending Right Of Way Fee Schedule | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active, Related: 14-071-VJB, 14-089-VJB |
21-083-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (1083A, 1082A) for WPX Bird Bear 35-28 submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active. |
21-084-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (1083A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc [WPX Gerald Hale & Young Bird Pad Project.] | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-085-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way for Enerplus Strings North pad across Tribal land (1083A, 709A, T710A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-086-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (607A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc." [Petroshale TAHU Pad Project] | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-087-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way for the WPX Good Voice 34-27H across Tribal land (1083A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-088-FWF | Consent to Assignment of BIA ROW No. FBOG101252 across Tribal Land (371A) Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. [Marathon - Joba USA] | 4/8/2021 | Y | Actives |
21-089-FWF | “Consent Nunc pro Tunc to BIA ROW No. FBOG090023 across Tribal land (T437A-A and 371A) for the Fisher USA 21 Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company” [Fisher USA 21 Project] | 4/8/2021 | Y | Actives |
21-090-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA Row No. FBOG100582 (Modification No. 1) across Tribal land (Allotment 1007A) submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC [Moccasin Creek 14-11 Pad] | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-091-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA Row No. FBOG101117 (Modification No. 3) across Tribal land (Allotment 643A) submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC [RimRock - Two Shields Butte 13- 21]| 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-092-FWF | Approval Of Payment For Peebles, Kidder, Bergin & Robinson Invoice | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-093-FWF | Replacement of Director of Thunder Butte Petroleum Services, Inc. via Appointment Of New Director | 4/8/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-094-FWF | Authorizing Provision of Direct Medical Care To Certain Non-Beneficiaries Pursuant to § 813 Of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act as Amended. | 4/8/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-095-FWF | Exclusion of 16 Individuals from the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-096-FWF | Approving the Employment Contract with Christina Kissinger for the Position of Staff Attorney for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-097-FWF | Approval of Contract by White Shield/East Segment with Pendleton Woolen Mills, Inc., for 250 Custom Manufactured Blankets with depiction of the Arikara War Horse for a total cost of approximately $39,300.00, and Dispute Resolution and Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity Contained therein. | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-098-FWF | Approval and Authorization of Sports Book Consulting and Services Agreement Between the 4 Bears Casino & Lodge and Bookmakers Company US, LLC, dba USBookmaking, a Nevada limited liability company. | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-099-FWF | Amending Resolution Nos. 12-120-VJB and 18-211-FWF as to Cited Weight Limit Provisions Adopted and Applicable on All Roads Within the Jurisdiction of MHA Nation. | 4/8/2021 | Y | Active |
21-100-FWF | Approval of 29 (Twenty-Nine) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-101-FWF | Directing Tax Department To Impose Per Day Penalty And Fines Against Non-Complaint Alcohol Retailers, Wholesalers, and Transporters | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-102-FWF | Adopting The Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) Policy [EMHC] | 5/13/2021 | Y |Active |
21-103-FWF | Approving Scull Construction Services for Pre-Construction and Construction Services for Dental and Optometry Project | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-104-FWF | Approval of the 2021-2022 Tribal Hunting and Fishing Proclamations | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-105-FWF | Request for Reservation Proclamation of Fettig Ranch. | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-106-FWF | Request for Reservation Proclamation of Mercer County Ranch. | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-107-FWF | Ratifying Executive Action 2021-16 and Authorizing Third Party Contracts in response to Ransomware Attack | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-108-FWF | Authorizing Electrical Service Upgrade in White Shield Segment | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-109-FWF | Approval of Thunder Butte Petroleum Services, Inc. Funding Request | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-110-FWF | Declaration of Drought Emergency for the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-111-FWF | Approval of Change of Name of Mandaree Enterprises, LLC to Midi Enterprises LLC and Issuance of Amendment to the Amended and Restated Articles of Organization of Midi Enterprises LLC, formerly Mandaree Enterprises, LLC. | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-112-FWF | Midi Owner Exclusion for LTSS JV Contract | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-113-FWF | Waiving Penalties And Fees On MRR Nations Pad Treasury Debt. | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-114-FWF | Directing the Dissolution of the West Segment Development Corporation | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-115-FWF | Approval of the MHA Disaster Feed Assistance Program | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-116-FWF | Approving The White Shield Medical Clinic Contract With Woodstone, Inc. | 5/13/2021 | Y | Active |
21-117-FWF | Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for May 2021 [Saran Little Soldier, Shayna Taft, Charles Moran Jr., Anthony Foote, Lindsey Fox Sepeta, Stacey Bear, Leeann Nation, Regina Yeahquo, & Jarren Bracklin] | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-118-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Lease for Ree Ranch with Waiver of Payment due to Community Development Use. | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-119-FWF | Approval of Agricultural Leases - June 2021 TBC Meeting | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active|
21-120-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land. [FBRW-Bernadine Stevens] | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-121-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land. [FBRW TB Access Road] | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-122-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land. [FBRW-Bobbi Ray Big Lake] | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-123-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land. [FBRW West Segment Office] | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active, Amended by 21-220-FWF |
21-124-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (641A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-125-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (T1004A, T1112A, T1115A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-126-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (1069A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-127-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Allotments 1104A, T2028, 1700, T1965, 1007A) submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-128-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Allotments 1050A, T935A, T1031A-A, T1031A-B) for Arrow Pipeline, LLC | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-129-FWF | Approval for the Formation of a Tribal Entity, Living Stone Lodge, LLC. | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-130-FWF | To Authorize the Department of Interior Division of Energy and Mineral Development (DEMD) to Develop an Oil and Gas Production Brochure on Behalf of the Mandan Hidatsa & Arikara Nation | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-131-FWF | Establishing Policy For Drug And Alcohol Recovery Services Selection | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-132-FWF | Approval of a Joint Venture Construction Program Joint Venture Agreement and Lease between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the Indian Health Service, an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, United States of America, for the Elbowoods Memorial Health Center Dental and Optometry Clinic. | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-133-FWF | Approval of 23 (Twenty-Three) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-134-FWF | Authorizing Additional Funding for Construction of Riverboat Casino | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active, Related 19-286-FWF |
21-135-FWF | Elders Budget | 6/9/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-136-FWF | Approval for South Segment to Make a Grant Submission to DHHS Administration for Native Americans for SEDS FY2021 Grant. | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-137-FWF | Approval of an Assignment of Certain Oil and Gas Leases from QEP Energy Company to Oasis Petroleum North America LLC | 6/9/2021 | Y | Active |
21-138-FWF | Approval of 29 (Twenty-Nine) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-139-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative – Bobbie Big Lake New House. | 7/7/2021 | Y |Rescinded & replaced by 22-144-FWF |
21-140-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (T704A-D) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-141-FWF | Agricultural Leases for July 2021. | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-142-FWF | Amendments of Home Site Lease and Utility Corridor Resolutions. | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-143-FWF | Consent to Assignment of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and by QEP to Oasis (ROW No. FBOG101152, Tracts T 5447 and 373A) | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-144-FWF |Consent to Assignment of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (ROW No. FBOG101065, Tract 823A) | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-145-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal Land (575A) for the Foolish Bear USA Pipelines Corridor Submitted by Marathon Oil Company | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-146-FWF | Appointing the Delegates from the Three Affiliated Tribes to the National Indian Gaming Association and Authorizing the Payment of the National Indian Gaming Association’s Annual Dues. | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-147-FWF | Child Support Guidelines | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-148-FWF | Authorizing an Oil and Gas Lease to QEP Energy Company | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-149-FWF | Approval of Second Amendment to Oil and Gas Lease (7420A49001), WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active, Amended by 22-138-FWF |
21-150-FWF | Authorizing Honorariums for Former Council Members | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-151-FWF | Authorizing Hiring Of Director Of Cybersecurity | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active, Superseded by 22-007-FWF |
21-152-FWF | Authorizing Highway Patrol Enforcement Services Memorandum of Understanding | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-153-FWF | Designation Of Funds For Use On Greenhouse Project | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-154-FWF | Renewal of Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding With Mclean County Sheriff’s Office | 7/7/2021 | N | Subject to Audio Verification |
21-155-FWF | A Resolution to Clarify the Treatment of Traditional Ceremonial Items under the Jurisdiction of the Fort Berthold District Court System. | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-156-FWF | Approval of Purchase Agreement by White Shield Fire Protection District with MacQueen Equipment, LLC, DBA MacQueen Emergency, purchase of firefighting trucks and other equipment for a total cost of $1,824,149.00.| 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-157-FWF | A Resolution to Adopt the 2021 Three Affiliated Tribes Long Range Transportation Plan. | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-158-FWF | Approval and Authorization of Reconstruction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Routes; Drags Wolf Village and Bakersfield Subdivisions of the Amount of $577,345.00 for White Horse Construction, LLC and hereby Prioritizes This Four Bears Segment Project for the BIA Tip List | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-159-FWF | Approval of Request for Modification of Lease No. DACW45-1-06-8005 (July 10, 2006) with the U.S. Department of the Army, Lands of 730000080 and 730000520, to Include the New Four Bears Segment Building Location, or in the alternative, Approval to Submit an Application Prepared by Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson for a New Lease for Department of Army Lands 730000080 and 730000520 to Incorporate the Proposed New Four Bears Segment Community Building Location | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-160-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (T998A-B) for the Clinton Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-161-FWF | Consent to Partial Assignment of BIA ROW No. FBOG101452 across Tribal Land (575A) Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. | 7/7/2021 | Y | Active |
21-162-FWF | Approval of the Relinquishment of Heaven Renee Gayle Clark Enrollment Number 301U-17244 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-163-FWF | Approval of the Relinquishment of Inola Denae Lowery Enrollment Number 301 U-18201 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-164-FWF | Approval of the Relinquishment of Leona May Ward Enrollment Number 301 U-08460 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-165-FWF | Authorization For Submission Of National Telecommunications And Information Administration (NTIA) Grant Request | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-166-FWF | Authorization for Fort Berthold Rural Water Water’s Continued Utilization of the Existing 2007 SCADA Expansion Contract between The Three Affiliated Tribes and Micro-Comm Inc. | 8/12/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-167-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by EOG Resources, Inc. for the Liberty 26 NENW 2 | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-168-FWF | Consent To Amend BIA Row No. FBOG100582 (Modification No.2) Across Tribal Land (Allotment 1007A) Submitted By Rim Rock Oil & Gas Williston, LL | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-169-FWF | Consent to Approval Of A Right-of-Way Across Tribal/and (T3073) Submitted By WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-170-FWF | Approval of Four Bears Segment Housing Subdivision and Utility Corridors for thee respective Four Bears Segment Home sites. | 8/12/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-171-FWF | Approval and Authorization of the Four Bears Segment Representative to Proceed with the New Four Bears Segment Municipal Building Project, Per the Master Plan of Four Bears Segment, as Planned and Designed by the Special Projects Team and Brunton Architects and Engineers with a Total Project Amount of $50,000,000.00 for Construction, Architecture, and Engineering of the 110,900 Square Feet Municipal Structure. | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-172-FWF | Covid-19 Purchased and Referred Care Resolution | 8/12/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-173-FWF | Project Authorization for the Construction of a Public Health Facility and Exemption from Competitive Bidding Requirements for Architecture & Engineering Services and Contractor Management at Risk Services. |8/12/2021 | Y| Active |
21-174-FWF | A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Title of IHS Federal Real Property to the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-175-FWF| Authorizing Payment to the New Town Fire Department for Fire Protection Services | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-176-FWF | M.H.W. Settlement | 8/12/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-177-FWF| Authorization of OST to administer annual and biannual disbursements from Nuxbaaga Iidaa Uuh Waa Zaah, Sahnis waalpsis, Aki numuk aki tawatesh | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-178-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes MHA Nation Peoples Fund Account PL10017014 in the Amount of $11,059,000. | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-179-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $6,000,000.00 | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-180-FWF | Approval of 34 (Thirty-Four) Applicants for Enrollment for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/12/2021 | Y | Active |
21-181-FWF | Authorizing Additional Funding for Construction of Parshall Elementary School | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-182-FWF | Cornerstone Bank Property Purchase | 9/15/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-183-FWF | Approval of 40 (Forty) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-184-FWF | Approval of Mobile Broadband Tower Sites across Tribal Land (T 1730-B and T 777A-D) | 9/15/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-185-FWF | Authorization of FY 2022 Community Services Block Grant Application Submission to the Office of Community Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for Low Income Energy Assistance Program Grant. | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-186-FWF | Authorization to Adopt Policies and Procedures Manual for the Three Affiliated Tribes Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for FY 2022. | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-187-FWF | Authorization for the Three Affiliated Tribes’ Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program to exclude income generated from royalty payments, bonuses from minerals rights, and IIM account monies in the computation of gross income for purposes of qualifying for the LIHEAP Program for FY 2022. | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-188-FWF | Home Site leases and Utility Corridor for August 2021. [ Brianna Foote, Kyle Mandan, Star Mackenzie, Adam Fredericks, Marie Finley, Sunshine Halvorson, Pauline Casarez, & Curtis Hall]. | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-189-FWF | Home Site leases and Utility Corridor for September 2021. [Sylvia Chase, Twyla Baker, Telia Baker, Sharon Grey, David & Cylee Dobbs & Rick Hall]. | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-190-FWF | Agricultural Leases for August 2021 [ Noreen Mossett, Howard Fettig, Scott Simenson, Curtus Danks, Jim Waldock, & Weston Schettler]. | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-191-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land 301-T2098-D requested by Louis Gwin | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-192-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Allotment 301-1143 requested by Chris McLaughlin | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-193-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land 301-T565A-E & T567A-C requested by Bear Mountain | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-194-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Allotment 301-634 & 301-89A requested by Julius Poitra | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-195-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal Land (1252) submitted by McLean Electric Cooperative Inc. | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-196-FWF | Amendments of Home Site Lease and Utility Corridor Resolutions [Lease cancellations of Roberta Krueger, Eugene White Owl, Calvin White Man, Gabriel Dennis Nash, Ronald White Owl, Roberta High Elk, Emerson Baker, Louis Gwin, & Lynette D. Gwin] | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active|, Amended 20-148-FWF |
21-197-FWF | Agricultural Leases for Elk Pasture - South Segment | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active, Amended by 24-009-FWF |
21-198-FWF | Land Purchase – Allotment 301-2143 (Hartman). 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-199-FWF | Land Purchase – Allotment 301-2143 (Boyd). | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-200-FWF | Land Purchase – Allotment 301-2143 (Lindgren). | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-201-FWF | Land Purchase – Allotment 301-2143 (J. Helphrey). | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-202-FWF | Land Purchase – Allotment 301-2143 (R. Helphrey). | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-203-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal Land (575A) for the Foolish Bear USA Access Road and All-Utility Corridor Submitted by Marathon Oil Company | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-204-FWF | Consent to Partial Assignment of BIA ROW No. FBOG101452 across Tribal Land (575A) Submitted by Marathon Oil Company | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-205-FWF | Approval of Ambulance and Emergency Services Contract for the West Segment of the MHA Nation with Precision Paramedic Services, Inc. | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-206-FWF | Authorizing Robins Kaplan LLP Representation Agreement for pending litigation | 9/15/2021 | N | Subject to Legal review |
21-207-FWF | Approving Agreement For Architect And Engineering Services For The Kidney Dialysis Unit | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active|
21-208-FWF | Approval to renew and retain Frankie Lee for Engineering Consultant Services | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-209-FWF | Approval of Home Purchase for Sober Living in Bismarck, ND | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-210-FWF | Approving FY 2021 Bureau of Reclamation Funding Agreements for Fort Berthold Rural Water |9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-211-FWF | Authorizing Execution of Architect and Engineering Contract with DSGW Architects, Inc. for North Segment Community Center | 9/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-212-FWF | Approval of Continuing Resolution For FY 2022 General Fund Budget Expenditures Based Upon 90% of FY 2021 General Fund Budget. | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-213-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $35,000,000.00 | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-214-FWF | Approval of 24 (Twenty-four) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 10/6/2021 | N | Subject to Legal review |
21-215-FWF | Agricultural Leases For October 2021 [John Stone Jr., Cory Sanders, & Dennis Huber] | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-216-FWF | Reserving Tribal Land for the Sahnish Development Authority East Segment | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-217-FWF | Essential Services Related to Delivery of Safe Drinking Water and Manual Delivery of Water to Residents of and Patrons Within the Exterior Boundaries of the Fort Berthold Reservation of North Dakota. | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-218-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land" [ Lillian Jones]. | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-219-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [Phyllis Lonefight]. | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-221-FWF |Skipped |
21-222-FWF | Approval of a Temporary Surface-Use Permit Agreement across Tribal Land (T 5480) Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-223-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Allotments T2224, T2035-F, 901A, 903A) submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-224-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Allotments T636A, T1560, 643A, and 857A) submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-225-FWF | Authorizing Tribal Chairman To Execute Lease For Four Bears Recreation Area | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-226-FWF | Authorizing the MHA Nation to organize and be a member of the Tribal Energy Alliance (TEA) | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-227-FWF | Authorizing and Approving the Purchase of Antoine Brugh Home | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-228-FWF | Disenrollment of D.M.B., an adult. | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-229-FWF | Disenrollment of P.G.B., a minor. | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-230-FWF | Disenrollment of D.G.I.S., a child | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-231-FWF | Disenrollment of L.B.Y., an adult. | 10/6/2021 | Y | Active |
21-232-FWF | Approval of 33 (Thirty-Three) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-233-FWF | Enacting the MHA Nation Building Code | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-234-FWF | Approving Fort Berthold Housing Authority’s Submission for and Administration of Indian Housing Block Grant-American Rescue Plan. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-235-FWF | November 2021 Home Site leases and Utility Corridor. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-236-FWF | 2021-2026 Allocation of Range Units for the Grazing of Livestock on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation [Policy] | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active, Amended by 24-042-FWF |
21-237-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land.[FBRW-Reba Foote Connection] | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-238-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land[FBRW-Mandaree Replacement Area] | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active, Amended by 22-064-FWF |
21-239-FWF | Authority for the MHA Emergency Operations Center to Seek on Behalf of MHA Nation the Community Development Block Grant Program for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages for Fiscal Year 2021 | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-240-FWF | Authority for the MHA Emergency Operations Center to Seek on Behalf of MHA Nation the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) for Fiscal Year 2021 | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-241-FWF | Disenrollment of Winter Shon Lowery, an adult. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-242-FWF | Disenrollment of Trent Alan Lowery, an adult. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-243-FWF | Disenrollment of K.R.M., a minor | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-244-FWF | Disenrollment of Raeann Michelle Shoat, an adult. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-245-FWF | Disenrollment of Trevon Rico Ulan Shoat, an adult. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-246-FWF | Disenrollment of D.E.E.S., a minor. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-247-FWF | Disenrollment of Leslie Renee Black Hawk, an adult. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-248-FWF | Disenrollment of K.D.C., a minor. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-249-FWF | Disenrollment of J.D.C., a minor. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-250-FWF | Approving Amended and Restated TERO Ordinance | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-251-FWF | Reserved | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-252-FWF | Accepting grant funding available through the FY2022/2023 Indian Health Service, Community Health Aide Program: Tribal Assessment & Planning. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-253-FWF | Approval of Fiscal Year 2022 General Fund Budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-254-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $35,000,000.00 | 11/16/2021 | Y | Active |
21-255-FWF | Approval of 49 (Forty-Nine) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-256-FWF | Enbridge Safe Communities First Response Grant Application Approval | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-257-FWF | December 2021 Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-258-FWF | Land Purchase from Betty Peterson | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-259-FWF | Approval of 2021 Grazing Resolution - Allocations | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active, Amended by 22-260-FWF |
21-260-FWF | Approval of Negotiated Rate for Genetic Testing, such services provided by Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings for Child Support Matters. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active|
21-261-FWF | Appointment of an Associate Judge -Child Support for The Fort Berthold District Court. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-262-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (T777A-D, T1593, T704A-C, T704A-D, T704A-B, T704A-A, T759A-C, T759A-B, TI831-A, 1831-B, 1833, 1810, 991A, TI785-A, T2249, T2198, 18Il-A, 992A-D, 992A-A) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-263-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (T1812, T1J89, 360, 434) submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-264-FWF | Consent/or Assignment 0f Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Tract l007A) from Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation to RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-265-FWF | Consent to Crossnet Lease 5400012860 and Lease 5400024330, Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-266-FWF | Consent to Suspension of Operations (SOP) across Tribal land for (Allotment MT 1961) for the Suspension of Operations for XTO Energy, Inc. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-267-FWF | Authorizing The Tribal Chairman To Execute A Purchase And Sale Agreement For Lands Within The Twin Buttes Segment | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-268-FWF | Approval of the Three Affiliated Tribes’ Five Year Community Economic Development Strategic (CEDS) Plan for 2021-2026 and the Covid 19 Recovery Plan. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-269-FWF | Grant of Non-Profit Corporate Charter to the West Segment Development Authority and Appropriation of $500,000 for Operations of the Corporation | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-270-FWF | Authorization for a One-time Disbursement of Funds from Tribal Oil & Gas Royalty Revenues to All Enrolled Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-271-FWF | Authorization for a Disbursement to the Elders. | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-272-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $65,000,000.00 | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-273-FWF | Agridime | 12/15/2021 | N | Subject to Legal Review |
21-274-FWF | Skipped| N | N|
21-275-FWF | Reserved | 12/15/2021 | Y | Active |
21-276-FWF | Authorizing The Expenditure of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Funds | 12/27/2021 | Y | Subject to Legal review |
21-277-FWF | Authorizing Budget and Construction Contract for Greenhouse Project | 12/27/2021 | Y | Active |
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