2012 Resolutions

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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status | 

  • 12-001-VJB | Approval of 4 Bears Casino & Lodge Hotel Expansion Project Team and Roles & Responsibilities | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-002-VJB | Approval of Consultant Contract with Melford (MJ) Gunderson Jr.') | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-003-VJB | Approval of 17 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-004-VJB | Approval of Partition between Three Affiliated Tribes and Janice M. Hall, Kathleen Hall and Francis Mossett of Allotment No. 568A | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-005-VJB | Requiring Disclosure and Reporting of Overriding Interest in Oil and Gas Leases for the Exploration and Development of Oil & Gas on the Fort, Berthold Indian Reservation | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-006-VJB | Tribal Business Council Approval and Certification for the FY-012 Grant Application in the amount of $900,000.00 for the ICDBG Grant Program for the Mandaree West Segment for Infra-Structure | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-007-VJB | Appointment of Associate Judges for the Fort Berthold Tribal District Court for 2012 | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-008-VJB | Approval of Four Bears Segment Tribal Council Representative's Change of Appointment for Fort Berthold Housing Authority Board of Commissioners | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-009-VJB | Approval of Consultant Contract with James Heckman | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-010-VJB | Authorization to pursue a plan for the development of a New Headquarters for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-011-VJB | P.L. 93-638 Re-contracting of Bureau of Indian Affairs Program Functions, Services and Activities related directly and indirectly to Transportation Planning Under Mature-Status Contractual Agreement Specific to Transportation Planning | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-012-VJB | P.L. 93-638 Contracting of Bureau of Indian Affairs Program Functions, Services and Activities related directly and indirectly to Administration and Distribution of General Assistance Funds to Eligible Program Participants | 01-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-013-VJB | Approval of 52 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 02-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-014-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Raven Dawn Teboe Enrollment # 301U- 06773 from Membership of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 02-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-015-VJB | Approval of o Memorandum of Agreement Between the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and Bartlett and West Inc. | 02-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-016-VJB | 2012 Delegates to the National Indian Gaming Association | 02-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-017-VJB | Approval of the Renewal - Law E Tech Compliance Project Management - Professional Consultant Contract from January 1, 2012 through September 30,2012 | 02-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-018-VJB | Approval of an Oil & Gas Mineral Lease of 320 acres to Missouri River Resources for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 02-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-019-VJB | Adoption of Amended Sex Offenders Registration and Notification Act | 02-22-2012 | Y | Active, Code Not Included. Rescinds 11-073-VJB : Related: 07-107-VJB & 17-169-FWF |

  • 12-020-VJB | Approval and Appointment for Chase Iron Eyes as Associate Judge in the Fort Berthold District Court | 02-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-021-VJB | Approval of Appointment of Dedicated Associate Judge for the Fort Berthold District Court Domestic Violence Court | 02-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-022-VJB | Approval of Four Bears Segment Tribal Council's Representative's Change of Board appoint to the TERO Commission | 3-07-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-023-VJB | Approval of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation of the Twin Buttes Elder’s Organization Inc. | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-024-VJB | Approval of 41 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-025-VJB | Authorization to apply for Grant Funding for the purpose of Decreasing and Preventing Childhood Obesity | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-026-VJB | Approval of U.S. Department of the Interior - Office of Indian Energy and Mineral Development - Division of Energy and Mineral Development Study Proposal for Industrial Mineral Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-027-VJB | Authorization for Missouri River Resources to apply for Grant funding from the Department of Interior Office of Indian Energy Programs and Policy in the Amount of $300,000.00 | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-028-VJB | Approval of the 2012-2013 Tribal Hunting and Fishing Proclamation | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-029-VJB | Purchase of Telemedicine Equipment and Hardware - Specialized Management Inc. | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-030-VJB | Appointment of Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation Commission of Athletic Regulation Commission Members | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-031-VJB | Approval of Membership in the Northern Plains Intertribal Courts of Appeals for 2012-2013 and approval of payment of annual Dues | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-032-VJB | Approval of 3DGEO (3DGEO), Inc. Proposal for 3D Seismic Data Program | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-033-VJB | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from the Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL22870 in the Amount of $42,500,000.00 | 03-22-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-034-VJB | Prohibiting the Tapping or Taking of Water from Fort Berthold Rural Water Facilities without Proper Authorization | 04-20-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-035-VJB | Prohibition of Constructing and / or Operating Worker Camps aka ‘Man Camps’ on Tribally owned Land within the Twin Buttes / South Segment of the Fort Berthold Reservation | 04-20-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-036-VJB | Approval of Assignment of Tribal Mineral Leases (Red Willow Great Plains LLC) to Missouri River Resources | 04-20-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-037-VJB | 2012 Safety Management Plan Implementation I | 04-20-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-038-VJB | Approval of a Business Loan in the Amount of $5,000,000.00 to Make Cents Inc. | 04-20-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-039-VJB | Re-contracting of Program Functions, Services and Activities related directly and indirectly to Adult and Juvenile Detention Operations, Inclusive of Administration and Management functions, commencing October 1, 2011 and Extending for an Indefinite Period of Time | 04-20-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-040-VJB | Approval of 33 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 04-20-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-041-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Barnaby John Romero Enrollment #301U-07627 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribe | 04-20-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-042-VJB | Approval of Consulting Services Contract with Moss Adams Wealth Advisors LLC Consulting Services of 2707 Colby Avenue, Suite 801, Everett, WA 98201. | 05-05-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-043-VJB | Engagement of Donsia Strong Hill - Strong Hill Associates LTD as Financing Legal Counsel for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 05-05-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-044-VJB | Approval of Employment Contract with Lonnie Burr as Project Manager - Twin Buttes Replacement School Project | 05-05-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-045-VJB | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL228700 in the Amount of $9,900,000.00 | 05-05-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-046-VJB |Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available for Draws by the Three Affiliated Tribes Interests Earnings from the Three Affiliated Tribes Economic Recovery Fund in the Amount of $6,700.000.00 | 05-05-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-047-VJB | Request to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Draw FY2012 Docket Funds in the Amount of $1,576,843.00 | 05-05-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-048-VJB | Request to the United States Army Corps of Engineers to Refrain from Issuing Permits for the Use or Taking of Surplus Water from Lake Sakakawea for Commercial or Industrial Purposes within the Exterior Boundaries of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 05-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-049-VJB | Authorizing Tribal Section 17 Corporation to Market and Sell Excess Fort Berthold Rural Development Water | 05-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-050-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council Petition to the Secretary of Interior or his Authorized Representative Pursuant to Article X Amendments of the Three Affiliated Tribes Constitution and By-laws and 25 CFR Part 81 To Call a Secretarial Election on proposed Amendments to Article III Section 2 of the Constitution | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-051-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council Petition to the Secretary of Interior or his Authorized Representative Pursuant to Article X of the Three Affiliated Tribes Constitution and By Laws and 25 CFR Part 81 To Call a Secretarial Election On proposed Amendments to Article V of the Constitution | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-052-VJB | Appointment of Three Affiliated Tribes Ethics and Rules Committee | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-053-VJB | Authorization for Law Enforcement Services Program to enter into a Consultant Contract with Lamar and Associates | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-054-VJB | Authorization to Contract the Bureau of Indian Affairs Housing Improvement Program for FY 2012 pursuant to PL 93-638, the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-055-VJB | Approval of 71 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-056-VJB | Authorization for funding for Marina Lift-station and Force Main Replacement for Four Bears Community, Indian Health Service Project AB-09-D24 | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-057-VJB | Approval of Project Proposal with Enspire Management Consulting Group LLC, 1333 South Lamar Street, Weatherford, TX 76086 for Joint Venture Project - Thunder Butte Development Park and Other Projects | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-058-VJB | Fiscal Year 2012(TERO) Tribal Employment Rights Office Staff Wage Rate Increases | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-059-VJB | Ratification of Articles of Incorporation of Make Cents Inc. and First Cents Inc. | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active, Articles of Incorporation Included |

  • 12-060-VJB | Make Cents Inc. and First Cents Inc. Consumer Loan Agreements | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-061-VJB | Corporate Organization Makes Cents Inc. and First Cents Inc. | 06-14-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-062-VJB | Authorization for the Health Professions Survey by NORC | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-063-VJB | Approval of Special Consultant Contract to Retain Natural Resources Consulting Engineers, Inc. to Initiate Activities to Quantify the Tribes’ Reserved Water Rights | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-064-VJB | Approval of Special Counsel Contract to Retain Fredericks Peebles and Morgan, LLP to Initiate Activities to Quantify the Tribes' Reserved Water Rights | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-065-VJB | Purchase of Dakota-3, LLC's Operating Interest in Dragswolf #1 Well | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-066-VJB | Approval of a Memorandum of Agreement with the North Dakota Industrial Commission | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-067-VJB | Appointment of the Election Board for the 2012 Tribal Business Council Election | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-068-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes request to contract from the Bureau of Indian Affairs program functions, services and activities related directly and indirectly to energy and mineral development on the Fort Berthold Reservation Pursuant to the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act. | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-069-VJB | Request to Contract staffing Positions Created for the Delivery of Program functions, services and activities related directly and indirectly to the management of Indian mineral leasing and development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to Public Law 93-638 | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-070-VJB | Re-contracting of Program Functions, Services and Activities related Directly and Indirectly to Transportation Planning commencing October 1, 2011, and Extending for an Indefinite Period of Time | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-071-VJB | Authorization of the Mandaree Community to pursue establishment and organization of the Mandaree Fire District and establishment and organization of the Mandaree Volunteer Fire Department | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-072-VJB | Authorization of the Twin Buttes Community to pursue establishment and organization of the Twin Buttes Fire District and establishment and organization of the Twin Buttes Volunteer Fire Department | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-073-VJB | Authorization of the White Shield Community to pursue establishment and organization of the White Shield Fire District and establishment and organization of the White Shield Volunteer Fire Department | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-074-VJB | Authorization of the Three Affiliated Tribes Fire Management Program to acquire Wild land Fire Incident Procurement Credit Cards | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-075-VJB | Adoption of an Ordinance Governing the Construction and / Operating of Oil Field Worker Camps aka ‘Man Camps’ on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active, Ordinance Included |

  • 12-076-VJB | Approval of 28 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-077-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Matthew Lee Williams Enrollment #301U-10979 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-078-VJB |Rescission of Relinquishment of Shayne James Mason Frank Sr. - 04-060-RP | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-079-VJB |Rescission of Relinquishment of Ethel Louise Baker - 07-066-VJB | 07-12-2012| Y | Active |

  • 12-080-VJB | Rescission of Relinquishment of Mykal Robert Drosdal - 07-147-VJB | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-081-VJB |Rescission of Relinquishment of Shelby J. Baker - 07-150-VJB | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-082-VJB | Rescission of Relinquishment of Margaret Baker - 07-151-VJB | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-083-VJB | Rescission of Relinquishment of Lawrence Baker - 07-152-VJB | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-084-VJB | Rescission of Relinquishment of Tayloure Baker - 07-153-VJB | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-085-VJB | Employment Benefits to Employees of MHA Systems Incorporated Makes Cents Inc. and First Cents Inc. | 07-12-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-086-VJB | Approval of a 60 Acre Oil and Gas Lease and a Loan to Missouri River Resources (MRR) to Allow MRR to participate in the Chokecherry Well | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-087-VJB | The Missouri River, Badlands, and Sacred Sites Protection Act | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-088-VJB | Approval of Three Affiliated Tribes Riverboat Casino Project Manager | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-089-VJB | Approval of The Tribal Chairman's Change of Board Appointment For the TERO Commission | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-090-VJB | Approval of Councilwoman V. Judy Brugh, Board Appointments for the MHA/KMHA Enterprise Advisory Board |08-09-2012 |Y |Active |

  • 12-091-VJB | Authorization of FY 2013 Community Services Block Grant Application Submission to the Office of Community Services, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-092-VJB | Amendment to the Spotted Hawk Development LLC Indian Mineral Development Agreement (IMDA) | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-093-VJB | Consent for Spotted Hawk Development, LLC's mortgage of oil and gas leases on lands/mineral interests owned by the Three Affiliated Tribes and/or the title to which is held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the Tribes or subject to Federal restrictions against alienation. | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-094-VJB | Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Certain Project Costs from Proceeds of Tribal Economic Development Bonds | 08-09-2012| Y | Active |

  • 12-095-VJB | Approval of Tribal Economic Development Bond Application | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-096-VJB | Legal Services Contract with Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-097-VJB |Grant Approval to the Red Sage Organization | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-098-VJB | Ratification of the Purchase of Fee Property known as the John Geving Trust Ranch | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-099-VJB | Adoption of Chapter 15.1 of Title 15 the Three Affiliated Tribes Environmental Code Solid and Hazardous Waste Management and Remediation Code | 08-09-2012 | Y | Active, Code Included |

  • 12-100-VJB | Adoption of the Three Affiliated Tribes Fire Protection Code | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active, Code Included |

  • 12-101-VJB | Appointment of Fred Fox to Fill the Unexpired Term of White Shield Councilman | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-102-VJB | Request to Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Region Division of Transportation that EFRO Funding be Contracted Pursuant to PL 93-638 | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-103-VJB | The Oil and Gas Production Structure Setback Act | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active, Amended by 13-126-VJB & 17-037-FWF |

  • 12-104-VJB | Recommendation for Delvin Driver, Jr. as Native Language Instructor | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-105-VJB | 2012 Presidential Endorsement of Barack Obama | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-106-VJB | Approving an Application to the Northwest Area and Bush Foundations for funding of the, MHA Nation Tomorrow" planning project. | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-107-VJB | Approval of Appointments to the MHA Nation Health Authority Board of Directors | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-108-VJB | Authorization for the Boys & Girls Club of the Three Affiliated Tribes to partner with the University of Colorado American Indian and Alaska Native Program to implement the "Teen Pregnancy Prevention among Native Youth" research study | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-109-VJB | Approval of 112 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-110-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Cherise Rose Bad Brave Enrollment # 301U-10985 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-111-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Lindsey Maria Bad Brave Enrollment # 301U-10986 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-112-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Xavier John-Claude Bad Brave Enrollment # 301u-10987 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-113-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Brandy Dawn Ree Molina Enrollment #301U-07574 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-114-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Corey Blake Two Crow Jr. Enrollment #301U-06016 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-115-VJB | Approval of Tribal Economic Development Bond Application | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-116-VJB | East Segment Representative Board Member Appointments | 09-27-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-117-VJB | Authorizing A Memorandum of Understanding among the MHA Nation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs for Assignment of Realty Personnel pursuant to the Intergovernmental Personnel Act | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-118-VJB | 2012 Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-119-VJB | Approval of 23 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-120-VJB | Weight Limits Applicable to all Roads within the jurisdiction of the MHA Nation | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active, Amended by 21-099-FWF (Related: 18-211-FWF) |

  • 12-121-VJB | MHA Highway Patrol and Motor Carrier Civil Inspectors Duty, Qualification, Conduct and Ethics Requirements | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-122-VJB | MHA DOT and TERO Establishment of a Secure Merchant Credit Card Account for Payment of Fees and Fines | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-123-VJB | White Shield Sewer Main Replacement and Lift Station Project -Tribal Appropriation of up to $47,000.00 | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-124-VJB | Sahnish (Arikara) Language Resources Development Project | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-125-VJB | Endorsement of Heidi Heitkamp for U.S. Senate | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-126-VJB | Approval of Land Exchange Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Richard Mayer. |10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-127-VJB | Approval of Land Exchange between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Davis Wounded Face | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-128-VJB | Adoption of the Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation Planning & Zoning Ordinance | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active, Ordinance Included |

  • 12-129-VJB | Approval of Annual Contract - Tallsalt Advisors LLC | 10-11-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-130-VJB | Tribal Chairman Tex "Red Tipped Arrow" Hall board appointments for Fort Berthold Community College; Fort Berthold Housing Authority; TERO; Fort Berthold Communication and 4 Bears Casino Advisor Board | 11-08-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-131-VJB | Appointment of Tribal Business Council Standing Committees | 11-08-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-132-VJB | Approval of 36 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11-08-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-133-VJB | Approval of Four Bears Segment Tribal Council Representative's Change of Appointment for Fort Berthold Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. | 11-08-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-134-VJB | Approval to Retain Chemex, LLC as Primary Contractor for Design and Fabrication of MIIA Nation Clean Fuels Refinery Project | 11-15-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-135-VJB | Authorization to Acquire an Equity Interest in the MHA Nation Clean Fuels Refinery | 11-15-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-136-VJB | Adoption of Fiscal Year 2013 General Fund Operating Budget and Special Project Budget | 11-16-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-137-VJB | Distribution of Net Revenue from Section 17 Corporation's Sale of Excess Water within the Exterior Boundaries of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-138-VJB | Authorization to Contract for Representation Before the North Dakota Legislature | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-139-VJB | Amending the Missouri River and Badlands Protection Act to Allow Variances upon Recommendation by the Tribal Energy Office | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-140-VJB | Approval of the Proposal for Services - Healing Horse Sanctuary and Estates - J2 Ventures International, LLC of 7195 Oakland Mills Road, Suite A, Columbia, MD 21046 | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-141-VJB | North Segment Representative Board Member Appointments | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-142-VJB | Approval of the Amended Gaming Compact between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the State of North Dakota | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-143-VJB | Approving Submission of the Northern Plains Native American Research Center for Health (NARCH) VII Grant Application. | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-144-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Scoria Usage Resolution | 12-18-2012 | Y | Amended by 13-182-VJB on 11-22-2013. |

  • 12-145-VJB | Approval of 92 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-146-VJB | Authorization for a Disbursement to the Elders | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-147-VJB | Authorization for a Reservation Wide Hydrology Study (Water Resources Investigation) | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-148-VJB | Tribal Match to the State Water Commission for State of North Dakota Municipal, Rural and Industrial Water Development Program Funding for Area Two of the Twin Buttes Project | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

  • 12-149-VJB | East Segment Representative Board Member Appointment | 12-18-2012 | Y | Active |

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