2020 Resolutions

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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status | 

Note: For resolution #’s in black see status.

  • 20-001-FWF | Authorizing and Executing Contract With Bartlett and West For Services on Greenhouse Project | 1/9/2020 | N | Subject to Legal review |

  • 20-002-FWF | Authorizing Tribal Chairman to Execute Contract For Combined Heat and Power Engine For Seed to Feed Project | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-003-FWF | Approval of 26 (Twenty-Six) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-004-FWF Authorization for Tribal Participation in a Nationwide Elder Needs Assessment Survey for the Title VI Grant Funding Year 2020 through 2023. | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-005-FWF | Authorization for Continuation of Elder Services Funding from the Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging Older Americans Act, Title VI Nutrition, Supportive Service and Caregiver Grants (Part A/B and C). | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-006-FWF | Approving Request for Funds for the Northern Badlands Indian Rodeo Association | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-007-FWF | 2020 Agricultural Leases" on Tribal land | 1/9/2020 | Y |Active |

  • 20-008-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative – South Segment Motel Project | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-009-FWF | Approving Request for Funds for the Native American Hall of Honor | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-010-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG101320 (Modification No. 1) across Tribal land for the Skunk Creek 8-2 Underground Flowline/Electric Line Corridor Project Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-011-FWF | Approval to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100169 (Modification No. 2) to add One Additional Well on the Skunk Creek 2-8 Well Pad Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-012-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the RimRock Moccasin Creek 13-34-3H Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-013-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the RimRock Moccasin Creek 4-10-11-1H Underground Electrical Power Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-014-FWF | Authorizing Right-of-Way Use Agreement with North Dakota Department of Transportation for the Purpose of Maintaining a Sign within the North Right-of-Way of Highway 23.  | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-015-FWF | Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Regarding an Enhanced Tribal Card Program | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-016-FWF | Authorizing a Law Enforcement Services Memorandum of Understanding with Mclean County | 1/9/2020 | Y Active |

  • 20-017-FWF | Appointment of an Associate Judge for the Fort Berthold District Court | 1/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-018-FWF | Approval of 23 (Twenty-Three) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-019-FWF | Approval of Assessment of a Civil Fine on Marathon Oil Company for a Trespass Violation of BIA ROW No. FBOGJ 00284 for the MHA USA Project and Consent to Grant of Right-of-Way across Tribal lands for the Harrington USA Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-020-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance for the Jessica USA Project Requested by Marathon Oil Company. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-021-FWF | Consent to Grant of Right-of-Way across Tribal lands for the Hopkins USA CTB Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-022-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Breakfast Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-023-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Breakfast Pipeline Right-of-Way Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-024-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Breakfast Utilities Right-of-Way Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-025-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Likes Eagle Temporary Water Line Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-026-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Tahu/Riverview Well Pad Project Submitted by PetroShale (US), Inc. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active, Corrected |

  • 20-027-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Joba Pipelines Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-028-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land or the Quale USA CTB Pipeline Project Submitted by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, LLC. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-029-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Bird Stephen Water Line Extension Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-030-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Strings South Well Connect Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-031-FWF | Approval of The Scull Construction Contract for Construction of the Elbowoods Memorial Health Center Dental and Optometry Building. | 2/13/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |

  • 20-032-FWF | Approving the Purchase of Allotment 1257 and Rescinding Resolutions 19-316-FWF and 19-317-FWF | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-033-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites- January, 2020 [Tedsena Lone Fight, Zelinda R. Roszell White Body] | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-034-FWF | 2020 Agricultural Leases on Tribal land | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-035-FWF | Approving of Agreement between Owner and Architect with Nelson Tremain Partnership, P.A., Inc. for Assisted Living project in Parshall, North Dakota | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-036-FWF | Authorizing the Four Bears Peninsula Irrigation Project and Execution of Architectural Services Contract | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-037-FWF | Approving Purchase of 37.18 Acres Near Parshall, ND | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-038-FWF | Optometry & Dental | 2/13/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |

  • 20-039-FWF | Approval to Retain Nelson-Tremain Partnership, LLP as Architect for the MHA Diabetes Education Center Construction Project | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-040-FWF | Approval of Funds for MHA Diabetes Education Center Construction Project | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-041-FWF | Approval to Retain Nelson-Tremain Partnership, LLP as Architect for the MHA Diabetes Education Center Construction Project and a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-042-FWF | SKIP | 2/13/2020 |

  • 20-043-FWF | Approving the Purchase of 848 Compass Loop, Bismarck, North Dakota | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-043-FWF | Approving the Purchase of 848 Compass Loop, Bismarck, North Dakota | 2/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-044-FWF | Approval of 35 (Thirty-Five) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 3/18/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-045-FWF | Approving Land Purchase of Allotment 321A [James Foote]| 3/18/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-046-FWF | Approval of the Amended Pandemic Flu Annex, a Living Document implemented by Elbowoods Memorial Health Center and Approval of Authority of the EMHC CEO to enter into Vendor Contracts During this Emergency Response to Pandemic. | 3/18/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |

  • 20-047-FWF | Communicable Disease Confinement Protocol. | 3/18/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |

  • 20-048-FWF | Approval of Co-Development Agreement With Beyond Shelter, Inc. | 3/18/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-049-FWF | Declaring State of Emergency Due to COVID-19 Outbreak | 3/18/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-050-FWF | Authorization for Assignment of Lease No. 7420A42643 [Slate] | 3/18/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-051-FWF | Clarifying Powers And Status Of The COVID Task Force Established By 20-049-FWF | 3/30/2020 | Y | Active, Certification correction 4/30/2020 |

  • 20-052-FWF | Authorizing COVID-19 Mitigation Measures | 3/30/2020 | Y | Active, Certification correction 4/30/2020 |

  • 20-053-FWF | Forgiving April 2020 Home Mortgage and Business Loan Payments | 3/30/2020 | Y| Active, Certification correction 4/30/2020 |

  • 20-054-FWF | Authorization for a one-time Disbursement of Funds from Tribal Oil & Gas Royalty Revenues to All Enrolled Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-055-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $19,750,000.00 | 4/8/2020 |Y | Active |

  • 20-056-FWF | Rescinding of Lease in Section 35 Township 148N Range 95W with Missouri River Resources | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active, Rescinds 15-030-LKH |  

  • 20-057-FWF | Consent to an Assignment of Right-of-Way of BIA ROW No. FBOG101234 from WPX Energy Williston, LLC to Arrow Pipeline, LLC for the Pipelines for the North Mabel 2-35H Pad and Consent to an Assignment of Right-of-Way of BIA ROW No. FBOG101321 from WPX Energy Williston, LLC to McKenzie Electric for the Utilities for the North Mabel 2-35H Pad, Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-058-FWF | Consent to an Assignment of Right-of-Way of BIA ROW No. FBOG101369 from WPX Energy Williston, LLC to Arrow Pipeline, LLC for the Pipelines for the Wolverine 21-22H Well Location, and Consent to an Assignment of Right-of-Way of BIA ROW No. FBOG101370 from WPX Energy Williston, LLC to McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. for the Utilities for the Wolverine 21-22H Well Location, Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-059-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100187 (Modification No. 1) To add Three Additional Wellbores on the West Clark 24 SWNE Well Pad Submitted by EOG Resources, Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-060-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Mandaree 10 NENE Multi-Use Corridor Project Submitted by EOG Resources, Inc. and Approval of an Assignment of the Utilities Right-of-Way from EOG Resources, Inc. to McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-061-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Mandaree 10 NENW Multi-Use ROW Project Submitted by EOG Resources, Inc. and Approval of an Assignment of the Utilities Right-of-Way from EOG Resources, Inc. to McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-062-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Bruin Clinton URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-063-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the XTO FBIR Smith South URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-064-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Enerplus RimRock Grains URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-065-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the QEP Buffalo 10-6D URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-066-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Enerplus Peppers URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-067-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the WPX Pheasant URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-068-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Enerplus WPX RR Spiders URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-069-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Strings South Temporary Water Line Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-070-FWF | Approval of 32 (Thirty-Two) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-071-FWF | Approval of the 2020-2021 Tribal Small Game & Furbearer Hunting and Fishing Proclamations. | 4/8/2020 | Y| Active |

  • 20-072-FWF | FBRW Director Authority to Extend Service Contracts | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-073-FWF | Approval of Dispute Resolution Provisions and Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity in East Segment’s Public Safety and Bus Garage Building Agreement. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-074-FWF | Approval of Dispute Resolution Provisions and Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity in East Segment’s 20 Unit Apartment Complex Construction Agreement. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-075-FWF | Approval of Dispute Resolution Provisions and Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity in East Segment’s New Ralph Wells Community Center Building Agreement. | 4/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-076-FWF | Tribal Business Council Approval of Application for the Rehabilitation Services Administration American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services CFDA Number 84.250N | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-077-FWF | Approving the Purchase of the Lakeside Community Living Center [New Town Nursing Home ] | 5/14/2020 | Y Active

  • 20-078-FWF | Approval of Transfer of Range Unit 204 [Susan Fredericks & William Hunts Along]/ . | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active, Amended by motion on 10/22/2020, awaiting resolution. |

  • 20-079-FWF | Approval of the 2020 Fort Berthold Reservation Burn Ban. | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-080-FWF Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (T603A, T602A) for McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. [XTO FBIR Smith 11X-10, QEP MHA 1-03-34H, QEP MHA 6-04-33H] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-081-FWF | Consent a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (T604A) for McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. [WPX High Hawk] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-082-FWF | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal Land (Allotment T2010)for McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. [WPX RimRock Charles Black Hawk] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-083-FWF | Consent to Approval and Assignment of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Delores Sand 29-32H Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-084-FWF | Consent to Assignment of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Tract 1881) [Delores Sand 29-32H]

    | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-085-FWF | Consent to Assignment of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Tract T638A) [Night Hawk 6-34H] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-086-FWF | Consent to Assignment of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Tract T1719) [Omaha Woman 24-13-12 H] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-087-FWF | Consent to Assignment of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (Tract T636A) [Meadowlark 6-34H] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-088-FWF | Consent to Assignment of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Tracts 373A and T5447) [ QEP Disco] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-089-FWF | Approving the Land Purchase from James E. Dawson | 5/14/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |

  • 20-090-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites- January, 2020 [Kimberly A Dickens, White Elk Woman Dickens, Parker Gwin, Reba Foote] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-091-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative – TAT Roping Arena | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-092-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative- Interpretive Center 

    | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active, Corrected |

  • 20-093-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Mountrail Williams Electrical Project[North Segment] 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-094-FWF | Consent to a Temporary Rights of Way across Tribal land for the State of South Dakota, Department of Transportation | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-095-FWF | Amending Resolution 19-337-FWF and Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land. | 5/14/2020 | Y |

    Active |

  • 20-096-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [BOR/FBRW] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-097-FWF | Agricultural Leases" on Tribal Land | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-098-FWF | Ree Ranch - East Segment" Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-99-FWF | Authorizing an Amendment to the Missouri River Resources Leases to Provide for Direct Payment of Royalties  | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-100-FWF | Authorizing an Amendment to the Economic Development Administration’s approved ‘MHA Nation 2016-2022 Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-101-FWF | To Authorize the Application and Cost Share Commitment to the U.S. Department of Energy’s ‘Energy Technology on Tribe Lands 2020’ Grant  (FOA #DE-FOA-0002317) | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-102-FWF | To Authorize the Application and Cost Share Commitment to the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration’s ‘Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs Grant’ (Funding Opportunity Number PWEAA 2020) | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-103-FWF | To Authorize the Application and Cost Share Commitment to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native Americans Social and Economic Strategies Program (SEDS) Grant (FOA #HHS-2018-ACF-ANA-1339) | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-104-FWF | Adoption of New Laws – Public Health Authority, Quarantine, and Other Law. | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-105-FWF | Approving and Authorizing Construction and Operation of the Mandaree ERC Upon Tribal Lands [Emergency Response Center] | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-106-FWF | Approving a Land Purchase from Peter Fredericks, Sr. | 5/14/2020 | Y | Active, Amended by 20-262-FWF |

  • 20-107-FWF | Approval of 28 (Twenty-Eight) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-108-FWF | Approval of the 2020-21 Hunting Proclamations. | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-109-FWF | Authorizing the MHA Nation COVID-19 Response Team, the MHA Nation CEDS/Planning and Grants Department, and the South Segment Community Development Corporation to Coordinate and Cooperate in COVID-19 Related Funding Pursuit. | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-110-FWF | Authorizing the Four Bears Segment Application to the North Dakota Department of Health Tribal Substance Abuse Prevention Program Grant. | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  •  20-111-FWF | Authorization for the Fort Berthold Diabetes Program to apply for funding from the Native American Research Centers for Health and to conduct a community health assessment, develop a community health improvement plan, and expand Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Nation tribal research capacity. | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-112-FWF | Authorizing Land Purchase Agreement With North Dakota 4, LLC | 66/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-113-FWF | Authorizing an Administrative Consent Order for the Lakeview Aggregates Site | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-114-FWF | Approval of Waiver of the TERO Employment Rights Fee for Construction Contract – St. Joseph’s Catholic Church of Twin Buttes, ND. | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-115-FWF | Approval of Waiver of the TERO Employment Rights Fee for the Buffalo Fence Project in Twin Buttes, ND. 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-116-FWF | Approval of Waiver of the TERO Employment Rights Fee for the New Ralph Wells Community Center Construction Contract in White Shield, ND. | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-117-FWF | Waiver of Disposal Tax and DOT Fees for the White Shield Community Center Construction Project. | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-118-FWF | Authorization for the Submission of the FY 2020 National Tribal Broadband Grant Application to the U.S. Department of the Interior - Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-119-FWF | Authorizing Woodstone, Inc. as general contractor for the Construction of the Parshall Assisted Living Project and a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-120-FWF | Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement for Real Estate in Las Vegas, Nevada | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-121-FWF | Authorizing Legal Representation Agreements and an Expert Witness Contract for the Upcoming Missouri River Litigation | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-122-FWF | Authorization for Grose Construction, LLC to Pursue Small Business Administration ("SBA '') 8(a) Certification and for a Limited Waiver of Grose Construction's Sovereign Immunity for the Limited Purpose of Participating in SBA Programs. | 6/11/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-123-FWF | Approving an Application with the Federal Communications Commission for the Tribal Priority Window Opportunity to Claim Unassigned 2.5 GHz Spectrum Available for Tribal nations on Rural Tribal Lands | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active

  • 20-124-FWF | Approval of 26 (Twenty-Six) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-125-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (Allotment 865A) for the Whales East Well Connect Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC."[Crestwood] | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-124-FWF | Approval of 26 (Twenty-Six) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active | Active |

  • 20-127-FWF | Approval for South Segment to Request and Receive up to 200 Buffalo from ITBC 2020 Surplus Buffalo Program. | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-128-FWF | Authorizing and Approving Contract With CPK Construction.  [White Shield] | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-129-FWF | Approval of Change Order for Grid-Tied photovoltaic power systems Construction and Costs for the MHA Nation Interpretive Center Project and Authorization for Appropriation for Additional Construction and Costs. | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-130-FWF | Waiver of the TERO Employment Rights Fee for the Bus Garage Construction Project in White Shield, ND. | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-131-FWF | Waiver of the TERO Employment Rights Fee for the Public Safety Building Construction Project in White Shield, ND. | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-132-FWF | Legal Counsel Contract Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Patterson Earnhart Real Bird & Wilson LLP. | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-133-FWF | Approving Amendment to Legal Counsel Contract with Fredericks Law Firm LLC | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-134-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Allotments T1976-A and  2177) for the Dakota Drilling Pad (FKA TAT 15-1) Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-135-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (Tl976-A) for the Dakota Production Pad Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-136-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Allotment 1978) for the TEK South Phase 1A Project Submitted by TEK Industries LLC. | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-137-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Temporary Use Permit across Tribal land (Allotments 81, 82, 550A, 529A, 808A, 821A-D,) for the TEK Four Bears South Route Submitted by TEK Industries LLC. | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-138-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Temporary Use Permit Across Tribal Land for the Marathon Deep Creek Pad Submitted by Marathon Oil | 7/9/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-139-FWF | Approval of 31 (Thirty-One) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-140-FWF | Correction to the Blood Degree of M.L.B Enrollment #: 301U-10079 | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-141-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance for the Lang USA Pipeline as Requested by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, LLC |

    8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-142-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA Row No. FBOG100363 (Modification No. 1)  across Tribal land (Allotment 1075A) for the Charles Blackhawk 31-30H Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-143-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance for the Charles Blackhawk 31-30H Pad Requested by WPX Energy Williston, LLC 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-144-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA Row No. FBOG101315 (Modification No. 1) across Tribal land  (Allotment 537A) for the Bonita Well Pad Project Submitted by Bruin E&P Operating, LLC. | 8/13/2020 | NY| Active |

  • 20-145-FWF | Consent to Assignment of an Existing Right-of-Way across Tribal Land (Allotment 1968) [Sophia USA Projects] 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-146-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way Across Tribal land (T531A-B and 607) for the Tahu Pipelines Project Submitted by Targa Badlands, LLC | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-147-FWF | Declaring State of Emergency due to Opioid Crisis | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-148-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites- July, 2020 [Tyrel Little Swallow, Kyle Mandan, Nancy Lincoln, Dora Gwin, Louis Gwin, Lynette D. Gwin, Adam Fredericks, Delaine Clairmont, Taylor Keplin, Myron Foote, Crystal Deegan, Nathaniel C. Mayer, Zebadiah Demaray, Reba Foote ] | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active, Amended by 21-196-FWF |

  • 20-149-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites [Thomas Jay Plenty Chief] | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-150-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal Land for the Noreen Mossett Home Access Easement | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-151-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative – Dean Birdsbill New House | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-152-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [FBRW-Julius & Patricia Poitra] | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-153-FWF | Agricultural Leases on Tribal land. | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-154-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [Galvin Standish Connection 0858A] | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-155-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [Brock & Kelsey Jacobson - FBRW] | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-156-FWF | Powers and Status of the Emergency Operations Center and Emergency Management | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-157-FWF | Lovette Bruer home Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/13/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Review |

  • 20-158-FWF | Organization and Formation of MAXLINE LLC, a Tribal Owned Limited Liability Company. | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-159-FWF | Authorizing Honorariums for Former Council Members | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active, Rescinds 03-109-RP & superceeds. |

  • 20-160-FWF | WAPA Allocation | 8/13/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Review |

  • 20-161-FWF | Correcting Resolution No. 18-140-FWF Approving of Partition of Allotment 1794. | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-162-FWF | Approving the Appointees to the Election Board for the 2020 Tribal Election. | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-163-FWF | Application for 5g Spectrum Resolution | 8/13/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Review |

  • 20-164-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Temporary Use Permit across Tribal land(TEK Phase 1a Mandaree South Pond) | 8/13/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Review |

  • 20-165-FWF | MLL Consulting | 8/13/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Review |

  • 20-166-FWF | Authorization for the Native American Language Program Grant Competition 2020 for the Tribal Education Department | 8/13/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Review |

  • 20-167-FWF | Memorandum of Agreement with the New Town School District to seek funding through the FY2020 Native American Language Program | 8/13/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Review |

  • 20-168-FWF | RESERVED | 8/13/2020 | Y | Active, Reserved |

  • 20-169-FWF | Appointing a New Vice Chairman and New Energy, Natural Resources and Cultural Committees | 8/13/2020 | Active

  • 20-170-FWF | Declaring Intention to Reimburse Expenditures from the Proceeds of Tax-Exempt Obligations| 9/2/2020 | Y |Active |

  • 20-171-FWF |Authorizing and Executing Agreement With RML Architects |9/2/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-172-FWF |Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes MHA Nation Peoples Fund Account PL10017014 in the Amount of $14,650,000. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-173-FWF |Authorization of OST to administer annual and biannual disbursements from Nuxbaaga lidaa Uuh Waa Zaah, Sahnis waalpsis, Aki numuk aki tawatesh. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-174-FWF |Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available for Draws by the Three Affiliated Tribes Interest Earnings from the Three Affiliated Tribes Economic Recovery Fund in the Amount of $7,087,000 |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-175-FWF |Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $15,000,000.00. |9/9/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-176-FWF |Approval of 14 (Fourteen) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes |9/9/2020 |Active |

  • 20-177-FWF |Approval of Setback Variance for the Jasper USA Pipeline as Requested by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, LLC 9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-178-FWF |Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (871A) For the Enerplus Racing Pad Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-179-FWF |Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (T2252-A) for the European Cities West Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-180-FWF |Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (1105A-C) for the European Cities East Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-181-FWF |Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (744A) for the Samuel Packineau 17H Pad Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-182-FWF |Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Allotments 592A and 589A-B) for the Antelope Inlets LP Southwest 16 Inch Lateral Pipeline Submitted by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, L.L.C. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-183-FWF |Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Allotment 1069A) for the Lincoln Hopkins Pipelines Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-184-FWF | Authorization to Adopt Policies and Procedures Manual for the Three Affiliated Tribes Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for FY 2021. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-185-FWF |Authorization of FY 2021 Community Services Block Grant Application Submission to the Office of Community Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for Low Income Energy Assistance Program Grant. |9/9/2020 |Y | Active |

  • 20-186-FWF |Authorization for the Three Affiliated Tribes’ Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program to exclude income generated from royalty payments or bonuses from minerals rights in the computation of gross income for purposes of qualifying for the LIHEAP Program for FY 2021. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-187-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land  (FBRW-Thunder Buttes) |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-188-FWF | Authorization for Construction Costs for BIA Road 18 |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-189-FWF |Approval of Designation of the Tribes' Service Area Under the Title IV-E Agreement with the State of North Dakota for Purposes of Foster Care Licensing |9/9/2020|Y |Active |

  • 20-190-FWF |Resolution to Appoint Delegates for the United Tribes Technical College Board of Directors. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-191-FWF | Approval Of Lease With Ken Fredericks, Jr., For Airstrip |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-192-FWF | Approval of Construction Manager Agreement for Consolidated Construction to Perform Construction-Phase Services on the MHA Diabetes Education Center Construction Project |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-193-FWF |Approval of the Contract to Provide Legal Services Between Big Fire Law & Policy Group, LLP and the Three Affiliated Tribes. |9/9/2020 |Y |Active |

  • 20-194-FWF | Approval of Amended Fiscal Year 2021 General Fund Budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes |10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-195-FWF| Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $25,000,000.00 |10/8/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-196-FWF | Approval of 40 (Forty) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-197-FWF | Approval to renew and retain Frankie Lee for Engineering Consultant Services. | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-198-FWF | Approval of Certain Waivers pursuant to 25 CFR § 1.2 with regard to Education Program Regulations at 25 CFR Subchapter E - Education. | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-199-FWF |Requesting Funds for Disaster Assistance From the Native American Agriculture Fund. | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |      

  • 20-200-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (T 1799 -F) for the Woman Creek Expansion and Modification Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. |10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-201-FWF | Consent to Am end BIA Row No. FBOGJ 01293 across Tribal /and (Allotment T998A -B) for the Clinton Well Pad and Multiuse Corridor Project Submitted by Bruin E&P Operating, LLC | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-202-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and for the Enerplus Snakes East Pad Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-203-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (1881 and 1807-A) for the Hunts Along Bay Distribution Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. |10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-204-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (T2028) for the Enerplus Metals East Pad Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-205-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and (T3129) for the XTO FBIR Bird-Stephen 21X-9 Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-206-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (618A, 1105A-C, 1104A, 2134, 2028, 1700, 1007A) for the TEK West Loop 17 Line Submitted by TEK Industries, LLC | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-207-FWF | Approving the Purchase of 955 Acres in Mercer County | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-208-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites [Adam Fredericks, Mary Finley- Casarez, Robin Smith] | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-209-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Mandaree Emergency Response Center Utility Easement. |10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-210-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Native American Church’s Easement |10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-211-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative – SSCDC Twin Buttes Arena and Pow Wow Grounds | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-212-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative – Michelle Grisham New House | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-213-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Dean Birdsbill Service Line for McKenzie Electric Easement | 10/8/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal review |

  • 20-214-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Otter Tail Power Company Easement |10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-215-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [Atkins] |10/8/2020 | Y | Active, Amended by 22-107-FWF |

  • 20-216-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [Lincoln] | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-217-FWF | Approval of Contract with Whitetail Enterprises., for Earthwork, Grading and Construction of Road for the Ree Arena, White Shield/East Segment | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-218-FWF | Approval of Contract with Big M Construction, Inc., to Complete Construction of Two Duplexes, White Shield/East Segment |10/8/2020 | Y | Needs to be Rescinded, Replaced by 20-227B-FWF on 10/29/2020|

  • 20-219-FWF | Authorizing Amendment No. 1 to Legal Counsel Contract with Patterson Earnhart Real Bird & Wilson LLP | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-220-FWF | Authorizing Bond Counsel |10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-221-FWF | Approval of Professional Services Agreement - Tallsalt Advisors, LLC | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-222-FWF | Authorizing an Oil and Gas Lease with WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 10/8/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-223-FWF | Authorizing extension of the Sunset Clause/ WPX for the riverbed | 10/8/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal review |

  • 20-224-FWF | Mandating the Use of Face Masks within the Exterior Boundaries of The Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 10/22/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-225-FWF | Approval of Settlement Agreement With The Indian Health Service Regarding Contract Support Claims |10/22/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-226-FWF | Authorization for the TAT Law Enforcement program to apply for FY 2021 Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Highway Safety Program | 10/29/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-227-FWF| Crestwood Administrative Consent Order | 10/29/2020 | N | Subject to TAT Legal review |

  • 20-227B-FWF| Approval of Contract with Lexmark Homes LLC to Complete Construction of Two Duplexes for $295,738. | 10/29/2020 | Y | Active, Will replaces 20-218-FWF |

  • 20-227C-FWF| Approval of Contract with Lexmark Homes LLC for Construction of a House and Garage in the White Shield Segment. | 10/29/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-228-FWF| 2020 Election, Appointment of the Tribal Business Council Executive Officers as of November 2020| 11/5/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-229-FWF| 2020 Appointments to the Tribal Business Council Committees | 11/5/2020 | Y| Active|

  • 20-230-FWF| Approval of 27 (Twenty-Seven) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes| 11/12/2020 | Y| Active|

  • 20-231-FWF| Authorization for the Fort Berthold Housing Authority to Apply for the Housing & Urban Development, Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG)-Competitive Grant Program for Indian Tribes.| 11/12/2020 | Y| Active|

  • 20-232-FWF | Approval of the Land Exchange between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Austin Gillette| 11/12/2020 0| Y| Active|

  • 20-233-FWF| Approval of the Land Exchange between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Daniel B. Hall| 11/12/2020 | N| Subject to Appraisal Letter |

  • 20-234-FWF| Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridor for Home Sites – November 2020 [Kristin Chase]| 11/12/2020 0| Y| Active|

  • 20-235-FWF| Approving Construction of Safe Haven/Transition Homes for North East Segment-Parshall and Four Bears Segment. | 11/12/2020 | Y| Active|

  • 20-236-FWF| Approval of Setback Variance for the Jessica USA as Requested by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, L.L.C. | 11/12/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-237-FWF| Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (Allotment 371A) for the JOBA USA CDP 16 Inch Submitted by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, L.L.C. | 11/12/2020 | Y| Active|

  • 20-238-FWF| Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land (T437A-A) for the Harrington USA CDP 16 Inch Submitted by ONE OK Rockies Midstream, L.L. C.| 11/12/2020 | Y| Active|

  • 20-239-FWF| Consent for Assignment of an Existing Right-of-Way across Tribal Land (Tract No. 371A) [Joba]| 11/12/2020 0| Y| Active |

  • 20-240-FWF| Authorizing Assignment of Oil and Gas Lease 7420A42642 (MT 1742-C) to WPX Energy Williston, LLC And Amendment Of Term Thereof| 11/12/2020 0| Y| Active|

  • 20-241-FWF| Appointment of an Associate Judge for the Fort Berthold District Court.| 11/12/2020 | Y | Active

  • 20-242-FWF| Authorization for the Three Affiliated Tribes, Four Bears Segment, to Apply for grant funding available through the FY 2019/2020 Indian Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health, Community Opioid Intervention Pilot Project| 11/12/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-243-FWF| Appointment of Board Members and Officers By the West Segment, North Segment & East Segment Tribal Business Council Representatives| 11/12/2020 | Y| Active|

  • 20-244-FWF | Designation of Tribal Officials Authorized to Conduct Business with the Office of Trust Fund Management. | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-245-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $19,750,000.00 | 12/10/2020 |Y | Active |

  • 20-246-FWF | Authorization for a Disbursement to the Elders | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-247-FWF | Authorization for a one-time Disbursement of Funds from Tribal Oil & Gas Royalty Revenues to All Enrolled Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-248-FWF | Approval of 33 (Thirty-Three) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-249-FWF | Amending Resolution 18-083-FWF. [Cedar Henry Resolution Correction] | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active|

  • 20-250-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and Allotment(s) 1793 and 1794 for the South Antelope Access Road Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-251-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Allotment(s) T1799E, T1799, T1799F, T1800, 871A, T2124, T3057, TAT Fee (S/2 of Section 32 Tl49N R92W) for the Whales Phase 4 Pipelines Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-252-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and Allotment(s) T962A, T1012A-A, TAT Fee land (S/2SE/4 of Section 26, T148N R94W and SW/4 of Section 25, T148N R94W) for the North Hector Pipelines Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-253-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Allotment(s) 1 069A for the Bear Ghost 31-4H Pipelines Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-254-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and Allotment(s) (733A, 1979, 810A-B, 810A-A, T905A-A) for the Rim Rock Two Shields Butte 3-24 Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-255-FWF | Dissolution of North Segment Alliance | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-256-FWF | Approving of Purchase of Cheryl Gillette Home in Twin Buttes | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-257-FWF | Approval and Authorization of Sports Book Consulting and Services Agreement Between the 4 Bears Casino & Lodge and BetMGM, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-258-FWF | Approval of Contract for Services between TAT Division of Child Support Enforcement and Access and Data Solutions, LLC | 12/10/2020 | Y |Active |

  • 20-259-FWF | Appointment of an Associate Judge — Child Support for The Fort Berthold District Court | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-260-FWF | Approval of Contract for Services between TAT Division of Child Support Enforcement and Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings. | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-261-FWF | Approval of Contract for Services between TAT Division of Child Support Enforcement and Systems & Methods Inc. | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-262-FWF | Amending Resolution No. 20-106-FWF [Pete Fredericks Land Sale]| 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-263-FWF | Approving Support and Collaboration With Home Instead Care Agency (“Home Instead”) and the North Dakota Department of Human Services (“NDDHS”) | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

  • 20-264-FWF | Reserved | 12/10/2020 | Y | Active |

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