2016 Resolutions

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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status | 

  • 16-001-LKH | Approving the Purchase of 7.50 Acres from Thomas and Judy Fredericks | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-002-LKH | Approving the Purchase of 30.88 Acres from the Heirs of John Fredericks | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-003-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available for Draws by the Three Affiliated Tribes Funds from the Three Affiliated Tribes Docket Accounts | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-004-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available for Draws by the Three Affiliated Tribes Interest Earnings from the Three Affiliated Tribes Economic Recovery Fund in the Amount of $1,359,000.00 | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-005-LKH | Designating Tribal Care Insurance to Act as an Insurance Broker and Basic Health Coverage for All Enrolled Tribal Members Not to Exceed $24 Million Dollars. | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-006-LKH | Consent to Certain Rights-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by QEP Energy Company for Multi-Well Pad 5-4E | 1-14-2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-007-LKH | WARRIORS OF THE 21ST CENTURY, A RE-ENTRY PROGRAM.” A program to assist tribal members who have been, or who are currently on, State or Federal probation, or who have successfully completed treatment for illegal drugs, or controlled substances, to make a successful transition to community life | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-008-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by SHD Oil and Gas, LLC for the Hawk Pad. | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-009-LKH | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by SHD Oil & Gas, LLC. | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-010-LKH | Consent to Certain Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC for the Caribou 33-34 Well Pad Project. | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-011-LKH | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by QEP Energy Company for Multi-Well Pad 5-4E | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-012-LKH | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC. | 1-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-013-LKH | Transferring Responsibilities from the Nueta, Hidatsa, Sahnish College to the 477 Program for Day Care Liscensure | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-014-LKH | Approval of 37 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-015-LKH | Approval and Authorization of the Recodification Proposal from Code Publishing Company | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-016-LKH | Funding for the Twin Buttes Water Treatment Plant and Raw Water Supply Pipe Line and the Twin Buttes Area 2 Distribution Project | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-017-LKH | Authorization for Approval of Consultant Contract between Housing Services Program and Lori Pemberton-Fredericks FY-2016. | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-018-LKH | Authorization to Complete and Submit a Fee into Trust Application for 3 Housing Improvement Program homes located at the Northern Lights Subdivision. | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-019-LKH | Authorizing Funding Requested by White Horse Woman Outreach, a Faith Based Non-profit Organization to Plan and Facilitate “A Day of Hope” Outreach in Each Segment within the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-020-LKH | Approval of Professional Services Agreement - Tallsalt Advisors, LLC | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-021-LKH | Three Affiliated Tribes Guidance on Department Budget and Expenditures. | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-022-CSB | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land - William Lone Bear | 2-11-2016 | Y | Active

  • 16-023-CSB | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $7,000,000.00 | 2-11-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-024-CSB | Veteran Affairs Highly Rural Transportation Services. | 2-11-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-025-CSB | Approval of 36 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 2-11-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-026-CSB | Approval of the Joy Chapin Utility Corridor Easement | 2-11-2016 | Y | Amended 3-10-2016 |

  • 16-027-CSB | Approving the Agreements with McLean County Law Enforcement and the Three Affiliated Tribes Law Enforcement Services. | 2-11-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-028-CSB | Authorization for a Consultant Contract between the Three Affiliated Tribes and The Language Conservancy. | 2-11-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-029-CSB | New Special Assistant United States Attorney Contract with Nicholas C.A. Lewis | 2-11-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-030-CSB | Approval to Use Credit Card Receipts and Statements for Travel Close Outs | 2-11-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-031-LKH | Authorization for Housing Services Program to Negotiate Contracts Less Than $15,000 Without Formal Bid Process. | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-032-LKH | Approval to contract NSR Land Management, Inc. for conducting a Range Study | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-033-LKH | Enacting a Removal Requirement for Abandoned Pipelines | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-034-LKH | Adoption of Amended Sex Offenders Registration and Notification Act | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-035-LKH | Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (ATF) and Explosives and the MHA Nation Division of Drug Enforcement (MHA-DDE) | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-036-LKH | Request for Federal Investigation | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-037-LKH | Amendment to Requesting the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (DOI/BIA) to Give a Tract of Land in the Twin Buttes Segment to the Three Affiliated Tribes |2-17-2016 | Y | Same as 15-126-LKH |

  • 16-038-LKH | Approval of First Amended Surface Use and Road Access Agreement for the Bear Den Well Site on the Buffalo Ranch property, between Marathon Oil Company and the MHA Nation. | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-039-LKH | Approval of First Amended Surface Use and Road Access Agreement for the Deep Creek Well Site on the Buffalo Ranch property, between Marathon Oil Company and the MHA Nation. | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-040-LKH | Award to Meyer Contracting, Inc. for BIA 18 Replacement of Culverts, PCAS# A0401800 near White Shield, ND for the Three Affiliated Tribes Roads. | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-041-LKH | Appointing the Delegates from the Three Affiliated Tribes to the National Indian Gaming Association and Authorizing the Payment of the National Indian Gaming Association's Annual Dues | 2-17-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-042-LKH | Approval of 101 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 03-10-2016 | Y | Active

  • 16-043-LKH | John White Body | 3/10/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-044-LKH | Request that the North Segment Office of Tribal Councilman L. Kenneth Hall be appropriated $242,000 from the Tribal General Fund for Land Acquisition for the purchase of 8 vacant lots within the city limits of New Town, ND with the intention of constructing and maintaining affordable housing for MHA Tribal Members | 3/10/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-045-LKH | Three Affiliated Tribes Renunciation of Right to Inherit Fractionated Interests in the Estate of Jeffrey Scott Roszell | 3/10/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-046-LKH | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way for McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc., across Tribal land | 3/10/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-047-LKH | Approval of the Land Exchange between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Mr. Spencer Wilkinson, Sr. | 3/10/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-048-LKH | Authorizing and Approving a Surface Access Permit Agreement With Tesoro High Plains Pipeline Company, LLC. | 3/10/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-049-LKH | Approval of the Payment of the Arbitration Award with the Three Affiliated Tribes and Stronghold Building and Supply | 3/10/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-050-LKH | Approving the Transfer of Vacant Phase 1 Elbowoods Memorial Health Center Houses(#609, #613, #922, #929, #930, #931, #517 and #521) to the North Segment of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation | 3/10/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-051-LKH | Authorization for a Consultant Contract between the Three Affiliated Tribes and North Star Technology Group, Inc. | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-052-LKH | Authorization for Renewal of the Consultant Contract between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Johnson Controls, Inc. | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-053-LKH | Authorization for a Consultant Contract between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Conditioned Response Training, LLC. | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-054-LKH | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the

  • South Segment’s Fort Berthold Rural Water Project | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-055-LKH | Approval of Partition between Three Affiliated Tribes and Janice M. Hall, Kathleen Hall and Francis Mossett of Allotment Number 301-568A | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-056-LKH | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal Land for the BIA 12 Road Project in the West Segment | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-057-LKH | Approval of the Settlement Agreement With the Three Affiliated Tribes and Sue Romero | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-058-LKH | Rory Bolkan" Agricultural Leases on Tribal land | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-059-LKH | Terry Bolkan" Agricultural Leases on Tribal land | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-060-LKH | Randy Myers" Agricultural Leases on Tribal land | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-061-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal Land (Marilyn Dye Utility) | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-062-LKH | Approval of 36 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-063-LKH | Endorsing the Candidacy of Denise Juneau for United States Congress. | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-064-LKH | Authorization for a one-time Disbursement of Funds from Tribal Oil & Gas Royalty Revenues to All Enrolled Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-065-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $10,800,000.00 | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-066-LKH | Approving Settlement Agreement and Release Between Elbowoods Memorial Health Center and the New Town Ambulance Service | 03-30-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-067-LKH | Assigning the Three Affiliated Tribes Background Investigations to the Law Enforcement Specialist for all Tribal Law Enforcement Entities | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-068-LKH | Approval of the BIA Special Law Enforcement Commission Agreement | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-069-LKH | Approval and Authorization for each of the Tribal Segments including the Office of the Chairman to utilize up to $15,000,000.00 in Pledge of Accounts as collateral and for the Three Affiliated Tribes to serve as Guarantor for Loan(s) for the purposes of funding approved Construction Projects | 03-30-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-070-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $1,944,000.00 | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-071-LKH | Endorsing and Supporting the Candidacies of Cesar Alvarez, Ruth Buffalo, Kenton Onstad, Chase Iron Eyes and Marlo Hunt-Beaubrun | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active, Amended 9-22-2016 |

  • 16-072-LKH | Approval of Amended Fiscal-Year 2016 General Fund Budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-073-LKH | Approval of 31 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes |4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-074-LKH | Emergency Financial Request Mandaree School District for FY2016 | 4-14-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-075-LKH | Transfer of the Supervision of the Contracting Department | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-076-LKH | Application for a Synthetic Minor Source Construction Permit for Thunder Butte Petroleum Services, Inc. | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-077-LKH | Approving the Purchase of 78.0 Acres from the Likes Eagle Family | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-078-LKH | Chairman’s Appointment of TERO Board Commission Member | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-079-LKH | Approval of 2016-2017 Tribal Small Game/Furbearer and Fishing Proclamations |4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-080-LKH | Fort Berthold Native American Church Chapter Request for Financial Assistance for the 67th Annual Native American Church of North America Convention, June 16-19, 2016 in New Town, ND | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-081-LKH | Tribal Business Council Approval of applying for the Rehabilitation Services Administration American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services CFDA Number 84.250L | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-082-LKH | Approval of Proposal for Schematic Design for Drug Treatment Center by Nelson Tremain Partnership | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-083-LKH | Appointing Alice Harwood as The Three Affiliated Tribes’ Point of Contact for the Director and Staff of the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations | 4-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-084-LKH | Approval of the North Dakota Department of Transportation Resolution for An Easement for ND Highway 73 Testing Site | 5-11-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-085-LKH | Request for first right of refusal to oversee all tribal properties located within the North Segment be granted to the North Segment Community Development Corporation. The Purpose of this request is to expand commercial and residential development within the North Segment | 5-11-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-086-LKH | Approval of Amended Fiscal-Year 2016 General Fund Budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-087-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $1,600,000.00 | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-088-LKH | Approval of Tribal Investment Advisors–Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Moss Adams LLP | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-089-LKH | Authorization to Apply for a Competitive Grant as Authorized by the Second Chance Act Smart Reentry Program, to Plan and Implement Effective and Evidence-based Reentry Practices and Service Delivery Systems from Incarceration to Community for FY 2016, in the Amount of $1,000,000.00 | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-090-LKH | Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding Between The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, Department of Justice, United States Attorneys Office, United States Probation and Pretrial Services, and the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-091-LKH | Approval of 62 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-092-LKH | Requesting the BIA and OST authorize access to their data system that contain The Three Affiliated Tribes Land and Trust Transaction Records (TAAMS) | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-093-LKH | Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Cody Fredericks | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-094-LKH | Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Paul Fredericks | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-095-LKH | Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Greta White Calfe and Verlee Sayler | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-096-LKH | Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Don Bauman | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-097-LKH | Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Stacy Roberts | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-098-LKH | Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Wade Billadeau | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-099-LKH | Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Weston Schettler | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-100-LKH | Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Jim Pennington | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-101-LKH | Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Verlee White Calfe-Sayler | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-102-LKH | Bearstar Perkins Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-103-LKH | “John Stone Jr.” Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land | 5-12-2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-104-LKH | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC for the Myrmidon 30th Street Project | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-105-LKH | Mike Young Bird Fiber Optic Line | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-106-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way Across Tribal land Submitted by QEP Energy Company for an Additional Strip of Land Adjacent to BIA ROW No. FBOG101015 Authorizing a 90-foot Wide Multi-Use Corridor Pursuant to MHA Resolution No. 15-193-LKH. | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-107-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC for the Big Horn Pad. | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-108-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC for the BT Ext Turtles East Project. | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-109-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC for the BT Ext Crow Flies High Project. | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-110-LKH | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC for the West Myrmidon Lateral D Project | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-111-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Phase 1A Northern Extension Loop Line Project Submitted by Crestwood | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-112-LKH | Consent to Survey Certain Tribal land for the Thomas Jay Plenty Chief, Sr. Home Site - North Segment | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-113-LKH | Consent to Survey Certain Tribal Land for the Payden C. Sorenson Home Site – South Segment | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-114-LKH | Consent to Survey Certain Tribal Land for the Anthony and Gertrude Moran Home Site – Four Bears Segment | 5-12-2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-115-LKH | Approval of Consent for Residential Lease | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-116-LKH | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC For the West Myrmidon Lateral C Gathering Pipeline. | 5-12-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-117-LKH | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC For the West Myrmidon Trunk Gathering Pipeline | 5-12-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-118-LKH | Establishing Child Care Licensing Standards on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. | 1-19-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-119-CSB | Approval of 32 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-120-CSB | Three Affiliated Tribes Renunciation of Right to Inherit Fractionated Interests in the Estate of Jared Dwaine Yellow Face | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-121-CSB | Authorization for Energy Department and the Planning & Grants Department to apply to the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development Program FY 2016 Energy and Mineral Development Program (BIA). | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-122-CSB | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land (Veronica Serdahl Utility Corridor ) | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-123-CSB | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by Enerplus Resources for the Grains Project. | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-124-CSB | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation for the Bugs Pad Project. | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-125-CSB | Establishing Monthly Rental Fee Schedule for Solid Waste Container Rentals | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-126-CSB | Approval of the Four Bears Segment’s U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Community Development Block Grant Application: Infrastructure Development to Support Future Four Bears Segment Elderly Housing Units | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-127-CSB | Correction to Resolution No. 15-065-KH | 6/9/2016 | Y | Rescinded by 16-183-FF on 8-11-2016 |

  • 16-128-CSB | Technical Correction to Resolution No. 15-102-LKH, Relating to a Right-of-Way granted for Enerplus’s Bugs Pad. | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-129-CSB | Technical Correction to Resolution No. 15-95-LKH, Relating to Rights-of-Way granted for Enerplus’s Metals Pad, WPX’s Packineau Project, and WPX’s Bear Den Project. | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-130-LKH | Approval of the Native American Agriculture Fast Track Fund (NAAFTF) Letter of Inquiry AND Proposal application effort | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-131-LKH | Approval of 67 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-132-LKH | Authorization to Apply for IEED Grant | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-133-LKH | Approval of Construction for the Stream Flow Gauging Project on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-134-LKH | Approving the Purchase of 16.0 Acres from the Whiteman Family | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-135-LKH| Approving the Purchase of 40.0 Acres from the Huber Family | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-136-LKH | Approving the Purchase of 77.5 Acres from the Little Owl Family | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-137-LKH | Consent to Approval of Right(s) of Way and Approval of Setback Variance Request by Marathon Oil Company for the Treasure USA Well Pad and Multiuse Corridor Project. | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-138-LKH | Consent to Approval of Right(s) of Way and Approval of Setback Variance Request by Marathon Oil Company for the Sophia USA Well Pad and Multiuse Corridor Project. |7-13-2016 | Y | Active, Amended by 17-250-FWF |

  • 16-139-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by QEP Energy Company Multi-Well Pad 1-28A | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active, Amended by 19-255-FWF on 10/10/2019 |

  • 16-140-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by QEP Energy Company for Multi-Well Pad 8-28A | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-141-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by QEP Energy Company for Multi-Well Pad 16-22G | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-142-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by QEP Energy Company for Multi-Well Pad 1-12Y | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-143-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation for the Two Shields Butte Project | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-144-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Skunk Creek 4-10-11-8H Well Pad Project Submitted by Whiting Resources Corporation | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-145-LKH | Consent to Right-of-Way on Tribal Land Submitted by Continental Resources, Inc. for the Quale Federal 9-12 Multi-Well Pad Project. | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-146-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Otter Woman 24-37 Well Pad Project Submitted by WPX Williston, LLC. | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-147-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Lawrence Bull 1-12 Well Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-148-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Ethal Blackhawk 1-12 Well Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-149-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC for the BirdBear 36-26 Well Pad Project. | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-150-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC for the Ruby Well Pad Expansion Project. | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-151-LKH | Consent to Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Blue Buttes Stevenson Loop Line-Alternate 2 Pipeline Submitted by Crestwood | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-152-LKH | 2016 Amendments to the Three Affiliated Tribes Alcoholic Beverages Control Law | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-153-LKH | Approval of Lease Documents between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Kinetic, Inc. | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-154-LKH | Approval of the Grant Agreement between Crestwood Equity Partners, LP and Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation for Construction of a Head Start Facility in Mandaree. |7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-155-LKH | Approval of the 2016 Distribution from the Nuxbaaga Iidaa Uuh Waa Zaah, Sahnis waaplsis, Aki numuk aji tawatesh sha geddish | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-156-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes MHA Nation Peoples Fund Account PL10017014 in the Amount of $10,233,000. | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-157-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $1,300,000.00 (Elders) | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-158-LKH | Approving the Appropriation and Draw Down for the North Segment Community Development Corporation in the amount of $2,000,000 from the Tribal General Fund for Infrastructure Development and Improvements Associated with the Construction of a 72 Unit Apartment Complex, Known as Red Hawk Estates, Located on Unimproved Tribal Land in New Town, North Dakota | 7-13-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-159-CSB | Authorization for Circle of Life and the Planning & Grants Department to Apply to the Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative (MSPI) Generation Indigenous Initiative Support | 7/20/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-160-CSB | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from the Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in Amount of $5,000,000.00 | 8/3/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-161-CSB | Amended Resolution “Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal Land (William Lone Bear) | 8/3/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-162-CSB | Directive to Tribal Agencies to Establish Protocol with the West Segment Regulatory Commission. | 8/3/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-163-CSB | Mark N. Fox Home Site | 8/3/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-164-CSB Home Site Lease & Consent to Survey Certain Tribal land for the Anthony Yellow Owl Sr. Home Site - East Segment | 8/3/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-165-CSB | Myles D. Chase Home Site - Northeast Segment | 8/3/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-166-CSB | Alfred Smith Home Site | 8/3/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-167-CSB | Don Bauman Home Site | 8/3/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-168-CSB | Ted Siers Home Site | 8/3/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-169-CSB | Endorsing and Supporting the Candidacy of Laurel-Deegan Fricke. | 8/3/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-170-CSB | Approving the purchase of the 2013 Schult Model 54HRS28603AH13S Trailer VIN# RED365092MNAB of Lonnie Lee Charging and Diana Judy Mischel of Mandaree, North Dakota, 58757. | 8/3/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-171-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $10,000,000.00 | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-172-LKH | In accordance with provisions of P.L. 93-638, Section 105(c) (2), the Three Affiliated Tribes invokes its privilege to renegotiate (or re-contract), annually, any and all funds that are or that may be appropriated by Congress for the delivery of P.L. 93-638 contracted program functions, services and activities through the Bureau of Indian Affairs | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-173-LKH | Approval of 53 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-174-LKH | Adoption of the Protection of Elderly and Vulnerable Adults Code (Elder Abuse) | 8/11/2016 | N | Under Legal Review - Approved for Final Reading on 5/11/2017 , Approved as 18-009-FWF on 1/11/2018 |

  • 16-175-LKH | Authorizing Interim TERO Indian Preference Requirements | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active, See 16-307-FWF


  • 16-176-LKH | Approval of Cooperative Agreement for the Hazardous Fuels Program within Three Affiliated Tribes Fire Management | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-177-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal Land for the Twin Buttes Area 3-Fort Berthold Rural Water in the South Segment | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-178-LKH | Chief Judge position to be placed on the 2018 Election Ballot | 8/11/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-179-LKH | Intertribal Sex Offender Registration and Management Action Committee Memorandum of Agreement (SORNA) | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-180-LKH | Approving Purchase of Land for Drug Treatment Facility in Bismarck, North Dakota |8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-181-LKH | Attorney Contract with Jen Cross | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-182-LKH | Requesting the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (DOI/BIA) to Give a Tract of Land in the Twin Buttes Segment to the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-183-FF | Rescission of Resolution No. 16-127-CSB (Paradigm/Sacagawea Pipeline) | 8/11/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-184-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land to Construct gathering pipelines for WOG Skunk Creek 4-10-11 well Submitted by Crestwood. | 6/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-185-LKH | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land for the Veterans Center | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-186-LKH | Authorization for the MHA Energy Division and the MHA Planning & Grants Department to Apply to the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development Program FY 2016 Energy and Minerals Development Program (BIA). (IEED) | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-187-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Kermit USA Well Pad and Multiuse Corridor Submitted by Marathon Oil Company | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-188-LKH | Consent to Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Blue Racer 14-11 Well Pad, Access Road, Pipeline and Utility Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-189-LKH | Consent to Right of Way across Tribal land for the Pipit 31-30 Well Pad Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-190-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for utility for the Buffalo 1-36 HC Well Pad & Corral 1-36 HD Well Pad Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-191-LKH | Consent to Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Mandaree South 19-18 Well Pad Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-192-LKH | Consent to Right-of-Way across Tribal land for an access road and utility for the Hidatsa 14-23 Well Pad Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-193-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land Submitted by (WPX Energy Williston, LLC) WPX - Young Bird 34-27 ROW | 8/30/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-194-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land Submitted by (WPX Energy Williston, LLC) Arikara 15-22 ROW | 8/30/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-195-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land Submitted by (WPX Energy Williston, LLC) - Whitetail 19-18 ROW | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active

  • 16-196-LKH | Approval of Revised MHA Nation Rights-of-Way Applications | 8/30/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-197-LKH | Issuance of Non-Profit Articles of Incorporation to the Ree Boyz Organization and Granting of Non-Profit Status | 8/30/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-198-LKH | Approval of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation Education Mentoring Pipeline Program Proposal funding for 2016-2018 Subject to the Budget Process and Funding Availability | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-199-LKH | Request to the Secretary of Interior to Acquire certain Tribal Fee Land into Trust on Behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/30/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-200-LKH | Approval of the Legal Services Contract Between Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker, LLP, and the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-201-LKH | Approval of Waiver of the TERO Employment Rights Fee for Construction Contract – Thomas M. “Johnny” Bird Veterans Memorial Hall | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-202-LKH | Approving of Architect/Engineer Contract with Nelson Tremain Partnership for Drug Treatment Facility in Bismarck, North Dakota | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-203-LKH | Authorization and Request for Extension of Contract No. HHS-I-241-2017-N11, as a Term Contract. | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-204-LKH | Approval of Oil and Gas Development Sub-Committee, and Approval of a $500,000.00 Appropriation Subject to Budgetary Approval | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-205-LKH | 2017-2021 Allocation of Range Units for the Grazing of Livestock on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation[Policy]. | 8/30/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-206-LKH | Request for Right of Way Acquisition Along BIA Route 223 North and West of Twin Buttes | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-207-LKH | BIA Route 12, Phase I Award to Flickertail Paving and Supply, Inc. for Construction (Grade/Drain/Surfacing) and all items to complete re-construction for the Three Affiliated Tribes Roads. | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-208-LKH | Approval of Donation for the Hope Manor 3 Sober Living Home. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-209-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available for Withdrawal by the Three Affiliated Tribes from the Three Affiliated Tribes Docket Accounts | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-210-LKH | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available for Draws by the Three Affiliated Tribes Interest Earnings from the Three Affiliated Tribes Economic Recovery Fund in the Amount of $2,785,271.00 | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-211-LKH | Approval of Continuing Resolution For FY2017 General Fund Budget Expenditures Based Upon 75% of FY 2016 General Fund Budget | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-212-LKH | Authorization of FY 2017 Community Services Block Grant Application Submission to the Office of Community Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-213-LKH | Authorization of FY 2017 Community Services Block Grant Application Submission to the Office of Community Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-214-LKH | Authorization for the Three Affiliated Tribes’ Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to exclude income earned from Trust Resources in the Computation of Gross Income for Purposes of Qualifying for the LIHEAP Program | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-215-LKH | Approving of Architect/Engineer Contract with Nelson Tremain Partnership for Assisted Living Facility in Parshall, North Dakota | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-216-LKH | Approval of 73 Applicants for Enrollment Into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-217-LKH | Approving Contribution Agreement for the Indigenous Diabetes Prevention Project. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-218-LKH | Approving Contribution Agreement for the Chief Looking Village Project. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-219-LKH | Consent to Approval to Modify Right-of-Way No. FBOG100124 Requested by Marathon Oil Company for the Jones Road Expansion and Multiuse Corridor Project. | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-220-LKH | Consent to Approval to Modify Right-of-Way No. FBOG100124 Requested by Marathon Oil Company for the Jones Road Pipeline Project. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Amended by 17-022-FWF on 2/8/2017. Rescinded by 17-070-FWF on 3/8/2017 |

  • 16-221-LKH | Consent to Approval to Modify Right-of-Way No. FBOG100717 Requested by Marathon Oil Company to Add Two (2) Additional Wells to the Clara USA Well Pad. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-222-LKH | Consent to Approval Requested by Marathon Oil Company to Reroute an Existing Single Phase Electrical Line for the Purpose of Avoiding Interference with Marathon’s Proposed Kermit USA Well Pad. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-223-LKH | Approval of a Setback Variance Request Submitted by Marathon Oil Company for the Myrmidon 1-2H Well Pad Expansion Project. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-224-LKH | Approval of a Setback Variance Request Submitted by Marathon Oil Company for the Red Feather Pipeline Project. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-225-LKH | Approval of a Setback Variance Request Submitted by Marathon Oil Company for the Luther Pipeline Project. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-226-LKH | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way Across Tribal Land Submitted by Enerplus Resources for the Horns Project. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-227-LKH | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way Across Tribal Land for the Van Hook Gathering System Southwest Expansion Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-228-LKH | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way Across Tribal land for the Mandan North Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-229-LKH | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way Across Tribal Land for the Hidatsa North 13-24 Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Amended by 16-245-LKH |

  • 16-230-LKH | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way Across Tribal Land to Construct an Underground Power Line to Provide Power to Arrow Pipelines Rectifier #7 Submitted by Crestwood | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-231-LKH | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way Across Tribal Land to Construct an Underground Power Line to Provide Power to Arrow Pipelines Rectifier #9 Submitted by Crestwood | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-232-LKH | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way Across Tribal Land to Construct an Underground Power Line to Provide Power to Arrow Pipelines Rectifier #10 Submitted by Crestwood. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-233-LKH | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Allotment 394A-D Tribal Share | 9/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-234-LKH | Consent to Survey Certain Tribal land for the Blaine P. Fredericks Home Site - West Segment | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-235-LKH | Herman Monogram Home Site | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-236-LKH | Consent to Survey Certain Tribal land for the Angel Elk Home Site - North Segment | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-237-LKH | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Allotment 808A - Tribal Share | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-238-LKH | Thomas Breuer – Farm Lease on Tribal Allotment T104A-D | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-239-LKH | Approval of the 2016 and 2017 Deer Gun Proclamation | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-240-LKH | Authorizing the Buyout of the Cost Sharing Agreement with War Pony Land and Energy, LLC | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-241-LKH | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way Across Tribal Land for an Access Road in Multi-use Corridor for Pad 5-4E Submitted by QEP Energy Company. | 9/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-241B-LKH | Carryover of Unspent Funds in Chairman’s Budget | 10/7/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-242-LKH | Directive to the Three Affiliated Tribes to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal From the Northeast Segment of the Three Affiliated Tribes Account #_________________ of all available funds from the 2016 Three Affiliated Tribes Northeast Segment budget for Boys and Girls Club Construction, an 8-plex Apartment Building, Wild Horse Addition, and the Elder’s Homes Construction. | 10/7/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-243-LKH | Authorization to Lease Tribal Land for the Construction of a New Veteran’s building | 10/7/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-244-LKH | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the South Segment's Fort Berthold Rural Water Project | 10/7/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-245-LKH | Technical Correction to Resolution No. 16-229-CSB entitled, “Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Hidatsa North 14-23 Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 10/7/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-246-LKH | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the BIA 12 & 15 Road Project in the West Segment | 10/7/2016 | N | Amended 2-8-2017 by 16-246-FWF |

  • 16-246-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the BIA 12 & 15 Road Project in the West Segment | 2-8-2017 | Y | Active |

  • 16-247-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Twin Buttes Raw Water Line – Fort Berthold Rural Water in the South Segment | 10/7/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-248-LKH | Authorization for the MHA Energy Division and the MHA Planning & Grants Department to Submit an Application in response to the Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Funding Opportunity Announcement (DE-FOA-N1621) | 10/7/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-249-LKH | Approving the employment contract with Tyra Wilkinson for the position of Staff Attorney for the Three Affiliated Tribes Legal Department. | 10/7/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-250-LKH | Approving the employment contract with Caleb Dogeagle for the position of Supervising Attorney for the Three Affiliated Tribes Legal Department | 10/7/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-251-CSB | Appointment of David Blacksmith to Serve on the TERO Commission | 10/7/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-252-CSB | Law Enforcement Homes at Elbowoods |10/7/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-253-LKH | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Allotment 1794 - Tribal land | 10/7/2016 | Y | Rescinded 11/22/2016 |

  • 16-254-LKH | Approval of 51 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-255-LKH | Adoption of a Process to Develop MHA Nation Energy policy | 10/19/2016 | N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-256-LKH | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Allotment 1932 - Tribal Share (N. Milton Beston Roszelle Utility Corridor) |10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-257-LKH | Approval of the Land Exchange between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Ms. Marian Reba Shields | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-258-LKH | Authorization for the use of Tribal Trust Land for the Construction of a New Veteran’s building. | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active

  • 16-259-LKH | Tribal Home Site Lease and Utility Corridor for Jerrilane Lincoln Home Site - West Segment | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-260-LKH | Approval of Consent to add two additional wells on the Moccasin Creek 16-3-11H Well Pad Submitted by Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-261-LKH | Approval of Consent construct the MC MHA 14-11H Well Pad Submitted by Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-262-LKH | Approval of Consent to add two additional wells on the Windom Well Pad Submitted by HRC Operating LLC. | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-263-LKH | Approval of the Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Hunts Medicine/Beaks Well Pad Project Submitted by XTO Energy, Inc. | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-264-LKH | Approval of the Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the FBIR Packineau Well Pad Project Submitted by XTO Energy, Inc. | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-265-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Sewing East Well Connect Submitted by Crestwood | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-266-LKH | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Native Birds North Well Connect Submitted by Crestwood. | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-267-LKH | Appointment of Wayne Fox to Serve on the Nueta, Hidatsa, Sahnish College Board of Directors | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-268-LKH | Appointment of Leonard Hosie to Serve on the Four Bears Casino & Lodge Gaming Enterprise Advisory Board | 10/19/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-269-FWF | Appointing George Abe and the TAT Legal Department as The Three Affiliated Tribes’ Point of Contact for the Director and Staff of the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations | 11/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-270-FWF | Appointments of the Tribal Business Council Executive Officers as of November 2016 and Authorizing Signatory Authority to the Treasurer of the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 11/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-271-FWF | Appointments to the Tribal Business Council Standing Committees 2016. | 11/9/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-272-FWF | 2016 Additional Technical Amendments to the Three Affiliated Tribes Alcoholic Beverages Control Law | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active, Amends 86-212-C|

  • 16-273-FWF | Authorization for Tribal Participation in a Nationwide Elder Needs Assessment Survey for the Title VI Grant Funding Year 2017 through 2019 | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-274-FWF | Approving of Costs for Drug Treatment Facility in Bismarck, North Dakota | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-275-FWF | Approval of 49 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-276-FWF | Tribal Business Council Approval for a Consultant for the Tribal Mitigation Plan, Through NDEMA | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-277-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by Enerplus Resources for the Cranes Pad Project | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-278-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by Enerplus Resources for the Spices Pad Project. | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-279-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Arikara 15-22H Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-280-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Skunk Creek 1-12 Pad Expansion Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-281-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Flowlines between TAT USA 34-22H Well Pad and Veronica USA 14-22TFH Well Pad, Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-282-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Station 5 Loop Line Project Submitted by Crestwood. | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-283-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Phase 3 SW NS Loop Line Project Submitted by Crestwood. | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-284-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Phase 1B Highway 22 Modified Loop Project Submitted by Crestwood. | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-285-FWF | Plenty Sweet Grass Loop Line | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-286-FWF | Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Plenty Sweet Grass to CDP Pipeline Submitted by Crestwood | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-287-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Tipi V 14-1X Project submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 11/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-288-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Ruby Parshall Project submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-289-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Helis Linseth Loop Project submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-290-FWF | Thomas John Bird Veteran Memorial Hall Right of Way within the Four Bears Segment of the Fort Berthold Reservation | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-291-FWF | Thunder Butte Housing Subdivision of the Four Bears Segment of the Fort Berthold Reservation | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-292-FWF | BIA Route 2 Housing Subdivision of the Four Bears Segment of the Fort Berthold Reservation. | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-293-FWF | Child Support | 11/22/2016| N | Under Legal Review |

  • 16-294-FWF Approval and Continuation of the Three Affiliated Tribes Housing Authority Renovation Program | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-295-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $9,800,000.00. | 11/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-296-FWF | Authorization for a one-time Disbursement of Funds from Tribal Oil & Gas Royalty Revenues to All Enrolled Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-297-FWF | Authorization for a Disbursement to the Elders | 11/22/2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-298-FWF | Tribal Business Council Approval the Community Economic Development Strategy and Planning | 11/22/2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-299-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $5,300,000.00 | 12-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-300-FWF | Appointing the Delegates from the Three Affiliated Tribes to the Coalition of Large Tribes (COLT) and Authorizing the Payment of the Coalition of Large Tribes Dues | 12-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-301-FWF | Authorizing the Enactment of Hotel Use Tax | 12-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-302-FWF | Approval of 39 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 12-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-303-FWF | Authorization accepted the invitation to participate in the SAMHSA-funded Tribal TTA Center’s Intensive TTA being administered by KAI to develop or enhance a culturally relevant, evidence-based community prevention plan and community sustainability plan to address and prevent mental and substance use disorders and suicide and to promote mental health. | 12-14-2016| Y | Active |

  • 16-304-FWF | Approval of Special Legal Counsel Contract to Retain Atcitty & Van Norman Law to Provide Oil & Gas Regulatory Legal Services for FY 2017. | 12-14-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-305-FWF | Authorizing a Right of Way (Renewal) for Tesoro High Plains Pipeline Company LLC. | | | Rescinded by 17-029-FWF on 2/8/2017 |

  • 16-306-FWF | Adopting the Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Justice Services Law Enforcement Handbook 3rd Edition & The Discipline and Adverse Actions Manual for the Three Affiliated Tribes Law Enforcement Entities | 12-16-2016 | Y | Active |

  • 16-307-FWF | Approving Interim TERO Ordinance and TERO Regulation Amendments | 12-16-2016 | Y | Active, Ordinance Not Included |

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