1994 Resolutions
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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status |
94-001-JJR | Range Land Improvement | 2/10/1994 | | Missing |
94-002-JJR | Multi-Media Grant | 2/10/1994 | | Missing |
94-003-JJR | Sub receipt Contract (CFR codes in establishing procurement of any future ICDBG Projects.) | 2/10/1994 | | Missing |
94-004-JJR | Clean Water Act Grant | 2/10/1994 | | Missing |
94-005-JJR | Prosecutor Position With Fort Berthold Tribal Court appointing El Marie Conklin | 2/10/1994 | | Missing |
94-006-JJR | 1994 Headstart Budget: | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-007-JJR | Housing Authority Lots (pertains to the Executive Board leasing lots to Fort Berthold Authority.) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-008-JJR | Enrollment (75 eligible applicants) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-009-JJR | Budget Approval (appointing a Ways & Means Committee to oversee financing for a debt service plan and operations of the Three Affiliated Tribes) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-010-JJR | Nomination of Kyle Baker to NEJAC | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-011-JJR | Bison Pasture Proposal (authorizing the Natural Resources Department to submit a proposal to BIA for fencing materials and labor for a breeding pasture.) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-012-JJR | Separation of funds (establishing policies & procedures to prevent commingling of federal with tribal funds.) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-013-JJR | Repatriation of remains (Three Affiliated Tribes supporting the Pawnee Repatriation Claim in regards to the Arikara Tribe.) | 2/15/1994 | |Missing |
94-014-JJR | Claims to Remains (appointment of Councilman Gillette and Mark N. Fox, Legal Assistant to work with the Pawnee Government in regards to the Arikara Tribe.) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-015A-JJR | Dale Little Soldier Gaming Proposal | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-015B-JJR | Ken Fredericks Gaming Proposal | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-015C-JJR | Evan Burr Jr. Gaming Proposal | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-016-JJR | Escrow Account: signatories on the Escrow Account be Carol Good Bear, Tribal Liaison and Councilman Fast Dog, also Chairman of the Gaming Commission | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-017-JJR | Drug & Alcohol Program Request (assistance in hiring of recreational leaders through the TWEP, JTPA, JSND Programs and the Tribal Business Council) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-018-JJR | Language & Culture (establishing a Language & Culture Commission under the coordination of the Education Department) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-019-JJR | LCM | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-020-JJR | Transportation (setting up a walkway from the village to the Four Bears Park area) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-021-JJR | Fort Berthold Children's Council (forming a professional team of advocates to enhance, oversee & promote wellness programs and activities on behalf of all the reservation youth and tribal members) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-022-JJR | Attorney Contracts (amending the contract rate for Legal Attorneys, Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Wilder and their assistant) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-023-JJR | Court Accounts (authorizing Fort Berthold District Court to maintain separate accounts at Lakeside State Bank) |2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-024-JJR | Definition of Codes (juvenile offenses to be handled through adult court) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-025-JJR | Attorney at Law-LaRoy Baird Appointment (LaRoy Baird serving as Associate Judge over contested matters) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-026-JJR | Dakota Boys Ranch (building a correctional center for the children of Fort Berthold with an agreement) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-027-JJR | Self-Governance Demonstration Project (authorizing the submission of an application submission) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-028-JJR | KMHA Proposal (authorization to secure a loan from Lakeside State Bank through Trust Assignment of 1995 Docket funds) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-029-JJR | Aid to Tribal Government (requesting the BIA to reprogram identified savings into a Aid to Tribal Government contract) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-030-JJR | Housing Board Appointment (Lisa Redford to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Meredith Irwin) | 2/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-031-JJR | Excess Land Transfer-JTAC (to direct the Hobbs, Straus, Dean and Wilder firm to research and pursue litigation on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes) | | | Missing |
94-032-JJR | Mandaree Arbor (requesting for a matching fund of $19,000.00 to build a new arbor in the Mandaree community) | 4/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-033-JJR | Western Segment-CDBG (requesting for the community development block grant to build a new multi-purpose community building in the segment) | 4/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-034-JJR | Cross Deputization-Parshall (pertains to the Three Affiliated Tribes to enter into a proposed Cooperative Law Enforcement Agreement with the City of Parshall and the United States of America.) | 4/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-035-JJR | Range Improvement (pertains to the availability of $50,000.00 for fencing improvements for the Fort Berthold Reservation) | 4/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-036-JJR | Edwin and Todd Hall Land Exchange | 4/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-037-JJR | Range Unit-South Segment | 4/15/1994 | | Missing |
94-038-JJR | Highway Safety Program Grant (granting approval to the Twin Buttes Community and Elementary school to engage in a proposed traffic safety team) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-039-JJR | Parshall Community Streets (concurrence from the tribe for $250,000.00 commitment for Parshall Indian community streets.) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-040-JJR | Escrow Account (establishing an account in order to reimburse the state gaming division for legal fees and other costs and in order to comply with the tribal/state gaming compact) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-041-JJR | Personnel Grievances: | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-042-JJR | Range Readiness (Three Affiliated Tribes making a year to year determination regarding the start up date of each grazing season on the Fort Berthold Reservation, based on range readiness) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-043-JJR | Noxious Weed Program: (pertains to BIA entering into a PL 93-638 contract with the Three Affiliated Tribes to administer this program.) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-044-JJR | Family Violence Prevention: (authorization and directing the Social Services Program/Human Resources Dept. to execute and file application for Family Violence Prevention and Services) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-045-JJR | FBCC seeking Land Grant Status: (Three Affiliated Tribes urges the immediate enactment of S.1345, "The Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1993) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-046-JJR | Support of Telecommunications effort of Fort Berthold Community College (authorization of FBCC to seek funding for a non-broadcast telecommunication facility from the National level of Public Broadcasting Service Department.) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-047-JJR | FY'95 Appropriations request of Indian Tribal Justice Systems: (Three Affiliated Tribes requesting the US Senate concurring with the US House of Representatives to provide funding for the newly passed Indian Tribal Justice Act for FY'95) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-048-JJR | EPA funding for Data Collection of Lead Pollution: (Three Affiliated Tribes Natural Resources Department to submit a grant application to EPA for collection of data for possible lead pollution in homes and dwellings of Fort Berthold) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-049-JJR | Beaver Bay Lease (requesting to lease from the Corps of Engineers) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-050-JJR | Conduction of Range Needs Assessment (authorizing the Natural Resources Department to do all things necessary to contract or to ensure the assessment to be conducted.) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-051-JJR | Fire Management Program: (authorizing the Natural Resources Department to do all things necessary to obtain the Fire Management contract) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-052-JJR | Competing of all grants from all Federal, State and Local Sources: (authorizing the Natural Resources Department to apply for all grants that become available to said department exclusively from Environmental Protection Agency.) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-053-JJR | Bourland Lawsuit: ($7,000.00 payment for the purchase of 10 buffalo owned by the Tribe and the subsequent cancellation of that check by Bjorland) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-054-JJR | Headstart Budget (submission of Headstart FY'94 proposal based on refunding level) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-055-JJR | Career Development Ladder: (Three Affiliated Tribes Personnel Department to conduct a wage comparability study with intent to create and implement a Headstart Employee Career Development Ladder and Salary Step scale.) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-056-JJR | Mandaree Electronics Financial Request (authorization and approval the financial request of MEC) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-057-JJR | Capital Credits-Mandaree Electronics: (authorization and approval of request for capital credits from McKenzie Electric Company and Reservation Telephone Cooperative to be directly deposited to MEC bank account on an annual basis) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-058-JJR | Native American Research Foundation Technical Assistance (authorization for the Education Department to request technical assistance from the Native American Rights Fund for the final stages of development of the Education Code of the Three Affiliated Tribes) | 5/19/1994| | Missing |
94-059-JJR | Funding for community leaders for the Drug Elimination Program: (to recruit and hire six community recreation leaders to serve the program needs in each of the six communities by Tribal Government Sponsorship.) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-060-JJR | Indian employment & Related services Demonstration Project: (authorization to submit application for funds to revive EARN Demonstration project by the Job Training Administrator) | 5/19/1994 | | Missing |
94-061-JJR | Election Board Appointees (appointment of a Tribal Election Board and alternates as authorized by the Constitution and election ordinance to preside over and to administer the 1994 Tribal Business Council Election) | 8/11/1994 | | Missing |
94-062-JJR | NONE | No Minutes | | Missing
94-063-JJR | Approved of an employment contract with the legal firm of Jacobson, Buffalo, Schoessler & Magnuson, LTD., to represent the regulatory interests of the Tribal Gaming Commission; and WHEREAS, The current Tribal Business Council wishes to recognize, affirm, and continue the Special Counsel Contract between this legal firm and the Three Affiliated Tribes to assist the regulatory capacity of the Tribal Gaming Commission; | No Minutes | | Missing
94-064-JJR | Appropriation of $15,000 for the PAINE Project and did prepare a voucher in facilitation of such resolution; | | No Minutes | | Missing |
94-065-JJR | NONE | No Minutes | | Missing |
94-066-JJR | NONE | No Minutes | | Missing |
94-067-JJR | NONE | No Minutes | | Missing |
94-068-JJR | NONE | No Minutes | | Missing |
94-069-JJR | NONE | No Minutes | | Missing |
94-070-JJR | Beulah Chase Land Sale (to purchase Beulah Chase land with Farmers Home Administration land purchase funds) | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-071-JJR | Diane Avery Land Trade | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-072-JJR | Dale Little Soldier Land Trade Request | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-073-JJR | To approve all expenditures for FY-94 and also to make permanent all appointees. and all employees, consultants, and all contracts for all programs and to include all salary expenditures programs and to include all salary expenditures. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-074-JJR | Approval and adoption for all minutes calendar year and FY-92, 93, and 94. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-075-JJR | Resolution authorizing negotiations with 1st Western Development Corporation. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-076-JJR | Authorizing $100,000.00 for Range Development and Cattle Relending from Casino Revenue. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-077-JJR | Authorizing and prioritizing Mandaree Community Building, for EDA, ANA, CDBG, and other source funding. | 10/14/1994| | Missing |
94-078-JJR | Authorizing and prioritizing a Youth Center for North Segment Community, for EDA, ANA, CDBG, and other funding sources. |10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-079-JJR | Authorizing and prioritizing an 81-Unit Employee Housing Project, for EDA, ANA, CDBG, Bond, and other funding sources. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-080-JJR | Authorizing and prioritizing a Tribal Farm, for EDA, ANA, CDBG, and other funding sources. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-081-JJR | Authorizing and prioritizing a Detention Facility to be located in Mandaree Segment, for EDA, ANA, CDBG, and other funding sources. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-082-JJR | Authorizing and prioritizing a Tribal Grocery Store, for EDA, ANA, CDBG, and other funding sources. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-083-JJR | Authorizing and prioritizing the submittal for funding under the Crime Bill for "Cops on the Street", and establishment of a Tribal Police Force to assist the Bureau of Indian Affairs Law Enforcement in providing police protection for all communities on the Fort Berthold Reservation. | 10/14/1994| | Missing |
94-084-JJR | Authorizing and approving the Amended Gaming Ordinance. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing, Amended by 00-171-DSB |
94-085-JJR | Authorizing and directing the Natural Resources Director to develop a plan to complete the MR&I Water Treatment Plants for each segment, and to require each Segment Councilman to monitor and report to Council on Program accomplishments. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-086-JJR | Authorizing and approving the Mandaree FI&R Project #94A03. | 10/14/1994 | | Missing |
94-087-JJR | Authorizing and prioritizing a Four Bears Community Building, for EDA, ANA, CDBG, and other funding sources.|10/14/1994|| Missing|
94-088-JJR | Authorizing and approving the construction of the MHA Nation Water Buster Ceremonial Grounds Arbor. | 10/14/1994| | Missing |
94-089-JJR | Approving the 1994-1995 Tribal Budget, approving and including all line items, and approving operating and disbursements for the Tribal Budget. Approving and making permanent all appointees, employees, consultants, and inclusion into Budget. | 10/14/1994 | | Rescinded by 94-007-MW on 11-15-1994. |
94-090-JJR | Approving a per capita (head count) distribution to all communities for Docket Distribution.|10/14/1994 ||Missing|
94-091-JJR | Authorizing Faith Bad Bear and Sam Little Owl as the Liaison for bringing back bones to Fort Berthold|10/14/1994|| Missing|
94-092-JJR|Authorizing and approving severance pay|10/14/1994 ||Rescinded by 94-004-MW on 11-15-1994.|
94-093-JJR|Approving Mini-Fund.|10/14/1994|| Missing|
94-094-JJR|Approving and authorizing the Northeast Segment Project, (Locker Plant, Hotel—Motel, Homes, Lots, Purchase), for EDA, ANA, CDBG, and other funding sources |10/14/1994||Missing|
94-001-MW| 1994 Temporary Budget, Gaming Commission.|11/15/1994|Y|Active|
94-002-MW|TAT treasurer/chairman to convey necessary info/reports to appropriate state gaming officials. |11/15/1994|Y|Active|
94-003-MW|Mandaree Community Board loan from TAT for $12,735.45. No docket monies until loan is repaid.|11/15/1994|Y|Active|
94-004-MW|RESCINDS Resolution no. 94-092-JJR. Severance Pay Resolution.|11/15/1994|Y|Active|
94-005-MW|Executive Committee Appointments.|11/15/1994|Y|Rescinded|
94-006-MW|Gives signatory authority for tribal, state, and federal documents to Chairman/Treasurer.|11/15/1994|Y|Rescinded|
94-007-MW|RESCINDS R#94-089-JJR. FY 1995 Tribal Budget and Other Personnel Actions.|11/15/1994|Y|Active|
94-008-MW|CSBG FY95 Application for Material Resources.|11/15/1994|Y|Active|
94-009-MW|Establishment of TAT Children's Services Coordinating Committee.|11/15/1994|Y|Active|
94-010-MW|FY95 Docket Funds Distribution. | 11/23/1994|Y|Amended by 94-034-MW|
94-011-MW|Tribal Programs Analyst and Tribal Programs Manager. (Establishes positions and salaries.)|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-012-MW|ICWA Grant funding petition to BIA.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-014-MW|166 applicants approved for enrollment.|11/23/1994 ||Active|
94-015-MW|Enrollment - Trudy A. Chase.| 11/23/1994|Y|Rescinded by 95-224-DSB on 11-9-1995.|
94-016-MW|Approves change in degree of Indian blood for Martha and Antonio Salamanca.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-017-MW|Relinquishment - WHITE, Thor Vincent and JONES, Roxanne Lynn.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-018-MW|Approves change in degree of Indian blood for Morgan B. Stiffarm.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-019-MW|FY95 Head Start continuing grant application.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-020-MW|FY95 Library Services grant funding application.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-021-MW|Requests BIA/BOR to support IDC for MR&I Project.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-022-MW|Cooperative agreement w/BOR re water treatment plants under MR&I and transfer of funds.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-023-MW|Consultant agreement w/HKM Associates for MR&I.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-024-MW|Thomas Y. Eagle land purchase.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-025-MW|Charles Davis land purchase.|11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-026-MW|Authorizes tribal attorney to enter into a stipulated agreement for dismissal w/prejudice in Stephen Francis Case. |11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-027-MW|Satisfaction of mortgage for Lot 27 in New Town. Mandates tribal Credit to develop policy/procedure on mortgages & submit to TBC. | 11/23/1994|Y|Active|
94-028-MW|Street repair funding in Mandaree.|11/23/1994|Y|Rescinded by 96-066-DSB on 4-11-1996|
94-029-MW |Packineau, Cindy - Appointed as member of Gaming Commission; Charging, David appointed as alternate member. | 11/23/1994|Y|Amended by 96-150 on 07/11/96|
94-030-MW | Approves reduction of salaries and personnel, as provided in master list. | 12/1/1994 | Y | Active |
94-031-MW | Establishes Segment Employment Fund of $32.00 per hour. | 12/1/1994 | Y | Rescinded by 95-88- |
94-032-MW | Felicia Felix Fox settlement on lawsuit. | 12/8/1994 | Y | Active |
94-033-MW | Authorizes chairman & treasurer to sign on behalf of tribe on finance needs and operations; authorizes treasurer to negotiate a short-term loan w/Lakeside State Bank for immediate payroll needs. | 12/8/1994 | Y | Active |
94-034-MW | Distribution. | 12/8/1994 | Y | Active, Amends Resolution #94-010. |
94-035-MW | Employment of Johnson and Sundeen law firm as special prosecutor for TAT. | 12/8/1994 | Y | Active |
94-036-MWP | Diane Avery land exchange. | 12/8/1994 | Y | Active |
94-037-MW | Amoco pipeline right-of-way easement in western segment. | 12/8/1994 | Y | Active |
94-038-MW | Gaming Ordinance Amendments. | 12/8/1994 | Y | Active, Amended by 00-171-DSB |
94-039-MW | Modifications in TAT Highway Ordinance, Section 2.09, effective 10/01/94. | 12/14/1994 | Y | Active |
94-040-DSB | 1994 Grazing Resolution. | 12/22/1994 | Y | Amended by 95-234-DSB, 98-076-DSB, Rescinded by 00-002-DSB on 1-4-2000. |
94-041-DSB | NONE | N |
94-042-DSB | Authorizes treasurer & chairman to execute loan documents and assignment of trust income forms for FBCE to secure a loan up to $34,000.00, plus interest, from Lakeside State Bank, New Town, ND. | 12/22/1994 | Y | Active |
94-084-JJR | Referenced by 09-146-DSB | | | |
94-157-DSB | Rescinded by 00-002-DSB on 1-4-2000 | | |
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