2013 Resolutions
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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status |
13-001-VJB | Amendment of the Civil Exclusion and Removal Code | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active, Amends 11-057-VJB , Code Included|
13-002-VJB | Banishment of Michael J. Smith from the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-003-VJB | Directing the Bureau of Indian Affairs and/or Bureau of Land Management to Conduct a Cadastral Survey of and Ensure that Reservation Trust Lands include the South Bank and Bed of the Little Missouri River | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-004-VJB | Establishment of a Department to Administer the Nuxbaaga Iidaa Uuh Waa Zaah, Salmis waaplsis, Aki numuk aki tawatesh sha geddish (People's Fund) | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-005-VJB | Appointment of Tribal Business Council Standing Committees | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-006-VJB | Twin Buttes Community Association to be named Operator/Manager of the Twin Buttes Custom Homes Manufacturing Facility | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-007-VJB | Regulation of the Transport of Dust Bearing Materials and Mechanical Equipment on Tribal Roads | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-008-VJB | Authorizing a Checking Account for the Three Affiliated Tribes Federally Chartered Section 17 Corporation | 1/24/2013 | Y | Amended by 13-035-VJB on 3-28-2013 |
13-009-VJB | Appointment of Mark Fox to Missouri River Resources Board of Directors. | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-010-VJB | Approval of 59 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-011-VJB | East Segment Representative Board Member Appointments | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-012-VJB | Four Bears Housing Development FY 2013 Funding | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-013-VJB | Requirement for High Definition Video Surveillance on Tribal Well Sites on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-014-VJB | Approval of Land Exchange Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Sadie Young Bear Mann | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-015-VJB | Approval of Lot Exchange Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Brent Wollschlager, Farmers Union Insurance. | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-016-VJB | Appointment of Fort Berthold District Court Judges - Calendar Year 2013 | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-017-VJB | 4 Bears Segment Drug Officer - Mr. Gregory Jay Brugh | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-018-VJB | John W. Loofbourrow Associates, Inc. to act as Placement Agent for Private Debt and Equity Financing | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-019-VJB | Approval of Loan Documents Related to Loan by Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community; and Other Matters | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-020-VJB | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available for Draws by the Three Affiliated Tribes Interest Earnings from the Three Affiliated Tribes Economic Recovery Fund in the Amount of $3,835,000.00 | 1/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-021-VJB | Approval of Tribal Investment Advisor - Paden & Rygel, 333 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angles, CA 9007 | 11/24/2013 | Y | Active |
13-022-VJB | Authorization for the MHA Nation to Invest in Broken Promises, LLC and its Interest in a Documentary Film of the Cobell Class Action Suit Entitled "A Small Measure of Justice | 2/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-023-VJB | Authorizing the MHA Nation to join the Coalition of Large Tribes | 2/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-024-VJB | Tribal Business Council Appointment to the Board of United Tribes Technical College | 2/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-025-VJB | None | Y | Active |
13-026-VJB | Authorizing Fort Berthold Rural Water and the Section 17 Corporation to Proceed with the Mandaree Raw Water Supply Project | 2/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-027-VJB | Approval of 43 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 2/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-028-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Dakota James Young Bird Enrollment #301 U-12588 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 2/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-029-VJB | Designation that the Three Affiliated Tribes Arbitration Ordinance shall apply to the loan by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community | 2/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-030-VJB | Approval of equity investment in hotel to be located on the property of United Tribes Technical College in Bismarck, North Dakota | 3/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-031-VJB | Accepting grants offered by the Northwest Area Foundation and the Bush Foundation for funding of the "MHA Nation Tomorrow" planning project | 3/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-032-VJB | Request for the West Segment Corporate Development Board to be appropriated 1.5 Million dollars from the Tribal General fund for Infrastructure Development for the Black Eagle Estates Housing Development Budget Allocation | 3/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-033-VJB | Approval of Tribal Investment Advisor - Vanguard Advisers, Inc., PO Box 2900, Valley Forge, PA 19842-2900 | 3/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-034-VJB | Approval of the Checklist Guideline for Housing Development for the line item "Mortgage Loan Program" of the Three Affiliated Tribes for (fy) 2013 | 3/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-035-VJB | Amending Resolution No. 13-008-VJB to Change Authorized Check Signers on the Checking Account for the Three Affiliated Tribes Federally Chartered Section 17 Corporation | 3/28/2013 | Y | Active |
13-036-VJB | Section 17 Corporation Authority to Purchase a Water Craft known as the Island Girl | 3/28/2013 | Y | Active |
13-037-VJB | Prohibition on the Construction the Operation of Oil and Gas Drilling Waste Disposal Facilities in the White Shield Segment | 4/2/2013 | Y | Active |
13-038-VJB | We take care of our own, let's do it" is the sound of young people at the New Town High School who would like their voices heard on the Meth/drug problems which have stretched its tentacles across the Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation and poisoned families, our health care system, law enforcement and communities. Recommendations of the New Town High School students | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-039-VJB | None
13-040-VJB | None
13-041-VJB | None
13-042-VJB | Approval of 93 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-043-VJB | Rescission of Resolution #: 07-216-VJB |4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-044-VJB | Consenting to the Exercise of Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians' (TMDCI) Tribal Jurisdiction for the Sole and Limited Purpose of Transferring the Baker' ICWA Matter from the Riverside Juvenile Court, a state court, to the TMDCI Tribal Court | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-045-VJB | Approval of the 2013 Tribal Hunting and Fishing Proclamations | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-046-VJB | Makes Cents Inc. and First Cents Inc. - Approval of Lead Purchase Agreement with PartnerWeekly LLC of 325 E Warm Springs Road, Suite 210, Las Vegas Nevada 89119 | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-047-VJB | Adoption of Policy Requiring Seat Belt Use and prohibiting texting while driving in Motor Vehicles Driven by Three Affiliated Tribes Employees while on Duty | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-048-VJB | Four Bears Segment Representative Board Member Appointments | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-049-VJB | A Directive for all Oil and Gas Drilling Companies on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation to develop remediation plans for oil and gas drilling waste and to direct the Tribal Environmental Department to develop standards for the regulation for the remediation of oil and gas drilling wastes | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-050-VJB | Tribal support for the application 'Historical and Cultural Encyclopedia of the Arikara (Sahnish) People' to the 'Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community donations' for the development of an Arikara Multimedia Encyclopedia for the White Shield School and White Shield Community | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-051-VJB | Authorizing the Acquisition and Maintenance of a 20% Equity Interest in the Arrow Pipeline, LLC | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-052-VJB | Appointment of Additional Fort Berthold District Court Judge for Calendar Year 2013 - James Vukelic | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-053-VJB | Approval of WMSE Consulting Services - TAT Division of Child Support Enforcement | 4/16/2013 | Y | Active |
13-054-VJB | Grant of Oversight authority to the North Segment Community Development Corporation for Tribal projects in the North Segment | 4/17/2013 | Y | Active |
13-055-VJB | Authorization to Complete and Submit a Fee to Trust Application for the Property formally known as the Gevings Ranch and requesting the Bureau of Indian Affairs to acquire said property in trust status on behalf of the Tribes | 10/20/2013 | Y | Active |
13-056-VJB | Approval of funds for Missouri River Resources to participate in the additional drilling of the Bluestem and Wormwood Wells | 4/17/2013 | Y | Active |
13-057-VJB | Authorization of the Three Affiliated Tribes - Tribal Business Council and Tribal Finance Department Credit Cards | 4/17/2013 | Y | Active |
13-058-VJB | Approval of Supervising Attorney Contract: Damon K. Williams | 4/17/2013 | Y | Active |
13-059-VJB | Approval of Employee Contract - James Foote, Project Manager Elbowoods Health Facility | 4/17/2013 | Y | | Active |
13-060-VJB | Adoption Policy Governing the Use of Tribal Credit Cards | 4/17/2013 | Y | Active |
13-061-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Renunciation of Right to inherit fractionated Interests in the Estate of (Lorie White Bear #301 V-003 790 | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-062-VJB | Approval of Amended Fiscal Year 2013 General Fund Operating Budget and special projects budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-063-VJB | Casino Advisory Board - Assumption of Responsibility | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-064-VJB | Approval and Authorization of 4 Bears Casino and Lodge Management Signatory Authority | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-065-VJB | Investigation, Planning and Construction of a Four Bears Segment Treated Water Line and Raw Water Line and Depot | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-066-VJB | Approval of 25 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-067-VJB | Rescission of Resolution #: 12-113-VJB | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-068-VJB | Amending Resolution No. 12-137-VJB Distribution of Net Revenue from Section 17 Corporation's Sale of Excess Water within the Exterior Boundaries of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-069-VJB | Authorization to Establish all E911 Service System for the Fort Berthold Reservation | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-070-VJB | Regulation of Flaring of Gas, Imposition of Tax, Payment of Royalties and Other Purposes | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-071-VJB | Amending Resolution Nos. 11-022-VJB and 13-013-VJB Concerning Video Surveillance Requirements | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-072-VJB | Approval of lease of 89.9 acres of riverbed lands from Nation to Missouri River Resources and Approval of funds for Missouri River Resources to participate in the drilling of additional wells within the 89.9 acres | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-073-VJB | Endorsement of the Native American Basketball Invitational (NABI Foundation) senior high boys' and girls' basketball tournament | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-074-VJB | Retrocession of program functions, services and activities related directly and indirectly to Janitorial/Custodial Services component of Consolidated Tribal Government Programs Contract No. A12AV00161 | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-075-VJB | Approval for the West Segment Corporate Development Corporation to be appropriated the remaining $1,050,000.00 from the Tribal General Fund for Infrastructure Development for the Black Eagle Estates Housing Development | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-076-VJB | Approval of East Segment "Ree Lodge Management Program" funding, location and Board Appointments | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-077-VJB | Health Care Education, Acupuncture Treatment And Massage Therapy Clinic | 5/9/2013 | Y | Active |
13-078-VJB | Support and Approval of the "Planning and Development of a Tribal Healing to Wellness Court | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-079-VJB | Approval of Partition of Allotment 594A and Settlement with Dale Little Soldier Regarding His Ownership In Fee and Use of Allotment 594A | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-080-VJB | A Resolution to Amend Taylor Policy Group Letter of Engagement | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-081-VJB | Approval of 50 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-082-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Serrel Bryce Lonefight Sando Enrollment # 301U-15708 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-083-VJB | Technical Report to determine the preliminary design, cost and schedule for the Project | 6/13/2013 | Y | Amended by 13-105-VJB on 7-11-2013. |
13-084-VJB |To Amend Legal Services Contract with Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker | 6/13/2013| Y | Active |
13-085-VJB | Authorization and Approval of Phase I Engineering Agreement with Corval Constructors, Inc. | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-086-VJB | Consultant Contract with Physician's Choice Wellness of Mt. Zion, Illinois | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-087-VJB | East Segment Representative Board Member Appointment | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-088-VJB | Approval of the 2013 Oil and Gas Tax Agreement Between The Three Affiliated Tribes And State of North Dakota | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-089-VJB | Request for Bureau of Indian Affairs Support the Three Affiliated Tribes Section 17 Corporation of Commercial & Industrial Water Sales | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-090-VJB | Approval of lease and funds for Missouri River Resources to participate in the drilling of the Halcon Resources 148-95-278-34 Wells (Spotted Horn Field) | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-091-VJB | Implementation of Tribal Policy for General Assistance Program Ineligibility for Individuals convicted of selling and for using of illegal drugs | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-092-VJB | Tribal Chairman's Thunder Butte Refinery Board Member Appointment | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-093-VJB | Tribal Chairman 's Fort Berthold Community College Board Member Appointment | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-094-VJB | Increase of Fees for Licensed Attorneys, Advocates and Pro Hac Vice | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-095-VJB | Appointment of Fourth Associate Judge for the Fort Berthold District for Calendar Year 2013 | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-096-VJB | Fort Berthold Supreme Court | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-097-VJB | Temporary Restricted License | 6/13/2013 | Y | Active |
13-098-VJB | Authorizing Missouri River Resources to Acquire the Assets of Arrow Midstream Holdings, LLC and Authorizing a Joint Venture with Aux Sable Midstream LLC | 6/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-099-VJB | Increase in Criminal Penalties for Drug Related Crimes | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-100-VJB | Approval of Globe Life Insurance supplemental Life Insurance and Cancer Insurance to tribal employees on a payroll deduction basis | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-101-VJB | Tribal Capacity Building and Quality Improvement | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active
13-102-VJB | Regulation and policy governing the management, treatment and disposing of drilling waste associated with the exploration or production of oil and gas on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-103-VJB | Amendment to Articles of Incorporation of Makes Cents Inc. | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-104-VJB | Amendment to Articles of Incorporation of First Cents Inc. | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-105-VJB | Amendment to Resolution No. 13-083-VJB, Technical Report to determine the preliminary design, cost and schedule for the Project | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-106-VJB | A Resolution to Authorize and Approve Ryder Scott Petroleum Consultants' Proposal to Prepare an Independent Reserve Report of the Bakken/Three Forks property | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-107-VJB | Authorization for the North Segment Community Development Corporation to draw down $1.5 Million from the Tribal General fund for housing Infrastructure Development | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-108-VJB | Authorization for Proceeds of West Segment Water Sales to be transferred to the West Segment Development Corporation | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-109-VJB | Establishment of the Three Affiliated Tribes Standardized Minimum Rates for Oil and Gas Lease Bonus, Royalties and Road and Pipeline Easements | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-110-VJB | Tribal Membership with the Native American Finances Officers Association (NAFOA) | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-111-VJB | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL228700 in the Amount of $100,000,000. 00 | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-112-VJB | Charter of Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation Investment Committee | 7/11/2013 | Y |
13-113-VJB | Authorization for the Tribal Chairman or Vice Chairman to sign legal documents 0n behalf of mortgage loan program of the MHA Nation | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-114-VJB | Approval of approximately 204.07 Acre Oil and Gas Lease of the Missouri River riverbed to Missouri River Resources (MRR) within the Halcon Communitized Area | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-115-VJB | Approval of Corporate Credit Card for the Elbowoods Memorial Healthcare Center from First National Bank and Trust of Williston, ND | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-116-VJB | Authorization for the Tribal Health Authority to issue requests for proposals to study the need for after hours medical services and for emergency and trauma services, and receive, evaluate and recommend to the Tribal Business Council, acceptance of the best proposal 2013 | 7/11/2013 | Y | Active |
13-117-VJB | Authorizing Missouri River Resources to submit an offer for the acquisition of the Assets of Arrow Midstream Holdings, LLC; Approval of financial arrangement in support of the offer; and Authorization of MRR to engage necessary partners in furtherance of the question of the Assets of Arrow Midstream Holdings, LLC. | 7/29/2013 | Y | Amended by 13-119-VJB on 8-6-2013.
13-118-VJB | 4 Bears Community Resource Officer- James Big Horn | 8/6/2013 | Y | Active |
13-119-VJB | An Amendment and Supplement to Resolution No. 13-117-VJB. | 8/6/2013 | Y | Active |
13-120-VJB | Approval of lease of certain lands from Nation to Missouri River Resources and Approval of funds for Missouri River Resources to participate in the authorization for expenditure for the Marathon Roehr Well. | 8/13/2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active |
13-121-VJB |Authorization of FY 2014 Community Services Block Grant Application Submission to the Office of Community Services, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. | 8/13/2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active |
13-122-VJB | Request to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for a new Secretarial Election on Three Affiliated Tribes Constitutional Amendments - July 30, 2013 Election | 8/13/2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active |
13-123-VJB | Consultant Contract - Brad Kroupa, Arikara Historian Project | 8/13/2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active |
13-124-VJB | Request for PL 93-638 Contract FY 2016 to perform an assessment of reservation grazing lands from BIA | 8/13/2013 (Agenda) | Y | Active |
13-125-VJB | Authorizing the MHA Nation to join the Intertribal Assessment and Qualification Commission (ITAQC) | 8/13/2013 (Agenda) | Y | Active |
13-126-VJB | Amending tire Oil and Gas Production Structure Setback Act | 8/13/2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active, Amends 12-103-VJB, Amended by 17-037-FWF |
13-127-VJB | Approval of Special Legal Counsel Contract to Retain Holland & Knight LLP to Provide Oil & Gas Regulatory Legal Services | 8/13/2013 (Agenda) | Y | Active |
13-128-VJB | Approval of Special Legal Counsel Contract to Retain Van Norman & Associates LLC to provide Legal Services on Taxation, Regulatory Authority, Tribal Self-Government, and Economic Development. | 8/13/2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active |
13-129-VJB | Requesting the Construction o/the Bridge at Charging Eagle Bay | 8/13/2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active |
13-130-VJB | Approval of Applications for a Loan and a Grant from the USDA Rural Development in the Amount of $5,207,079.00 for the North Segment-(New Town) Areas 2 & 4 Projects for the Fort Berthold Rural Water Supply System. | 8/13/2013 (Agenda) | Y | Active |
13-131-VJB | Request for Drawdown from Parshall / Lucky Mound Segment FY2013 Housing Appropriation to be placed in Northeast Community Development Account | 8/13/2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active |
13-132-VJB | Approval of WMSE Consulting Services - TAT Division of Child Support Enforcement | 8/13/2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active |
13-133-VJB | Approval of Consultant Contract - TA T Division of Child Support Enforcement Hearing Judge - Chase Iron Eyes, 1439 South Third Street, Bismarck, ND 58504 | 8-13-2013 (Agenda) | Y | Active |
13-134-VJB | Approval of Three Affiliated Tribes Division of Child Support Enforcement (TAT DCSE) Request for Non-Matching Federal Share IN the Amount of $210,655 For FY 14 for the fully comprehensive TAT DCSE application. | 8-13-2013 (Agenda) | Y | Active |
13-135-VJB | Support of the Great Plains Tribal Chairmen's Health Board -Northern Plains American Indian BRFSS, "Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey Project | 8-13-2013 (Agenda)| Y | Active |
13-136-VJB | Appointments to MHA Nation Health Authority Board | 8-13-2013 (Agenda) | Y | Active |
13-137-VJB | Modification of Loan to Makes Cents Inc. | 8-13-2013 (Agenda) | Y | Active |
13-138-VJB | Tribal Business Council Tape Transfer and Archive Project | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-139-VJB | Approval of the Sale of Individual Residential Lots in the Northern Lights Subdivision in Accordance with Title XII, Chapter 1 of the Three Affiliated Tribes Code. | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-140-VJB | Request for Appropriation of $1.5 Million for Infrastructure and Construction of Woman Goes Out Subdivision and the Four Bears Segment Employee Apartments; for the Four Bears Housing Development | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-141-VJB | Approval of 102 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes |9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-142-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Cody Jo Two Bears Enrollment #: 301U-08551 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-143-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Emerson Joseph Hairy Chin Sr. Enrollment # 301U-06726 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-144-VJB | Amendment to Business Permit & Transportation Fee - Chapter 5, TAT Code of Laws | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-145-VJB | A Resolution to Retain the Services of Bubar & Hall Consulting, LLC to provide transportation consulting services in support of transportation related activities | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-146-VJB | Requesting the Construction of the Bridge at Charging Eagle Bay | 8/13/2013 ( Agenda) | Y | Active |
13-147-VJB | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 'Money Follows the Person' Rebalancing Demonstration Grant: Tribal Initiative | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-148-VJB | Approval of Request from the North Segment Community Development Corporation to appropriate $1.4 Million from the Tribal General fund for Land Acquisition | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-149-VJB | Support and Cooperation for Third Party Sale of Arrow Midstream Holdings, LLC and its Subsidiaries; Acquisition of Additional Incremental Equity in Arrow Pipeline as Available | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-150-VJB | 2013 Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-151-VJB | Tribal Ownership of a Financial Institution. | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-152-VJB | Re-contracting at the Housing Improvement Program for FY 2013 | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-153-VJB | Authorizing Title Transfer for Twin Buttes School | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-154-VJB | Authorization for the West Segment Corporate Development Board to drawdown FY2013 funds in the amount of $1.5 million from the Tribal General Fund for the purchase of community housing for the Black Eagle Estates Housing Development | 9/12/2013 | Y | Active |
13-155-VJB | Approval of Continuing Resolution For FY2014 General Fund Budget Expenditures Based Upon FY 2013 General Fund Budget. | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-156-VJB | Approval of 49 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-157-VJB | Approval of Twin Buttes Segment Tribal Council Representative Barry Bensons' Appointment of Jodi Rave to the MHA communication's Board of Directors | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-158-VJB | A proposal to study the impacts of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assaults and stalking as a result of the development of the Bakken oil and gas reserves within the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation (MHA Nation), funded by the National Institute of Justice. | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-159-VJB | Approval of Lease of Approximately 909 Acres of Riverbed Lands from Nation to Missouri River Resources | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-160-VJB | Approval of lease of certain lands from Nation to Missouri River Resources to participate in the Slawson 'River Rat Federal 7-23-14TFH Well | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-161-VJB | Appointment of Russell Stands Over Bull to the Board of Directors of Missouri River Resources | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-162-VJB | Tribal Appointment of the Tribal Election Board for the 2014 Tribal Business Council Elections. | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-163-VJB | Rename the Washington 'Redskins' | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-164-VJB | Authorization to enter into an Agreement with BARR Engineering and Environmental Consultants to provide Phase 2 Air Quality and Consulting Services for the Clean Fuels Refinery Project. | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-165-VJB | U.S. Energy Services Inc. (Thunder Butte Refinery) - Evaluation for procurement of natural gas and electricity | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-166-VJB | Appropriation of North Segment's Share of Fiscal Year 2014 MHA Elders Organization Funding to North Segment Elders Program | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-167-VJB | Approval of Request for the Drawdown of $1,000,00.00 from Parshall / Lucky Mound Segment FY20J3 Housing Appropriation to be placed in Northeast Community Development Account for housing development | 10/10/2013 | Y | Active |
13-168-VJB | Consultant Contract with Vanbar Productions / The Zevan Corporation, PO Box 27447, Minneapolis, MN 55247 - Documentary Film on Fort Laramie Treaty | 11/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-169-VJB | Approval of 35 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-170-VJB | Approval of Fiscal Year 2014 General Fund Operating Budget and special projects budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-171-VJB | Waiver of Tero Taxes imposed by section 601 of the Tribal Tero Ordinance for the Black Eagle Estates Housing Development in the West Segment. | 11/14/2013 | Y | Active |
13-172-VJB | Amendment 1 to Agreement for Services between Thunder Butte Petroleum Services, Inc., and Ventech dated July 11, 2013 for Definitional Engineering Work | 11/15/2013 | Y | Active |
13-173-VJB | Application for a Synthetic Minor Source Permit for the construction of the Refinery Project | 11/15/2013 | Y | Active |
13-174-VJB | Approval of a loan to the Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Health Board in the amount of $75,000.00 | 11/15/2013 | Y | Active |
13-175-VJB | Authorization for a Disbursement to the Elders | 11/15/2013 | Y | Active |
13-176-VJB | Emergency Education Funding Request for the Mandaree School District for FY 2014 | 11/22/2013 | Y | Active |
13-177-VJB | Authorization for Elbowoods Memorial Health Care Center to purchase a Telemedicine Vehicle and Equipment - from La Boit Specialty Vehicles, Inc. | 11/22/2013 | Y | Active |
13-178-VJB | Consultant Contract with Prairie Resources Capital Management /Leslie Morsette, PO Box 1258, New Town, D 581763 -For internal accounting services and ARRA Reporting Requirements. | 11/22/2013 | Y | Active |
13-179-VJB | Authorizing the filing of applications with the Federal Transit Administration, an operating administration of the United States Department of Transportation, for Federal transportation assistance authorized by 49 U.S.C. chapter 53, title 23 United States Code and other Federal statutes administered by the Federal Transit Administration. | 11/22/2013 | Y | Active |
13-180-VJB | Fiscal Year 2014 & 2015 (TERO) Tribal Employment Rights Office - Energy Complex Budget Approval | 11/22/2013 | Y | Active |
13-181-VJB | Professional Services Contract - White Shield Incorporated | 11/22/2013 | Y | Active |
13-182-VJB | Amendment to Three Affiliated Tribes Scoria Resolution - No. 12-144-VJB (December 18, 2012) | 11/22/2013 | Y | Active |
13-183-VJB | Authorization for the West Segment Corporate Development Board to drawdown FY2014 funds in the amount of $3,000000.00 for the purchase of community housing for the Black Eagle Estates Housing Development | 11/22/2013 | Y | Active |
13-184-VJB | Authorization for a one-time Disbursement of Funds from Tribal Oil & Gas Royalty Revenues to All Enrolled Members o f the Three Affiliated Tribes | 12/17/2013 | Y | Active |
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