2002 Resolutions
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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status |
02-001-MWJR | Amendment VII Dual Enrollment | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-002-MWJR | Tribal Relinquishment: Dakota Eagle | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-003-MWJR | Tribal Relinquishment: Eldon J. Reed Jr. | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-004-MWJR | Tribal Relinquishment: Elvita J. Reed | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-005-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Marilyn Reed, 301U-9876 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is to Be advised of this action by a copy of this approved Resolution. | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-006-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Rhiannon Weeks 301U-8383 is hereby relinquished from he official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Fort Peck Sioux Tribe is to Be advised of this action by a copy of this approved Resolution. |1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-007-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Savannah Sorenson, 301U9109 is hereby relinquished from he official membership Roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is to Be advised of this action by a copy of this approved Resolution. | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-008-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Nevada Allen Eagle, 301U9662 is hereby relinquished front he official membership Roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is to Be advised of this action by a copy of this approved Resolution. | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-009-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Teresa J. Bell, 301U-6692 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Northern Arapaho Tribe is to Be advised of this action by a copy of this approved Resolution. | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-010-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorize and approves to assist the Mandaree Public School District 25% commitment. Not to exceed the amount of $45,000 per fiscal school year until the financial debt is paid in full, and that allocations be paid the fiscal year that construction of the new addition begins. | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-011-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby requests that IHS Director Michael Trujillo appoint Rick Sorenson as the IHS Aberdeen Area Director replacing Bruce Bad Moccasin. | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-012-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Three Affiliated Tribes, acting through its Tribal Business Council, hereby authorizes litigation to be commenced on its behalf as outlined above early in 2002, prior to six (6) years from he date of delivery of the Arthur Andersen reconciliation reports to the Tribe, and that such lawsuit allege, among other things, mismanagement by the United States Government of both the trust funds and assets belonging to the Three Affiliated Tribes; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such litigation be commenced on the Tribes' behalf by counsel already retained by the Tribe or by its Legal Department, as may be decided by the Legal Department, provided that such litigation be brought on a contingency fee arrangement by any firm now representing the Tribe or by the Legal Department on behalf of the Tribe, such that the Tribe will only pay for necessary expenses of the lawsuit, exclusive of attorney fees while the litigation is ongoing; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council hereby rescinds and revokes in their entirety any previously enacted resolution of the Tribal Business Council involving this subject matter which is not consistent with this resolution. | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-013-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes urges its individual Tribal members, its Congressional delegation and all members of the United States Congress to oppose the reorganization effort and to state clearly that the BIA must provide meaningful consultation before any changes in tribal trust services can take place, and further, to use all means at their disposal to prevent the reorganization announced on November 14, 2001 from taking place; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes recognizes the consultation efforts the Department of Interior is now undertaking and authorizes its elected leaders to take part in the effort to fashion a mechanism for trust asset management reform that will be both effective and consistent with what Tribal members and Tribal governments believe to be the trust responsibility of the United States towards Tribes and their members, in accordance with the principles - enunciate at the first Tribal leaders meeting with the Secretary of Interior - regarding the reorganization proposal of the Department held in Albuquerque, New Mexico on December 13, 2001; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and directs its Chairman to forward a copy of this resolution to President Bush, members of Congress, BIA officials, the attorneys representing the Plaintiffs in the Cobell case, along with a cover letter that will express the Three Affiliated Tribes' concern about this reorganization and reflect the lack of meaningful tribal consultation, among other things; and further demanding that; 1) The reorganization effort be halted until the tribal nations have had an opportunity for meaningful consultation with the Department of Interior; 2) No funds be allowed to be used by the Department of Interior for the reorganization effort; and 3) That the appropriate Department of Interior officials continue to meet with as many Tribes as. possible, in each BIA Region, to allow Tribes an opportunity to express, their views concerning the Department's proposal. |1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-014-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes, acting through its duly elected Tribal Business Council, hereby authorizes its Legal Department, or other counsel previously retained by the Tribe, to file in a timely manner an amicus brief with the U.S. District Court handling the Cobell V. Norton IIM trust litigation, expressing the Tribe's fundamental opposition to the transfer of the Department of Interior's trust obligations to a new agency within the Department of Interior | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-015-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Tribal Business Council of the Mandan Hidatsa Arickara Nation herby authorizes and approves to pay for the Mandan Hidatsa Arickara Dance Troupe to attain the Awards Presentation in Beverly Hills CA in the amount of five thousand three hundred eighty five dollars; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Mandan Hidatsa Arickara Nation authorizes Vice Chairman Randy Phelan to attend the Awards Presentation and present an award on behalf of the Mandan Hidatsa Arickara Nation | 1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-016-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council directs the Tribal Aging Services Program to submit a three-year operating grant aid application to the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging for fiscal years 2002 through March, 31 2005 in the sum of $301,050.00. |1-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-017-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes funding not to exceed $25,000 for the purpose of soil and water testing to determine the feasibility of expanding the current solid waste site and test an alternative site for possible deposition of garbage. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Council list the Tribal Landfill at the top of the Sanitary Deficiency List (SDS) for 2002 for the purpose of procuring funding. | 1-24-2002 | Y | Active |
02-018-MWJR | None
02-019-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation requests immediate exercise of the provisions of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 for the purpose of temporarily assigning Theodore Bolman, Jr., to the Tribal Government of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation requests that negotiations for the assignment be commensurate with the duties for which Theodore Bolman, Jr., is charged in relation to his responsibilities to the Three Affiliated Tribes in the position currently occupied with the Federal Government. FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council to finalize negotiations and execute the Assignment Agreement which constitutes the written record of the obligations and responsibilities in temporary assignment arrangements, as provided under Title IV of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970. | 1-24-2002| Y | Active |
02-020-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation approves financial assistance in the amount of $1,000 to Jennifer Young Bear Hamilton and $1,000 to Jon G. Brady to defray the costs of attending the 44th Annual Grammy Award Show in Los Angeles, California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation authorizes expenditure of the funds from the appropriate General Fund account of the Tribe. | 1-24-2002 | Y | Active |
02-021-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council, on behalf of our membership, does hereby request that the North Dakota High School Activities Association Board of Directors honor the relationship between the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara people and the proud and wonderful history of Class B Basketball within the State of North Dakota, by reconsidering the events of the 1942 State Class B Basketball Championship and by properly recognizing the Elbowoods High School as the State Champion team for that year. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council does hereby designate Mark N. Fox as its official representative to this effort and he shall be authorized to formulate committees, develop a budget, and administer costs for the purpose of developing displays, documentaries, and similar materials and projects related to the history of the event described herein and the pursuit of the proper recognition of the 1941-1942 Elbowoods Warriors and the State Class B Basketball Championship | 1-24-2002 | Y | Active |
02-022-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes by and through the Tribal Business Council hereby requests that the Secretary of the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs research the records of the treaties, legislative enactments and executive orders creating the boundaries of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and determine whether the existing boundaries on the western and southern boundaries are truly reconciled in the Bureau of Land Management land title registry to the intentions of the treaties, legislative enactments and executive orders establishing the exterior boundaries of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. | 1-24-2002 | N | Active |
02-023-MWJR | None
02-024-MWJR | None
02-025-MWJR | None
02-026-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The four Segments/Districts; White Shield, New Town/Little Shell, Mandaree and New Town/Four Bears are therefore requesting to be reimbursed the total amounts they have spent tor the construction of the Elder garages in each of their segment/district. (See attached list) | 1-24-2002 | Y | Active |
02-027-MWJR | Tribal Travel & Per-Diem Policy | 2-12-2002 | | Active, Missing |
02-028-MWJR | Amend to Travel & Per-Diem Policy | 2-12-2002 | | Active, Missing |
02-029-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That at the Tribal Business Council duly And officially approves the enrollment of the following 29 applicants. | 2-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-030-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes grants funds to and authorizes a equity investment in Themed Products Corporation in the amount of $60,000.00 from general funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the authorized funds shall be immediately available to Themed Products Corporation. | 2-12-2002| Y | Active |
02-031-MWJR | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Realty Services of the Tribal Natural Resources Department is directed to prepare all deeds for this purchase, obtain landowner signatures, and transmit the documents and a check for the purchase price to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for approval of deeds and distribution of sale proceeds; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Bureau of Indian Affairs is requested to process the deeds in a manner to effectuate the timely transfer of ownership to the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 2-19-2002 | Y | Active |
02-032-MWJR | None
02-033-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby respectfully expresses and formally enacts; 2. The Tribal Legal Department and Legal Consultant are directed to; A. Prepare 8(a) applications for the new firms, to be done in conjunction with the Tribal economic Development Office and other Tribal offices; and B. Prepare mentor-protégé agreements between the new firms and interested large companies, included ESSI and BTG. 3. The Tribal MS and Environmental Offices are directed to prepare a plan for the conversion of the Tribe's MS and GIS capability into the M.H.A. Systems (Information Technology Company Inc., A tribally- owned, for-profit business whose articles of incorporation are approved pursuant to this Resolution, in a manner that would not diminish the services those offices now provide to Tribal programs. Said plan shall be submitted to the Tribal Business Council within 30 days. 4. Legal consultant Daniel Press is directed, as part of the scope of work of his existing retainer consultant agreement with the Three Affiliated Tribes, to work with ESSI, ASRC and others to identify a potential manufacturing acquisition for the Tribe and to present his findings to the Tribal Business Council. 1. The Articles of Incorporation for the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara systems (Information Technology Company Inc., copies of the (budget to this resolution, are hereby approved. | 2-19-2002 | Y | Active |
02-034-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a educational loan to Flora Azure in the amount of $2,723.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 3-13-2002 | Y |
02-035-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a educational loan to Alvina Wells in the amount of $2,098.35. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution | 3-13-2002 | Y |
02-036-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a educational loan to Kimberly Abbey in the amount of $2,160.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 3-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-037-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby grant a charter and bylaws to the Parshall Resource Center, Inc. for the purpose of assisting with the proper administration of funds appropriated to the PRC, as well as to ensure the proper care of tribal property utilized by the PRC to carry out its program objectives. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Council conditions current and prospective appropriations or funding to the PRC on compliance with the granted charter and its articles referenced herein, and expects full and constant reporting and accountability. | 3-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-038-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council gives authority for the management of 4 Bears Casino & Lodge to process payroll and accounts payable checks for normal operations of the casino; and THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council has determined that, because of personnel changes leaving only three people authorized to sign checks for the 4 Bears Casino & Lodge, that this could negatively affect the timeliness in which checks are issued; and THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it would be in the best interests of 4 Bears Casino & Lodge to add a fourth signatory; and | 3-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-039-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council give authority to the 4 Bears Casino & Lodge Co-General Managers to act on their behalf in managing 4 Bears Casino & Lodge, and THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby gives authority to the 4 Bears Casino & Lodge Co-General Managers to act on their behalf in approving all coupon programs to be implemented. THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 4 Bears Casino & Lodge CoGeneral Managers will be responsible for assuring on behalf of the Tribe that all coupon programs approved and established comply with procedures that account for and control such programs; and THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 4 Bears Casino & Lodge CoGeneral Managers will be responsible for assuring on behalf of the Tribe that the requirements of the National Indian Gaming Commission's Minimum Control Standards 542.13(j) are being adhered to. | 3-25-2002 | Y | Active |
02-040-MWJR | None
02-041-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business hereby places the following time, place, and manner restrictions to the access of closed session audio tapes: (1) Who. The subject of a closed session will be allowed access to closed session audio tapes. (2) When. Access to the tapes will be allowed during the following hours of a workday of the Three Affiliated Tribes and only on twenty-four hours' notice to a designated Recording Secretary: Jean Baker, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (cst). (3) Access Period. Access to the tapes of a particular closed session will be allowed for up to three working days after the closed session. (4) The subject of a closed session will be allowed up to one time to listen to the tapes (one listening session). (5) The subject may bring anyone that he/she wants to a listening session, however, only two people are allowed at the listening session. (6) Where. The listening sessions are to take place at the Recording Secretary's Office. The subject of a closed session will not be allowed to touch, handle, or otherwise exercise any form of control or possession of the audio tape or the tape playing machine in any manner. Only a Recording Secretary or his/her designee is allowed to do so. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That these access rules shall be conspicuously posted by the Recording Secretary in locations calculated to give reasonable notice to employees of the Three Affiliated Tribes and a copy of these access rules shall be given to the subject individual before a closed session. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That should any individual desire a transcribed copy of any open meeting that is taped but is not normally transcribed by the Recording Secretary's Office, he or she must pay for the reasonable costs of the transcription and a copy of the transcription. Should any individual desire a transcribed copy of any open meeting taped and normally transcribed by the Recording Secretary's Office, he or she must pay the reasonable cost of a copy of the transcription. | 3-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-042-MWJR | None
02-043-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation hereby authorizes the Negotiating Team to do all things necessary to negotiate with North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association and Kirkpatrick Pettis to obtain Bonding for the continuation of the Fort Berthold Rural Water Supply System's Rural Distribution Project | 3-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-044-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation approves the establishment of a Joint Constitutional Revision Committee, consisting of fourteen (14) members, which shall comprise seven (7) members of the Tribal Business Council, six (6) members of the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Elders Organization and one (1) member of the Four Bears Segment elected at-large pursuant to Resolution #02-048-MWJR; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation clearly emphasizes that the purpose of the Joint Constitutional Revision Committee is to draft revisions to the Constitution, which are then to be presented to the membership of the Three Affiliated Tribes, for review, consideration and input. | 3-25-2002 | Y | Active |
02-045-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Tribal Business Council hereby appoints May Lou Sitting Bear, Melvina Fredericks, and Gary Dickens to serve on the Election Board for the purpose of conducting and election as set forth herein. | 3-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-046-MWJR | None
02-047-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a educational loan to Shari Howling Wolf in the amount of $3500. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 3-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-048-MWJR | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council does hereby agree with the Four Bears Community Development Corporation, and deem that the Representative of the Four Bears Segment - Joint Constitution Revision Committee member be duly elected at large to allow the enrolled members, young and old to eagerly embrace the opportunities for self-rule regarding this very important Constitution Revision endeavor; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That, the Four Bears Development Corporation shall be empowered to have an Electoral Process for the Representative of the Joint Constitution Committee for the Representation from the membership at large of the Four Bears Segment within thirty (30) calendar days. | 3-25-2002 | Y | Active |
02-049-MWJR | Permanent Endowment Fund Investment | 3-25-2002 | N | Active |
02-050-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby agrees to pay one-half of the needed dollar amount, ($5,955) and the Twin Buttes Community with match the remaining portion ($5,995). | 3-25-2002 | Y | Active |
02-051-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby extend the consultant agreement with Al Nygard another 120 days until July 30, 2002; | 3-25-2002 | Y | Active |
02-052-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby formally directs that Chapter II, Article 5 be revised in the following manner: No person, with the exception of the Four Bears Casino and Lodge, shall dispense or permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages on licensed premises after 1 a.m. on Sundays and before 8 a.m. on Mondays unless duly authorized by a Tribal Sunday Alcoholic Beverages Permit, or between the hours of 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. on all other days of the week; or on Memorial Day, Good Friday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, or after 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve, or between the hours of 1 a.m. and 8 p.m. on the day of any Tribal special, primary, or general election. The Four Bears Casino and Lodge shall not dispense or permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages on its premises between the hours of on any day of the week. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above-stated revision shall become effective immediately and shall supersede and replace any and all conflicting or inconsistent provisions included in the body of law of the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 3-25-2002 | Y | Active |
02-053-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby submits a scope of work and budget in the amount of $35,000.00 for Administrative Capacity Building in accordance with the intent of Congress, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribal Business Council requests the Aberdeen Regional Contracting Officer to develop and approve a P.L. 93-638 contract in the amount of $35,000.00 for Administrative Capacity Building. | 3-25-2002 | Y | Active |
02-054-MWJR | None
02-055-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes a consultant agreement with Native American Research and Resource Development, Inc. to perform this contract on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes in the amount of $5,000, of which $2,500 shall be paid immediately and $2,500 shall be paid when the final product is accepted and approved by the Tribal Business Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Native American Research and Resource Development, Inc. shall work closely with the CEDS Office Director, Tribal Program Staff, Tribal Business Council, Tribal Entities and others to ensure accurate input and comments generated from community members and tribal representatives from each of the six (6) tribal segments, along with the Chairman-at-large, are included in the plan. | 3-25-2002 | Y | Active |
02-056-MWJR | None
02-057-MWJR | None
02-058-MWJR | None
02-059-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a educational loan to Clifford Joe Fox in the amount of $10,000.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-060-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a educational loan to Cindy Packineau in the amount of $3,500.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-061-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby appropriate to Gerald Tex Fox and his individual-owned Tribal business the following: $3,500.00 Business Development Grant and $3,500.00 Business Loan; such monies being appropriated from Tribal revenues, subject to availability of funds and proof of the financial commitment and acquisition of outside resources. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-062-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a educational loan to Vivian Hall in the amount of $3,500.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-063-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a educational loan to Paul White Body in the amount of $3,000.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-064-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes elects to adopt the three types of Class Suspensions to the Three Affiliated Tribes Policies & Procedures under DC EMPLOYEES CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-065-MWJR | None
02-066-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Leland Beston in the amount of $3,000.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-067-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Holly Windy Boy in the amount of $2,500.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-068-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Dana Deegan in the amount of $1,700.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-069-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Mark Fox in the amount of $3,500.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. |4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-070-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Evangeline Conklin in the amount of $1,500.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-071-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Bonnie Blake in the amount of $1,500.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002| Y | Active |
02-072-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes does hereby respectfully demand that the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Fish and Wildlife Service, and other related agencies pursue all administrative and/or legal processes necessary to protect Tribal regulatory authority especially those related to hunting and fishing on Tribal lands and/or waters within the State of North Dakota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes further requests that those agencies will proceed ensuring that consultation, cooperation, coordination with the Three Affiliated Tribes be observed and maintained at all times. Concurrence would also be considered necessary, especially prior to those agencies pursuing any action/s that may possess the potential to adversely affect the established Hunting and Fishing Treaty rights and responsibilities of the Three Affiliated Tribes. For all practical purposes, the Three Affiliated Tribes Game and Fish Director shall serve as the point of contact for the Tribes. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-073-MWJR | NOW BE IT RESOLVED, By the Tribal Business Council that the following shall be the order in which the Segment's shall be authorized to submit for the I.C.D.G.B. Block HUD Grants: 2002-White Shield, 2008-Mandaree, 2004-4-Bears, 2005-Twin Buttes, 2006-Parshall Lucky Mound and 2007-New Town/Little Shell; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each Segment is authorized to submit an application for the full amount available, if not funded, then the next segment next in line is authorized to submit an application for the next Fiscal Year. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-074-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby supports the Mandaree Public School and the Warrior team in this highly visible and competitive sport of basketball at the North Dakota State Tournament level; and | 4-11-2002| Y | |
02-075-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby appoint Clarence O'Berry to the Fort Berthold Development Board and he will be generally recognized to represent the Parshall area and segment. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That such appointment will be subject to SBA requirements and shall not detrimentally affect the 8(a) status of said Corporation. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-076-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That per the charter and bylaws the Council does hereby appoint the following individuals to the Parshall Resource Board: One year terms ending December 31, 02: 1) Lavonne Bruce; 2) Wayne White Eagle Two year terms ending December 31, 03: 1) Noreen Two Crow 2) James Bear 3) Marlene Vondall. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That although indicated as "one" and "two" year terms, the Council is providing the appointments to expire for periods of lesser duration in order to accomplish the purpose of staggered terms in subsequent years. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-077-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the Treasurer of the Tribal Business Council to provide a loan in the amount of seventy thousand ($70,000.00) dollars to MHA Systems out of appropriate tribal funds and accounts with the assistance of the tribal comptroller; subject to loan agreements and qualified securities as prescribed by the legal department. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-078-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That The Three Affiliated Tribes authorize the Water Resources Department to apply for these funds each year as long as there is no cost to the Tribe | 44-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-079-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the Chairman and the Secretary or Treasurer of the Tribal Business Council to execute any document necessary for the purchase and installation of the necessary surveillance equipment at the administration offices, including the execution and payments in accordance with above terms to Reservation Supply. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-080-MWJR | None
02-081-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the ElboWoodsWorks project will utilize the 477 program ($4,000.00) for On the Job Training during the 90 day probation period, EWW will be reimbursed half ($2,000.00) at the end of OJT. Until any new grant funds or sales market be secured to fund the project. |4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-082-MWJR | BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 4-11-2002 | Y | Active |
02-083-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation is updating our current roads inventory to include the proposed routes. Inventory sheets and location maps are submitted as required for each route; 1. Red Fox Addition Rt. 3304 0.3 Miles 2. Four Bears (Tribal Bldg.) Rt. 3301 0.4 Miles 3. McLean County (Lucky Mound) Rt. 370 14.0 Miles 4. McLean County (Lucky Mound) Rt. 372 5.0 Miles 5. McLean County (Lucky Mount) Rt. 3701 2.0 Miles 6. Mountrail County (Shell Creek) Rt. 2311 11.6 Miles 7. Mountrail County (Shell Creek) Rt. 2312 6.0 Miles 8. Mountrail County (Shell Creek) Rt. 2313 11.0 Miles 9. Bear Den Bay Recreation Area 10. Reunion Bay Recreation Area 11. Clarks Creek Recreation Area 12. Lucky Mound Recreation Area | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-084-MWJR | Early Check Release Form | 5-13-2002 | Active, Missing |
02-085-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to its Constitutional power and authority, hereby appoints the following members to the Board of Directors for this corporation: Esley Thornton, Jr., Fred Fox, Dennis Fox, Jr., Clarence O'Berry; and Matthew Foolish Bear, with the understanding that two additional members of the Board of Directors will be appointed at a later time, and with the further understanding that at the first meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board will select its Chairman, and by lot determine four (4) members who will serve five (5) year terms and three (3) members will serve four (4) year terms; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby dissolves the present Board of Directors for Fort Berthold Development Corporation; and |5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-086-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. The Tribal Business Council of the Tribe hereby finds and determines that the issuance and sale of the Bonds pursuant to the terms of the Tribal Documents, and the implementation of the Tribal Housing Program as provided in the Program Documents, is in furtherance of the purposes of the Tribe. Section 2. The Bonds are hereby authorized as revenue bonds to be designated "Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota HUD Section 184/GNMA Collateralized Revenue Bonds (Tribal Housing Program), Series 2002" (the "Bonds"), which shall be issued in an aggregate principal amount not in excess of $25,000,000. The Bonds shall be in substantially the form set forth in the proposed form of Indenture and will mature on the dates and in the amounts set forth in the Indenture. The Bonds will bear interest at a rate not to exceed 7% per annimi.. The Bonds shall be payable and subject to redemption prior to maturity as provided in the Indenture. Section 3. The Bonds shall be payable solely from t he revenues received by, or on behalf of, the Tribe pursuant to the Indenture. The Bonds shall not constitute general or moral obligations of the Tribe, and the full faith and credit of the Tribe is not pledged to the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds. No holder of the Bonds shall have the right to compel the exercise of the taxing power of the Tribe to pay the Bonds or the interest or premium, if any, thereon. Section 4. The Bonds shall not be issued or sold unless and until all agreements, certificates, documents or instruments requiring the execution or consent of the Tribe are in form and substance acceptable to the Tribal Attorney, and the Tribe receives such opinions, certificates or other documents in connection with the Bonds as the Tribal Attorney may deem necessary or appropriate, in form and substance satisfactory to the Tribal Attorney. Section 5. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Section 2 hereof, the forms, terms and provision of the Bonds, in the form contained in the Indenture and presented at this meeting are hereby approved, with such insertions, omissions and changes as shall be approved by the Tribal Attorney, the execution of such documents being conclusive evidence of such approval, and the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council and the Secretary of the Tribal Business Council are hereby authorized and directed, subject to the satisfaction of Section 4 hereof, for and on behalf of the Tribe to sign and countersign the Bonds. The signatures of the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council and Secretary of the Tribal Business Council on the Bonds may be by facsimile. Section 6. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Section 2 hereof, the forms, terms and provisions of the Tribal Documents in the forms of such documents presented at this meeting are hereby approved, with such insertions, omissions and changes as shall be approved by the Tribal Attorney, the execution of said documents being conclusive evidence of such approval, and the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council and the Secretary of the Tribal Business Council are hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Tribe, to sign and attest the Tribal Documents. Section 7. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Section 2 hereof, the forms, terms and provisions of the Program Documents are hereby approved, with such insertions, omissions and changes as shall be approved by the Tribal Attorney, the execution of such Program Documents being conclusive evidence of such approval, and the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Tribe, to execute and deliver Program Documents from time to time as necessary to implement the Tribal Housing Program. Section 8. The Chairman and Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Tribe are hereby authorized and directed to take all action necessary or reasonably required to carry out, give effect to and consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and by the Tribal Documents, including without limitation, the execution and delivery of the closing and any other documents reasonably necessary or required to be delivered in connection with the execution and delivery of the Tribal Documents or the Program Documents. Section 9. (A)(i) In consideration of the purchase of the Bonds by the Initial Purchaser and of retaining the exclusion from gross income for federal income taxes of the interest income on the Bonds, the Tribe covenants, and the appropriate officials of the Tribe are hereby directed, to take all action required, or to refrain from taking any action prohibited, by the Code, which would adversely affect in any respect such exclusion. To that end the Tribe will take no action which would, including, particularly, but not by way of limitation, (1) cause the Bonds to be a "private activity bond" within the meaning of the Code (Section 141(a) of the Code), (2) cause the Bonds to be an "arbitrage bond" within the meaning of the Code (Section 148(a) of the Code), or (3) cause the Bonds to be "federally guaranteed" within the meaning of the Code (Section 149(b) of the Code). Moreover, the Tribe will (1) comply with the provisions of the Code relating to rebate (Section 148(f) of the Code), (2) make the required information filing pursuant to the Code (Section 149(e) of the Code), and (3) do all other things necessary to preserve the tax-exempt status of the interest income of the Bonds. (ii) The Bonds are part of an issue substantially all of the proceeds of which are to be used in the exercise of essential governmental functions of the Tribe, being functions which are customarily performed by state and local governments with general taxing power. (B) The Tribal Business Council further authorizes the employment of such experts and consultants to make, as necessary, any calculations in respect of rebates to be made to the United States of America in accordance with Section 148(f) of the Code. Section 10. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or enforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Resolution. Section 11. All ordinances, resolutions or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith, are hereby waived to the extent only of such inconsistency. This waiver shall not be construed as reviving any ordinance or resolution or any part thereof |5-13-2002 | N | Active |
02-087-MWJR | Authorization for Fort Berthold Rural Water to enter into a Self-Determination Grant with the United States Bureau of Reclamation to provide in-home filtration systems for Tribal members | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-088-MWJR | None
02-089-MWJR | None
02-090-MWJR | Office of Juvenile Programs (OJJP) Youth Program Grant |5-13-2002| Y | Active |
02-091-MWJR | White Shield/East Segment Multi-Purpose Cultural Center ICDBG | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-092-MWJR | WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council approved on December 26, 2001 at their Special Council Meeting an extra two-thousand dollars for the Mid-Winter Pow-Wow, giving them $3,500 per day, with a total of $7,000.00 for their two day cultural event; and WHEREAS, The Old Scout Society according to the Resolution #02-275-MWJR falls into the category as a recognized organization; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Treasurer and White Shield Tribal Representative, Austin Gillette is requesting an additional one-thousand dollars for the Old Scout Society making the total $3,500.00 for their one day cultural activity; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council does hereby approve the additional one-thousand dollars to the Old Scout Society for their one-day cultural event to be held during the Memorial Day week-end | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-093-MWJR | None
02-094-MWJR | None
02-095-MWJR | None
02-096-MWJR | Authorization to allocate a grant funding to the Veteran's Service Office for an Honoring Ceremony for all departed military veterans | 5-13-2002 | N | Active |
02-097-MWJR | Authorization for the Traffic Safety Office to apply for funding through the Bureau of Indian Affairs on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-098-MWJR|Authorization to allocate $141,500 to provide match funding for Pouch Point, Charging Eagle Bay and Skunk Bay recreation areas | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-099-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council, hereby authorizes and approves $1,150 for Ruth Anna Buffalo to attend the Women's Pro Basketball Showcase at the Campus of Life University in Atlanta, Georgia on June 1-2, 2002 | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-100-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the purchase of land, exclusive of minerals, from Mabel Snow Bird aka Mabel Elk, U-3063 | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-101-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council approved the purchase of land, exclusive of minerals, from: Marilyn Ogden, 301-U1272 | 5-13-2002| Y | Active |
02-102-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council approved the purchase of land, exclusive of minerals, from: Rachel Grady, 301-U1513 | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-103-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council approved the purchase of land, exclusive of minerals, from: Harold Burr, 301-U1686 | 5-13-2002| Y | Active |
02-104-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council approved the purchase of land, exclusive of minerals, from: Newton Burr, 301-U377 | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-105-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council approved the purchase of land, exclusive of minerals, from: Christine Mann, 301-U223 | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-106-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council approved the purchase of land, exclusive of minerals, from: Florence Burr, 301-U2007 | 5-13-2002| Y | Active |
02-107-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council approved the purchase of land, exclusive of minerals, from: Michael Lincoln, 301-U0917 | 5-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-108-MWJR | Approval of Land Purchase from Tribal Member Mabel Snow Bird a/k/a Mabel Elk; U-3063 | 5-29-2001 | Y | Active |
02-109-MWJR | None
02-110-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the establishment of a line of credit on behalf of Fort Berthold Development Corporation or loan to Fort Berthold Corporation in the amount of not less than $500,000 to be obtained from a well-established financial institution, preferably an institution whose services the Tribe has previously used; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the use of such funds s may be necessary from the general funds of the Tribe or such other funds as the Tribe may obtain for this purpose as security for the line of credit or loan mentioned above in an amount of not less than $500,000; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman to execute such documents as may be necessary to obtain the line of credit or loan on behalf of Fort Berthold Development Corporation and which will provide the Tribe's pledge of the security needed for the line of credit or loan to FBDC. | 06-13-2002 | N | Active |
02-111-MWJR | FY 2002 Tribal Self-Governance Program Planning Grant | 06-13-2002 | Y | Active |
02-112-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby directs the Legal Department of the Three Affiliated Tribes to do preliminary research into the discrimination claim of Beatrice Red Hawk, looking into the facts of the claim, the law underlying the claim, and the possibility of bringing a successful claim to court or other designated body. | 06-27-2002 | Y | Active |
02-113-MWJR | Approval of Board Appointment for the Fort Berthold Development Corporation | 06-27-2002 | Y | Active |
02-114-MWJR | Request for US Corps of Engineers Assistance in planning parks and recreation areas along the shoreline of Lake Sakakawea on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 06-27-2002 | Y | Active |
02-115-MWJR | Request for Bureau of Indian Affairs Facility Engineering Office to assist in planning and design of Public Works Facility | 06-27-2002 | Y | Active |
02-116-MWJR | Request to McLean County to reconstruct the former ND State Highway #8 | 06-27-2002 | Y | Active |
02-117-MWJR | JTAC Education Loans-Higher Education | 06-27-2002 | Active, Missing |
02-118-MWJR | Scattered Village Inc. (a not-for-profit business for the Tourism Gift Shop & Gallery) | 06-27-2002 | Y | Active |
02-119-MWJR | Approval of Appointments to MHA Systems Board of Directors | 06-27-2002 | Y | Active |
02-120-MWJR | Authorization for the TAT Buffalo Project to apply for a Grant through the International Bison Cooperative | 06-27-2002 | Y | Active, Missing |
02-121-MWJR | TBC gives Malcolm Wolf authority to take Personnel actions Pertinent to hiring Temps seasonal employees crucial to Project completion | 06-27-2002 | Y | Active |
02-122-MWJR | Authorization to allocate Elderly Assistance Grants | 07-16-2002 | Y | Active |
02-123-MWJR | The TBC hereby authorizes the Chairman and the Treasurer to enter into the required loan agreements on behalf of the TAT | 7-29-2002 | Y | Active |
02-124-MWJR | Mr. Ervin Lee to Provide legal services for the 2002 tribal election | | Active, Missing |
02-125-MWJR | FY2003 Tribal Management Grant | 7-29-2002 | Y | Active |
02-126-MWJR | TBC directs Small Loan Director to Expedite the Loan Proceeds for Evette Blake | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-127-MWJR | TBC directs Small loan Director to expedite the loan Proceeds for Jolene Gillis | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-128-MWJR | TBC directs Small loan Director to expedite the loan Proceeds for Velma Taken Alive | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-129-MWJR | TBC directs Small loan Director to expedite the loan Proceeds for Karen Fettig | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-130-MWJR | TBC directs Small loan Director to expedite the loan Proceeds for Richard Hall | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-131-MWJR | TBC directs Small loan Director to expedite the loan Proceeds for Shem turner Lone Fight | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-132-MWJR | TBC directs Small loan Director to expedite the loan Proceeds for Robert Young Bird | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-133-MWJR | TBC directs Small loan Director to expedite the loan Proceeds for Harriet Good Iron | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-134-MWJR | A resolution to appoint the tribal election board for Sept 17, 2002 Primary election and November 5th 2002 election | 8-14-2002 | N | Active |
02-135-MWJR | Persons enrolled with another tribe and who have received benefits from another tribe in the form of land or Payments shall not be eligible for enrollment with the TAT of the Fort Berthold Reservation | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-136-MWJR | Joseph Whitebody Relinquished from the Official membership of the TA T | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-137-MWJR | Heather Plenty Chief has relinquished from the membership of the TA T | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-138-MWJR | Shaye Birdsbill is relinquished from the membership of the TAT | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-139-MWJR | Shawnee Birdsbill is relinquished from the membership of the TAT | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-140-MWJR | TAT hereby authorizes Leo Cummings Employment training Administrator to develop and submit a l)plan that the TAT may more fully Participate in this demonstration of PL 102-477 | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-141-MWJ | Rintermediary Relending Program (RRP) Loan | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-142-MWJR | Intermediary Relending Program, USDA Small Loans Department and independence Program | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-143-MWJR | FY-2003 Community Service Block Grant | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-144-MWJR | TAT TBC approve the following expenditures for the construction of the facility for the Women's Center projected cost $450,000 in conjunction with the USDA $100,000 for the use Of the MHAWWCC | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-145-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council does herby support Kraft Statistical Consulting, Inc. with their expertise to perform these services, having written successful grant applications previously, having worked as evaluators on five grants for the Spirit Lake Nation and the TCE Grant for Circle of Life, and possessing the statistical expertise of Dr. Kathy Kraft (PhD Statistician) and; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Three Affiliated Tribes shall allocate monies in the amount of $40,000 to contract with Kraft Statistical Consulting, Inc. for the above-mentioned services, payment to be made upon receipt of services from the contractor. | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-146-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council will purchase the fifty (50) garages, not to exceed $135,000 | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-147-MWJR | WHEREAS, The Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council hereby express their desire to proceed with item #2 on the Transportation Improvement List (TIP) Regraveling several routes, designated on Resolution # 99-107. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Business Council does hereby approve to expedite this project as soon as possible | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-148-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby requests the Bureau of Indian Affairs to add the following tribal housing streets to the BIA Road Inventory System. The Tribe grants a highway easement to the BIA for a width of seventy-five feet (75) or thirty-three feet (33) on each side from the centerline of each existing street. The Three Affiliated Tribes certifies that all housing streets identified in this tribal resolution are located on tribal trust land and are open to the public. | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-149-MWJR|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation support the applications for expansion of the FBCC campus. | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-150-MWJR | Four Bears Bridge Project - Service Road. | 8-8-2002 | N | Active |
02-151-MWJR | Four Bears Bridge Project - Rights of Way | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-152-MWJR | Tour Bears Bridge Project - Monument | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-153-MWJR | Polly Mongram Land Exchange with the Tribe | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-154-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council does empower the Game and Fish Division to enact and enforce the following Proclamations as provided by the Chapter 18 Code of Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 8-8-2002| N | Active |
02-155-MWJR | Missouri River Trail Development Task Force | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-156-MWJR | The Hidatsa Spelling of Bird Woman | 8-8-2002 | Y | Active |
02-157-MWJR | None
02-158-MWJR | None
02-159-MWJR | None
02-160-MWJR | Four Bears Bridge Project - Relocation of Little Shell Celebration Grounds | 8-14-2002 | Y | Active |
02-161-MWJR | Rainbow Subdivision Annexation | 8-14-2002 | Y | Active |
02-162-MWJR | None
02-163-MWJR | TBCH, CD's Re-Issue | 8-14-2002 | Y | Active |
02-164-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation elects to rescind Resolution #90-106-N, a policy establishing a one (1) hour period for employees to participate in an exercise program during normally established work day schedules; Pedometer, a device specifically intended to monitor daily walking activity, to achieve a better health profile, and elects to purchase 100 Digi Walker Pedometers at a cost of approximately $1,700.00 which represents 50 percent of total cost, with participating employees to incur the remaining 50 percent of total cost. FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation elects to direct that the respective Program Director/Administrator or Supervisor assume and assert responsibility for adherence to policy standards. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation approves the establishment of a policy that affords employees an opportunity to participate in an exercise program by devoting 30 minutes between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. during normally established work day schedules. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation approves the utilization of the Digi Walker | 8-14-2002 | Y | Active |
02-165-MWJR | WHEREAS, The Fort Berthold Community College was advanced $30,000.00 on July 26, 2002 (which was to be paid back the following Monday, August 29, 2002) and $50,000.00 on August 12, 2002; and WHEREAS, The Fort Berthold Community College will secure a loan from a local financial institution and will reimburse the Three Affiliated Tribes the sum of $130,000.00; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the Tribal Business Council hereby approves a $50,000.00 loan to the Fort Berthold Community College for continued operation | 8-14-2002 | Y | Active |
02-166-MWJR | None
02-167-MWJR | Recovery of Third Party Collections from the Indian Health Service | 8-14-2002 | Y | Active |
02-168-MWJR | None
02-169-MWJR | C.A.M. Arbitration | 8-14-2002 | Y | Active |
02-170-MWJR | None
02-171-MWJR | None
02-172-MWJR | None
02-173-MWJR | None
02-174-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and approves the funding for the water, sewer and electricity hookup for the Mandaree Day Care center, and FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council approves Tee Bench Construction to connect the water, sewer and electricity for the Mandaree Day Care center and the funding is not to exceed $14,020.00 dollars the fund is to be taken from the Mandaree Day Care budget. | 8-14-2002 | N | Active |
02-175-MWJR | Indian Health Temporary Easement | 8-14-2002 | Y | Active |
02-176-MWJR | Approving Interim Loan and Assignment of Trust income as Security | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-177-MWJR | WHEREAS, On September 12, 2002, the Tribal Business Council reviewed a Resolution for eligible participants for enrollment with the Three Affiliated Tribes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That at the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following 29 applicants. | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-178-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Terrasina Logg in the amount of $3,500.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-179-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Rebecca Canyon in the amount of $1,750.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-180-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Brandy Jo Canyon in the amount of $1,750.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-181-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Mavis Foote in the amount of $1,500.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-182-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Marty Grady in the Amount of $3,500.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-183-MWJR | BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-184-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby approve a loan to Judy Brugh in the amount of $2,124.64. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council further directs the Small Loan Director to expedite the loan proceeds according to the terms outlined in this Resolution. | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-185-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby supports the mission and philosophy of the Parshall Resource Center and pledges to assist the delivery of recovery services on Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby approves a $10,000.00 emergency expenditure from JTAC funds for the month of September, 2002 for line item deficit expenditures. Let it be known that the Parshall Resource Center currently has in excess of $9,080.01 in outstanding debts and; safety repairs in the amount of $4,779.00 required to secure state funding currently all eight (8) residential beds at the PRC are full. | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-186-MWJR | WHEREAS, Resolution #02-123-MWJR provided that the monthly payments on the loan are to be made directly by the office of Trust Fund Management to the Community First National Bank of Dickinson from interest earned on the JTAC funds that are in excess of $30 million in the Trust income account and it is necessary to secure the balloon payment due on the maturity date, or sooner as provided in the loan documents; an NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the Governing Law, Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity and Consent to Jurisdiction provision, which shall be substantially as follows: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Committee hereby confirms that the obligations of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation are and will be the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Tribes, as borrower, and shall not be in any way affected by changes in the composition of the Tribal Business Council, whether effected through regularly scheduled elections or otherwise; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Committee affirms the prior resolution with respect to direct payment by OTFM of monthly principal and interest due to Community First Bank and does hereby approve granting Community First National Bank a security interest and assignment of that amount of the approximately $30 million in the Trust Interest Account as may be necessary to pay the balloon payment due on the maturity date of the Community First Loan or sooner, as provided in the loan documents; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the "Pledge and Assignment Agreement" between the Tribes and Marshall Investments Corporation, and other related loan documents, if any, shall be modified to provide that the balloon payment on the Community First loan will be payable from and secured by an assignment of income from the trust income account and except for the prior assignment of trust income related to the Twin Buttes bond issue will be in parity with the Interim School Loan and have priority over both the taxable and tax-exempt Marshall Investments loans of 2002 (the "summer loans | 9-12-2002 | N | Active |
02-187-MWJR | Approval of Contract for Construction of Community Building in North Segment | 9-12-2002 | Y | |
02-188-MWJR | TBCH, Transfer of Assets | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-189-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED: That the Tribal Business Council hereby supports the mission and philosophy of the Parshall Resource Center" and pledges to assist the delivery of recovery services on Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council approves a $16,736.77 monthly expenditure from JTAC Funds, from the interest derived from the Economic Recovery Fund, and that this said amount shall be included as a line item expenditure for a period of 12 months beginning October 1, 2002 and aiding September 30,2003. The amount of this allocation is not to exceed $200,841.24 for this 12 month period and; This said resolution shall be in effect until the "state contract" is finalized and the $6,373.00 per month for 24 months ($152,952.00) and $100,000.00 enhancement funding are reinstated to the Three Affiliated Tribes in behalf of the Parshall Resource Center. Thereafter this resolution will be $10,363.77 pa month for the remainder of the fiscal year 2003 | 9-30-2002 | Y | Active |
02-190-MWJR | A Resolution to Reappoint the Tribal Election Board for the November 5, 2002 General Election for the Following Positions - Tribal Chairman; Twin Buttes Council Representative; Four Bears Council Representative; Parshall/Lucky Mound Council Representative | 9-30-2002 | Y | Active |
02-191-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That at the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following 59 applicants. | 10-10-2002 | Y | Active |
02-192-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Janice E. Irwin, 301U-2812 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Hualapai Nation is to be advised of this action by a copy of this approved Resolution. | 10-10-2002 | Y | Active |
02-193-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Don J. Two Bears, 301U-8552 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Standing Rock Sioux Nation is to be advised by a copy of this approved resolution. | 10-10-2002 | Y | Active |
02-194-MWJR | None
02-195-MWJR | Housing Division pledge of JTAC funds or CD for security | 10-10-2002 | Y | Active |
02-196-MWJR | TBCH, Tribal Guarantee |10-10-2002 | N | Active |
02-197-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that for the benefit of the Fort Berthold Development Corporation, the Tribal Business Council hereby agrees to provide a continuation of a Tribal guarantee of a letter of credit in favor of a responsible materials supplier as determined by FBDC, to be issued by an appropriate banking institution in a total amount not to exceed $100,000 for any one project and to be secured by a Certificate of Deposit owned by the Tribe that exists presently, exclusive of interest earned, such that all necessary fees will be taken from interest earned; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes that such letter of credit will contain a limited waiver of sovereign immunity, the waiver being limited to the amount of the letter of credit and such remedies as are contained within it; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Chairman or the Tribal Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute any and all such documents as may be necessary to obtain the line of credit in favor of a responsible materials supplier on behalf of the Fort Berthold Development Corporation as described herein; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby directs its legal department to review the language in all relevant documents on behalf of the Tribe. | 10-10-2002 | Y | Active |
02-198-MWJR | Approval of Records Management Policy and Establishment of Secretary's Office as Records Management Department | 10-10-2002 | Y | Active |
02-199-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes requests the following described tract of land be returned to the Three Affiliated Tribes and that the Bureau of Indian Affairs through the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Regional Director and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs do all things necessary to transfer title of the land to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, to wit: That portion of Tract No. G3045-G, exclusive of minerals, described as the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 147 North, Range 91 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Dunn County, North Dakota, and more particularly described in the attached Metes and Bounds description; this tract contains 17.540 acres, more or less, and is subject to any previous agreements, conveyances, easements and surveys BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bureau of Indian Affairs complete the transfer Of title in the shortest possible time frame | 10-10-2002 | Y | Active |
02-200-MWJR | USDA Pre-Application to Develop Essential Community Facilities | 10-10-2002 | Y | Active |
02-201-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes goes on record to recognize Iris Bird Bear Obes and Arthur Mandan as certified Hidatsa language instructors and Maude Starr as a certified Arikara language instructor. | 10-10-2002 | Y | Active |
02-202-MWJR | None
02-203-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council hereby authorizes the tribal truancy office in Parshall to utilize the following equipment and tribal property for administrative purposes: Computer-Monitor-printer(serial #s: Compaq 7470 IXOlDCTXElllNJ, COMPAQ MV 520 949BE64MBD88, HEWLETT PACKARD C2145A); TRIBAL VEHICLE (DODGE INTREPID VIN # 2B3HD46RIYH402798 | 10-10-2002 | N | Active |
02-204-MWJR | Development of Ethics Code for the Tribal Business Council and Tribal Employees | | Y| Active |
02-205-MWJR | Personnel Selection Process | 10-10-2002 | N | Active |
02-206-MWJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Tribal Business Council hereby approves a loan and grant with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the amount of $4,325,750, and $3,539,250 respectively, to be used for selected water supply and distribution projects for the Fort Berthold Rural Water System, the principal terms of which are that the loan is amortized over 40 years at an approximate annual interest rate of 4.75%, with the final loan documents subject to approval of the Tribal Business Council; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the following loan documents necessary to apply for the loan from Rural Development: | 9-12-2002 | Y | Active |
02-207-MWJR | None
02-208-MWJR | Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation Approving Interim XIV Loan and Assignment of Trust Income as Security | 10-23-2002 | Y | Active |
02-209-MWJR | None
02-210-MWJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the withdrawal of the earnings for the Docket Funds for FY03 Tribal operations in the amount of $440,205.68; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Chairman and Tribal Treasurer can disburse these funds of $440,206.68 as authorized by the Plan. Attached are the allocations for these monies that are described in this plan. | 10-23-2002 | Y | Active |
02-003-RP | Approval to allocate docket funds for FY03 Tribal Operations in the amount of $440,206.00 | 11/8/2002 | Y | Active |
02-004-RP | Authorization of NCAI membership dues | 11/8/2002 | | Active, Missing |
02-005-RP | Approval of Four Bears Boards and Commissions appointments | 11/8/2002 | Y | Active |
02-006-RP | Approval for partial payment of Four Bears Head Start Project | 11/8/2002 | Y | Active |
02-007-RP | Approval of expenditures from the earnings of the Economic Recovery Fund | 11/8/2002 | N | Active |
02-008-RP | Approval of TAT Enrollment: 33 members | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-009-RP | Enrollment Relinquishment: Cara Williams | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-010-RP | Enrollment Relinquishment: Gerald Aaron Dixon | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-011-RP | Enrollment Relinquishment: Russel Donovan Dixon | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-012-RP | Enrollment Relinquishment: Patricia Charlene Dixon | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-013-RP | Enrollment Relinquishment: Dillon Isaac Dixon | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-014-RP | Approval of the Circle of Cultures Logo | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-015-RP | Approval of settlement concerning royalty payments (Crow Flies High) | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-016-RP | Approval of Lewis and Clark Road Project | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-017-RP | Approval of TAT General Budget FY03 | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-018-RP | Approval of appointments for TAT Committees | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-019-RP | Appointment of Casey Fredericks as FBHA Chairman | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-020-RP | Appointments for Parshall Resource Center Board of Directors | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-021-RP | Mandaree Community Board Appointments | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-022-RP | North Segment Board Appointments | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-023-RP | South Segment Board Appointments | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-024-RP | Delegation of Malcolm Wolf as Project Administrator for the law enforcement center project | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-025-RP | Eastern Segment Board Appointments | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-026-RP | Appointment of Gerald White Sr. to Gaming Commission | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-027-RP | Approval of Intermediary Relending Program Loan | 11/21/2002 | Y | Active |
02-028-RP | None
02-029-RP | None
02-030-RP | Approval to hire Jay Leitch as an expert in TAT v. Norton | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-031-RP | Opposition of Fighting Sioux logo and name | 11/21/2002 | N | Active |
02-032-RP | Appointment of Mervin Packineau and Marcus Wells Jr. to the Intertribal Monitoring Association | 12/12/2003 | | Active, Missing |
02-033-RP | Allocation of $7000 to Antelope Society Mid-Winter Pow-Wow | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-034-RP | Approval of expenditures from the earnings of the Economic Recovery Fund | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-035-RP | Approval for renewal of auditor in contract with Brady, Martz in the amount of $63.000 | 12/12/2003 | | | Active, Missing |
02-036-RP | Approval of a resolution in support of all North Dakota Tribes to adopt of Option 1-Fort Berthold Rural water | 12/12/2003 | | Active, Missing |
02-037-RP | Allocation of $500 in elder assistance for FY03 | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-038-RP | Support for Project Cristal | 12/12/2003 | | Active, Missing |
02-039-RP | TAT Enrollment: 7 members | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-040-RP | Enrollment Relinquishment: Ryan Lee Herman | 12/12/2003 | | Active, Missing |
02-041-RP | Land Purchase: Jerome Morsette | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-042-RP | Reappointment of Mildred J. Berryhill | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-043-RP | Approval to purchase Roads equipment | 12/12/2003 | N | Active |
02-044-RP | Approval of Rotating Associate Judges FY03 | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-045-RP | Lease purchase agreement for the Post Office Building in New Town | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-046-RP | Allocation of $1, 897 to Four Bears Casino for annual Elders Christmas Dinner | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-047-RP | Allocation of $5000 to Fort Berthold Unity Riders organization for start-up costs | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-048-RP | Approval to assign the Tribal Elder Housing Program to the TAT Housing Division | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-049-RP | Approval for Workforce Development Board | 12/12/2003 | N | Active |
02-050-RP | Mineral Assessment Project | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
02-051-RP | Corrine Crow Flies High Yazzie Memorial | 12/12/2003 | Y | Active |
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