2004 Resolutions

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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status | 

  • 04-001-RP | Unknown| 1/8/2004 | N | Missing |

  • 04-002-RP | Three Affiliated Tribes' Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Plan - FY 2004-2008 | 1/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-003-RP | Authorization to for MHA Holding Company to Negotiate a Line of Credit up to $400,000 | 1/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-004-RP | Tribal Housing Division, Selection Committee | 1/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-005-JRP | Tribal Housing Division, Revised Existing Military Housing Policy. | 1/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-006-JRP | Tribal Housing Division, Applications Scored by Time and Qualifications. | 1/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-007-RP | Land Exchange with Nelson Bird Bear 301-Ul611 | 1/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-008-RP | Audit Services for FY-02 | 1/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-009-RP | Van Ness Contract | 1/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-010-RP | Amendments to the Business Council Travel Policy | 1/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-011-RP | State Income Tax Collection: approval of a Retainer Agreement to engage Greg Larson from Wheeler Wolf Law Firm to assist in the latter of tax litigation, not to exceed $50,000 to $75,000. | 1/8/2004 | Y | Active, Missing |

  • 04-012-RP | Authorization For A $75,000.00 Advance To the MHA Enterprise, Inc. FY-04 Budget to the Corporation. | 1/9/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-013-RP | Education Assistance for University of Mary MBA Students | 1/9/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-014-RP | HIP Program transfer the HIP Program from the Fort Berthold Housing Authority to the Tribal Housing Program. Councilman | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-015-RP | Authorization to Temporarily Use the Net Distributions from the 4 Bears Casino & Lodge to the Tribes As Collateral for the $2,507,000 USDA Loan for North Segment Community Center Project | 2/16/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-016-RP | Housing Division. Native American Bank, NA loan | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-017-RP | Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-018-RP | Sakakawea Landowners Association Allottee Charter | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-019-RP | Deborah Sustrich Land sale to the Three Affiliated Tribe | 2/16/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-020-RP | Authorization for the Contracting of Fiscal Year 2004 Funding Received through the Institute of Museums and Library Services, Native American Library Services to the Fort Berthold Community College | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-021-RP | Support of MHA Buffalo Enterprise Application for Internal Bison Cooperative Grant. | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-022-RP | Requesting the Indian Health Service to Work with the Tribe in Awarding a Design/Build Contract for the Expansion of the Mandaree Lagoon to the Fort Berthold Development Corporation. | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-023-RP | Approval of Certification of Loan Resolution Security Agreement Regarding the North Segment Community Center. | 3/11/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-024-RP | Support For ITEA 's ANA Grant Application | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-025-RP | Authorization for the Health Resources and Services Administration, US Department of Health and Human Services and Associates to and Conduct the North Dakota American Indian Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey of Willing Native Residents of the Fort Berthold Reservation | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-026-RP | Authorization for the UND Psychology Department to Conduct a Dementia Screening and Dementia Assessment of Willing Elders of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation. | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-027-RP | Authorization and Support for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program Grant Application. | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-028-RP | Adoption of Motor Fuels Excise Tax | 2/16/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-029-RP | Bureau of Indian Affairs Higher Education Budget | 3/11/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-030-RP | Approval and Authorization for A Loan, Withdrawal of Trust Fund Moneys For Reserve Fund Therefore and Assignment of Trust Fund Interest as Security. | 3/11/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-031-RP | Purchase of RDO Equipment | 3/11/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-032-RP | Upper Missouri River Intertribal Alottees Association (UMRIAA) | 3/11/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-033-RP | Support for the documentary film on the flooding of tribal and allotted lands and its impacts on the social, cultural and economy of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. | 3/11/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-034-RP | Support for the Intertribal COUP/ICLEI Energy Independence Day Campaign & Endorsement of the "American Indian & Alaska Native Leadership Statement on Global Warning | 3/11/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-035-RP | Commitment to Participate in the Intertribal COUP Environmental Justice Wind Energy Development Demonstration Project | 3/11/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-036-RP | Water Supply Contract Between the Three Affiliated Tribes DBA-Fort Berthold Water Supply System, and McKenzie County Rural Water System. | 3/11/2004 | N | Active, Missing |

  • 04-037-RP | McKenzie County Refuse Disposal Agreement | 3/11/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-038-RP | Finish Grade and Gravel Base on Rainbow Street | 3/11/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-039-RP | Appropriation of $10,000.00 to MHA Enterprises, Inc. to Invest in the Multi-Tribal Natural Beef, Buffalo and Food Products Company. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-040-DSB | Housing Division Authority to Obtain a NAB Loan for Dreamcatcher Development Materials | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-041-DSB | Consultant Agreement for Lori Pemberton to Provide Loan Origination Services to Three Affiliated Tribes Housing Division | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-042-DSB | Housing Division authority to obtain a Federal Home Loan Bank grant in the amount of $500,000.00. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-043-DSB | Housing Authority; administration of (HIP) Contract. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-044-DSB | Legal Appeal of Third Party Billing to develop a legal appeal to the denial of the collection of the third party, file it requesting a waiver that it is allowable for the Tribe to be paid from the date they started the billing process. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-045-1-RP | Extension of Time to Closeout Travel Record | 4/8/2004| Y | Active |

  • 04-045-2-RP | Approval of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Ankara Nation Personnel Polices and Procedures Manual | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-045-3-RP | Housing Division HUD section 184 loans. Authorized Representatives. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active, Related 04-089-RP |

  • 04-046-RP | Approving Loan and Pledge of Revenues and Personal Property of Four Bears Casino & Lodge and Related Facilities. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-047-RP | Approving Loan, Withdrawal of Trust Fund Moneys for Reserve Account Therefore and Assignment of Trust Fund Interest as Security. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-048-RP | Arlee Fox Muzzy aka Aria Jean Fox Muzzy Land Exchange w/the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-049-RP | Angus Fox Land Exchange with the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-050-RP | Gift of Land by Eleanor Sorenson aka Mary Eleanor Hale, U-N417, a Married Woman | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-051-RP | Issuance of a non-profit corporate charter to the MHA Nation Rodeo Club | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-052-RP | Audit(s) for the Parshall Resource Center Inc. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-053-RP | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That at the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following 98 applicants. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-054-RP | Relinquishment of Blake Morgan Stiffarm | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-055-RP | Relinquishment of Jason Stevenson. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-056-RP | Relinquishment of Maynard Good Bear, Jr. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-057-RP | Relinquishment of Tyler C. Pankra | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-058-RP | Relinquishment of Lyda Jade Robertson | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-059-RP | Relinquishment of Kelsey Jolie Thinka. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-060-RP | Relinquishment of Shayne Frank. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Rescinded 7/12/2012 by 12-078-VJB |

  • 04-061-RP | Relinquishment of Melinda Incognito Balderas. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-062-RP | Relinquishment of Anthony Incognito | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-063-RP | Extension of Consultant Contract for Legal Services with Tom Disselhorst | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-064-RP | Authorization to apply to the Office of Victims of Crime Tribal Victim Assistance funding in the amount of $61,705 | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-065-RP | Endorsement of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Medallions For the New Bridge. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-066-RP | Creation of Advisory Board for the 2006 Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Signature Event | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-067-RP | Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council's Call for Congress and the Department of Interior to Immediately Delay the Department of Interior's Reorganization of the Bureau of Indian Affairs For One Year So that the Three Affiliated Tribes Can Submit an Agency Specific Reorganization Plan that Better Address the Needs of the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-068-RP | Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement for Law Enforcement Services. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-069-RP | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes that an expenditure of $3,000 is hereby approved towards the completion of the documentary video illustrating the needs of the North Dakota tribes, for use with Congress and the public at large, with said funds coming from the general fund of the Tribe and such accounts as have been designated for tourism or public relations; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council hereby appoints Glenda Embry to be the liaison with United Tribes on this project. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-070-MWJR | Authorization for the Chairman to Sign Contract Amendment with Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse, Endreson and Perry, LLP to Establish Attorney Compensation Rates for Work on a Potential Contract Support Cost Claim against the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Other Contract Matters. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-071-RP | Amendment to the Charter of the Fort Berthold Community College Prohibiting the Expenditure or Obligation of the Principal Amount of any Endowment Funds. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-072-RP | Tribal Guarantee of consolidation loan to Fort Berthold Community College. | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-073-RP | Authorizing a Loan to Twin Buttes Custom Homes in the Amount of $250,000. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-074-RP | Authorizing a 90-Day Loan to Fort Berthold Development Corporation in the Amount of $800,000. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-075-RP | Authorizes the Cashing of the $253,000.00 Certificate of Deposit at Community First National Bank to pay off FBDC's Note. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-076-RP | Traffic Safety Program to secure Bureau of Indian Affairs Funds | 4/8/2004| Y | Active |

  • 04-077-RP | Fort Berthold Tribal Cultural Interpretive Center - Phase Two | 4/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-078-RP | Fort Berthold Tribal Cultural Interpretive Center USDA Loan Guaranteed Loan Grant Application |4/8/2004 | | Active, Missing |

  • 04-079-RP | Approval to Drawdown $894,000 OF HV-HUD Funds |4/8/2004 | | Active, Missing |

  • 04-080-RP | Healthy Skins Foundation. | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-081-RP | North Segment Community Building Completion | 4/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-082-RP | NONE

  • 04-083-RP | Adoption of Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance | 5/21/2004 | N | Active, Ordinance Not Included |

  • 04-084A-RP | P.L. 103-413 Contract for Existing Adult and Juvenile Program Functions, Services and Activities, directly and indirectly related thereto, including but not limited to Equipment, Furnishings, Vehicles, and Direct Contract Support Costs, as well as for the Tribes' Assumption of Contracts and Resources, Financial or Otherwise, for Detention of Adults and Juveniles. |5/21/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-084-RP | Approval of Adult and Juvenile Detention Handbooks for the Detention Facility | 5/21/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-085-RP | Approval of Lease Agreement with Department of Interior and Sublease Agreement with Mandaree School District No. 36 | 5/21/2004| N | Active |

  • 04-086-RP | Approval of Call Center Start-Up | 5/21/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-087-RP | Tribal Enterprises; Responsibility for their own Accounting Duties |5/21/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-088-RP | Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Fannie Mae | 5/21/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-089-RP | Housing Division. Native American Bank, NA Revolving Line of Credit. | 5/21/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-089-RP | Outstanding Travel Balances reverted to the Small Loans Department for Collection in concurrence to Resolution #04-45-RP | 5/21/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-090-RP | Housing Improvement Program, CFR Amendments | 5/21/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-091-RP | Authorization for the Purchase of 161 shares of Common Stock in Native American corporation Co. | 5/21/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-092-RP | Robert Young Bird, Sr. Land Sale to the Tribe | 5/21/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-093-RP | Meredith Irwin Land Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5/21/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-094-RP | Valentine Finley, Sr., Land Exchange with the Tribe | 5/21/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-095-RP | Protecting the Garrison Reach of the Missouri River | 5/21/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-096-RP | Authorization of Payment of Membership Dues for the North Dakota Indian Gaming Association | 5/21/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-097-RP | Mandaree Security Program Proposal. | 5/21/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-098-RP | Approval of Buy-Out of LSA and Associates' Interests In its Participating Lease with the Tribe and Purchase of Certain Land Owned by Dale Little Soldier. |5/21/2004| N | Active |

  • 04-099-RP |North Dakota Indian Gaming Dues|5/21/2004| N | Active, Missing |

  • 04-100-RP |Mandaree Segment Security Program|5/21/2004| N | Active, Missing |

  • 04-101-RP |Lake Sakakawea Casino Plan B |5/21/2004| N | Active, Missing

  • 04-102-RP |NONE

  • 04-103-RP |Authorization for Vehicle Purchase by Parshall Detox Center. |6/18/2004 |N |Active |

  • 04-103-RP |Request to Indian Health Service to Increase Contract Health Services Budget |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-104-RP |Support for the Formation of a Separate Corporate Entity to be owned by the same Tribes comprising United Tribes Technical College and to work in conjunction with UTTC. |6/29/2004 |N |Active |

  • 04-105-RP |Appointment of Karen Stevens to the Board of the Fort Berthold Housing Authority. |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-106-RP |Approval of a Contract between Esley Thorton, Sr. and the Three Affiliated Tribes for the Commission of the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Council Pictorial Archive Project. |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-107-RP |Request to Indian Health Service to Increase Contract Health Services Budget |6/29/2004 |N |Active |

  • 04-108-RP |Approval of Charter for Non-profit Three Affiliated Tribes Cultural Interpretive Center Foundation. |6/29/2004 |N |Active |

  • 04-109-RP |Approval of the Fort Berthold Tribal Cultural Interpretive Center Economic Development Initiative VA-HUD for 2003 |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-110-RP |Approval. of the Fort Berthold Tribal Cultural Interpretive Center Economic Development Initiative for 2004 |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-111-RP |Kelly J. Fox, Land Stile to the Three Affiliated Tribe NActive

  • 04-111-RP |Approval of the Certification of Loan Resolution Security Agreement Between USDA Rural Development and the Three Affiliated Tribe for the Detention Center in Regard to a $1.85 Million Loan from USDA to the Tribe. |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-112-RP |Housing Improvement Program Prioritization of Applicants- FY 2005. |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-113-RP |Contracting of the Housing Improvement Program for FY 2004 |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-114-RP |Approval of Mortgage Loan Referral Agreement with Bremer Bank |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-115-RP |Conditional Approval of USDA Solid Waste Improvement Project I Grant. |6/29/2004 |N |Active |

  • 04-115-RP |Approval of the Water or Waste System Grant Agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utility Service in the Amount of $428,000.00 for the Emergency Mandaree Intake Extension Project. |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-116-RP |Authorization of the Self Determination Contract between the Bureau of Reclamation and the Three Affiliated Tribes for the Water Resource Development, Management, and Protection Contract for the Fort Berthold Rural Water Supply System |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-117-RP |Disbursement of funds from the interest earnings from the Economic Recovery Fund of the Equitable Compensation Act in the Event of Default of the Tribe on loans obtained from Marshall Investments Corporation |6/29/2004 |Y |Active |

  • 04-118-RP |Process for disbursement of funds from the interest earnings of the Economic Recovery Fund of the Equitable Compensation Act in the Event of Default of the Tribe on loans obtained from Marshall Investments Corporation |6/29/2004 |Y | Active |

  • 04-119-RP |Elder's Distribution | 6/29/2004 | N |Active, Missing |

  • 04-120-RP | Election Board Selection | 7/8/2004 | N | Active, Missing |

  • 04-121-RP | Authorization for a Disbursement to the Elders | 7/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-122-RP | Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Three Affiliated Tribes and United States Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service for RPMS Access at the Parshall and White Shield Clinics. | 7/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-123-RP | Authorization for the Chairman to Negotiate and Execute Up to a $ 5,000,000 Revolving Line of Credit with a Financial Institution for General Operating Purposes of the Tribe | 7/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-124-RP | Authorizing $150,000 Loan to Fort Berthold Community College | 6/29/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-125-RP | Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Three Affiliated Tribes and United States Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service for RPMS Access at the Parshall and White Shield Clinics. | 7/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-126-RP | Approval of Enrollment of 69 Pending Applications with the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 7/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-127-RP | Four Bears Segment Elder Units -Four Bears Segment Representative Granted Administrative Authority for Completion of Project | 7/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-128-RP | Contribution to Vietnam Vets | 7/8/2004 | | N | Active, Missing |

  • 04-129-RP | Approval of Buy-Out of LSA and Associates' Interests in its Participating Lease with the Tribe and Purchase of Certain Land Owned by Dale Little Soldier. | 7/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-130-RP | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That at the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following 78 applicants. | 7/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-130-RP | Approval of Financing with Marshall Investments Corporation for New Casino Operated by Tribe | 7/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-131-RP | Authorization to seek a $13,000,000 Loan to Finance South Segment Casino Project| 7/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-132-RP | Constitution Revision Budget Amendment (No Resolution) | 7/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-133-RP | Purchase of West Nile Vaccine (No Resolution) | 7/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-134-RP | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That at the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following applicants and officially approves the enrollment of the following applicants. YActive

  • 04-135-RP | Authorization to Purchase a 199416X80 Detroiter Mobile Home from Spender Wilkinson, Jr. | 7/8/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-136-RP | Delegation of Oversight Authority Over the Gerald "Tex" Fox Justice Center to the Judicial Committee of the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council |7/8/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-137-RP | NONE

  • 04-138-RP | Support of Public Record of Brownfields Sites | 8/31/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-139-RP | Karl Big Pond Land Sale to the Three Affiliated | 8/31/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-140-RP | Pernell Poitra Mineral Sale to the Three Affiliated | 8/31/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-141-RP | Authorization from the Three Affiliated Tribes to Guarantee a Loan From Lakeside State Bank to the Fort Berthold Community College | 9/1/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-142-RP | NONE

  • 04-143-RP | Wind and Renewable Power Feasibility Study | 9/1/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-144-RP | NONE

  • 04-145-RP | NONE

  • 04-146-RP | 2004 Three Affiliated Tribes Deer, Bow Hunting Proclamation

  • 04-147-RP | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Theodore Lewis Baker, 301U- 8232 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, is to be advised with a copy of this resolution. | 8/31/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-148-RP | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that DeAnna Wahwahsuck, 301U-8040 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas, is to be advised with a copy of this resolution, | 8/31/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-149-RP | Approval of FY-2005 Community Service Block Grant | 9/1/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-150-RP | Approval of Right-of-Way Easement of Northern Light Subdivision Roads to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. | 9/1/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-151-RP | NONE

  • 04-152-RP | Political Contribution to Joe Satrom Campaign for Race for Governor of the State of North Dakota | 9/1/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-153-RP | Approval of FY-2005 Community Service Block Grant NActive

  • 04-154-RP | A Resolution Approving Twin Buttes Custom Homes Certificate of Deposit Collateralization Reissue |9/1/2004 | N | Active |

  • 04-155-RP | NONE

  • 04-156-RP | Approval of Supplemental Funding for the Mandaree Security Program. | 9/1/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-157-RP | Northern Plains Intertribal Court of Appeals | 9/1/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-158-RP | Authorization from the Three Affiliated Tribes to Guarantee a Loan From Lakeside State Bank to the Fort Berthold Community College NActive

  • 04-159-RP | October 11, 2004 All Chiefs' Day Includes The Wiping of the Tears Ceremony | 9/1/2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-160-RP | Approval of Dues for National Congress of American Indians Annual Membership Dues and Appointment of Delegates and Alternates | 10-5-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-001-NH | Appointment of Executive Officers of the Tribal Business Council; November 2004 | 11-5-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-002-NH | Order of Business - November, 2004 pursuant to the Constitution and By-laws of the Fort Berthold Reservation | 11-10-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-003-NH | Balanced FY2005 General Fund Budget with Provision for Tribal Membership Input | 11-10-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-004-NH | Small Loan Program | 11-10-2004 | N | Missing |

  • 04-005-NH | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the Circle of Life Program to offer to provide services to the United States District Court, as designated in Solicitation number 0868-05-003, at fees to be set by the Circle of Life Program, and to enter into a short-term contract with the United States District Court if such offer is accepted. | 11-11-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-006-NH | Authorization for the Natural Resources Committee to Give Preference to Tribal Housing for Tribally owned, Fee-simple Lots | 11-11-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-007-NH | Authorization for Tribal Housing Division to Purchase Lots from Fritz Bird Bear | 11-11-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-008-NH | Authorization for Tribal Housing Division to Demolish Tribally owned Building/Structures on tribal lots | 11-11-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-009-NH | Extension of Consultant Agreement for Lori Pemberton to Provide Loan Origination Services to Three Affiliated Tribes Housing Division | 11-10-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-010-NH | Housing Division Authority To Apply For Otto Bremmer Foundation| 11-10-2004 | N | Active, Missing |

  • 04-011-NH | Authorization and Approval of the Tribal Housing Division Policies and Procedures | 11-10-2004 | N | Active, Missing |

  • 04-012-NH | Settlement of Federal Trust Responsibility Case | 11-10-2004 | N | Active, Missing |

  • 04-013-NH | Authority to Eastern Segment Representative to oversee the Arickara Multi Purpose Cultural Center Project | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-014-NH | Rotation of the Indian Community Development Block Grant Funding (ICDBG) | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-015-NH | Support of Fort Berthold Healthy People In Healthy Communities, Tribal Involvement Grant For The Lewis and Clark Bicentennial | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-016-NH | Request to Secretary of Health and Human Service to modify PL 93-638 Contract No. HHS-I- 241-2005-N10 Between the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-017-NH | Head Start Purchase of Buses | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-018-NH | Appointment of the Tribal Business Council Committees November 2004. | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-019-NH | Esley Thornton, Sr., Land Exchange with the Tribe | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-020-NH | Authorization for Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Housing Division to apply for Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Tribe Grant. | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-021-NH | Tribal Chairmen's Health Board| 11-22-2004 | N | Missing |

  • 04-022-NH | American Indian and Alaska Native Pediatric Height and Weight Study. | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-023-NH | Indian Community Development Block Grant Matching Funds | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-024-NH | Amendment VII, Dual Enrollment | 11-22-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-025-NH | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Antoinette Fournier, 301U-04017 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Spirit Lake Nation, is to be advised with a copy of this resolution. | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-026-NH | | 11-24-2004 | N | Missing |

  • 04-027-NH | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Brite S. is hereby relinquished from the of the Three Affiliated Tribes. Leader, 30 1U-0 4 57 3 official membership roll. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Comanche Nation, is to be advised with a copy of this resolution. | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-028-NH | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Jordan L. Leader, 301U-10240 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Comanche Nation, is to be advised with a copy of this resolution. | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-029-NH | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Joshua S. Leader, 301U-10241 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Comanche Nation, is to be advised with a copy of this resolution. | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-030-NH | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Brandon Maeander, 301U-10242 is hereby relinquished from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Comanche Nation, is to be advised with a copy of this resolution. | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-031-NH | North Segment Boards and Commissions Appointments | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-032-NH | Support of Sahnish Cultural Society, Tribal Involvement Grant for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial"; November 2004 | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-033-NH || 11-24-2004 | | Missing |

  • 04-034-NH | West Segment Boards and Commissions appointment | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-035-NH | Tribal Match for Smokey Merrick Running Club Trip | 11-24-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-036-NH | Authorization for the North Segment Community to Enter into Rental and Use Agreements with Third Parties for Use of the North Segment Community Building | 12-09-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-037-NH | Creation of an Institutional Review Board to screen and monitor research study requests made to the Tribes. | 12-09-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-038-NH | Authorization for a Disbursement to the Elders | 12-09-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-039-NH | Authorization for MHA Elders Organization to Enter into Contracts for Health and Outreach Services Funding with the State of North Dakota | 12-09-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-040-NH | Adoption of Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation Public 101630 Background Investigations Policy and Procedure | 12-09-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-041-NH | Recognition of the Grazing Rate/Natural Resources Task Force, Its Appointees and Approval of Grazing Rate for 2005. | 12-09-2004| Y | Active |

  • 04-042-NH | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to Title I, Chapter 1, Section 4.3 of the Fort Berthold Tribal Code, hereby formally appoints Mildred J. Berryhill as Magistrate of the Fort Berthold District Court for a term of two (2) years, which term shall be effective from January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2006. | 12-09-2004| Y | Active |

  • 04-043-NH | Associate Judges in the Fort Berthold District Court | 12-09-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-044-NH | Tribal Authorizations and Certifications for Submittal of the Tribes' ICDBG Application for HUD Fiscal Year 2004 Funds | 12-09-2004 | Y | Active |

  • 04-045-NH | ICDBG Application for a Multi-Purpose Building in West Segment | 12-09-2004 | Y | Active |

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