2019 Resolutions
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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status |
Note: For resolution #’s in black see status.
19-001-FWF | Approval of 10 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 1/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-002-FWF | Approval of the Transfer of the Old White Shield School located in the East Segment, from the BIA to the Tribe | 1/10/2019 | Y | Active, Amended by 19-248-FWF |
19-003-FWF | Approval of Appointment for Crystal Bowen of Communications Board for Twin Buttes Segment| 1/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-004-FWF | Community Schools Coordinator for the New Town Public School District #1 | 1/10/2019 | Y | Rescinded by 21-033-FWF |
19-005-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Fort Berthold 148-94-19D-18-11H, 12H, 13H, 14H, 15H and Fort Berthold 148-94-30A-31-8H, 9H, 10H, 11H and Fort Berthold 148-94-29B-32-12H (Grizzly) ten well pad Project Submitted by Bruin E&P Operating, LLC. | 1/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-006-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Marathon Oil Company for the Four Bears USA Project. | 1/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-007-CSB | Approval of City Lot Lease and Utility Corridor for Saint Anthony’s Catholic Church | 1/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-008-CSB | Approving the Employment Contract with Sara R. Robinson for the Position of Lead Public Defender for the Three Affiliated Tribes Legal Department | 1/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-009-CSB | Approval of the Lease Settlement Agreement with Kinetic Leasing, Inc. | 1/10/2019 | Y | Active, Internal Only|
19-010-FWF | Approving of General Contractor with Rolac Contracting, Inc. and Costs for Public Safety and Judicial Maintenance Facility in New Town, North Dakota [PSJC] | 1/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-011-FWF | Skipped | | | |
19-012-FWF | Approval of Fiscal Year 2019 General Fund Budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-013-FWF | Approval of 35 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-014-FWF | Approval of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor for construction of the Mandaree School Project, with Burke Construction Group, Inc., of Las Vegas, Nevada for $23,233,346; Authorization for the School District of up to $18,000,000 in FY2019 funds as required for payment of obligations under the terms of the Agreement | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active,Related: 18-309-FWF , 18-310-FWF , 19-014-FWF , 19-112-FWF , 19-261-FWF , 19-262-FWF , 21-062-FWF. |
19-015-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, LLC for the Axell USA CTB. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-016-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Skunk Creek 8-2 Multi-Well Pad and Multi-Use Access Road Corridor Project Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-017-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Skunk Creek 4-7 Multi-Well Pad and Multi-Use Access Road Corridor Project Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-018-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100508 for the Horses East Well Pad Modification Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-019-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100504 for the Horses West Well Pad Expansion Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-020-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Marathon Oil Company for the Quale USA Project. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-021-FWF | Consent to Modification No. 1 to BIA ROW No. FBOG100242 and Consent to an Additional Modification to BIA ROW No. FBOG100242 for the Bears Ghost USA 31 Well Pad, Access Road, and Multiuse Corridor Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-022-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Delores Sand 29-32H Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-023-FWF | Consent to Approval of a half-mile Lake Setback Variance for Axell USA CTB Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-024-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Riverview 32 Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-025-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Whales Loop 1/Peppers Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-026-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Fish South Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-027-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Leviathan Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-028-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Whales Loop 3 Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active , Amended by 19-326-FWF on 12/19/2019|
19-029-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Wolf Chief Re-Route Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-030-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Western Expansion North Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-031-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Western Expansion South Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-032-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Helen Well Connect Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-033-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Corn Stalk Loop Line Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-034-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the African Animals North Well Connect Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-035-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Clouds West Well Connect Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. 2/14/2019 | Y |Active |
19-036-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Lackawanna Loop Line Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active|
19-037-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the XTO Reese 43X Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative. | 2/14/2019 | Y |Active |
19-038-FWF | Award of Pre-Construction Contract for Elbowoods Memorial Health Center Dental and Eye Clinic Addition, New Town, North Dakota, for the Three Affiliated Tribes' Elbowoods Memorial Health Center to Scull Contracting, Rapid City, South Dakota. | 2/14/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-039-FWF | Approval and Authorization of Reconstruction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Route 2 Not to Exceed the Amount of $10,442,000 and hereby Prioritizes the Bureau of Indian Affairs Route 2 as No. 1 on the FY 2019 TIP List |2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-040-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active, Corrected |
19-041-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Livestock Watering System[Pete Fredericks] | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-042-FWF | Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land | 2/14/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-043-FWF | Approval of Loan for Thunder Butte Petroleum Services, Inc. for Operating Costs | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-044-FWF | Approval of the Special Counsel Contract Between Galanda Broadman PLLC and the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-045-FWF | Approval of TERO Employment Rights Fee Waiver for the Twin Buttes Community Center Project. | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-046-FWF | Approving of Architect/Engineer Contract and Costs for Parshall Recreation-Emergency Center in Parshall, North Dakota | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-047-FWF | Continuation of the Streamflow Gauging Project on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active |
19-048-FWF | Reserved | 2/14/2019 | Y | Active, Internal Only |
19-049-FWF | Appointing the Delegates from the Three Affiliated Tribes to the Coalition of Large Tribes (COLT) and Authorizing the Payment of the Coalition of Large Tribes Dues. | 2/25/2019 | Y | Active |
19-050-FWF | Compact Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the State of North Dakota Regarding Oil and Gas Gross Production and Extraction Taxes Within the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 2/25/2019 | Y | Active |
19-051-FWF | Authorization for Awarding Fort Berthold Rural Water On-Call Service Contracts (Electrical, Municipal and O&M Services) | 3/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-052-FWF | Approving of Further Construction and Costs for the TAT-MHA Satellite-Outreach Wellness Facility, Bismarck, North Dakota | 3/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-053-FWF | Authorization for the Fort Berthold Housing Authority to Apply for the Housing & Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant Program (ICDBG) for Indian Tribes | 3/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-054-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land | 3/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-055-FWF | Approval of the Four Bears Home Mortgage Program Payroll Deduction for Tribal Employees, Entities, and Affiliates | 3/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-056-FWF | Approval for the Application for the Twin Buttes Champions Ranch Project: A Community Development Grant from Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux (Dakota) Community Business Council | 3/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-057-FWF | Dawn L. Howling Wolf Bull Bear’s Land Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 3/7/2019 | Y | Active, correction made 4/2/2019 |
19-058-FWF | Fort Berthold Housing Authority (FBHA) year 1 of a 5 year Community Revitalization Project 2019 Approval for Request of Funds. | 3/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-059-FWF | Authorization for a one-time Disbursement of Funds from Tribal Oil & Gas Royalty Revenues to All Enrolled Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-060-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $19,500,000.00 | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-061-FWF | Approval of 72 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-062-FWF | Approval of a Sponsorship in the Amount of $150,000.00 to the Northern Badlands Indian Rodeo Association. | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-063-FWF | Mandaree Enterprises, LLC Owner Exclusion for MEC Development, LLC | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-064-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-065-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [FBRW] | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-066-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land for the Reservation Telephone Cooperative for Tribal Members Benefit| 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-067-FWF | Appointing the Delegates from the Three Affiliated Tribes to the National Indian Gaming Association and Authorizing the Payment of the National Indian Gaming Association’s Annual Dues. | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-068-FWF | Approving Additional Funding to the Annual Public Works Department Operating Budget | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-069-FWF | Enactment of the MHA Nation Limited Liability Code | 4/12/2019 | Y | Active, Code Included|
19-070-FWF | Authorization for Fort Berthold Diabetes Program to submit grant proposal for the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country-National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion-Centers for Disease Control. |4/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-071-FWF | USDA Local Food Promotion Program Funding Opportunity No. USDA-AMS-TM-LFPP-G-19-0001 and 25 percent (25%) Matching of Federal Funds Awarded | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-072-FWF | Approval of 31 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-073-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Marathon Oil Company for the Shortall USA Project. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-074-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Marathon Oil Company for the Pennington USA 31 and Ardis USA Project. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-075-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, LLC for the Atkinson USA CTB. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-076-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Atkinson USA CTB Project Submitted by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-077-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Missouri 2 FB-152-94-14D Master Meter Project Submitted by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-078-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Bursheia USA Multi-Well Pad Project Submitted by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-079-FWF | Approval of Assessment of Civil Fine on RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC for Trespass of BIA ROW No. FBOG100248 for the Skunk Creek 13-18 Well Pad and Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100248 to Add Six Additional Wells on the Skunk Creek 13-18 Well Pad Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC.| 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-080-FWF | Approval of Assessment of Civil Fine on RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC for Trespass of BIA ROW No. FBOG100619 for the Charging Eagle 14-14 Well Pad and Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100619 to Add Four Additional Wells and an Above Ground Temporary Waterline on the Charging Eagle 14-14 Well Pad Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-081-FWF | Approval of Assessment of Civil Fine on RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC for Trespass of BIA ROW No. FBOG100082 for the Charging Eagle 15-14 Well Pad and Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100082 to Add One Additional Well on the Charging Eagle 15-14 Well Pad Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-082-FWF | Approval of Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100523 to Add Six Additional Wells on the Skunk Creek 4-18 Well Pad Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-083-FWF | Approval of Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100220 to Add Four Additional Wells on the Skunk Creek 4-10 Well Pad Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-084-FWF | Approval of Assessment of Civil Fine on RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC for Trespass of BIA ROW No. FBOG100928 for the Skunk Creek 1-8 Well Pad and Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100928 to Add Two Additional Wells on the Skunk Creek 1-8 Well Pad Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-085-FWF |Approval of Assessment of Civil Fine on RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC for Trespass of BIA ROW No. FBOG100169 for the Skunk Creek 2-8 Well Pad and Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100169 to add Two Additional Wells on the Skunk Creek 2-8 Well Pad Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-086-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Butterflies Turtles Loop Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Rescinded by 19-266-FWF on 10/10/2019 |
19-087-FWF | Approval of Dwelling Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC for the Riverview 30 Surface Site. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-088-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the African Animals Central Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-089-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Peppers South Well Connect Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-090-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Greek Gods East Well Connect Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 5/9/2019| Y | Active |
19-091-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Strings South Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-092-FWF | Authorization for the Special Projects Line Item Title/Project Change from White Shield Teacher Housing to White Shield Elder Center. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-093-FWF | Approval of the North Segment Property Management Payroll Deduction for Tribal Employees, Entities, and Affiliates | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-094-FWF | Approval and Obligation of Fiscal Year 2019 Tribal General Funds for North Segment Economic Development projects | 5/9/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-095-FWF | Authorization for Construction Costs for the new Pool Addition on the Twin Buttes Community Center | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-096-FWF | Authorization for Architectural, Engineering, and Pre-Construction Costs for the White Shield Community Center | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-097-FWF | Authorization for Architectural, Engineering, and Pre-Construction Costs for the Mandaree 12 Unit Apartment Complex | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-098-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-099-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-100-FWF | Authorizing an MOU with the BLM for a road in Townships 148N R95, Township 148N R96W and Township 149N R95W | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active|
19-101-FWF | Agricultural Leases” on tribal land | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-102-FWF | Agricultural Leases” on tribal land | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-103-FWF | Agricultural Leases” on tribal land | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-104-FWF | Agricultural Leases” on tribal land | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-105-FWF | Approval of the 2019-2020 Tribal Hunting and Fishing Proclamations | 5/9/2019 | N | Awaiting Signatures |
19-106-FWF | Wilkinson Properties LLC's Land Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-107-FWF | FBRW’s NAA Meter Project Funding Proposal | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-108-FWF | Approval of the 2019 Fort Berthold Reservation Burn Ban. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-109-FWF | Authorization for those members of local volunteer Fire Department who are Three Affiliated Tribes Employees to receive Administrative Leave during an incident response or training. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-110-FWF | Approving Additional Costs and Expansion of the Four Bears Water Park in New Town, North Dakota 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-111-FWF | Authorizing Funding for Parshall Schools Construction Project | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-112-FWF | Waiver of TERO Fees/Taxes imposed by Section 601 of the MHA TERO Ordinance for the Architects and Contractors contracted for the Mandaree School Project | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active. Related: 18-309-FWF , 18-310-FWF , 19-014-FWF , 19-112-FWF , 19-261-FWF , 19-262-FWF , 21-062-FWF. |
19-113-FWF | Approving Architect Agreement for MHA Rescue Facility, Four Bears Peninsula | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-114-FWF | Approval and Authorization of a Special Projects General Fund Appropriation in the Amount of $8,000,000 for the Construction of a New Four Bears Eagles Landing C-Store; Authorization for the Project of up to $2,000,000 in FY 2019, $4,000,000 in FY 2020, and $2,000,000 in FY 2021 | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-115-FWF | Approval of Waiver of the TERO Fee for the New Four Bears Eagles Landing C-Store Construction Project | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-116-FWF | Authorizing Submission of Application to Indian Health Services for Small Ambulatory Program (SAP) Grant | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-117-FWF | Approval of a Waiver of the Policy Regarding Pipeline Construction Materials Requested by Marathon Oil Company for the Existing Myrmidon Water Gathering System; Such Waiver Not Applying to the Expansion Part of the Project | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-118-FWF | Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approving and supporting MHADOT Licensing Administration to Purchase Building in New Town on 335 Main St. | 5/9/2019 | Y | Active |
19-119-FWF | Approval of 27 (Twenty-Seven) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-120-FWF | Establishment of the Construction Management Office Checklist for Commercial Building Development. | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-121-FWF | Memorandum of Understanding between the North Dakota Bureau of Investigation (ND-BCI) and MHA Division of Drug Enforcement (MHA-DDE) | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-122-FWF | Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations (HIS) and MHA Division of Drug Enforcement (MHA-DDE) | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-123-FWF | Approval of Further Construction and Costs for the MHA Nation Interpretive Center Project and Authorization for Appropriation for Additional Construction and Costs. | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-124-FWF | MHA Interpretive Center Construction: Refuse Disposal Tax Exemption and Waiver of Department of Transportation Fees. | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-125-FWF | Approval of Guidelines for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles, also known as : Drones”, on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 6/13/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-126-FWF | Donation of Mandan Historical Site to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 6/13/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-127-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-128-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal Land for FBRW Purposes| 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-129-FWF | Easement on Allotment 301-1985 for an Access Road Easement | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-130-FWF | Approval of Transfer of Range Units | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-131-FWF | Agricultural Leases” on Tribal Land | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-132-FWF | Authorization for Awarding Fort Berthold Rural Water, Subsequent Users and System Improvements Project, Contract 2019-1 | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-133-FWF | Blanket Approval of Executive Committee Actions forwarded to the June 13th, 2019 Tribal Business Council meeting | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-134-FWF | Approval of the New Town Ambulance Service Contract | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-135-FWF | Authorization of a Contract for Ackerman-Estvold Architect Services and a Contract Procedure for the Eagles Landing C Store Project | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-136-FWF | Authorization of contract for Ackerman Estvold Site Assessment and Remediation Strategy Contract | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-137-FWF | Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Goodnight Midstream, LLC | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-138-FWF | Authorizing $60,000 Grant to Charles Hall Youth Services | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-139-FWF | Approving of Architect/Engineer Contract and Costs with Nelson Tremain Partnership for Female Transitional Housing in Bismarck, North Dakota | 6/13/2019 | Y | Active |
19-140-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $6,000,000.00 | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-141-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes MHA Nation Peoples Fund Account PL10017014 in the Amount of $10,500,000. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-142-FWF | Authorization of OST to administer annual and biannual disbursements from Nuxbaaga Iidaa Uuh Waa Zaah, Sahnis waalpsis, Aki numuk aki tawatesh. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-143-FWF | Tribal Business Council Approval of Application for the Rehabilitation Services Administration American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services CFDA Number 84.250M | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-144-FWF | Approval of 30 (Thirty) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-145-FWF | Blood Degree Corrections to D.F.P Enrollment Number 301U-02385 and Her/His Direct Biological Descendants. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-146-FWF | Correction to the Blood Degree of S.L.V. Enrollment Number 301U-08926 and Her/His Direct Biological Descendants | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-147-FWF | Correction to the Blood Degree of T.L.B. Enrollment Number 301U-10175 | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active|
19-148-FWF | Correction to the Blood Degree of W.K.W.S. Enrollment Number 301U-13476 | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-149-FWF | Architectural Fee Proposal – MHA Nation – Sacred Fire Project | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-150-FWF | Three Affiliated Tribes' Support for the FBHA Indian Housing Plan for FY October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-151-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Nighthawk 6-34H Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-152-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Omaha Woman 24-13-12H Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-153-FWF | Approval of Assessment of Civil Fine on RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC for Trespass of BIA ROW No. FBOG100842 for the Two Shields Butte 13-22 Well Pad and Consent to Amend BIA ROW no. FBOG100842 to add Four Additional Wells on the Two Shields Butte 13-22 Well Pad. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active|
19-154-FWF | Approval of Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG100809 to add Four Additional Wells on Moccasin Creek 14-33 Well Pad | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-155-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Bird Stephen Well Connect Project Submitted by Crestwood. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-156-FWF | Appointment of an Associate Judge – Child Support for The Fort Berthold District Court | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-157-FWF | Approval of Consultant Contract between TAT Division of Child Support Enforcement and Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-158-FWF | Approval of Consultant Contract between TAT Division of Child Support Enforcement and Systems & Methods Inc. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-159-FWF | Approval of Consultant Contract between TAT Division of Child Support Enforcement and Thomson Reuters | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active
19-160-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Hunts Along Bay Distribution Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-161-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Petro Shale US 1 OH URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-162-FWF | Land Ownership Record Change to Three Affiliated Tribes | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-163-FWF | Jarrett Shane Johnson Land Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-164-FWF | Approval of the Land Exchange between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Spencer Wilkinson, Sr. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active, Replaces 18-206-FWF |
19-165-FWF | Authorization to Complete and Submit a Fee to Trust Application for Allotment 301-568A-Tribal Share | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-166-FWF | Support of Three Affiliated Tribes’ Health Care Staff to participate in Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries Study, an initial online survey, by the University of Washington-Seven Direction Program. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-167-FWF | Approval of the Three Affiliated Tribes Background Investigations to be Completed by the Human Resources Department for all Tribal Law Enforcement Entities | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-168-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Whales Loop 1/Peppers Access Road Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-169-FWF | Approval of Consultant Contract between TAT Division of Child Support Enforcement and Access and Data Solutions, LLC | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active|
19-170-FWF | Approval of Second Amendment to Oil and Gas Lease (7420A49001), WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-171-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the WPX Beaks 36-35H Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-172-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Petro Shale Horse Camp 11 URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active|
19-173-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the RimRock Moccasin Creek 13-34-3H Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active, Amended by 19-206-FWF |
19-174-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Phase 3 SW N-S Loop Gas Re-Route Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-175-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the XTO Iron Woman/Yellow Wolf 31X-10 Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-176-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Four Bears USA Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-177-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land [FBRW] | 7/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-178-FWF | Supporting Establishment of Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee Working Group | 8/7/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-179-FWF | Implementing the Tribal General Welfare Exclusion Act of 2014 | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-180-FWF | Supporting Opportunity Zones Expansion Legislation for Indian Country | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-181-FWF | Implementing the Tribal Social Security Fairness Act of 2018 | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-182-FWF | Support for Jay Treaty Indian Border Crossing Rights | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-183-FWF | Supporting Consistent Treatment of Gaming Deductions for Tax Purposes | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-184-FWF | Approval of Amended Fiscal Year 2019 General Fund Budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-185-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $60,000,000.00 | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-186-FWF | Approval of 53 (Fifty-Three) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-187-FWF | Bid Approval and Contract Authorization for Paving Project for Bureau of Indian Affairs Route 2 Within the Four Bears Segment of the Fort Berthold Reservation. | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-188-FWF | Approval of Waiver of the TERO Employment Rights Fee for Construction Contract – East Segment Admin Building. | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-189-FWF | Approval of Waiver of the TERO Employment Rights Fee for Construction Contract – White Shield Elder Center. | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-190-FWF | Waiver of MHA Refuse Disposal Tax and MHA DOT Fees for Certain Tribal Construction Projects. | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-191-FWF | Consent to the Application to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG101118 to add Four Additional Wells on the Metals East Well Pad Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-192-FWF | Amendment to Resolution No. 19-078-FWF entitled, Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Bursheia USA Multi-Well Pad Project Submitted by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, LLC. | 8/7/2019 | Y |Active |
19-193-FWF | Approval of Waiver of the TERO Employment Rights Fee for Construction Contracts – North Segment Projects. | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-194-FWF | Approval of a Lease Agreement between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Nueta Inc | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-195-FWF | Approval of Application by the MHA Land & Livestock Corporation for funds from the Keepseagle | Lawsuit Settlement Fund under the Native American Agricultural Fund for purposes of providing services and financing to Native Farmers and Ranchers of the MHA Nation | 8/7/2019 | Y | Active |
19-196-FWF | MHA Women’s Veterans Group Resolution | 8/7/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-197-FWF | Florence Laducer Arikara Language Instructor Certification | 8/7/2019 | N |Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-198-FWF | Correction to the Blood Degree of L.J.L. Enrollment Number 301U-19861 | 8/7/2019 | | Y | Active |
19-199-FWF | Approval of 46 (Forty-Six) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes |9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-200-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land to Reservation Telephone Cooperative for Tribal Members’ Benefit | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-201-FWF | Easement on Tribal Land on BIA Route 20 Road Easement | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-202-FWF | Request for PL 93-638 Contract FY 2020 to perform an assessment and monitoring plan for the Three Affiliated Tribe’s Range Survey/Study Project | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-203-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-204-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-205-FWF | Amending Resolution 18-159-FWF to Correct Errors in a Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Mandaree Water Intake Line Rebuild Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-206-FWF | Amending Resolution 19-173-FWF to Correct a Transcription Error in a Consent to Approval of a Right of-Way across Tribal land for the RimRock Moccasin Creek 13-34-3H Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-207-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights-of-Way across Tribal land for McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-208-FWF | Approval of Proposal and Budget for Plains Indian Sign Language Reservation–Wide Instruction Workshops | 9/12/2019 | N | Subject to Advisory Committee Consultations |
19-209-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance for the Lang USA Project Requested by Marathon Oil Company. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-210-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance for the Jasper L USA Project Requested by Marathon Oil Company. | 99/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-211-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Fox Ridge East Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-212-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Metals South Pad Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 99/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-213-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBIG090013 to add Four Wellbores and Expand Well Pad Acreage for the TAT #2-1H Pad Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active|
19-214-FWF | Approval of Assessment of a Civil Fine on RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC for Trespass Violations of BIA ROW No. FBOG090020 for the Moccasin Creek 16-3H Project and Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG090020 to Add Three Additional Wells on the Moccasin Creek 16-3H Well Pad and for the Continued Use of Access Road and Well Pad Acreage Not Approved in the Original BIA ROW No. FBOG090020 Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-215-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance for the Moccasin Creek 16-34H Project Requested by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC Energy Company. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-216-FWF | Approval of Assessment of a Civil Fine on RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC for Trespass Violations of BIA ROW No. FBOG090002 for the Moccasin Creek 16-34H Project and Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG090002 for the Continued Use of Access Road and Well Pad Acreage Not Approved in the Original BIA ROW No. FBOG090002 Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-217-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Two Shields Butte 14-21A Multi-Well Pad and Multi-Use Access Road Corridor Project Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-218-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG101320 across Tribal land for the Skunk Creek 8-2 Multi-Use Access Road Corridor Project Submitted by RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-219-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Wolverine 21-22H Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-220-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Meadowlark 6-34H Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-221-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Furbearers Access Road Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-222-FWF | Approval of Memorandum of Agreement between Elbowoods Memorial Health Center and the Upper Missouri Health Unit, First District Health Unit, and the Southwestern District Health Unit | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-223-FWF | Authorization for the Fort Berthold Diabetes Program -Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) grant to sustain a yearly 20% indirect cost rate throughout the lifetime of the SDPI grant. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-224-FWF | Authorization to fund the Fort Berthold Diabetes Program in the event that the Special Diabetes Program for Indians’ (SDPI) funding should ever not be reauthorized through the United States Congress. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-225-FWF | Organization and Formation of Uetsa Tsakits, Inc., a wholly owned tribal corporation. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-226-FWF | Reorganization of Makes Cents, Inc. and Uetsa Tsakits, Inc.: Wholly Owned Tribal Corporations | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-227-FWF | Authorization to Adopt Policies and Procedures Manual for the Three Affiliated Tribes Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for FY 2020 | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-228-FWF | Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between the Tribe and McLean County. | 9/12/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-229-FWF | Approval and Adoption of Amended Section III of the MHA Nation Code of Ethics in Government Ordinance| 9/12/2019 | Y | Active, Amends 05-127-NH; Original resolution also amended by 14-021-VJB on 1/31/2014 , Code Included|
19-230-FWF | Authorization of Construction Contract for Female Transitional Housing Project | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-231-FWF | Approval of a Contract for Scull Construction Services, Inc. to be the designated CMAR for Phase 1 – Tribal Administration Building and Phase 2 – Government Support Building. | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-232-FWF | Authorization and Execution of Legal Services Agreement for Robins Kaplan | 9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-233-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land |9/12/2019 | Y | Active |
19-234-FWF | Approval of Amended Fiscal Year 2020 General Fund Budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/10/201 | N | Awaiting Signatures |
19-235-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $84,000,000.00 | 10/10/2019 | N | Awaiting Signatures |
19-236-FWF | Approval of 39 (Thirty-Nine) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-237-FWF | B.J. Jones Contract | 10/10/2019 | N | # Assigned for previous action |
19-238-FWF | Approval of the Tribal Business Council’s Appointment for the Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College Board of Directors by the Four Bears Segment Representative | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-239-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the Mountrail Williams Electric Cooperative 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-240-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative – Eagles Landing C Store | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-241-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites |10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-242-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the State of North Dakota, Department of Transportation | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-243-FWF | Peter Coffey’s Land Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/10/2019 | N | Subject to Title Clarification |
19-244-FWF | Exercising Right of First Refusal for Skunk Bay Recreation Area Lease. | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-245-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land; Fort Berthold Rural Water | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-246-FWF | Authorization to Expend Water Sales Revenues on Repairs to the Fort Berthold Rural Water Supply System Mandaree Water Treatment Plant Intake at Bear Den Bay | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-247-FWF | Declaration of Emergency FBRW | 10/10/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-248-FWF | Amendment of Resolution 19-002-FWF which Approved of the Transfer of the Old White Shield School, located in the East Segment, from the BIA to the of the Old White Shield School, located in the East Segment, from the BIA to the Tribes. | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active, Amends resolution 19-002-FWF |
19-249-FWF | Approving of Architect/Engineer Contract and Expansion of the Four Bears Beach and Recreation Area in the Four Bears Peninsula, New Town, North Dakota | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-250-FWF | Approving Additional Costs for Transitional Living/Homeless Shelter in New Town, North Dakota 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-251-FWF | Approving Architect/Engineer Contract with Ackerman-Estvold, Engineering and Management Consulting, Inc. for Expansion of the Four Bears Water Park in New Town, North Dakota | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active|
19-252-FWF | Resolution to Appoint Delegates for the UTTC Board of Directors | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-253-FWF | Approval of Assessment of Civil Fine on RimRock Oil & Gas Williston, LLC for Trespass of BIA ROW No. FBOG090015 for the Two Shields Butte 14-33 Well Pad and Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG090015 to add Three Additional Wells on the Two Shields Butte 14-33 Well Pad. | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-254-FWF | Approval of Consent to Amend ROW No. FBOG100001 to add Four Additional Wells on the Moccasin Creek 13-34 Well Pad | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-255-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Multi-Well Pad 1-28A Project Submitted by QEP Energy Company."Disco Pad 1-28A | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active, Amends 16-139-FWF |
19-256-FWF | Consent to Approval of Modification of Right-of-Way across Tribal lands for the Doll USA Well Site and Access Road Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-257-FWF | Consent to Grant of Right-of-Way across Tribal lands for the Mandan USA CTB Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-258-FWF | Authorization to Accept the March of Dimes' Grant Entitled "Group Prenatal Care Project" in the Amount of $10,000." Prenatal Care Project" in the Amount of $10,000. | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-259-FWF | Authorization for Indian Self Determination Agreement By and Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the Department of Health and Human Services Great Plains Area Indian Health Service, Contract No. HHS-I-241-2020-00010. | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-260-FWF | Support of Three Affiliated Tribes’ healthcare stakeholders to participate in the study regarding immunizations disparities in North Dakota by the North Dakota State University Center for Immunization Research and Education. | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-261-FWF | Approval of Site and Lease of Tribal Trust Land to Mandaree School District #36 for Construction and Operation of a new K-12 School and Related Facilities, with 25-year Term and Right of Renewal for Additional 25-year Term. | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active. Related: 18-309-FWF , 18-310-FWF , 19-014-FWF , 19-112-FWF , 19-261-FWF , 19-262-FWF , 21-062-FWF. |
19-262-FWF | Approval of Tribal Business Council West Segment Representative as Owner Representative with authority to sign change orders and approve invoice obligations under the Agreement Between Owner and Contractor with Burke Construction Group, Inc. for construction of the Mandaree School Project | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active. Related: 18-309-FWF , 18-310-FWF , 19-014-FWF , 19-112-FWF , 19-261-FWF , 19-262-FWF , 21-062-FWF. |
19-263-FWF | Four Bears Mortgage Program Policies & Procedures | 10/10/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-264-FWF | Fiscal Management and Internal Controls for Tribally funded Entities | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-265-FWF | Assisted Living Center | 10/10/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-266-FWF | Rescinding Resolution Nos. 17-024-FWF and 19-086-FWF | 10/10/2019 | Y | Active |
19-267-FWF | Authorization for a Disbursement to the Elders. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-268-FWF | Authorization for a one-time Disbursement of Funds from Tribal Oil & Gas Royalty Revenues to All Enrolled Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-269-FWF | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of $19,750,000.00 | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-270-FWF | Approval of 41 (Forty-One) Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-271-FWF | Authorization of FY 2020 Community Services Block Grant Application Submission to the Office of Community Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for Low Income Energy Assistance Program Grant | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-272-FWF | Authorization for the Three Affiliated Tribes’ Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program to exclude income generated from royalty payments or bonuses from minerals rights in the computation of gross income for purposes of qualifying for the LIHEAP Program for FY 2020. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-273-FWF | Wade Uran’s Land Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-274-FWF | Antoinette Starr’s Land and Home Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-275-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-276-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative[Sherry Lone Fight] | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-277-FWF | Consent to Certain Rights of Way across Tribal land for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative – Interpretive Center | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active, Corrected 1/9/2020 |
19-278-FWF | Agricultural Leases on Tribal land | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-279-FWF | FBRW Resolution for Subsequent User Easements ROW’s | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-280-FWF | Approval for FBRW to Proceed with a RFP for an Automated Meter Read System | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-281-FWF | FBRW Approval to Complete a Reservation-Wide System Master Plan | 11/26/2019 | N | Subject to FBRW Director Approval & Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review|
19-282-FWF | Resolution Superseding Resolution 18-146-FWF and Amending the Enrollment Ordinance of the Three Affiliated Tribes with Regard to Appeals. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active, Code Included: Amending 18-146-FWF & 15-211-LKH |
19-283-FWF | Resolution Superseding Resolution 18-145-FWF and Amending the Enrollment Ordinance of the Three Affiliated Tribes to Set the Standards for an Enrollment Committee. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active, Code Included: Amending 18-145-FWF & 15-211-LKH |
19-284-FWF | Resolution Superseding Resolution 18-16-FWF and Amending the Enrollment Ordinance of the Three Affiliated Tribes with Regard to Fraud and Erroneous Enrollments | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active, Code Included: Amending 18-16-FWF & 15-211-LKH |
19-285-FWF | Approving Four Bears Hotel Expansion Budget and TBE Proposal for Professional Services | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active, Amended by 22-195-FWF & 23-168-FWF |
19-286-FWF | Approving a Water Vessel Purchase Contract | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active, Related: 21-134-FWF |
19-287-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Nokota 24-13-12H Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-288-FWF | Adopting Tribal Water Use and Administration Code. | 11/26/2019 | Y |Active, Code Included |
19-289-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and for the Whales East Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-290-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal Fee land for the Tennis South Multi Use Corridor Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-291-FWF | See 19-211-FWF | 11/26/2019 | N |
19-292-FWF | Medal's South | 11/26/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-293-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Spotted Horn 26-35 Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. |11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-294-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Lucy Lone Fight 16-22 Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-295-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Fast Dog 7-6H Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-296-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Spotted Wolf 7-6H Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-297-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Nighthawk 6-34H Pad Project Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-298-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Helen Pad 148-95-5 Access Road Re-route Project Submitted by PetroShale (US), Inc.. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-299-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the South Area Surface Site and Access Road Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-300-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Weathers North and South Tie-In Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-301-FWF | Consent to Amend BIA ROW No. FBOG101331 (Modification No. 1) across Tribal land for the Western Expansion North–Oil Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC.’ | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-302-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Southern Expansion Pipeline Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-303-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Fish South and African Animals Central Well Pads Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-304-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Bruin E&P Operating, LLC for the Bonita Well Pad to Evans Well Pad Flowlines Project. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-305-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Bonita Well Pad to Evans Well Pad Flow Lines Project Submitted by Bruin E&P Operating, LLC. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-306-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the EP EPG MRO Kermit Lizards Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-307-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Bruin Bonita URD Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-308-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the African Animals URD Electrical Line Project Submitted by McKenzie Electric Cooperative Inc. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-309-FWF | Clear Advantage Contract | 11/26/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-310-FWF | SKIP |
19-311-FWF | Increasing Mandaree Emergency Response Building Construction Fund and Approving Bid of Comstock Construction, Inc. for the Construction of the Mandaree Emergency Response Building[EMS] | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-312-FWF |Data Track Consulting Agreement | 11/26/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review |
19-313-FWF | Approval of Flickertail Paving & Supply, LLC and Authorization of Construction of Thunder Butte Subdivision Tribal Route - 38th Street Northwest of the Four Bears Segment | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-314-FWF | Ratifying the 2016 Social Media Policy. | 11/26/2019 | Y | Active |
19-315-FWF | Sanction and Approval of the integration of employment and training-related, formula-funded Federal grants into a single plan (477 Plan), a single budget and a single reporting system, in accordance with the provisions of Public Law 102-477, for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of those services, reducing joblessness in Indian communities and serving tribally-determined goals consistent with the policy of self-determination, and acceptance and implementation of Public Law 115-93 which amends and expands Public Law 92-477 | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-316-FWF | Land and Home Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes[Robert Shepherd] | 12/19/2019 | Y | Rescinded 2/13/2020 & replaced by 20-032-FWF |
19-317-FWF | Land and Home Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes[Clarinda Moore] | 12/19/2019 | Y | Rescinded 2/13/2020 & replaced by 20-032-FWF |
19-318-FWF | Approval of Home Site Leases and Utility Corridors for Home Sites | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-319-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance for the Quale USA CTB Requested by ONEOK Rockies Midstream, L.L.C. |
12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-320-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Landforms South Project Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation. | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-321-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Skunk Creek 4-7-8 Well Connect Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-322-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Vegetation South Well Connect Project Submitted by Arrow Pipeline, LLC. | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-323-FWF | Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Marathon Oil Company for the Doll USA Project. | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-324-FWF | Consent to Grant of Right-of-Way across Tribal lands for the Myrmidon Water Gathering System-30th Street NW Pipeline Project Submitted by Marathon Oil Company. | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-325-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the TAT Pipeline Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active, Corrected 4/27/2020 - Previous title: Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the TAT Pipeline Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. |
19-326-FWF | Amending Resolution No. 19-028-FWF to Update the Right-of-Way Application and Consent Request for the Whales Loop 3 Project Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC. 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-327-FWF | Consent to Approval of a Right-of-Way across Tribal land for the Van Hook 1-28A & 8-28A Gathering Lines Project Submitted by Van Hook Gathering Services, LLC. | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-328-FWF | Approval of Appointment of Wayne Fox as TERO Commissioner for the White Shield Segment of the MHA Nation. 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-329-FWF | Approval of Payroll Deduction for Tribal Employees for Rent or Home Mortgage Program payments owed to Ree Lodge Management Program, of the White Shield Segment of the MHA Nation | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-330-FWF | Approval of Payroll Deduction for Tribal Employees for Damages Obligations owed to Ree Lodge Management Program, of the White Shield Segment of the MHA Nation | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-331-FWF | Appointment of Jay James to Serve on the TERO Commission”Jay James TERO Appointment | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-332-FWF | Appointment of HARRIET GOODIRON to Serve on the NUETA, HIDATSA, SAHNISH (NHSC) COLLEGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS | 1 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-333-FWF | Appointment of Scott Satermo to Serve on the TERO Commission | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-334-FWF | To Authorize the Negotiation and Purchase of Real Property Located at 102 College Dr. New Town ND. | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-335-FWF | Authorization to Apply/Accept the ND Department of Health and Human Services Title V. Material and Health Grant “Group Prenatal Care Project” in the Amount of $7,500 | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-336-FWF | Approval of Withholding from People’s Fund Disbursements for payment of Rental Property Damages owed to Ree Lodge Management Program of the White Shield Segment of the MHA Nation. | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active |
19-337-FWF | Consent to Certain Right(s) of Way across Tribal land [FBRW] | 12/19/2019 | N | Subject to TAT Legal Dept. Review, , Amended by 20-095-FWF on 5/14/2020 |
19-338-FWF | RBK Ventures, LLP Real Property Sale to the Three Affiliated Tribes[Knutson] | 12/19/2019 | Y | Active|
19-339-FWF | Approving the Purchase of the Fettig Ranch Lands | 12/19/2019 | Y |Active |
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