2008 Resolutions

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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status | 

  • 08-001-VJB | Ratification and Final Approval of Dakota-3, LLC Indian Mineral Development Agreement and Consent to Assignment | 1/7/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-002-VJB | Appointment of Alvina Wells to the Gaming Commission of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; At-Large Representative. | 1/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-003-VJB |Approval of Applications for a Loan and a Grant from the USDA Rural Development in the Amount of $1,198,200.00 for the South Segment Water Source Delivery Project for the Fort Berthold Rural Water System. | 1/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-004-VJB | None

  • 08-005-VJB | None

  • 08-006-VJB | None

  • 08-007-VJB | A Resolution Authorizing a Start-Up Grant for a Daycare Center located in the North East Segment (Parshall). | 1/11/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-008-MP | MHA Holding, Incorporated, a Tribal Entity | 1/24/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-009-MP | Appointment of Gregory Jay Brugh to the Gaming Commission of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. | 1/24/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-010-MP | Appointment of Jerry White to the Gaming Commission of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; White Shield Segment. | 1/24/2008 | Active |

  • 08-011-MP | Appointment of Whitney Bell to the Gaming Commission of the Three Affiliated Tribes other Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; Twin Buttes Segment | 1/24/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-012-VJB | Appointment of Myron Anthony Foote to the Gaming Commission of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; Parshall/Lucky Mound Segment. | 1/24/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-013-VJB | Appointment of Deanna Parisian to the Gaming Commission of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; New Town/Little Shell Segment | 1/24/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-014-VJB | Appointment of Vivian Hall to the Gaming Commission of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; Mandaree Segment. | 1/24/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-015-VJB | Approval to lease 34.454 Acres of tribal trust lands to G-4, LLC/Oil Partners, for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR § 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR§ 211.20 (a) and (d) | 1/24/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-016-VJB | Adoption of policy governing Compensation for grant writing by tribal employees | 1/24/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-017-VJB | None

  • 08-018-VJB | Approval of Tribal Travel Cards to Contract Employees | 1/24/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-019-VJB | None

  • 08-020-VJB | Acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in the January 28, 2008 Final Version of the Joint Stipulation of Settlement and [Proposed] Order, Drafted in Response to Tribal Resolution No. 07-225-VJB, dated November 29, 2007, and Joint Stipulation of Settlement and [Proposed] Order approved by the Tribal Business Council, also on November 29, 2007, in connection with the Settlement of Three Affiliated Tribes v. Kempthorne, et al, Civil Action No. 1 :02-CV-00253(JR)(U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia) and Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation v. United States, No.1: 06-cv-00904-LJB (U.S. Court of Federal Claims.) | 1/30/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-021-VJB | Mandaree (West) Segment Boards and Commissions. | 2/4/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-022-MP | Authorization and Ratification of Eagle Catch Casino Documents and Determinations Regarding Licensing. | 2/11/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-023-VJB | Authorization for Grant Application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program . | 2/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-024-VJB | 34 Tribal Enrollment Applicants | 2/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-025-VJB | None

  • 08-026-VJB | Resolution Affirming Current Tax Structure Pertaining to Oil and Gas Production Under the Tribal Tax Code of the Three Affiliated Tribes Subject to Refining for Purposes of Authorizing the Tax Department and Legal Department and to Conduct Preliminary Investigations for an Oil and Gas Tax Agreement with the State of North Dakota | 2/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-027-VJB | Resolution Requesting Assistance of the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs and Assistant Secretary Carl Artman to Streamline and Expedite the Processing of Oil and Gas Leases and Drilling Permits on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 2/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-028-VJB | 2008 Twin Buttes School Loan-Approval of a General Obligation Tax Exempt Loan to Provide Funds to the Twin Buttes School District for the Construction of a new School Facility, an assignment of Trust Fund Interest as Security for the Loan, Authorization to Withdraw Interest from Trust Fund, Acknowledgement of Risks and Related Transactions | 2/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-029-VJB | Approval of Grant Proposal and application to the Tribal Preservation Program. Heritage Preservation Services, of the National Park Service For Preserving & Perpetuating Symbols of Arikara Tribal Identity Personal Names and Songs | 2/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-030-VJB | Request and Authorization for the Office of Special Trustee to Disburse Oil and Gas Lease Proceeds in the amount of $2,500,000.00 from Three Affiliated Tribes PL7228700 Proceeds of Labor Account | 2/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-031-VJB | None

  • 08-032-VJB | Approval of an assignment of the JT Energy, LLC Indian Mineral Development Agreement. | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-033-VJB |Authorization for the Native American Training Institute to Apply for an ANA Grant to Develop a Training System for Tribal Child Welfare Programs | 3/13/2008 |Y |Active |

  • 08-034-MW |Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available for Draws by the Three Affiliated Tribes Interest Earnings From the Three Affiliated Tribes Economic Recovery Fund in the Amount of $2,653,000.00. | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-035-MW | None

  • 08-036-MW | None

  • 08-037-MW | Tribal Business Council Approval of the Three Affiliated Tribes Indian Reservation Roads Program Annual Inventory Update Pursuant to 25 CFR § 170.444 | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-038-MW | 12 Tribal Enrollment Applicants | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-039-MW | Victoria Y. Pacheco 301U-10147 | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-040-MW | Virginia M. Pacheco 301U-10148 | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-041-MW | Stephanie A. Pacheco 301U-10145 | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-042-MW | Annette M. Pacheco 301U-04635 | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-043-MW | Request to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to modify PL 93-638 Contract No. CTA04T30169 between the Secretary of the Interior and the Three Affiliated Tribes | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-044-MW | Tribal Housing Division authorization to apply for North Dakota Housing Finance Community Partners Program. For the North East Segment Housing Sub Division Development | 3/13/2008| Y | Active |

  • 08-045-MW |Child Support Law Amendments | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-046-MW | Child Support Budget Amendment to resolution 07-222-VJB. | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-047-MW | None

  • 08-048-MW | Tribal Business Council Commitment to Support Tribal Historic Preservation Office for Gram Proposals and Applications for the THPO | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-049-MW | None

  • 08-050-MW | None

  • 08-051-MW | None

  • 08-052-MP | Appointment of Grover Yellow Bird to the Fort Berthold Housing Authority Board of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; serving the White Shield Segment | 3/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-053-MP | None

  • 08-054-MP | None

  • 08-055-MP | None

  • 08-056-MP | Tribal Business Council Adoption of Policy and Procedure for enacting tribal Codes, and providing for a public Comment Period for Tribal Codes. | 4/3/2008 | Y | Amended by 14-021-VJB on 1-31-2014, 14-117-VJB , Code Included |

  • 08-057-MP | None

  • 08-058-MP | Approval of Loan Modification Agreement for the Renewal of the Revolving Line of Credit with Native American Bank in the amount of $8.5 Million for General Operating Purposes of the Tribe | 4/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-059-MP | None

  • 08-060-MP | Approval of the Three Affiliated Tribes- Tribal Oil and Gas Extraction Tax | 4/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-061-MP | In Support of Continued Funding and Reauthorization of the Native American Document Conversion Program | 4/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-062-MP | Financial Assistance and Program Service Delivery to Elder Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 4/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-063-MP | Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Elders Organization nonprofit corporate Charter | 4/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-064-MP | Approval of the Water Assistance Program for the New Town and Parshall Communities with the Fort Berthold Rural Water System. | 4/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-065-MP | Acceptance of Bid and Approve contract with Marion Trucking for the South Segment Area Water Supply Line in the amount of $650,828.88 | 5/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-066-MP | Acceptance of Bid and Approve contract with Maguire Iron for the South Segment Area Tank in the amount of $646,775.00 | 5/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-067-VJB | Assumption of Transportation Functions Under SAFETEA -LU and Issuance of a Notice if Intent to FHWA and BIA | 5/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-068-VJB | None

  • 08-069-VJB | None

  • 08-070-VJB | None

  • 08-071-VJB | 51 Tribal Enrollment Applicants | 5/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-072-VJB | Stacey Marie Driver 301 U-03818 | 5/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-073-VJB | Peter James Smith 301 U-10975 | 5/14/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-074-VJB | Set aside of $200,000.00 of Unobligated funds through the Indian Health Service Division of Sanitation Facilities Construction for FY 2008 for The Tribal Housing Division 's Housing Development Projects. | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-075-VJB | TAT 28- Approval of $3,000,000.00 Loan with Marshall Group to be Secured by Pledge of the Full Faith and Credit of the Tribe and Excess Casino Revenues | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-076-VJB | Approval of Dakota-3, LLC's Request for Assignment of 640 acres of Leased Tribal Mineral Interests to Dakota-3 E&P. LLC | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-077-VJB | Ratification and Approval of Amendment to Dakota-3 E&P Company, LLC Indian Mineral Development Agreement No. 7420A49001 | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-078-VJB | Approval of Joint Settlement Agreement in Appeal of MHA Nation, IBLA No. 2006-92 | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-079-VJB | Approval of Disclaimer of Mineral Interest in E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 2 of T151 N. R94 W 5th P.M, McKenzie County (Allotment 301 15910). | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-080-VJB | Monetary Contribution of $146,000.00 to the Indian Health Service for the specific use of funding an Expansion of the Minne Tohe Health Clinic. | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-081-VJB | Tribal Matching Funds Aging | 5/15/2008 | N | Subject to Legal review. |

  • 08-082-VJB | Authorization and Grant of Funding to the Parshall Boxing Club | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-083-VJB | Approval of Spotted Hawk Development, LLC Proposal for Oil/Gas Development. | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-084-VJB | Approval to lease 473.17 Acres of tribal trust lands to G-4, LLC/Oil Partners, for Oil and Ga s Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR § 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR§ 211.20 (a) and (d) | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-085-VJB | Approval to lease 26.635 Acres of Tribal Fee Lands located in Mountrail County to G-4, LLC/Oil Partners, for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 5/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-086-VJB | Establishment of the Health Board of the "Health Programs" within the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 5/15/2008 | Y | 9/12/2008 |

  • 08-087-VJB | Adoption of a Statutory Prohibition Governing the Assignment of Mineral Leases on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 5/29/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-088-VJB | Approval of Oil and Gas Tax Agreement between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the State of North Dakota | 5/29/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-089-VJB | Authorization for Funding for the Upper Missouri River Intertribal Alottees Association in the Amount of $ 125.000 | 6/12/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-090-VJB | Authorization to Pay Off Farm Service Agency Loans With Funds Derived From Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 | 6/12/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-091-VJB | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL228700 in the Amount of $1,252,000.00. | 6/12/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-092-MP | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available for Draws by the Three Affiliated Tribes interest Earnings From the Three Affiliated Tribes Economic Recovery Fund in the Amount of $2,100,000.00. | 6/12/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-093-MP | Nu'eta Language Initiative | 6/12/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-094-MP | Charter of incorporation for Broken Arrow, Inc. | 6/12/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-095-MP | 13 Tribal Enrollment Applicants | 6/12/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-096-MP | Amendment to Tribal Resolution approved February 14, 2008- Approval to lease 320.00 Acres of tribal trust lands to Dakota-3 E & P, LLC, for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR § 211 and Request to the Superintendent to negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR§ 211.20 (a) and (d) | 7/1/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-097-MP |Approval to lease 420 Acres of tribal trust lands to Dakota-3 E & P, LLC, for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR § 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR§ 211.20 (a) and (d) | 7/1/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-098-MP | Three Affiliated Tribes Five Million dollar contribution to the design & construction of the Elbowoods Memorial Healthcare Facility | 7/1/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-099-MP | Approval of Consent Agreement in the Matter of EPA Administrative Complaints for Highway 8 Convenience Store; White Shield Ree Store and West Dakota Service | 7/1/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-100-BLB | Rescission of Tribal Council Resolutions 07-229-VJB ("Resolution of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes Approving Tribal Agreement, Depository Agreement, Equipment Lease and Certain Ancillary Matters Pertaining to said Eagle Catch Casino'') and 08-22-MP ("Authorization and Ratification of Eagle Catch Casino Documents and Determinations Regarding Licensing ") Concerning Approval of the Proposed Twill Buttes / Little Soldier Casino Project | 7/2/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-101-BLB | None

  • 08-102-BLB | Authorization of Deputation Agreement between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the Bureau of Indian Affairs office of Law Enforcement Services | 7/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-103-MP | Adoption of Tribal Criminal Code Provision Prohibiting Assaults on Tribal Law Enforcement Officers and other Tribal Employees Acting in the Course of Their Official Duties | 7/10/2008 | Y | Active, Code Included |

  • 08-104-MP | None

  • 08-105-MP | Approval of Renewal of the Existing $ 14,000,000 Revolving Line of Credit with BNC Bank of Bismarck, North Dakota for General Operating Purposes of the Tribes and Authorization for the Chairman and Treasurer to Execute all Necessary Loan Documents. | 7/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-106-MP | Authorization for the Tribes to Assume a Loan in the Amount of $1,444,666.60 from Fort Berthold Development Corporation Made Between Fort Berthold Development Corporation and Native American Bank | 7/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-107-MP | Approval of Amendment to Resolution 07-172-VJB to Increase the line of Credit on Corporate Credit Cards With First In International Bank and Trust of Williston, ND | 7/10/2008 | Y |Active |

  • 08-108-MP | None

  • 08-109-MP | Approval of Stetson Oil & Gas Corporation Letter of Intent / Proposal for Oil/Gas Development. | 7/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-110-MP | Approval of Cirque Resources LP for Oil/Gas Development. | 7/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-111-MP | Resolution Endorsing Current Funding Sources and Additional Funding Sources for Mandaree, White Shield, and Twin Buttes Public School | 7/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-112-MP | None

  • 08-113-MP | Approval of Land Exchange Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Phyllis Cross Pearson |7/10/2008 |Y |Active |

  • 08-114-MP | Tribal Business Council Approval and Certification for the FY 2008 Grant Application for the ICDBG Grant Program for the Four Bears Segment Multi-Purpose Building | 7/10/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-115-MP | None

  • 08-116-BLB | Request to Contract the following Road Construction Projects: Reconstruction of Wells Road and the Construction of Streets in the Northern Lights I Breslin Addition, New Town, North Dakota From the Bureau of Indian Affairs pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act | 7/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-117-BLB | None

  • 08-118-BLB | None

  • 08-119-BLB | None

  • 08-120-BLB | Approval of Spotted Hawk Development, LLC Proposal for Oil/Gas Development | 7/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-121-BLB | Requesting Lease for the Fort Berthold Housing Authority to develop project NDOS-032, Elder Apartments, New Town Segment Tribal Fee Land. | 7/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-122-BLB | Land Lease to Fort Berthold Housing Authority to develop project NDOS -030 - Twin Buttes Segment Apartment Complexes | 7/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-123-BLB | Approval of Applications for a Loan and a Grant from the USDA Rural Development in the Amount of $2,494,000.00 for the West Segment (Mandaree Area 1 Distribution and Storage Project for the e Fort Berthold Rural Water System., | 7/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-124-BLB | Establishment of Procedures for the Election of Chief Judge of the Fort Berthold District Court | 7/16/2008 | Y | Rescinded by 10-091-VJB |

  • 08-125-VJB | None

  • 08-126-VJB | None

  • 08-127-VJB | None

  • 08-128-VJB | Rescission of Resolution No. 07-123-VJB and Approval of Oil & Gas Leases with Sundance Energy, Inc., for 399.73 Acres for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation., | 8/1/2008 | Y | Active, Amended by 24-008-FWF |

  • 08-129-VJB | Approval of Uniglobe Exploration LLC Proposal for Oil/Gas Development | 8/1/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-130-VJB | Approval of Oil and Gas Regulatory Agreement Between The Three Affiliated Tribes And State of North Dakota | 8/1/2008 | Y | Active, Page 2 missing

  • 08-131-VJB | None

  • 08-132-VJB | Resolution requesting the Bureau of Indian Affairs to Amend the standard Oil and gas Mining Lease for the Fort Berthold Reservation regarding Assignment of Lease and to Implement Regulations Requiring Consent of the Lessor / Mineral Interest Owner Prior to Approving the Assignment of any Oil and Gas Mining Lease on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 8/1/2008 |Y | Active |

  • 08-133-VJB |None

  • 08-134-VJB | Reestablishment of the Tribal Business Council as the Personnel Selection Committee for the Three Affiliated Tribe | 8/1/2008 | Y | Amended by 08-185-VJB on 11/13/2008 . |

  • 08-135-VJB | None

  • 08-136-VJB | None

  • 08-137-VJB | None

  • 08-138-VJB | None

  • 08-139-VJB | Amendment to Tribal Oil and Gas Leases between Three Affiliated Tribes and Spotted Hawk Development LLC | 8/15/2008 |Y | Active |

  • 08-140-VJB | Amendment to Tribal Resolution 07-125-VJB approved June 15, 2007-Approval of Leasing 640 Acres to Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp. For Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR 211.20 (a) and (d)' | 8/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-141-VJB | Approval to lease 357.64 Acres of tribal trust lands to Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp., for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR § 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR§ 211.20 (a) and (d) | 8/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-142-VJB | Authorization of FY 2009 Community Services Block Grant Application Submission to the Office of Community Services, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. | 8/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-143-VJB | Approval of Land Exchange Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Gilbert Mann. | 8/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-144-VJB | Approval of the Purchase of the Northern Star Quality Oaks and Gifts | 8/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-145-VJB | None

  • 08-146-VJB | Endorsement of Denise Juneau as Candidate for superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Montana | 8/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-147-VJB | Approval and Acceptance of Marion Trucking & Construction Bid for Wells Road Reconstruction Project | 8/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-148-VJB | None

  • 08-149-VJB | None

  • 08-150-VJB | Approval of Corporate Credit Cards for Three Affiliated Tribes Law Enforcement Division from First National Bank and Trust of Williston, ND | 9/11/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-151-VJB | None

  • 08-152-VJB | None

  • 08-153-VJB | None

  • 08-154-VJB | None

  • 08-155-VJB | None

  • 08-156-VJB | None

  • 08-157-VJB | None

  • 08-158-VJB | None

  • 08-159-VJB | Restructuring of Existing Loans and Deposits at BNC National Bank to insure proper FDIC insurance coverage | 10/6/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-160-VJB | Amendment of Oil & Gas Leases with Spotted Hawk Development, LLC Proposal for Oil/Gas Development. | 10/6/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-161-VJB | Appointment of the Three Affiliated Tribes Tax Commission 35 the Tribal Pipeline Authority | 10/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-162-VJB | Approval of Term Sheet for a Pipeline Joint Venture with Ocb Ziff Capital Investments. Zenergy, Inc. and the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-163-VJB | None

  • 08-164-VJB | None

  • 08-165-VJB | Request of the Secretary of the Interior to a Forced Partition of Tribal Allotment No. 372A | 10/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-166-VJB | Recognition of Brady, Coffee & Assoc. LLC" to provide certain services on the Fort Berthold Reservation for Oil and Gas Development. | 10/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-167-VJB |Establishment of the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Health Board and Issuance of By-laws For the Tribal Health Board | 10/16/2008 | N | Active |

  • 08-168-VJB | None

  • 08-169-VJB | None

  • 08-170-VJB | Adoption of a Tribal Code Provision Providing Authority for the Tribal Court to Expunge the Tribal Criminal Record of Tribal Members | 10/16/2008 | Y | Active, Code Included |

  • 08-171-VJB | Acceptance Of City Agreement for the annexation 0f Olson addition | 10/16/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-172-BLB | Approval of Assignment of Interest in Oil and Gas Leases held by Stetson Oil & Gas Corporation to Red Willow Great Plains, LLC | 10/23/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-173-BLB | Approval of Membership to the Northern Plains Intertribal Courts of Appeals - 2009, 2010, 2011 |10/23/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-174-BLB | Request co renegotiate Successor Annual Funding Agreements for Law Enforcement Programs with the Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Justice Services for FY2009·· | 10/23/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-175-BLB | Adoption of rules governing the Conduct of official Tribal Election Events | 10/23/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-176-BLB | Approval of Letter of Intent for a Pipeline Joint Venture with Deb Ziff Capital Investments, Zenergy, Inc. and the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/23/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-177-BLB | Approval of Shoreline Exploration LLC Proposal for Oil/Gas Development | 10/23/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-178-BLB | Approval of Corporate Credit Card in tire amount of 5100,000 for the Tribes Finance Department/or Airline Travel with First International Bank and Trust of Williston, ND | 10/23/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-179-VJB | Fiscal Year 2009 Continuing General Fund Budget Resolution | 11/3/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-180-VJB | Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Funds for Withdrawal from Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds of Labor Account PL228700 in the Amount of $9,100,000.00. | 11/3/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-181-VJB | Appointment of Executive Officers of the Tribal Business Council 0f the Three Affiliated Tribes; the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara - dated November 6, 2008 | 11/6/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-182-VJB | Authorization and Permitting for drilling Ground Water on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 11/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-183-VJB | USDA Rural Business Opportunity Grant (RBOG) | 11/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-184-VJB | Tribal Business Council Approval of the Fort Berthold Rural Water Program's Policy and Procedures for Water Service. | 11/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-185-VJB | Child Support Budget Amendment to resolution 08-134-VJB. | 11/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-186-VJB | None

  • 08-187-VJB | Establishment of the Three Affiliated Tribes Prenatal to Preschool Program | 11/13/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-188-VJB | None

  • 08-189-VJB | None

  • 08-190-VJB | Appointment of Executive Officers of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes; the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara- dated December 4'", 2008 | 12/4/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-191-VJB | North Segment Representative Board Member Appointments | 12/4/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-192-VJB | Establishment of the Tribal Business Council Committee Members | 12/4/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-193-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council Petition to the Secretary of Interior or His Authorized Representative Pursuant t to Article X Amendments of the Three Affiliated Tribes Constitution and By-laws an d 25 CFR Part 82 To Call a Secretarial Election on a Proposed Amendment to Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution | 12/4/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-194-VJB | Ratification and Final Approval of Investment in Arrow Pipeline, LLC and Entry Into the Limited Liability Company Agreement of Arrow Pipeline, LLC | 12/4/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-195-VJB | Charter of MHA Pipeline LLC | 12/4/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-196-VJB | Approval to lease 360 Acres of tribal trust lands to Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp., for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR § 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR§ 211.20 (a) and (d) H | 12/4/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-197-VJB | Mentoring Program for At-Risk Tribal Youth. | 12/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-198-VJB | Authorization for a Disbursement to the Elders | 12/15/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-199-SE | Appointment of Three Affiliated Tribes Ethics and Rules Committee | 12/22/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-200-SE | Rescission of Resolution No. 07-122-VJB and Approval of Oil and Gas Leases with Marathon Oil Company for 160 acres for Oil and Gas Development of the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR 211.20 (a) and (d) |12/22/2008 |Y |Active |

  • 08-201-SE | Rescission of Resolution No. 07-122-VJB and Approval of Oil and Gas Leases with G-4 LLC/Oil Partners for 592.20 acres for Oil and Gas Development of the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR 211.20 (a) and (d)" | 12/22/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-202-SE | Approval to lease 40.00 Acres of tribal trust lands to Petro-Hunt LLC/Oil Partners, for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR § 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR§ 211.20 (a) and (d) | 12/22/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-203-SE | Approval to lease 160.00 acres, wherein the Tribe owns an undivided interest, of Allotted trust lands to Questar Exploration and Production Company, for Oil and Gas Development t on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR § 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR§ 211.20 (a) and (d) | 12/22/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-204-SE | Approval to lease 240.00 acres, wherein the Tribe owns an undivided interest, of Allotted trust lands to Petro-Hunt LLC, for Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Reservation pursuant to 25 CFR § 211 and Request to the Superintendent to Negotiate a Lease Pursuant to 25 CFR§ 211.20 (a) and (d) | 12/22/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-205-SE | Northern Plains Cancer Screening Project | 12/22/2008 | Y | Active |

  • 08-206-SE | Appointment of Executive Officers Authorized to Initiate Disbursements- Election and Term Information to Conduct Business with the Office of Trust Funds Management | 12/23/2008 | Y | Active |

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