1992 Resolutions
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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status |
92-001-JJR | NONE
92-002-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribe hereby waives the sovereign immunity of the Lumber, Construction, Manufacturing Corporation for purposes of specific performance, injunction and actual contract damages; provided, that such waiver shall permit a court order to reach the assets of the Lumber, Construction, Manufacturing Corporation only, and no other Tribal assets whatever. | 1/22/1992 | Y | Active |
92-003-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the tribal Business council authorizes John Fox, Jr., Finance Manager, and Calvin Grinnell, Managing Editor of the MHA times to secure a loan in the amount of up to $15,000.00 plus interest from the Lakeside State Bank of New Town, Secured by FYS3 Telecommunication 350-G Docket Funds; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Treasurer and Chairman are authorized to execute the required bank loan documents and Assignment of Trust Income Forms. | 1/22/1992 | Y | Active |
92-004-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby declares February 9-15, 1992 as the "1992 Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Tribal Education Week", and directs the Tribal Education Department to organize an appropriate observance program for that occasion. | 1/22/1992 | Y | Active |
92-005-JJR | BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to "Subsection 4.1(d) promulgate, issue and renew gaming licenses and permits as provided in this Ordinance and in regulations promulgated by the Commission and Subsection 4.1(f) promulgate regulations." of the Gaming Code, the Gaming Commission hereby revises Subsection 7.2 Issuance of Licenses, Renewal, to read: Each license shall be valid for one-year period commencing January 1 and ending December 31 of a respective year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the annual gaming license fee be increased to $250.00 effective January 7, 1992. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the provisions of this resolution duly adopted by the Three Affiliated Tribes and pursuant to the Gambling Code of Laws of the Fort Berthold Reservation will result in the revocation of said permittee's gambling license | 1/22/1992 | Y | Active |
92-006-JJR | WHEREAS, Said Attorney Contract, A00C14201145, between the Tribe and Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Wilder was extended, by motion adopted at a special meeting of the Tribal Business Council on December 30, 1991, for three years or until December 31 1994. WHEREAS, The attorney contract rate has been $110 per hour for four years and the Attorneys and the Tribe wish to change the amount of compensation under the contract from $110 per attorney hour to $110 per attorney hour, and the time of Karen Funk from $70 to $80 per hour; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the attached amendment to the Attorney Contract is hereby approved. | 1/22/1992 | Y | Active |
92-007-JJR | WHEREAS, The Tribal Treasurer has prepared the 1992 Tribal Budget; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proposed 1992 Tribal Budget is hereby approved; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Chairman is authorized to disburse funds in accordance with the approved budget. | 1/24/1992 | Y | Active |
92-008-JJR | Roads Construction | 1/24/1992 | Y | Resolution Missing |
92-009-JJR | IHS Sanitation Facility | 1/24/1992 | Y | Resolution Missing |
92-010-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approves the proposed Tribal Group Insurance rates of $170.15 for Single Coverage with $100 deductible, $294.80 for Single Plus Dependent Coverage with $150 deductible, and $426.45 for Family Coverage with $200 deductible. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Personnel Policies and Procedures for the payment of Group Insurance Premiums, Resolution #90-179-N is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. As an employee benefit, Three Affiliated Tribes assumes 100% of the Group Insurance Premium for Single Coverage, Single Plus Dependent Coverage, and Family Coverage, for eligible employees. 2. Group Insurance Premiums to be paid by the Three Affiliated Tribes' appropriate budget(s) monthly | 1/24/1992 | Y | Active |
92-011-JJR | WHEREAS, It has come to the attention of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes that additional legal counsel is needed to assist the Treasurer of the Three Affiliated Tribes in discharging and performing his duties as mandated by the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes, particularly, to oversee the various programs under the direction and control of the Treasurer to ensure that the Three Affiliated Tribes is in compliance with the various Federal and State regulations and program requirements those contracts and agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby delegates to the Treasurer of the Three Affiliated Tribes authority to select, employee | 1/24/1992 | Y | Active |
92-012-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the creation of a Tribal owned corporation named Common Equipment Pool Corporation (CEP) whose purpose will be to create a common computer, equipment and motor pool whose duty would be to serve the various programs and agencies of the Three Affiliated Tribes could significantly improve the ability of those programs and agencies to serve the enrolled members of the Three Affiliated Tribes while reducing their individual costs of maintaining, operating and purchasing of computers, equipment, automobiles and other motor vehicles which could be used by all of the various programs and agencies under the control and direction of the Tribal Business Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The newly formed Common Equipment Motor Pool Corporation is directed and authorized to obtain and transfer title or assume any existing leases to all automobiles and other motor vehicles currently owned by either the Three Affiliated Tribes or any program or agency currently under the control of the Tribal Business Council and to establish appropriate policies for the maintenance, operation, purchase and use of the computers, equipment, automobiles and other motor vehicles under its control; AND NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The newly formed Common Equipment Motor Pool Corporation is authorized to establish appropriate policies and procedures for receiving payment for the use of its computers, equipment, automobiles and other motor vehicles from the various programs and agencies under the direction and control of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 1/29/1992 | Y | Active |
92-013-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby supports the Mandaree School Board's request for Mandaree School expansion and improvements to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. | 1/29/1992 | Y | Active |
92-014-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the execution and filing of the attached Program Announcement 13.612-921 Grant Application For Financial Assistance from the Administration For Native Americans for the ANA Grant Period of July 1, 1992 Through June 30, 1993, including all understandings, certifications, and assurances contained in the Application. | 2/5/1992 | Y | Active |
92-015-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the proposed 1992 Indirect Cost Budget is hereby approved; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Chairman is authorized to disburse funds in accordance with the approved budget; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Treasurer is authorized to make adjustments to the Indirect Cost. | 2/5/1992 | Y | Active |
92-016-JJR | WHEREAS, The Three Affiliated Tribes desires to submit grant applications for improving aspects of Bureau and Tribal operations through the Criminal Justice Improvement on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation program; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and directs submission of applications for financial assistance under the Fiscal Year 1992 request for proposals notice directed to Indian Tribes from the Bureau Of Indian Affairs pursuant to Federal Register notice of January 2, 1992. | 2/7/1992 | Y | Active |
92-017-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approves the attached projections and allocations for the Docket Funds for FY-1992 Tribal operations; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Chairman and Tribal Treasurer can disburse funds as authorized by the Plan. | 3/11/1992 | Y | Active |
92-018-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby delegates to the Treasurer of the Three Affiliated Tribes the authority to change the procedures and practices for authorizing expenditures and reimbursements for travel performed by the members of the Tribal Business Council and the employees of the Three Affiliated Tribes for the public purposes of the Tribes; FURTHER, The Treasurer is directed and authorized to delegate to the Comptroller the duty to establish procedures and practices to implement travel authorization, expenditures and reimbursements for the members of the Tribal Business Council and the employees of: the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 3/11/1992 | Y | Active |
92-019-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby propose, and otherwise reflect a commitment, to redesign, and carry out such changes as may be developed in order to make significant improvements in the opportunities and service delivery available under the Tribal Higher Education and Social Service programs through the use of a planning grant from the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the United States Department of Interior. | 3/11/1992 | Y | Active |
92-020-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby delegates to the Treasurer of the Three Affiliated Tribes the authority to change the accounting procedures and practices from a cash method to an accrual method which follows Generally Accepted Accounting Principles thereby allowing the Treasurer to faithfully perform his duties as prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes. FURTHER, The Treasurer is directed and authorized to establish procedures and practices to implement an accrual method of accounting which follows Generally Accepted Accounting Principles including the training of staff and personnel in the methods of accrual based accounting and the delegation of those duties to the Comptroller to ensure that the staff is properly cross-trained to perform the tasks necessary for an accrual based accounting system. | 3/11/1992 | Y | Active |
92-021-JJR | NONE
92-022-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council has reviewed and considered the proposed Contract between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Mr. Richard A. Dubray, Stoel Rives Boley Jones and Gray Law Firm, One Union Square, 600 University St., Seattle, Washington 98101-3197, (a photo static copy of which Contract is attached hereto and made part hereof), subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative pursuant to 25 U.S.C. Section 476 as delegated by 10 BIAM 3.1. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, as provided in Clause 2.7 of the attached Contract, it is mutually understood and agreed to by the parties to the Contract that payment of compensation and expenses under the terms of the Contract shall be contingent upon the availability of EPA funds throughout the term of the Contract. | 3/12/1992 | N | Active |
92-023-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the purchase of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, from Mervel Hall, 301-U271 | 3/12/1992 | Y | Active |
92-024-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the contracting of Fiscal Year 1992 funding received through Basic Grants under Library Services for Indian Tribes and Hawaiian Natives Programs (LSCA Title IV), to the Fort Berthold Community College for purposes outlined above. | 3/20/1992 | Y | Active |
92-025-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the sovereign immunity of the Tribal Court and the Associate Tribal Judge is hereby waived for the limited purpose of remaining in the federal court action, A-1 Contractors, and Lyle Stockart v. Honorable William D. Strate, Associate Tribal Judge of the Tribal Court of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the fort Berthold Indian Reservation, et al., #Al-92-024, to protect, present, and assert the issue of tribal court jurisdiction; provided that, this waiver of immunity does not extend to other claims or issues in this action or any other now or in the future. | 3/20/1992 | Y | Active |
92-026-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Tribe hereby approves the Special Counsel Contract with Melodle McCoy of the Native American Rights Fund effective March 17, 1992 up to and including March 31, 1993 in the amount of $25,000.00 authorizing the provision of legal services to the Tribe in the above-referenced case. | 3/20/1992 | Y | Active |
92-027-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated tribes hereby formally approves and affirms ; 55 the age for eligibility at 55 years of age. 'NOW, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, this does not apply to Tribal Judgement Plans.-1992. | 3/20/1992 | Y | Active |
92-028-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes enact a task force to investigate the financial dealings of American Indian Agricultural Credit Consortium, Inc. and the Indian Credit Corporation with the Three Affiliated Tribes and its' enrolled members; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes, Business Council appoint John "Jack" Rabbithead, Jr., as the Chairperson of a task force committee of three (3); an Kenneth Danks and James Mossett, committee members; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the task force committee shall have all powers including but not limited to issuing subpoenas necessary to conduct a thorough investigation of the financial dealings of the American Indian Agricultural Credit Consortium, Inc. and Indian Credit Corporation with the Three Affiliated Tribes and its' enrolled membership. | 4/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-029-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following fifty (50) applicants. | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-030-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby approves and supports the Circle of Life to utilize the leasing program for the Homeless under The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Region VIII. | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-031-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council proclaims the week of April 20 thru April 24, The Three Affiliated Tribes Wellness Week. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The dates of April 22 and April 23 be set aside for Tribal employees to attend the in-service and health conference. | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-032-JJR | WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council hereby directs the Human Resource Department through the Tribal Health component to seek funding in the amount of $15,000 to provide training and equipment for exercise leaders in the six reservation districts; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Tribal Business Council is in support of the plan of operation being submitted in the behalf of the enrolled members of the Tribe. | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-033-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby grants a ten year right-of way, on sixty (60) foot wide, for public access across the following allotment: 1126 and agrees to waive payment for said right-of-way. | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-034-JJR | Mercer County, North Dakota Township 146 North , Range 89 West Section 04: Lots 3 & 4; S1/2NW1/4; SW1/4 Section 05: Lots 3 & 4; S1/2NW1/4; SW1/4 Section 08: NE1/4; N1/2SE1/4; N1/2NW1/4 Section 09: E1/2W1/2 Township 146 North , Range 90 West Section 03: Lot 4 Township 147 North , Range 89 West Section 30: Lots 1 & 2; Section 32: SW1/4SE1/4, SW1/4NE1/41 Section 33: N1/2 Section 34: N1/2NW1/4 W1/2NE1/4; E1/2NW1/4; E1/2E1/2 SE1/4SW1/4; NW1/4SE1/4; NE1/4SW1/4; E1/2NE1/4; NW1/4NE1/4; SE1/4NW1/4 Township 147 North , Range 90 West Section 25: N1/2NE1/4; SE1/4 Section 34: SW1/4SW1/4; E1/2SW1/4; SE1/4; S1/2NE1/4; Section 35: SE1/4NE1/4; S1/2; NE1/4NW1/4; NW1/4NE1/4 | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-035-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby amends the T-2, Indirect Cost, and Docket Budgets as shown on the Budgets Amendment Attachment to this Resolution. | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-036-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and directs submission of applications for financial assistance under the Fiscal Year 1992 request for proposals directed to Indian Tribes from the Office of Victims of Crime entitled " Children's Justice Act Discretionary Grant Program for Native Americans". Funding for such proposals authorized by the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) of 1984, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 10601 et. seg. | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-037-JJR | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby endorses the application to the U.S Office of Education, Office of Indian Education as a "Pilot Project to develop, implement and test a North Dakota Indian Curriculum" and encourages its support by the U.S. Office of Indian Education. | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-038-JJR | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and directs the Tribal Social Services Program to execute and submit a Fiscal Year 1992 Application for Financial Assistance under Public Law 95-608 to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for providing "Child Protection Services" on the Fort Berthold Reservation. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the desired time period for the proposed project will be July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993. | 4/9/1992 | Y | Active |
92-039-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and directs the Social Services Program/Human Resource Department to execute and file the attached application for Family Violence Prevention and Services funding in the amount of $40,000 including the required assurances as listed | 4/29/1992 | Y | Active |
92-040-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby awards the contract for construction of the planned water treatment plants specified in the MR&I RFP to the Three Affiliated Tribes Lumber Construction Manufacturing Corporation (LCM), and authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council to negotiate with LCM and the relevant staff of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Bureau of Reclamation to expedite implementation and construction as soon as possible. | 5/6/1992 | Y | Active |
92-041-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council authorizes John Fox, Jr., Finance Manager and Acting Managing Editor of the MHA Times to secure a loan in the amount of up to $ 35,000.00 plus interest from Lakeside State Bank of New Town, secured by FY93 Telecommunications 350-G Docket Funds; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Treasurer and Chairman are authorized to execute the required bank loan documents and Assignment of Trust Income forms. | 5/6/1992 | Y | Active |
92-042-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby confirms the appointment of Celeste Witham, to fill the unexpired term as Tribal Tax Commissioner of Ton Yellow Wolf; FURTHER MORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby confirms the appointment of Celeste Witham for an additional three (3) year term beginning July 3, 1992, and expiring July 3, 1995. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-043-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The revised fees shall apply to all construction development vendors immediately. The failure to pay the fees shall constitute a violation of the Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) Ordinance. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-044-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to its Constitutional authority, hereby approves and enacts the following amendments to Chapter 4 of the Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation: B. "Employee" shall mean any person employed for remuneration. D. "Employer" shall mean any person, partnership, corporation or other entity that employs, for wages, one or more employees. E. "Covered Employer" shall mean and include any employer who employs one or more employees who during any 30-day period, spend, cumulatively, 40 or more hours performing work within the exterior boundaries of the Fort Berthold Reservation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said legislative amendments shall become effective immediately. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-045-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The revised fees shall apply to all mineral development vendors immediately. The failure to pay the fees shall constitute a violation of the Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) Ordinance. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active, see 16-307-FWF |
92-046-JJR | None
92-047-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby formally approves and affirms 9% match of $17,500.00 in the sum of $1,575.00 for Title III for nutritious services for the Twin Buttes, White Shield and Parshall, North Dakota meal sites. All three communities on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-048-JJR | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council upon receipt of evidence that a pollution source or combination of sources is presenting an imminent and substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of persons within the extension boundaries of the Fort Berthold Reservation, or where such endangerment is to the fish, wildlife, or other natural resources, products, or goods of the Three Affiliated Tribes within the extension boundaries of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Tribal Business Council may bring suit on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes in Tribal Court to restrain immediately any person or persons causing or contributing to the alleged pollution to stop the discharge of pollutants causing or contributing to such pollution or to take such other action as may be necessary. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council, or the Natural Resource Department at the request of the Council, shall be empowered to take such action as may be necessary to protect the public's health, safety or welfare by issuing written orders to the person or persons responsible for the discharge or threatened discharge to cease and desist those polluting activities causing imminent and substantial endangerment. Such action may be taken without prior notice or hearing by requiring that the person or persons causing or contributing to such pollution or threatened pollution: immediately discontinue such discharge; and appear before the Tribal Business Council or its designated agency at the time and place specified in such written order; and provide information pertaining to the violations and conditions alleged in such order. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in addition to other civil fines and remedies, the Tribal Business Council or its designated agency may assess the owners and/or operators of the pollution source(s) for all governmental and administrative costs incurred, including legal fees and expenses related to the Tribe's response to such discharge or threatened discharge of pollution into or about the Reservation environment. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the title of this ordinance shall be the "Emergency Pollution Control Ordinance." BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes do not waive, alter, or otherwise diminish their sovereign immunity whether expressed or implied by virtue of enacting this resolution. Nor do the Three Affiliated Tribes waive, alter, or otherwise diminish their rights, privileges, remedies, or services guaranteed by applicable federal law. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-049-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes the purchase of personal property located on Township 150 North Range 92 West within Sections 23 and 24, know as the Pouch Bay Recreation Area for $23,000 subsequent to the Natural Resource Department completing an Up-To-Date Inventory and completing all necessary documentation. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-050-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Naomi Black Hawk, 301-A1890, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Naomi Black Hawk, under the terms and conditions as stated below: | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-051-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Esley P. Thorton, Sr., 301-U1057, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Esley P. Thorton, Sr., under the terms and condition as stated on the attachment. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-052-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Dennis R. Fox, Sr., 301-U1458, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Dennis R. Fox, Sr., under the terms and condition as stated on the attachment. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-053-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Catherine Fox Harmon, 301-U1830, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Catherine Fox Harmon, under the terms and condition as stated on the attachment. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-054-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Angus B. Fox, 301-U874, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Angus B. Fox, under the terms and condition as stated on the attachment. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-055-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Anthony R. Fox, 301-U1060, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Anthony R. Fox, under the terms and condition as stated on the attachment. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-056-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Arline Pox Muzzy, 301-U2429, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Arline Fox Muzzy, under the terms and condition as stated on the attachment. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-057-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Maynard Fox, 301-U1548, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Maynard Fox, under the terms and condition as stated on the attachment. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-058-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes has determined as follows: Section 1. (Determination of Council) It is necessary to defray all or a portion of the costs of acquiring the land or interests therein by obtaining a loan to be made or insured by the Government in accordance with applicable provisions of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act and Public Law 91-229, it being determined that the Tribe is unable to obtain sufficient credit elsewhere to finance the acquisition taking into consideration prevailing private and cooperative rates and terms currently available. Section 2. (Amount and terms of Loan) The Tribe shall borrow $1,000,000.00 at five (5) percent interest or less per annum and issue as evidence thereof an installment promissory note in the form prescribed by the Government for the full principal amount of the loan. The note shall be signed by the Tribal Chairman and attested by the Tribal Treasurer and the corporate or other seal of the Tribe affixed thereto, and shall bear interest from its date, which shall be the date of loan closing, at a rate prescribed by the Government in its approval of the loan, but not to exceed five (5) percent per annum. The security instruments shall be in such from and contain the terms and conditions required by the Government. Section 3. (Pledge of Revenue) The indebtedness hereby authorized shall be payable from the gross income and revenue derived from the operation of the tribal land purchased from these loan funds, a portion of which is sufficient to pay the principal and interest as an when the same shall become due is hereby pledged and shall be set aside for that purpose. The Tribal Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to ensure that the operation of the Tribal Land Purchase and Utilization Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") results in lease income or other revenues sufficient to maintain the Debt Service account and the Debt Reserve account at the required levels. The Comptroller is further authorized and directed, in conjunction with the Administrator of the Natural Resources Department and the Natural Resources Committee, to make such modifications to the Plan as is necessary to achieve and maintain this result. Section 4. (Pledge of Additional Security) This section of FmHA Instruction 442.11. Exhibit B, is not applicable in its entirety for this loan. Section 5. (Protection and Disposition of Funds) The Tribal Treasurer shall be custodian of all loan funds of the Tribe and all revenue pledged for repayment of the loan. All loan funds shall be deposited in accordance with Subpart A of Part 1902. The Treasurer shall execute a fidelity bond on the positions of Chairman and Treasurer in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 with a surety company approved by the Government. The United States of America shall be named as a co-obligee in such bond, and the amount thereof shall not be reduced without the prior written consent of the Government. The Tribal Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to have established the following accounts at the financial institution of the Tribe into which proceeds of the note, the revenues from the land, and any other income pledged for repayment shall be deposited, which accounts shall be continually maintained, except as otherwise provided, so long as the indebtedness hereby authorized remains unpaid: A. Land Acquisition Account. The proceeds of the loan hereby authorized shall be deposited in the Land Acquisition Account which shall be established as a "supervised bank account" as required by the Government. If funds in this account exceed $1,000,000.00, it shall be secured by the financial institution in advance in accordance with U.S. Treasury Department Circular No. 176. When all land acquisition costs have been paid in full, any balance remaining in the Land Acquisition Account shall be applied as a refund on the loan and the Land Acquisition Account shall be closed. B. Debt Service Account. All assigned revenues shall be deposited in the Debt Service Account until there is an amount equal to the next annual installment to become due plus any delinquencies and payments are made to the Reserve Account. The Debt Service Account will be used for making annual installment payments on the loan, payments for any delinquencies that might occur, and payments to the Reserve Account, the Administrative Costs Account and the Land Improvement Account. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council also approves the submission of a Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) Community Facilities Loan Application for Phase II of the Fort Berthold Community College. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-059-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the execution and filing of the Program Announcement 13.612921 Grant Application For Financial Assistance from the Administration For Native Americans for the ANA Grant Period of September 1, 1992 Through August 31, 1994, including all understandings, certifications, and assurances contained in the Application. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-060-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Tribal Business Council hereby supports the Fort Berthold Community College new facility project for consideration under the Community Development Block Grant Program for Indian Tribes, 1991-92. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-061-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby grants a ten year right-of way, on sixty (60) foot wide, for public access across the following Tribal Fee Property, described as 80 acres within NE1/4NW1/4,NW1/4NE;1/4 35-147-90 and agrees to waive payment for said right-of-way and designate the property as public use area. | 5/18/1992 | Y | Active |
92-062-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby grants a Twenty-five foot right-of way, and sixty (60) feet wide, for public access across the following Tribal Fee Property, described as 80 acres within the NE1/4NWl/4,NWl/4NEl/4 35-147-90 and agrees to waive payment for said right-of way. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the above 80.00 acres shall be designated Public Use Area to be managed by the Twin Buttes Parks and Recreation Association. | 6/17/1992 | Y | Active |
92-063-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That after thorough consideration of all community development needs within the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby directs the execution and filing of an application for financial assistance under the Community Development Block Grant 1991-1992 Program for the following proposed activities: Activities - CDBG Administration - Cattle Relending Program - New Northeast Segment Community Facility - North Segment Community Facility Expansion TOTAL $ Amount $ 60,000, $400,000, $240,000, $100,000 $800,00. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby certifies that the requirements of 24 CFR 271.604 (a) and (c) have been complied with in the development of this application to ensure adequate citizen participation input and that at least 51% of the proposed projects beneficiaries will be low and moderate income persons, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby commits local matching funds for the projects in the following amounts from the following sources: Project/Priority # $ Amount C. Relending #1 NE Facility #2 N Facility #3 Total $172,000 $ 80,000 $ 34.000 $286,00 | 6/17/1992 | Y | Active |
92-064-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Lonnie Spotted Bear, 301-D1493, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Lonnie Spotted Bear, under the terms and conditions as stated below: | 6/17/1992 | Y | Active |
92-065-JJR | Interim rule that the Gaming Commission developed and get them in until such time the Tribe has their gaming operations established | 6/17/1992 | Y | Missing Resolution |
92-066-JJR | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby endorses the Three Affiliated Tribes Education Department Philosophy and Mission Statement for Education and directs the Tribal Education Department and all education programs to take appropriate actions to fulfill the mission of our Three Affiliated Tribes | 6/17/1992 | Y | Active |
92-067-JJR |NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The revised fees shall apply to all mineral development vendors immediately. The failure to pay the fees shall constitute a violation of the Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) Ordinance. | 6/17/1992 | Y | Active, see 16-307-FWF |
92-068-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the Bureau of Indian Affairs to do all things necessary to obtain these excess lands from the General Services Administration and return these properties into trust on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 6/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-069-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby creates an MIS Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes will select an Administrator of MIS and also select the Director of MIS. | 6/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-070-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,- The Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby submits to the Bureau of Indian Affairs/Fort Berthold Agency this Resolution to serve as a request to convert the existing contracts for Adult Basic Education and Tribally Controlled Community College Administration to "Mature Contract" Status as authorized under Public Law 93-638 as Amended. This request shall be for FY 93. | 6/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-071-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby adopts Reclamation's Construction Safety Standards; Reclamation Operation and Maintenance Safety Standards; and Reclamation Safety & Health Manual for the purposes of the Operation, Maintenance & Replacement Program. | 7/14/1992 | Y | Active |
92-072-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following thirty-three (45) applicants. | 7/14/1992 | Y | Active |
92-073-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby propose, and otherwise reflect a commitment, to plan, and carry out such plans as may be developed in order to make significant improvements in the area of domestic violence on the reservation through the implementation of a shelter. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT, the funding sources for the daily activities and overall upkeep of this shelter will be the responsibility of the Director, through the process of writing for grants from various organizations such as the Department of Corrections(DOC), and the United Way Foundation, and to possess the knowledge and assertion to tap into any and all available resources to keep this shelter's door open. In addition, this person must have the expertise in fund raising. The shelter will work to develop and support civil remedies that will empower our people in the systems. | 7/14/1992 | Y | Active |
92-074-JJR | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the official name of the Mandaree public park to be "WAHEENEE-wea' meaning " Buffalo Bird Women ". Further resolved. That the official name of the park shall not be changed regardless of further recreational development or expansion at the park site. | 7/24/1992 | Y | Active |
92-075-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby request a 93-638 grant from the Bureau of Indian Affairs from the above authorizations, to update the transportation improvement plan for the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and to develop a transportation plan for tourism and recreational travel and facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the Tribal Chairman to retain Consultant to develop contract documents and undertake all negotiations necessary to obtain grant funds and a 93-638 contract with the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the above purpose | 7/29/1992 | Y | Active |
92-076-JJR | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Three Affiliated Tribes through its governing body, the Tribal Business Council, does hereby intend to establish an application for contract under Public Law 93-638 for a Tribal Facilities Custodial program. | 7/29/1992 | N | Active |
92-077-JJR | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Three Affiliated Tribes through its governing body, the Tribal Business Council, does hereby intend to establish an application for contract under P.L. 93-638 for an Adult Vocational Program and an Employment Assistance Program to meet the needs herein addressed. | 7/29/1992 | Y | Active |
92-078-JJR | Bonding on Indian owned businesses | 7/29/1992 | Y | Missing Resolution |
92-079-JJR | AND NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Chairman of the Three Affiliated Tribes is hereby authorized to sign any and all documents, negotiate and to take whatever action is deemed necessary to achieve implementation of the Economic Development Projects; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Chairman is hereby authorized to add projects to this list, when deemed to be in the best interests of the Three Affiliated Tribes and to seek Private, State, Council, Federal and 638 Funding for the Projects. | 7/29/1992 | Y | Rescinded by 93-022-JJR on 2-10-1993. |
92-080-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council desires to recontract with the State Department of Public Instructions, U.S. Department of Agriculture for continued Commodity Services operation: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes requests that $154,276.00 be granted for this purpose. | 7/29/1992 | Y | Active |
92-081-JJR | HOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes does hereby appoint a Tribal Election Board, alternates, and a Tribal Certification Board as authorized by the Tribal Constitution and Election Ordinance to preside over and administer the 1992 Tribal Council Election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following named individuals shall constitute the membership of the 1992 Tribal Election Board and the Tribal Certification Board: | 8/12/1992 | Y | Active |
92-082-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following thirty-three (33) applicants. | 9/8/1992 | Y | Active |
92-083-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation will adopt and implement the State Attendant Care facility program for the juveniles of the Fort Berthold Reservation. | 9/8/1992 | Y | Active |
92-084-JJR | authorization and commission the Secretary of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs Law Enforcement personnel to enforce and uphold the civil and criminal laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes subject to the express withholding of such law enforcement delegation. | 9/8/1992 | Y | Missing Resolution |
92-085-JJR | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to provides a greater voice -for our youth and to give them greater opportunities to participate in tribal leadership, the (Tribal Business Council) authorizes the formation of a reservation wide youth council to represent all tribal youth before the (tribal business council). This organization will operate under the supervision of and with the support and encouragement of the Youth Affairs Committee. | 9/8/1992 | Y | Active |
92-086-JJR | NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes duly authorizes the execution and filing of the Community Services Block Grant FY-93 Application including all understandings and Assurances contained in the application, and has directed and authorized the Chairman of the Three Affiliated Tribes to be identified as official contact person for the Three Affiliated Tribes Community Services Block Grant Program, | 9/8/1992 | Y | Active |
92-087-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves and supports the application of the Standing Rock Sioux-Tribe to contract for the architectural and design portion of the Chief Gall Inn Youth Treatment Center project; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes approves and supports the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to add construction funds when additional appropriations are approved for renovation of the facilities | 9/8/1992 | Y | Active |
92-088-JJR | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: The Tribal Business Council consents to continue the contract the Education and Agency Special Education Program from the Office of Indian Education Programs; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: The Tribal Business Council establishes the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Education Department to directly oversee all Tribal Education Programs contracted by the Three Affiliated Tribes; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The Tribal Business Council will negotiate with the Bureau of Indian Affairs Office Director of Indian Education for the funding of the Tribal Education Department from Element 10 funds until funding is available for Tribal Education Departments. The unique needs of the Three Affiliated Tribes will be the basis of all negotiations. | 9/8/1992 | Y | Active |
92-089-JJR | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council also approves the submission of a Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) Community Facilities Loan Application for Phase II of the Fort Berthold Community College. | 9/8/1992 | Y | Active |
92-090-JJR | Janice Hall Land Exchanges | 9/8/1992 | Y | Missing Resolution |
92-091-JJR | Frances Hall Land Exchange | 9/8/1992 | Y | Missing Resolution |
92-092-JJR | Kathleen Hall Land Exchange | 9/8/1992 | Y | Missing Resolution |
92-093-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the contracting of Fiscal Year 1993 funding received through Basic Grants under Library Services for Indian Tribes and Hawaiian Native Programs (LSCA Title IV), to the Fort Berthold Community College for purposes outlined above. | 9/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-094-JJR | WHEREAS, Ms. Defender is doing an excellent job of promoting the Indian culture and tradition at Fort Lincoln State Park and it is the desire of the Three Affiliated Tribes, Tribal Business Council that she be retained in that position by the State Park Service; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Three Affiliated Tribes recommends that the following enrolled members be placed on the committee: Edwin Benson, William Bell, Rose Crow Flies High, Louella Young Bear and Donna Morgan and Elgin Crows Breast as alternate members. | 9/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-095-JJR | WHEREAS, The Fort Lincoln State Park in North Dakota plans to reconstruct the Earth Lodge within the park, which funds will be available; and WHEREAS, Three Affiliated Tribes recommends that the Earth Lodge be properly constructed in accordance with the original traditional design; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council desires that the reconstruction of the Earth Lodge be supervised by a member of the Steering Committee, and upon completion of this project that the proper ceremony be preformed. | 9/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-096-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby delegates to the authority to the Comptroller of the Three Affiliated Tribes to arrange the necessary lines of credit under such terms and conditions so that the Three Affiliated Tribes has the funds necessary to pay its obligations and accounts payable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby delegates to the authority to the Comptroller of the Three Affiliated Tribes to arrange the necessary lines of credit under such terms and conditions so that the Three Affiliated Tribes has the funds necessary to pay its obligations and accounts payable. | 9/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-097-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the Northeast Segment Board of Directors to secure a loan the amount of $2,500 plus interest charges, from the Lakeside State Bank of New Town, North Dakota, secured by the Tribal Trust/Lease Income with repayment by February 28, 1993, from the annual Tribal Docket 350-C&D Community Development Funds Fiscal Year 1993. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Chairman and Treasurer are authorized to execute the required Bank Loan Documents and Assignment of Trust Income Forms. | 9/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-098-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the contracting for FY/93 on the following mature and term contracts/grants: Mature: Mature: Mature: Mature: Mature: Mature: CTA04T30122, CTA04T30121, CTA04T30104, CTA04T30124 CTA04T30123, CTA04T30120 Criminal Justice Social Services Credit & Financing Fish, Game & Recreation Tribal Realty Program Johnson O'Malley Program. Mature: CTA04T30119, CTA04T30110, CTA04T30111, CTA04T30108, CTA04T30117, CTA04T30116 CTA04T30118 GTA04T30103, CTA04T30125, CT043T30128, CTA04T30127, CTA04T30126, Higher Education Water Resources Planning & Management Municipal & Rural Irrigation Agency Education Reservation Programs Roads Maintenance Home Improvement Child Protection Services Detention Center Project BIA Janitorial/Maintenance Adult Vocational Employment Asst. Roads Transportation and the following Indian Health Service contracts: Master Contract IHS #241-92-0039 Tribal Health Admin. CHR Physician Extender Program Janitorial Alcoholism #241-90-0085 Dialysis Renal Project | 9/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-099-JJR | Blanket on I.H.S /BIA Existing Contracts | 9/30/1992 | Y | Missing Resolution |
92-100-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Three Affiliated Tribes, Tribal Business Council designates Mr. John Jack Rabbithead. Secretary, as the official tribal representative on the Mni Sose Tribal Water Rights Coalition board, Donald Morgan, Administrator, Natural Resources Department, as the alternate and whom the Tribal Chairman appoints to attend the meetings. | 9/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-101-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council, in a duly convened and held meeting, respectfully requests the United States of America to intervene and/or file amicus curiae in the above entitled litigation, exclusive of the Standish case. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be forthwith delivered to the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Indian Agency for his review and recommendation. | 10/29/1992 | Y | Active |
92-102-JJR | Parshall students transferring to White Shield School be eligible for athletic benefits. | 10/29/1992 | Y | Missing Resolution |
92-103-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Court may give recognition and enforce foreign judgments provided however, that the person seeking recognition and enforcement of the foreign judgment file a complaint and/or petition with the Tribal Court and serve a copy of the complaint or petition on the defendant and/or respondent in accordance with the Rules of civil procedure. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Court shall convene a hearing to hear arguments from both sides as to whether the foreign judgment should be recognized and enforced. FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Court shall not recognize and enforce any foreign judgment from a jurisdiction that does not reciprocate by recognizing and enforcing judgments of the Tribal Court of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation. | 10/29/1992 | Y | Active |
92-105-JJR | NONE
92-106-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes does hereby fully support the continued existence fee and efforts of the United Tribes Technical College's member Tribes for the continuation of its mission and urges the Bureau of Indian Affairs to fund the school at a level that will maintain the complete services provided by the School; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Technical College is authorized to operate and contract or receive grants for: 1. The primary operation of the College and support services through the Bureau of Indian Affairs? and the Johnson O'Malley program at the Theodore Jamerson Elementary School; and 2. Vocational Education services under the National Vocational Education Act, U.S. Department of Education and those funds under Title III, Part H, for Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Vocational Institutions; and 3. Library and related information programs for its elementary and postsecondary education services to students and children; and 4. Road funds authorized by law for United Tribes under P.L. 102-240, Section 1032, (d) "Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Vocational Institutions." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such authorization is provided except that such funding shall not jeopardize funds available to the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman or his representative is authorized and instructed to sign this resolution in behalf of the of the United Tribes Technical College. | 11/12/1992 | Y | Active |
92-107-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby expresses its interest in participating in the "integrated services approach" under PL 102-477 and designates Leo Cummings, JTPA Director as the primary contact person in this effort and authorizes him to attend the appropriate developmental meetings, | 11/12/1992 | Y | Active |
92-108-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby recognizes the North Segment Community Board composed of: Harley Tex Lone Bear, Chairman; Gordon Driver, Vice Chairman; Sandy Eagle, Secretary; and Mary Elk, Treasurer. | 11/12/1992 | Y | Active |
92-109-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the Twin Buttes School Board to recontract the Facilities Management function of the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the Twin Buttes non-educational facilities subject to Public Law 93-628 As Amended under "mature contract status". | 11/12/1992 | Y | Active |
92-110-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Tanya Bear, Daniel Bear, Debra Bear Hilliard, Leonard Hilliard, Tanya Hilliard and Stacie Ann Smith are relinquished from the membership of the Three Affiliated Tribes and their names are to be removed from the official membership roll of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Fort Peck Sioux Tribe is to be advised of this action by a copy of this resolution. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-111-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the change in degree of Indian blood for Judy Council, 301-U02647, Jacqueline Conklin, 301-U02344 and Virginia Conklin, 301-U02538 from 15/16 to 4/4 degree Indian blood. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-112-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following sixty-nine (69) applicants. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-113-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes, Human Resource Department will continue to strengthen existing Health Services, the continuation of the Combined Health, Master Contract with the Indian Health Services; and BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Indian Health Service will provide funding at the following amounts: Alcoholism Program -$194,181.00; Community Health Representative Program - $303,585.00; Physician Extender Program $175,937.00; Janitorial/Custodian Program - $44,301.00; Tribal Health Program - $51,924.00. The Indirect Cost of 35.6% of base which is included. A total funding amount of $594,111.00. Indirect Cost at $175,817.00 at 1992 proposed rate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That any Increases in any contracts will include Indirect Cost. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-114-JJR | WHEREAS, The First International Bank of Watford City, North Dakota will issue MasterCard Corporate credit cards to the Three Affiliated Tribes upon receipt of a Tribal Business Council Resolution authorizing the application and specifying financial responsibility, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes the application for and acquisition of said credit cards, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Tribes assumes financial responsibility for all obligations to the cards. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-115-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Tribal Business Council authorizes the Tribal Chairman to advise the Regional Administrator of EPA Region VIII that delegation to states of EPA's funding authority regarding Tribal programs or authorizing states to act as EPA's agent in the distribution of Tribal funds violates the federal trust responsibility, federal policies supporting tribal self-governance, and the government to-government relationship between the United States and Tribal governments; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Tribal Chairman is authorized to request the Regional Administrator to consult with Tribal governments on a government-to-government basis regarding EPA policies and procedures for allocating and distributing funds to Tribal governments. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-116-JJR | WHEREAS,-the improper or careless application, storage, transportation, and disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers may present a threat to the health and welfare of those persons who either reside or do business within the exterior boundaries of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approves and adopts the Fort Berthold Pesticide Code, a copy of which is attached hereto. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active, Code Included |
92-117-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approves and adopts the Three Affiliated Tribes Hazardous Substances Control Act, a copy of which is attached hereto. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-118-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approves and adopts a Three Affiliated Tribes Administrative Procedure Act, a copy of which is attached hereto; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Administrative Procedure Act shall apply only to the Three Affiliated Tribes Hazardous Substance Control Act, the Fort Berthold Pesticides Code and the Solid Waste Code. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active, Code Not Included |
92-119-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council approves the Special Environmental Counsel Contract with Stoel Rives Boley Jones & Grey in the form attached hereto and the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council is authorized to execute the Special Environmental Counsel Contract for the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-120-JJR | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of : the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby directs the Secretary of the Interior to work with the Secretary of Agriculture to Implement the Indian Acute Distress Donation program on the Fort Berthold Reservation as soon as possible. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-121-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes supports the reappointment of Ms. Debbie Painte to Executive Director of the North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission under Governor-elect Schafer's administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes urges Governor-elect Schafer to re-appoint Ms. Debbie Painte as Executive Director of the North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-122-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in compliance with Pre-Award Requirement #3 the Tribal Business Council hereby prohibits the inclusion of elected officials/Tribal Business Council members on the Three Affiliated Tribes Cattle Relending Project Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Tribal Business Council also assures that the Three Affiliated Tribes Cattle Relending Project Board shall be kept free of political influence in their decision making process. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-123-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes Tribal submittal of a Full FmHA Facility Loan Program Application in conjunction with the Fort Berthold Community College, and specifically authorizes joint completion of form #FmHA-ND 1944-17 "Agreement for Architectural Services" with the Jiran Architects and Planners P.C. firm, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council is designated as the Tribal Official authorized to execute all appropriate Application documents and negotiate with FmHA and Community College staff as necessary to facilitate the application process, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is understood that the Fort Berthold Community College shall be responsible for initial reimbursement of the Jiran architectural firm of Bismarck, North Dakota costs incurred in implementing Phase II of the College's Capital Campaign, and that the loan fund may be utilized in subsequent reimbursements. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-124-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Gerald Irwin, 301-U2376, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Gerald Irwin, under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-125-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Elaine Smith, 301-U849, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Elaine Smith, under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-126-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Michael Dragswolf, 301-U3256, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Michael Dragswolf, under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-127-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Millard Hale, Sr., 301-U703, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Millard Hale, Sr., under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-128-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Pauline Necklace, 301-U1077, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Pauline Necklace, under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-129-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Eugene Smith, Sr., 301-U809, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Eugene Smith, Sr., under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-130-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Leo Standish, Sr., 301-U304, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Leo Standish, Sr., under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-131-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Diana Lone Fight, 301-U4433, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Diana Lone Fight, under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-132-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Monte Good Bird, 301-U1224, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Monte Good Bird, under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-133-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Laverne Fettig, 301-U1050, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Laverne Fettig, under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-134-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Arlene Charging, 301-U158, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Arlene Charging, under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-135-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Paul Driver, Sr., 301-U351, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Port Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Paul Driver, Sr., under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-136-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Cora Y. Baker, 301-A2237, hereby authorize the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the Tribe and Cora Y. Baker, under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-137-JJR | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Valentine Finley, Sr., 301-U1202, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the tribe and Valentine Finley, Sr., under the terms and condition as stated below: | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-138-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That this Resolution shall be presented to the North Dakota Congressional Delegation for implementation through existing Federal statutes or if necessary new Federal legislation: 1. Two Bridge's one located at "Charging Eagle to McKenzie Bay" and one East to West "Charging's to Saddle Butte" and the replacement of the Four Bears Bridge. 2. Construction of a new High School with dormitories in the Mandaree District near the proposed Bridge site. 3. Request for renovation funds at the existing schools at White Shield and Mandaree (Remaining as K-8 school after construction of the Mandaree High School) 4. Request for increase of funding for the Education Department in the amount of $300,000.00 (The priority preferred is that the bridges will be constructed first to tie the communities together, and then the centralized school constructed.) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Tribal Business Council request shall in no way affect any future school funding. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-139-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the corporate entity entitled the Fort Berthold Indian School Board Association, Inc., is hereby recognized and granted a charter by the Three Affiliated Tribes. FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that a duplicate original be placed on file with the Tribal Legal Department and a charter signed by the Tribal Chairman and Secretary of this tribe and issued to this corporate entity. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-140-JJR | NONE
92-141-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That it is the desire of the Three Affiliated Tribes to contract from the Secretary of the Interior the funding and the responsibility of transferring these lands from the Corps of Engineers back to the Tribe under the Indian Self-determination Act. (Public Law 93-638. 88 Stat. 2203.1 | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-142-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Waterbuster Annual Dance Committee requests to the Tribal Business Council for a contribution of $3,000.00 for the most important cause for our Reservation. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-143-JJR | NONE
92-144-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the Four Bears Board of Directors to secure a loan the in the amount of $4000.00 plus interest charges, from the Lakeside State Bank of New Town, North Dakota, secured by the Tribal Trust / Lease income with repayment by March 19,1993, from the annual Tribal Docket 350-C&D Community Development Funds Fiscal Year 1993. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Chairman and Treasurer are authorized to execute the required Bank Loan Documents and Assignment of Trust Income Forms. | 12/3/1992 | Y | Active |
92-145-JJR | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and directs the Three Affiliated Tribes Natural Resource Department Fish and Wildlife Division to submit the "1993 Bison Management Funding Proposal" to the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society/Intertribal Bison Cooperative, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. | 12/30/1992 | Y | Active |
92-146-JJR | Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, hereby declares the 2nd week of February, henceforth, designated as the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Education Week and directs the Tribal Education Department/Tribal Education Programs and all education service providers to organize and initiate appropriate activities in observance of this occasion. | 12/30/1992 | Y | Active |
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