1969 Resolutions

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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status | 

  • 69-095-N | An Ordinance providing for a reservation curfew | 10/31/1969 | Rescinded by 97-109-DSB on 5-14-1997, Missing |

  • 69-107-N | Request to the Superintendent, the Area Director and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to place a moratorium on all applications for a patent in fee on Fort Berthold Indian land until September 1, 1970 in order that the Tribe may be given an opportunity to negotiate for the purchase of any of the lands involved, if so desired. | 1/2/1970 | Y | Active |

  • 69-108-N | Neighborhood Facilities Project Application (HUD) | 12/19/1969 | Y | Active |

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