1985 Resolutions

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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status | 

  • 85-001-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Ms. Tillie Walker and Mr. Gordon Blake are hereby instructed to meet with the Secretary of the Interior, within a reasonable time, to ensure that the purpose of PL 98-360 as it relates to the Indian claims is carried out in line with the plan developed by the Legal Department; and NOW,THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Legal Department is hereby directed to prepare an appropriate litigation strategy if the Secretary of the Interior, is so for any reason, unwilling to comply with the terms of PL 98-360 to the detriment of the Tribes. | 1/7/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-002-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Resolution No. 84-93-S, dated March 29, 1984, be and hereby is rescinded. | 1/7/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-003-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes does hereby approve of the Cattle Repayment Program Plan and Budget; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council authorizes the Fort Berthold Purebred Livestock Breeders Association to make financial contacts as necessary in the pursuit of funding for this Program and accomplish those tasks necessary to further the development of the Program as outlined within the approved Plan, | 1/7/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-004-C | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby appoints the following to the Agency School Board: Eugene Holen - Twin Buttes School, Edgar Crows Heart - Twin Buttes School, Louie Gwin - Mandaree School, Joletta Bird Bear - Mandaree School, Donald Malnourie - White Shield School, Edmund White Bear - White Shield School, Tillie Walker - Tribal Business Council, John Charging - Tribal Business Council | 1/7/1985 | Y | Rescinded 10-24-1985 |

  • 85-005-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes does hereby request the Bureau of Indian Affairs to identify and set aside the sum of $4,000,000.00 of Bureau of Indian Affairs 90% guaranteed loan funds to be utilized in the purchase of the Dallas Cap and Emblem Company, Dallas, Texas and the subsequent location of a sewing and wearing apparel plant on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. | 1/7/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-006-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bureau of Indian Affairs provide to the Three Affiliated Tribes technical assistance funds necessary to perform the feasibility analysis of purchase of Dallas Cap and Emblem Company and the development of the Fort Berthold Holding Company and also reimburse the Council of Energy Resource Tribes for their financial assistance. THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department of Economic and Employment Development (DEED) in full coordination and cooperation with the Department of Tribal Planning of the Oglala Sioux Tribe will administer this technical assistance aspect of this proposed economic development project and assist in the preparation of the aforementioned feasibility analysis outlined above. THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the requested Technical funds will be $30,000.00 as outlined in the attached budget justification and work plan. | 1/7/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-007-C | WHEREAS, The Tribe wishes to keep such lands available for homesite leases to its membership; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That all Tribally owned land within one Quarter of a mile (1/4) of all major highways and roadways within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation be placed in reserve status; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said land will be made | 1/16/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-008-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approved the purchase of the land described below, Surface and Mineral including oil and gas, from Thomas Young Bird, D-1951 for cash consideration of $2,117.42 , which is the present fair market value, utilizing funds from the LAND PURCHASE JUDGEMENT/REVENUE account, and hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and Commissioner of the Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to transfer title of the land to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, to wit. ALLOT. 49, 1563, 1952, 1953, 2037, 2238, 282A, 319A, 637A, SE1/4 5-149-91, E1/2NE1/4, 27-149-92, NE1 / 4 , 14- ; NW1 / 4 , 13-148-93, SW1/4 1 3 - ; SE1/4, 14-148-93, SE1/4SW1/4, 11-148-93, SE1/4,13-148-93, N1/2HW1/4 29-150-90, Lots l , 2 , S l / 2 NE1 / 4 SE1 / 4 , 3-149-, S1/2 34-149-92 | 1/16/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-009-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approved the purchase of the land described below. Surface and Mineral including oil and gas, from Mae Turner, U-1038 For cash consideration of $1,518.26… Allot. No. 1018A, 1705, 379 | 1/16/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-010-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby submits a formal request for the construction of a Hospital/Extended Care/Ambulatory Care Facility; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Indian Health Service Area Office and Central Office personnel are requested to provide the Tribal Business Council with assistance in steps necessary to achieve the construction for this facility. | 1/16/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-011-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby requests that the Indian Health Service increase the Contract Care allocation for the Fort Berthold Service Unit from $1,057,400 to $1,500,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the IHS Master Contract for the Three Affiliated Tribes be increased from $395,644 to $500,000. | 1/16/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-012-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Human Resource Department Request That two (2) ambulances and appropriate staff be made available to the Three Affiliated Tribes | 1/16/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-013-C | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following accounts be closed out: Citizens Bank of Ray, Checking Account No. 067-584, Lakeside State Bank, Checking Account No. 000158 091310987 002778, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following new accounts will authorize John Fox, Jr., Claryca Mandan, and Becky Knight, Members, Board of Directors, Fort Berthold Development Corporation, Box 208, New Town, North Dakota, as the official signature authorities for this Corporation's accounts, to wit: Lakeside State Bank - Account No. 00 3076, Citizens Bank of Ray - Account No. 63552 | 1/16/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-014-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby formally approves payment to John 0. Holm of attorney fees and expenses in the total amount of Two Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-Two and 30/100 Dollars ($2,942.30), and requests further formal approval of such | 1/16/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-015-C | Trader's Permit for Fred Gunn | 1/16/1985 | | Missing |

  • 85-016-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes sanctions the submittal of the Fort Berthold Community College Application for funding under the Indian Child Welfare Discretionary Program (Priority 6b) in the amount of $47,000 for Fiscal Year 1985-1986. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council supports these efforts and also directs its Human Resource, Judicial and Law Enforcement staff to coordinate with the Fort Berthold Community College in efforts to Improve services to children and their families. | 2/1/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-017-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the FY1985 Budget; Operating and Trust Fund Budget revision dated 1 February 1985 (Copy Attached) | 2/1/1985 | Y | Rescinded | 2/14/1985 |

  • 85-018-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Legal Department is hereby directed to prepare the appropriate litigation documents for filing in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia to compel the Secretary of the Interior to comply with the legally binding recommendations of the GDUC. BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED, That such litigation shall not be filed until approved by further resolution of the Tribal Business Council. | 2/4/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-019-C | WHEREAS, The Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council has incurred a large debt with the Economic Development Agency (EDA) of the United States Department of Commerce for the construction of the Four Bears Complex; and WHEREAS, That debt has been accumulating interest over the past thirteen (13) years and now represents a substantial indebtedness of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business that debt should be Council believes that the liability for the repayment of reconsidered by the EDA; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Legal Department is hereby directed to prepare a set of recommendations for Tribal Business Council review for the resolution of that debt; said review to include recommendations as to the following options: (1) compromise of the debt, (2) forgiveness of the debt, and (3) litigation. | 2/4/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-020-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Legal Department is hereby directed, in concert with the Board of Directors of the FBDC, to develop such a nonprofit entity and to submit the proposed documents for review by the Tribal Business Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That if the Board of Directors of the FBDC should not wish to participate in this plan, the Legal Department is hereby directed to propose a charter for an independent entity known as the Tribal Development Fund that shall be qualified as a 501(c)(3) charitable entity under the Internal Revenue Code and the laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes and the United States. | 2/4/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-021-C | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the Management Improvement Plan that the Fort Berthold Housing Authority has established and will do all things in its power to enforce the enabling ordinances it has adopted, (1-62 & 76-241). | 2/4/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-022-C | WHEREAS, The following tracts of oil and gas mineral interests beneficially owned by the Three Affiliated Tribes were bid on at a lease sale held on November 15, 1984, which was conducted in conformity with the regulations found in 25 G.F.R. Parts 211 and 212; Tract # Company - Number of Acres - Bid per Acre: Koch Exploration 160700 $15700" T-61 Exxon Corporation 40.00 $60.00 WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council believes that the bonus consideration offered is adequate for the right s granted by an oil and gas l ease on the above mentioned tracts ; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby accepts the respective bonus bid offered on the above described tracts and hereby authorizes the Chairperson of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary and the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency to do all things necessary to enter into and approve oil and gas leases with the aforementioned oil companies on the above described tracts, | 2/4/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-023-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Council requests the Army Corps of Engineers to take the following Corps land , SW1/4NW1/4, E1/2SW1/4, Section 12, T146NR89W., approximately 90 acres below 1850', out of Public Law 87-695 grazing status and change the Corps master plan designation of the above described area to recreational use. | 2/4/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-024-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the attached budget for $24,000 of the FY 1986 Docket 350-G allocation for child welfare services and directs the Human Resource Department Child Protective Services Unit to coordinate the expenditure of these funds with those received under the BIA Title II of FY 1985. | 2/4/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-025-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council authorizes and directs the Human Resource Department Child Protective Services to submit an FY 1985 grant application for financial assistance and the amount of $77,316.00 under the grant period of October 1, 1985 through September 30th, 1986. | 2/4/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-026-C | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes Michael Cross, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ft. Berthold Communications Enterprise, to forthwith take the appropriate steps to secure from Lakeside State Bank, New Town, North Dakota, a loan in the amount of Sixteen Thousand and 00/000 Dollars ($16,000.00) for the benefit of the Ft. Berthold Communications Enterprise d/b/a KMHA Radio, and, further that Michael Cross shall be authorized to execute the note herein on behalf of the Fort Berthold Communications Enterprise d/b/a KMHA Radio. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes that the above-identified oil lease income in excess of Sixteen Thousand and 00/000 Dollars ($16,000.00) be assigned as collateral for the proposed loan herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this note will be paid back with FY86 Docket 350G, Telecommunications funds. | 2/5/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-027-C | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforementioned survey data is the basis governing the determination of the allocation of Community Development monies for each segment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the $100,871.00 interest monies earned from interest from Docket 350 C & D , Shall be allocated as such; East 16% or $16, 139.36 ; Northeast 14% or 14, 121.94 ; South 12% or $12,104.52 ; North 21% or 21,182.91 ; Four Bear 15% or $15,130.65 ; Mandaree 22% or $22,191.62 ; Total 100% or $100,871.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution hereby rescinds Resolution #84-298-C in its entirety. | 2/5/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-028-C | WHEREAS, The Human Resource Committee convenes regularly each Tuesday and is responsible for addressing educational issues and the six officially designated school board members that have been locally appointed as Agency School Board members will be provided sufficient notice of scheduled Agency School Board business; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby appoints the Human Resource Committee; Council Member Tillie Walker; and two school board members each from Twin Buttes, Mandaree, and White Shield to the Fort Berthold Agency school Board. | 2/5/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-029-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby formally approves and adopts the attached provisions entitled "Grievance Procedure", which provisions shall forthwith replace and be substituted for those provisions currently set forth in Section X of the Three Affiliated Tribes Personnel Policies and Procedures and entitled "Appeals and Grievances." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That that portion exclusively of Resolution #84-270-C, duly adopted on the 25th day of October, 1984, which Identifies and appoints the members of the newly-established Grievance Committee be forthwith rescinded. | 2/11/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-030-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby formally approves the form and substance of the ballot as so altered, a true and correct photostatic copy of which ballot is attached hereto and made part hereof, and hereby approves and directs that said ballot be used as the official ballot to be voted on by the qualified voters of the Three Affiliated Tribes in the conduct of the special Secretarial election on the proposed amendments to the Constitution. | 2/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-031-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby requests that the Secretary of the Interior nominate Mr. Hans Walker Jr., as a Tribal representative to that five- (5-) member Indian Commission. | 2/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-032-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following two hundred sixty (260) applicants. | 2/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-033-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of Stephanie Young Bear whose blood degree is 1/2 Hidatsa, 1/4 Mandan and 25/128 Ft. Peck Sioux for a total degree of 121/128. | 2/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-034-C | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Tribe respectfully requests and directs that the Bureau of Indian Affairs grant to the Pierre Indian Board of Education all of the use and occupancy of the real property (Exhibit "A" attached), the land (Exhibit "B" attached), and all equipment (Exhibit "C" attached) for which the Bureau of Indian-Affairs has holding agency responsibility and accountability. | 2/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-035-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby formally approves and adopts the legislative provisions entitled "Adult Abuse," a copy of which provisions is attached hereto and made part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the attached legislative provisions entitled "Adult Abuse" shall become effective immediately and shall be designated as Section 24 of Chapter 5 of the Code of Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation. | 2/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-036-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby pledges or assigns $15,000 of future Income to the Fort Berthold Development Corporation In fulfillment of Resolution #84-306-C; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes requests the Bureau of Indian Affairs Superintendent to execute a trust assignment in the amount of $15,000 against future tribal trust income from the Business Development Funds under Docket 350-G, to be used by the Fort Berthold Development Corporation for obtaining interim funding. | 2/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-037-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorized and directs Mike Yellow Bird, Human Resources Department Administrator; and Ken Deane Jr., Management Assistant Specialist; to develop and submit the above referenced proposal to the Aberdeen Area Office of the Indian Health Service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any funds considered for this proposal shall not be funds now or in the future allowed for Contract Health Care or Health Services provided for the Fort Berthold Reservation. | 2/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-038-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council hereby approves the FY1985 Budget, Operating and Trust Fund Budget, Revision #2, dated 1 February 1985. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution rescinds Resolution No. 85-17-C in its entirety. | 2/14/1985 | Y | Active, Rescinded by 85-099-C on 4/30/1985, Reinstated by 85-110-C on 5/9/1985. |

  • 85-039-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That, pursuant to Its Constitutional power and authority, the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby formally approves the amendments to the Charter of the Twin Buttes Community Association as duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association, a true and correct photostatic copy of which amended Charter is attached hereto and made part hereof. | 2/20/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-040-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Human Resource Committee requests the Tribal Business Council approval to return the Head Start Program to the financial and management status prior to April 1, 1980. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council will retain their Grantee status as to sign off on proposals and counter signatures on all checks released. Copies of reports submitted on a quarterly basis to the Tribal Business Council and a copy of bur audit within 90 days of the end of the funding year will be furnished. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there will be no Indirect Costs assessed, hereinafter, to the Head Start Program, | 2/20/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-041-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to its Constitutional power and authority, hereby formally approves and grants the proposed Charter to the Fort Berthold Purebred Livestock Breeders Association, Inc., a true and correct photostatic copy of which Charter is attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the purposes Identified in and the powers granted by Article III and Article IV respectively of the Charter granted to the Fort Berthold Purebred Livestock Breeders Association, Inc. shall not be construed so as to include economic enterprises in a general sense, but shall be strictly limited exclusively to the development, operation, and maintenance of the cattle repayment program for which specific purpose the Fort Berthold Purebred Livestock Breeders Association, Inc. has been organized. | 2/20/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-042-C | WHEREAS, Delvin Foote has an approved land exchange for the S1/2NE1/4 of Section 29, T150N R90W. the exact location of the proposed easement; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council grants a 75 ft. wide public road easement across the S1/2NE1/4 of Section 29, Township 150 North, Range 90 West, to the Corps Land. | 2/20/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-043-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of Geralyn Roanhorse whose blood degree is 7/16 Arikara, plus 1/2 Navajo for a total blood degree of 15/16. | 2/20/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-044-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby adopts the following land transaction priorities established by the Natural Resources Department, as set for the below, to ensure that the best interests of the Tribe are protected when purchasing or exchanging real estate either owned by the Tribe or available for purchase by the Tribe; and BE IT FURTHER IT RESOLVED, That the following Priority list be adopted to Natural Resources Committee for Land sale and Land Exchange tr transactions. | 2/20/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-045-C | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council is hereby opposed to this proposed budget cut, and respectfully requests that the Secretary of Interior reconsider this decision and reinstate the funding level necessary to continue the operation of the Johnson O'Malley program. | 2/20/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-046-C \ WHEREAS, The construction of grade, drain and bituminous surfacing for the Twin Buttes Community along the following route: from west housing on west of State Route B east through Twin Buttes on BIA Route 22 to Route 11 north 1/2 mile on Route 11, east 4 1/2 miles to route 221, south to Reservation line and 1 1/2 mile south on FAS - 86 3 to 180G which has existing blacktop. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes. Tribal Business Council requests the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the construction of the above mentioned routes. | 3/6/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-047-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby approved the Native American Rights Fund revised Tribal Code effective immediately. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the amendments to the Tribal Code will be by resolution to coincide with Federal/Indian law changes. | 3/6/1985 | Y | Rescinded by 85-071-C on 4/11/1985 |

  • 85-048-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council will provide any appropriate assistance to the members of the Mandaree Community in initiating and pursuing the prescribed recall procedure for the removal of any Mandaree School Board members. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby directs and mandates that the Mandaree School Board forthwith place an absolute freeze on any further expenditures of state and federal funds for travel by members of the Mandaree School Board, until further direction of the Tribal Business Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council will forthwith cause to be directed to the General Accounting Office Inspector General a formal request to conduct, at the earliest practicable time, a comprehensive audit of the expenditures of state and federal funds authorized and made by the Mandaree School Board. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council will take whatever action is appropriate and necessary to ensure that the continuation of state and federal funding will, in no manner or to any extent, be jeopardized during the pendency of the formal investigation of the fiscal matters herein. | 3/6/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-049-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mandaree Community has responded affirmatively on March 11, 198 5 by selecting Luther Grinnell, Jolette Bird Bear, Allen Newman, Judy Brugh, and Paul Goodiron to administer the 93-638 Contract in its entirety immediately upon approval by the Tribal Business Council. | 3/14/1985 | Y | Rescinded 10-24-1985 |

  • 85-050-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approved the purchase of the land described below, exclusive of minerals, from Burr Crows Breast Jr., 301-U1036 for cash consideration of $40,000.00, 192A, N1/2NEl/4,~13-14B-88, 80.00 Acres | 3/4/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-051-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approved the purchase of the land described below, exclusive of minerals, from Keith Price, for cash consideration of $9,100.00, 301-D724, 567A, Lots~3,4, 30-152-94, 69.70 acres. | 3/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-052-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approved the purchase of the land described below, exclusive of minerals, from Leon Fox, 301-U109, for cash consideration of $6,000.00 , 465A, SE1/4SE1/4, 9-148-90, 40.00 acres. | 3/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-053-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approved the purchase of the land described below, exclusive of minerals, from Susan Malnourie, 301-U250, for cash consideration of $6,048.00, 212A 21/200 Undivided interest of S1/2NEl/4,N1/2SEr/4 1-148-90,16.80 valued at $4,410.00, 1067 21/800 Undivided interest of W1/2SE1/4SE1/4 12-148-90,.53 valued at $210.00, 21/800 Undivided interest of E1/2SE1/4SE1/4 12-148-90,.53 valued at $210.00, 813A 21/800 undivided interest of S1/2, 29-149-93 8.40 valued at $1,218.00 | 3/14/1985 | Y | Rescinded 12/12/1985 |

  • 85-054-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approved the purchase of the land described below, exclusive of minerals, from Lucy Malnourie, 301-A2305 for cash consideration of $12,000.00, 491A S1/2SE1/4, 6-148-90 80.00 acres. | 3/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-055-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approved the purchase of the land described below, exclusive of minerals, from Judith Hopkins, 301-U1490, for cash consideration of $11,300,00, 567A Lot 2, 30-152-94 34.63 acres. | 3/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-056-C | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribes sign an "Assignment of Income" with the American Indian National Bank in the amount of $400,000.00 to be repaid over a five (5) year period, at $80,000.00 per annum plus accrued interest. |3/19/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-057-C | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes Chairperson, Alyce Spotted Bear, has full right and authority to sign all securing documents with the American Indian National Bank. | 3/19/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-058-C | WHEREAS, The funds deposited accrued interest in the amount of $70.44; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council authorizes the Bureau of Indian Affairs to transfer the amount of $1,430.44 from Tribal Account T-2 to Columbia Gas Development Corporation's Special Deposit Account. | 3/19/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-059-C | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council consents to the granting of Rights-of-Way to the North Dakota State Highway Department for the parcels and values as stated below: PARCEL, 2-2, 3-3, 5-2, 10-2, 11-1, 3-1, ALLOTMENT, 607A, 550A, 808A, 1857, 1755, 551A, 34.66 BE, IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the easements no longer necessary for the Highway 22 as a result of improvements be reverted to the present owners. | 3/19/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-060-C | WHEREAS, The following tracts of oil and gas mineral interests beneficially owned by the Three Affiliated Tribes were bid on at a lease sale held on November 14 and 15, 1984, which was conducted in conformity with the regulations found in 25 C.F.R. Parts 211 and 212; Tract # Company Number of Acres Total Bid T-31, T-54, T-72, T-73, T-76, T-77, T-103, ARCO Exploration, WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council believes that the bonus consideration offered is adequate for the rights granted by an oil and gas lease on the above mentioned tracts ; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby accepts the respective bonus bid offered on the above described tracts and hereby authorizes the Chairperson of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary and the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency to do all things necessary to enter into and approve oil and gas leases with the aforementioned oil companies on the above described tracts. | 3/19/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-061-C | WHEREAS, Additional monies were contracted to the Natural Resources Department in June of 1984 for a Water Development Project; and WHEREAS, The Natural Resources Department has $31,503.94 of these funds available for carryover to continue the Water development Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Natural Resources Department is hereby authorized by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes to pursue contracting with the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the Water Development monies. | 3/19/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-062-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council hereby agrees it is advantageous to cooperate in a program to control Noxious Weeds on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business council hereby approves the Memorandum of Agreement between the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Three Affiliated Tribes and the Mclean County Weed Board. | 3/19/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-063-C | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council does hereby adopt the revised Chapter 18, Game, Fish and Recreation Code, Chapters 18-1 through 1 8 - 7, attached here to for reference ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the revised Chapter 18, Game, Fish and Recreation Code, Chapters 18-1 through 18-7 wills supersede any previous written resolutions regulative ordinances, administrative policies and positions in any and all areas that conflict. | 3/19/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-064-C | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that after thorough consideration of all community development needs within:, the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Tribal Business Council directs the Material Resource Department to execute and file an application for financial assistance under the Community Development Block Grant Fiscal Year 1985 Program for the following proposed Activity 'and Administrative Cost: 1. Housing Rehabilitation (Number 1 Priority Activity) 2. Community Development Block Grant Administration FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby certifies that the requirements of 24 CFR 571.604 (a) through (c) have been complied with in the development of this application to insure adequate citizen participation, this requirement will continue to be complied with in the Fiscal Year 1985 Community Development Block Grant process. | 3/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-065-C | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that after thorough consideration of all community development needs, within the Fort Berthold Reservation, the. Tribal Business Council directs, the Material Resource Department to execute and file an application for financial assistance under the Community Development Block Grant Fiscal Year,1985 program for the , following proposed, Activity and; Administrative Cost: 1. Three Affiliated Tribes Recreation Area ; (Number|2 Priority activity) 2. Community Development Block rant Administration FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council: hereby certifies , that the requirements of 24, CFR 571.604 (a) through (c) have been complied" with in the development, of this application to insure adequate, citizen participation, this requirement will Continue to be complied with in the Fiscal Year 1985 Community Development Block Grant process.|3/14/1985 | Y | Active |

  • 85-066-C|NOW HEREBY BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes payment of $9,426.71 to Hobbs Straus, Dean & Wilder for legal services and legal Expenses and December, 1984.|3/19/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-067-C|WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council believes that it is in the best interest of the Tribes and their members and in the best interest of Phase II of the Tribal-State Water Compact Project that the Tribal Legal Department should apply for the award of a contract from the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the purposes stated above, in the amount of Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000), running from March 15, 1985, to September 30, 1985; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby directs the Legal Department to contract with the Bureau of Indian Affairs for Forty-Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($45,000), for the above-identified purposes. |3/19/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-068-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council believes it is in the best interests of the Tribal people that, if Senate Concurrent Resolution 4044 is passed by the North Dakota Legislative Assembly and forwarded to the United States Congress in disregard of the Tribes' good faith offer to negotiate issues of concern to the satisfaction and in the best interests of the Tribal and non-Tribal people residing on the Fort Berthold Reservation, that the Three Affiliated Tribes withdraw their offer of such negotiations and withdraw all support from Senate Concurrent Resolution 4051.|3/19/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-069-C|NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes Alyce Spotted Bear, Chairman (Designated Official), to file and execute an application on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes Human Resource Department-Aging Services (Legal Name of Applicant) with the North Dakota State Highway Department to aid In the financing of capital and/or operating assistance projects pursuant to Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Human Resource Department Administrator, Michael Yellow Bird (Authorized Representative is authorized to furnish such additional information as NDSHD may require in connection with the application or the project. |3/19/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-070-C|NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes Michael Cross, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fort Berthold Communications Enterprise, to forthwith take the appropriate steps to secure from Lakeside State Bank a loan in the amount of Sixteen Thousand and 00/000 Dollars ($16,000.00) for the benefit of the Fort Berthold Communications Enterprise d/b/a Tribal Newspaper, and further, that Michael Cross shall be authorized to execute the note herein on behalf of the Fort Berthold Communications Enterprise d/b/a Tribal Newspaper. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes that the above-identified oil lease income in excess of Sixteen Thousand 00/000 Dollars ($16,000.00) be assigned as collateral for the proposed loan herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this note will be paid back with FY86 Docket 350-G, Telecommunications funds.|3/19/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-071-C |NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby rescinds Resolution No. 85-47-C.|4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-072-C |Protest of the IHS 10% Budget Cut fie for an Official Review of Appropriations Methods for I.H.S.|4/11/1985|Y|Missing|

  • 85-073-C|Contract Officer Position to be Filled in Aberdeen, SD|4/11/1985 || Missing|

  • 85-074-C|Diane L. Corn Kostamo - Disapproval of Reinstatement|4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-075-C|NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approves the enrollment of the following eleven (11) applicants.|4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-076-C|NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following eight (8) applications for enrollment are officially disapproved as they do not meet the enrollment requirements of the Tribal Constitution.|4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-077-C | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby concurs with the interpretation of Article VI, Section 4, as set forth in the letter from the Aberdeen Area Director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs dated March 22 , 1985.|4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-078-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby approves these development strategies and authorizes the disbursement of Docket 350 G Tribal Trust Income from the Business Development Fund in the form of grant to the Fort Berthold Development Corporation in the amount of $40,000 per anum in the Fiscal years 1986, 1987 and 1988 for the operation of the Four Bears Enterprise. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an additional $20,000 per anum for the years 1986, 1987 and 1988 of Docket 350 G Business Development Funds be pledged to the Fort Berthold Development Corporation to be used as security for a loan to cover operational expenses for the Four Bears Enterprise. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that should the Four Bears Facilities be transferred by lease to another company or organization that said loan guarantees or grants shall not be transferred with said lease; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all contracts and commitments extend into by the FBDC involving the aforementioned grant and loan securities shall remain in effect.|4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-079-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to its Constitutional power and authority, hereby formally approves and grants the proposed Charter to Eagle Enterprises, Inc., a true and correct photostatic copy of which Charter is attached hereto. |4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-080-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of land held in trust by the United Stated of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United Stated of America for Naomi Black Hawk, 301-A1890 under terms and condition as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Naomi Black Hawk, 301-A1890 under the terms and condition as stated below: Allotment_# Description Value Acres 301-19 - S1/2NWl747 LOTS 3&4, 5-149-91 $8,114.29 - 45.77 Containing 160.21 acres, EXCLUSIVE OF MINERALS TRIBAL T-1853 SW1/4NE1/4, 16-152-93, Containing 40 $7,7 50.00 40.00 Exclusive of minerals A perpetual easement of 75 f t . wide to a future home site will be granted with in the SW1/4NE1/4 16-152-93 Naomi Black Hawk will waive difference of $364.29 to the Three Affiliated Tribes .|4/11/1985|Y|Rescinded 12/18/1985|

  • 85-081-C|THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Morgan Fettig under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, Its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Morgan Fettig , U-3485 under the terms and conditions as stated below: |4/11/1985|Y|Rescinded 86-128-C on 7/10/1986|

  • 85-082-C|THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Henry Almit Breuer Jr. , U-838 under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Henry Almit Breuer Jr, U-838 under the terms and conditions as stated below: 301-213A E1/2SW1/4, Sec. 12-148-90, containing 80.00 acres, EXCLUSIVE OF MINERALS $36,000.00 80.00 - 301-91A S^SWJs;, Sec. 21-148-88, containing 80.00 acres, EXCLUSIVE OF MINERALS $31,600.00 80.00 |4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-083-C|THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United. States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Matthew & Claudia Mason ' 301-U783 & 301-U2055 under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Matthew & Claudia Mason 301-U783, and 301-U2055 under the terms and conditions as stated below: |4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-084-C|THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Kingdom Black Hawk , 301-A1785 under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United -States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Kingdom Black Hawk, 301-A1785 under the terms and conditions as stated below: ALLOTMENT // DESCRIPTION VALUE ACRES 301-690A 110 acres exclusive of minerals 149-93, $.16,500.00 110.00 TRIBAL 301-1119A containing 110.00 acres, EXCLUSIVE OF MINERALS 16,494.40 126.88 7-148-91, containing 126.83 acres, EXCLUSIVE OF MINERALS Kingdon Black Hawk will waive difference of $5.60 to the Three Affiliated Tribes |4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-085-C|THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands_ held in trust by the United States of America for William S. Baker, Sr, • , U-794 under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and William S. Baker, Sr. U-794 under the terms and conditions as stated below: | 4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-086-C|THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Susan Malnourie, U-250 under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Susan Malnourie , U-250 under the terms and conditions as stated below:|4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-087-C|THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Delia R. Deane U-2348 under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, Its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Delia R. Deane, U-2348 under the terms and conditions as stated below: |4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-088-C|THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Charles B. Grinnell U-967 under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, Its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Charles B. Grinnell , U-967 under the terms and conditions as stated below: ALLOTMENT # DESCRIPTION 301-856A 301-707 TRIBAL W1/2, 23-149-93, containing 320.00 acres, EXCLUSIVE OF MINERALS, 11-147-89, containing 40.00 acres, EXCLUSIVE OF MINERALS VALUE 4,716.67 1,733.33 TOTAL $6,450.00 ACRES 26.67 13.33 40.00 301-857A W1/2, 22-149-92, containing 320.00 acres, EXCLUSIVE OF MINERALS TOTAL $20,000.00 160.00 Charles wishes to exchange for an undiv. int. of 5/32 = $6,250.00 50.00 Charles Grinnell will waive the difference of $200.00. |4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-089-C|NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes that it is requested from HUD that fifty (50) mutual self-help houses be allocated for the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above requested houses be located in the Twin Buttes area on a site to be later determined for the benefit of the Indian employees of the ANG plant and those Indian employees who may be gainfully employed after the date of this resolution. | 4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-090-C|NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes requests Secretary Lindquist of HUD to exercise his regulatory authority to enact a twenty percent (20%) or less ceiling on all low-rent housing units on all Indian Reservations in the United States; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this authority be enacted by Secretary Linguist within the immediate future. |4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-091-C |THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the Department of Economic and Employment Development to execute a formal agreement with the UTETC Procurement Outreach Center to coordinate the Center's programmed activities with the Three Affiliated Tribes.|4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-092-C |WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council believes that the bonus consideration offered is adequate for the rights granted by an oil and gas lease on the tracts described above and below; and Tract # Company Number of Acres. Total Bid T-120 Ensearch Energy 80.00 $1200.00 481 ARCO Exploration 440.00 $6600.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby accepts there's perspective bonus bid offered on the above described tracts and hereby authorizes the Chairperson of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary and the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency to do all things necessary to enter into and approve oil and gas leases with the aforementioned oil companies on the above described tracts. |4/11/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-093-C |NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to its Constitutional power and authority, hereby formally approves and grants the proposed Charter to Charlie's Quilt Shop, a true and correct photostatic Copy of which Charter is attached hereto.|4/30/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-094-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to its Constitutional power and authority, hereby formally approves and grants the proposed Charter to P-K Feed Lots, Inc., a true and correct photostatic copy of which Charter is attached hereto. |4/30/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-095-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes payment to the United States Department of Agriculture of its principal claim in the amount of Two Thousand, Four Hundred, Forty, and 20/100 Dollars, together with the appropriate Interest accrued thereon at the rate of nine percent (9%) per annum, upon formal approval of the proposed FY 1985 Revenue Sharing Budget by the Council, subsequent to the public hearing to be held on the proposed Budget. |4/30/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-096-C |NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby formally approves and adopts the following amendments to Section X of the Three Affiliated Tribes Personnel Policies and Procedures, entitled "Grievance Procedure": |4/30/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-097-C |THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Delvin Foote, U-2073 under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman . of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Delvin Foote , U-2073 under the terms and conditions as stated below: 3135 Sec, 10-149-90 $20,000.00 40, 452A 29-150-90 $20,000 160 |4/30/1985|Y|Rescinded 6/13/1985|

  • 85-098-C |THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approved the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Martha Fredericks , U-835 under terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Reservation, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Martha. Fredericks, U835 under the terms and conditions as stated below: ALLOTMENT* DESCRIPTION VALUE ACRES 708A NW1/4SW1/4 Ce. 3-149-94 EXCLUSIVE OF MINERALS $5,200.00 40 TRIBAL LOT 12 BL 21 Parshall, ND. SE1/4 Sec. 25-152-90 $ 6,000.00 Including the House $ 800.00 difference waived |4/29/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-099-C |NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council hereby approves the FY85 Budget, Operating and Trust Fund Budget Revision #3, dated 29 April 1985 (copy attached). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution rescinds Resolution No, 85-38-C in its entirety.|4/30/1985|Y|Rescinded by 85-110-C on 5/9/1985.

  • 85-100-C |NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Resolution 80-113 is rescinded and that the one mile requirement is hereby reduced to 1/4 mile; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in order to continue to protect the best interests of the Tribe, any tribal tract which is determined to be strategic in terms of access to and development of Lake Sakakawea shall be reserved from exchange under the strength of this Resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That such determination will be made and provided by the Three Affiliated Tribes Natural Resources Department in its review of land transactions and that evidence of such determination must be provided before any application will be considered by t he Tribal Business Council. |5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-101-C |NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council direct the BIA to include the Three Affiliated Tribes in the memorandum of understanding between the BIA and the USFWS, and that the BIA appropriate the necessary funds to allow the Tribe to carry out its fish stocking and other conservation measures in coordination with the USFWS. | 5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-102-C |NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to its express Constitutional power and authority, hereby recommends and strongly urges that the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency of the Bureau of Indian Affairs forthwith cause to be implemented the appropriate procedures for the expeditious removal of Don Stroud from Federal service as an employee of the Fort Berthold Agency. |5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-103-C |WHEREAS, The Administration for Children, Youth and Families has invited the Three Affiliated Tribes to submit for a supplemental Cost of Living Award of $11,381 for P.A.22 and $336 for P.A. 26 and for a Supplemental One-Time Financial Assistance for $115,500; and WHEREAS, A supplemental application form, narrative explanation and budget justification must be submitted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council authorizes and directs Alfreda Goodbird, Head Start Director, to file appropriate application forms and documentation for the Supplemental Cost of Living and Supplemental One-Time Financial Assistance Head Start Awards. |5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-104-C |NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached Consolidated Housing Inventory is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and it adequately states the needs of the Fort Berthold Indian-Reservation. |5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-105-C |NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to 25 C.F.R. § 271.18, here that the Bureau of Indian Affairs enter into (1) a Public tract with the Tribal Business Council granting to the authority and responsibility of administering approved 35) funds in the academic- program provided at the White the 1985-1986 school year, and (2) a Public Law 93-638 Tribal Business Council granting to the Council the primary responsibility of administering approved Special Education funds in the academic program provided at the White Shield the 1985-1985 school year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby grants to the Chairman of the Council the authority to negotiate and execute the prospective contracts requested hereby and any and all subsequent proposed amendments thereto, said authority to expire upon the termination of the prospective contracts. |5/9/1985|Y|Rescinded 10/24/1985|

  • 85-106-C |NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council requests the Army Corps of Engineers to take the following Corps land, E1/2, Section 10, SE1/4 Section 3, T149N, R92W, approximately 208 acres below 1850', out of Public Law 87-6 95 grazing status and change the Corps master plan designation of the above described area to recreational use. |5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-107-C |NOW BE , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby formally requests that Harvey Greenwald forthwith totally disassociate himself from the proposed business venture being negotiated between Active Generation, Inc. and the Three Affiliated Tribes (i.e., resign as a member of the Board of Directors of the Fort Berthold Holding Company, refrain from maintaining any interest in and association with the proposed Private Sector, Inc. entity, refrain from any and all further participation in the negotiations between Active Generation, Inc. and the Three Affiliated Tribes, and refrain from any and all involvement whatsoever with the proposed business venture, in any form and to any extent). IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, in the vent that Harvey Greenwald should fail to fully comply with the request made herein by the Tribal Business Council, the Council shall take the appropriate actions necessary to remove the Three Affiliated Tribes per se from any and all further involvement with and participation in the proposed business venture generally and, in particular, from further maintenance of their interest in the Fort Berthold Holding Company and representation on the Board of Directors of the Corporation. |5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-108-C |NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby directs the Legal Department to request a contract on behalf of the Tribes for the award of Forty-Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($45,000) from the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the purposes stated above, said contract period to run from March 15, 1985, to December 31, 1985. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council directs that the Chairman of the Council be authorized to sign all documents relative to the above-stated contract on behalf of the Council. |5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-109-C |WHEREAS, The Tribes have negotiated the terms and conditions of a Tribal Minerals Agreement in the form of an oil and gas lease with Richard McDonald for 280 acres of tribal minerals located in the SW 1/4 of Section 3, the E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Section 14, and the SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Section 14, all of which are located in Township 151 North, Range 94 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian; and WHEREAS, It may be in the best interest of individual Indian mineral owners to include their mineral interests in the Tribal Mineral Agreement; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the Tribal Minerals Agreement with Richard McDonald and hereby authorizes the Chairperson of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary and the Aberdeen Area Director to do all things necessary to enter into and approve the above described Tribal Mineral Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That individual Indian mineral owners be allowed to include their mineral interests in the above described Tribal Mineral ls Agreement. |5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-110-C |NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council hereby rescinds Resolution No, 85-99-C (copy attached) thereby reinstating Resolution No. 85-38-C (copy attached),|5/9/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-111-C |NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the composition of the Tribal Education Committee will consist as follows: Alyce Spotted Bear, Chairman, Edmund White Bear, Secretary, John Charging, Member, Paul Good Iron, Member, Pete Coffey Sr., Member, Tillie Walker, Member Donald Malnourie, Member, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Education Committee will meet every Thursday at 10:00 A.M. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution hereby amends Resolution #84-270-0. |5/15/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-112-C |THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes does hereby officially adopt the following FY 1985 General Revenue Sharing Program Budget and the attached Community Budget Allocation Breakdowns: $5,952 - South Segment/Twin Buttes Community, $5,952 - West Segment/Mandaree Community, $5,952 - West Segment/Four Bears Community, $5,952 - North Segment/New Town Community, $5,952 - Northeast Segment/Parshall Community, $5,952 - East Segment/White Shield Community, $5,000 - Audit Costs, $2,000 - Indian Day Costs, $2,496 - Commodity Program Inventory Claim, $4,500 - White Shield Complex Electric Bill Overrun, $4,500 - Program/Salary Claims, $1,000 - Reservation Veterans Memorial, $ 500 - KMHA Television Interference Costs, $55,708 , AVAILABLE TOTAL FOR FY 1985 FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with Office of Revenue Sharing Regulations, a Summary of the above Official Budget and appropriate files shall be maintained in the Tribal Business Council Office for public inspection and a Public Notice to this effect will be published within the next 30 days.|5/15/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-113-C |NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes under the authority of PL 93-638 recontract for a one-year period beginning October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer shall be allowed to negotiate and sign on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes' Tribal Business Council. |6/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-114-C |THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby adopts and transmits the attached Funding & Staffing Allocation and Decision Ranking Chart Forms to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to be utilized as Tribal priorities for the FY 1987 funding period. |6/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-115-C|WHEREAS, The Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), at the request of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), is willing to undertake a survey to determine the extent of the infestation and if necessary take measures to eradicate the pest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes APHIS personnel to enter onto the Fort Berthold Reservation for the purpose of conducting the above mentioned survey. |6/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-116-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to 10 B.I.A.M. II A, hereby modifies Resolution #84-76-S, in part, so that Item 3 set forth in said Resolution is amended to read as follows: "The terms of the contracts and the resolution are to start on October 1, 1984 and end on September 30, 1985." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the modification of Resolution #84-76-S approved hereby shall become effective Immediately. |6/3/1985|Y|Rescinded 10/24/1985|

  • 85-117-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to 25 C.F.R. §271.18, hereby formally requests that the Bureau of Indian Affairs enter into the appropriate number of Public Law 93-638 contracts with the Tribal Business Council, granting to the Council the primary authority and responsibility to administer, in the academic program provided at the Twin Buttes Public School during the 1985-1986 school year, the respective approved funds from the following federal program sources: 1. Chapter 1 (P.L. 97-35) for the provision of remedial education services, in the areas of reading, language arts, and mathematics, to those students in need thereof. 2. Special Education (P.L. 94-142) for the provision of special education services to those students with learning and physical disabilities. 3. Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Education Programs for the provision of food services, transportation, instruction, and special education services. 4. Bureau of Indian Affairs Contract Support Program (lump sum negotiated funds) for the cost of the administration of all Public Law 93-638 contracts. 5. Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities Management Program for the operation and maintenance of the School facility and related physical facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby grants to the Chairman of the Council the authority to negotiate and execute the prospective contracts requested hereby and any and all subsequent proposed amendments thereto, said authority to expire upon the termination of the prospective contracts. | 6/13/1985|Y|Rescinded 10/24/1985|

  • 85-118-C|Mandaree School 638 Contract|6/13/1985 || Missing|

  • 85-119-C|CERT/Element One of AIFN|6/13/1985 ||Missing|

  • 85-120-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes agrees to the arrangements outlined in the accompanying two (2) page agreement attached hereto concerning the re-establishment of the full service Job Service North Dakota offices located on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. |6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-121-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the inclusion of a stipulation, in all agricultural leases or permits involving tribal land, which would require the applicator of any restricted use pesticide to have their possession a valid Pesticide Certification Document issued by the Three Affiliated Tribes. |6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-122-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of land held in trust by the United Stated of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United Stated of America for Delvin Foote , 301-U2073 under terms and condition as stated below and here by authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and t he Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Delvin Foote, 301-U2073 under the terms and condition as stated below: Allotment # 3135 Description mn/4SWl/4, 10-149-90 Value $20,000.00 Value Acres 40.00 Tribal Description Acres 452A W1/2NEl/4,Wl/2Wl/2SEl/4NEl/4, $19,871.50 99.37 El/4NEl/4,SWl/4NWl/4NEl/4NEl/4,Sl/2NWl/4NWl/4NEl/4 NE1/4, S1/2Nl/2NWl/4NWFl/4NEl/4NEl/4, 29-150-90 Delvin Foote to waive the difference of $128.50 to the tribe.|6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-123-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes payment of $7,943.10 to Hobbs, Straus, Dean and Wilder for legal services and legal expenses rendered for the month(s) of February, 1985 . |6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-124-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the Chairman's appointment of John Charging to the current INMED Program's Advisory Board of Directors. | 6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-125-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby supports the application made to the Administration of Native Americans for the American Indian Agricultural Credit Consortium, Inc., proposed assistance for Indian Agricultural Enterprises. |6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-126-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the position of the Tribal Business Council that the Bureau of Indian Affairs hire Mr. Wesley Hall as a Heavy Equipment Operator in the Roads Department when the freeze is lifted, and that he be given first priority for any such position based upon his long years of experience and work skills. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ft. Berthold Agency of the Bureau of Indian Affairs is hereby directed to contact Tribal Chairman Alyce Spotted Bear upon the opening of such a position. |6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-127-C|NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes, Human Resources Department will continue to strengthen existing health services through the continuation of the Combined Health Services, Master Contract with the Indian Health Service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Indian Health Service will provide funding at the following amounts: Community Health Representative - $203,405.76; Alcoholism - $74,584.00; Physician Extender - $98,375.00; Janitorial Services - $21,234.00; for a total of $97,607.76. The Indirect Cost of 24.6% if included. |6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-128-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council desires to recontract with the State Department of Public Instruction, U.S. Department of Agriculture for continued Commodity Service operations; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes requests that be granted for this purpose. |6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-129-C|NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby accepts the final report of the Attachment P Audit and approves of the submission to the Inspector General's office as required by Federal Regulations; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council does not imply or state the questioned costs stated in this audit are accepted as disallowances, but rather accepts the audit firm's request to resolve these questioned costs with each funding Agency. |6/13/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-130-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby supports and recommends for approval Dragswolf Community's application for grant assistance through the State of North Dakota. |7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-131-C |NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes Rose Crow Flies High, Chairman of the Dragswolf Community Board of Directors, to forthwith take the appropriate steps to secure from Citizens Bank of Ray, Ray, North Dakota, a loan in the amount of Fifteen Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($15,000) for the benefit of the Dragswolf Community Laundry, and further, that Rose Crow Flies High shall be authorized to execute the note herein on behalf of the Dragswolf Community. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes that the above-identified land lease Income in excess of One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000) be assigned as collateral for the proposed loan herein. |7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-132-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that for purposes of verification of ownership, the Tribal Business Council hereby formally confirms the transmittal of ownership of the trailers formerly occupied by the Fort Berthold Community College to the Dragswolf Community; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the trailers are not renovated and/or used within a period of two (2) years, from the date of this resolution, they will be returned to the Tribal Business Council for disposal at :' the Tribal Business Councils' discretion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Dragswolf Community will not request funds from the Tribal Business Council for the purpose of renovating these facilities. | 7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-133-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes Lisa Redford, Managing Editor of the Ahead of the Herd Newspaper, to forthwith take the appropriate steps to secure from the Union Bank of Halliday, Halliday, North Dakota, a loan in the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars 00/100 ($20,000). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes that the above-identified land lease income, in part, be assigned as collateral for the proposed loan herein. |7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-134-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council does hereby fully support the continued existence and efforts of the United Tribes Educational Technical Center's member Tribes for the continuation of its mission and urges the Bureau of Indian Affairs to fund the school at a level that will maintain the complete services provided by the School; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council does support a Bureau of Indian Affairs "specific line item" in the annual Bureau budget designated for the United Tribes Educational Technical Center; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby supports and authorizes the United Tribes Educational Technical Center to enter Into contracts with the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the following: 1. the Prime Contract via Employment Assistance for operation of the vocational school. 2. Theodore Jamerson Elementary School (K-8 grades) at UTETC. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Chairman be instructed to contact all appropriate officials for the continuation of the United Tribes Educational Technical Center at the necessary levels of funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this authorization is in effect subject to the condition that funds are not jeopardized for programs available to the Three Affiliated Tribes.|7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-135-C|NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes payment of $26.913.79 to Hobbs, Straus, Dean and Wilder for legal services and legal expenses rendered for the month(s) of Aug, Sept, Oct 84 & Jan. 1985 .|7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-136-C|NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes wants to empower the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Employment Rights Office to monitor all projects on the Fort Berthold Reservation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all DHHS, US Public Health Service, Aberdeen Area Indian Health Service contracts on the Reservation will include wording as such; "This Project is located within the exterior boundaries of the Fort Berthold Reservation, thereby the Contractor is advised to contact the TERO Director to draft a Compliance Plan." |7/31/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-137-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Fort Berthold Community College is tribally chartered by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, and thus, is part of the Tribe itself and the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the contracting of the present Fiscal Year funding received through the LSCA Title IV Basic Grant to Fort Berthold Community College (FBCC) for the purposes outlined above.|7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-138-C|NOW, THEREFORE-BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the contracting of the present Fiscal Year funding received through the LSGA Title IV Special Projects Grant to Fort Berthold Community College (FBCC) for the purposes outlined above.|7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-139-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council's standing Economic and Employment Development Committee shall consist of the following members: Dennis Huber, Chairperson, Tillie Walker, Secretary, Paul Good Iron, Member, John Charging, Member, Don Malnourie. Member, |7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-140-C|NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes Mike Cross, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ft. Berthold Communications Enterprise, to forthwith take the appropriate steps to secure from Lakeside State Bank, New Town, North Dakota,, a loan in the amount of Twenty Thousand and 00/000 Dollars ($20,000.00) for the benefit of the Ft. Berthold Communications Enterprise d/b/a KMHA Radio, and, further that Mike Cross shall be authorized to execute the note herein on behalf of the Fort Berthold Communications Enterprise d/b/a KMHA Radio. |7/3/1985|Y|Active|

  • 85-141-C|

  • 85-142-C|

  • 85-143-C

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  • 85-154-C|||Rescinded by 86-064-C, Missing|

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  • 85-205-C|||Missing Rescinded by 86-173-C on 9/2/1986|

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  • 85-234-C|||Missing |

  • 85-235-C

  • 85-236-C

  • 85-237-C

  • 85-238-C|||Missing Rescinded by 86-010-C on 1-23-2016.|

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