2011 Resolutions
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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status |
11-001-VJB | Tribal Business Council Approval of Chairman Tex G. Hall's Appointed Officers | 01-05-2011 | Missing |
11-002-VJB | Approval of Four Bears Casino & Lodge General Manager and Chief Administrative Officers Contracts - Patrick Packineau and Spencer Wilkinson Jr. | 01-05-2011 | Y | Active |
11-003-VJB | Approval of Four Bears Casino & Lodge Chief Operating Officer - Wesley Scott Wilson | 01-05-2011 | Y | Active |
11-004-VJB | Approval of an Extension of the $9,000,000 loan with Starion Financial, and Authorization for the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary to execute all Necessary Loan Documents. | 1-13-2011 | Y | Active |
11-005-VJB | Waiver of TERO Fees for Fort Berthold Community College-FBCC | 1-13-2011 | Y | Active |
11-006-VJB | Fort Berthold Community College 2011 Unmet Needs Budget | 1-13-2011 | Y | Active |
11-007-VJB | Approval of Employment Contract with Frederick P. Baker as Acting Chief Executive Officer - Minne Tohe Health Center | 1-13-2011 | Y | Active |
11-008-VJB | Appointment of Associate Judges for the Fort Berthold Tribal District Court for 2011 | 1-13-2011| Y | Active |
11-009-VJB | Appointment of the Fort Berthold Housing Authority Board Member for Twin Buttes Segment of the Fort Berthold Reservation | 1-13-2011 | Y | Active |
11-010-VJB | Authorization for U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Grant for Fiscal Year 2010 | 1-13-2011 | Y | Active |
11-011-VJB | Approval for the Twin Buttes Elder Organization to apply for a Grant to the Otto Bremer Foundation in the amount of $12,000 to Conduct Study Needs for Senior Center/ Assisted living Facility | 2-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-012-VJB | One Year Grazing Extension of Grazing Permits of range units for Grazing Livestock on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 2-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-013-VJB | Establishment of the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Housing Services Program | 2-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-014-VJB | T.A.T. Tribal Business Council Authorizing Resolution to apply for grant funding to S.M.A.R.T. Office of Adam Walsh Sex Offender Registration Program | 2-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-015-VJB | Directive to the office of Trust Fund Management to make available funds for withdrawal from TAT. proceeds of Labor Account PL228700 in the amount of $3,800,000.00 | 2-10-2011| Y | Active |
11-016-VJB | Approval of 114 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 2-15-2011 | Y | Active |
11-017-VJB | Approval of 61 Applicants for Enrollment into the TAT | 2-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-018-VJB | Authorize Housing to Apply for Grant (N .O.F.A.) a Grant opportunity for $3,000,000 to each recipient under funding number FR-S41S-N-35, CDFA number 14.263 | 2-15-2011 | Y | Active |
11-019-VJB | Approval of Formation and Incorporation of M.H.A. Resources. LLC | 2-15-2011 | Y | Active, Related 11-089-VJB |
11-020-VJB | Authorization and Support for Horse Power Youth Wellness Grant Program on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 2-15-2011 | Y | Active |
11-021-VJB | Adoption of Regulations governing the inspection of Meat, Poultry, and Egg Processing Establishment operating on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 2-15-2011 | Y | Active |
11-022-VJB | Requirements for High Definition Video Surveillance on Tribal Well Sites on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 2-15-2011 | Y | Amended by 13-071-VJB on 5-9-2013 |
11-023-VJB | 2011 Delegates to the National Indian Gaming Association | 03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-024-VJB | Authorization and Support for Horse Power Youth Wellness Grant-Program on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-025-VJB | Request for Additional Route & Maintenance work to be included in the Current Transportation Improvement Program "TIP" List for Three Affiliated Tribes Roads Department. | 03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-026-VJB | Authorization for the Tribal Health Department to Submit an Application for a community Health Center Planning Grant to the United States Department of Health and Human Services | 03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-027-VJB | Approval of a limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity for MEC Development, LLC | 03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-028-VJB | Approval of 46 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-029-VJB | Approval of Relinquishment of Stephanie Nicole Bolman Enrollment #301 U-05096 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-030-VJB | Establishment of the Three Affiliated Tribes Standardized Rates for the issuance of Easements and Rights of way on the Fort Berthold Reservation |03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-031-VJB | Authorization of a lease between the Indian Health Service and the Tribe for the Elbowoods Memorial Health Care Facility and Rescission of Amended Resolution No. 10-095-VJB | 03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-032-VJB | Authorization to enter into a Consultant contract with Personnel Security Consultants Inc. For Performing Background Investigations | 03-10-2011 | Y | Rescinded by 23-329-FWF |
11-033-VJB | Approval of Four Bears Tribal Council Representative Change of Board Appointment for Fort Berthold Community College Board of Directors 03-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-034-VJB | In Support and Recognition of Mr. Howard Beemer to be retained as Superintendent for Bureau of Indian Affairs -Fort Berthold Agency | 04-07-2011 | Y | Active |
11-035-VJB | Approval of Applications for a Loan and a Grant from the USDA Rural Development in the Amount of $4,567,900.00 for the North Segment (New Town) Area 1 and 3 Water Source distribution and storage Project for the Fort Berthold Rural Water System. | 04-07-2011 | Y | Active |
11-036-VJB | None
11-037-VJB | Request to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to conduct a Mitigated Programmatic Environmental Assessment on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-038-VJB | Approval of Tribal Chairman - Tex G. Hall, Board Appointments for the Gaming Enterprise Advisory Board | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-039-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council Authorizing Resolution to utilize a portion of IHS Scattered Sites Funding for Homesites in the White Shield Community | 04-14-2011| Y | Active |
11-040-VJB |Authorization of an amendment to a lease between the Fort Berthold Housing Authority and the Tribe for the Awa'Hu Village, White Shield | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-041-VJB | Authorization and approval of Sub-leases between Fort Berthold Housing Authority and Arikara Homes Limited Partnership under leases between the Fort Berthold Housing Authority and the Tribe for the Awa'Hu Village, White Shield, Hilltop Subdivision, and Parshall Bay leases | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-042-VJB | Approval of Renewal of the Existing $14,000,000 Revolving Line of Credit with BNC Bank of Bismarck, North Dakota for General Operating Purposes of the Tribes and Authorization for the Chairman and Treasurer to Execute all Necessary Loan Documents | 04-14-2011| Y | Active |
11-043-VJB | Adoption of a Cellular Phone Use, Distribution and Payment Policy for Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Employees | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-044-VJB | Engagement of Donsia Strong Hill- Tyson Strong Hill Connor LLP as Borrower's Counsel for the Three Affiliated Tribes | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-045-VJB | Approval of 40 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 04-14-2011| Y | Active |
11-046-VJB | Authority for Tribal Tax Department to Determine and Approve Motor Fuel Tax Refunds for Tribal Members | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-047-VJB | Establishment of the Three Affiliated Tribes ' Utility Corridor Concept for all Right-of-ways on Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-048-VJB | Approval of Assignment of Tribal Mineral Leases (Red Willow Great Plains LLC) to Missouri River Resources | 04-14-2011| Y | Active |
11-049-VJB | Amendment to Charter of White Shield Community Development Corporation, as previously authorized by Resolution No. 89-251-N of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active, resolution referenced is incorrect. |
11-050-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Renunciation of Right to inherit fractionated Interests in the Estate of Dana Marie Freeman AKA Dana Marie Dana #301 U-055 75 | 04-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-051-VJB | No Resolution
11-052-VJB | No Resolution
11-053-VJB | Establishment of the Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation Roads Impact Aid and Charitable Contributions Fund | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-054-VJB | Authorization for Financial Assistance to the FBHA LIHTC Arikara Homes Project for Basements in the Amount of $326,00 | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-055-VJB | Authorization of amendments to leases between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the Fort Berthold Housing Authority for the Parshall Bay Lease and the Hilltop Addition Lease in connection with the Arikara Homes Tax Credit Project | 06-10-2011| Y | Active |
11-056-VJB | Authorizing a Limited Waiver of Tribal Sovereign Immunity for Title Insurance Purposes in Connection With the Arikara Homes Development, and affirming the authority of the Fort Berthold Housing Authority to Lease and Sublease property for the Arikara Homes Development | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-057-VJB | Adoption of a Civil Exclusion and Removal Code | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active, Amended by 13-001-VJB , Code Included|
11-058-VJB | Authorization of Non-Residential (Commercial) Permit for Construction of MHA Nation Refinery | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-059-VJB | Determination of MHA Nation Clean Fuels Refinery as a Minor Source under the Clean Air Act | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-060-VJB | Establishment of Monthly Rental Rates for Tribally-owned Residential Properties | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-061-VJB | Enforcement of the Elder Homes Program Monthly Rate, Optional Conveyance of Elder Homes and Abolishment of the Elder Homes Program | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-062-VJB | Rescission of Motion Entitled "Mortgage Rates for 210 Homes and BOC" and the establishment of the Mortgage Loan Division of the Tribal Housing Program | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-063-VJB | Clarification of the motion entitled "Mortgage Rate for 210 Homes and BOC" regarding the Northern Lights Subdivision | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-064-VJB | Authorization of a Second Amendment to a Lease Between the Fort Berthold Housing Authority and the Three Affiliated Tribes, and an Amendment to a Sublease Between the Fort Berthold Housing Authority and Arikara Homes Limited Partnership, for the Awa' Hu Village, White Shield | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-065-VJB | First Amendment to Legal Counsel Contract Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Fredericks Peebles and Morgan LLP | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-066-VJB | Establishment of the Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Health Authority and Adoption of Charter for the MHA Health Authority Board | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-067-VJB | Tribal Business Council Approval and Certification for the FY2011 Grant Application for the ICDB Grant Program for the New Town/North Segment Multipurpose Building | 06-10-2011 | Y | Active |
11-068-VJB | Approval of Relinquishment of Phillip Charles Grey Fox Enrollment #301 U-06639 from Membership in the Three Affiliated Tribes | 06-15-2011 | Y | Active |
11-069-VJB | Approval of 43 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes| 06-15-2011| Y | Active |
11-070-VJB | Approval of Legal Counsel Engagement Letter for Missouri River Resources: Godfrey & Kahn, Attorneys at Law, 780 North Water Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-3590 | 06-15-2011 | Y | Active |
11-071-VJB | Approval of $19,4 75.36 One-Time payment to John Kingsbury dba Gas Processing Management Inc. | 06-15-2011 | Y | Active |
11-072-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Request to Contract from the Bureau of Indian Affairs program functions, services and activities related directly and indirectly to energy and mineral development on the Fort Berthold Reservation Pursuant to the Indian Self Determination And Education and Assistance Act | 06-15-2011 | Y | Active |
11-073-VJB | Adoption of Amended Sex Offenders Registration and Notification Act | 06-15-2011 | Y | Repealed by 12-019-VJB, Related 17-169-FWF |
11-074-VJB | Approval of Fiscal Year 2011 Budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes General Fund in the amount of $40, 000,000.00. | 06-15-2011| Y | Active |
11-075-VJB | Interim Regulation governing the disposal of Waste and other Hazardous substances Associated with the Exploration or Production of Oil and Gas on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation [Related Search Terms: Injection Wells]| 07/14/2011 | Y | Active |
11-076-VJB | Adoption of Tribal Credit Transaction Code. (Title VII-Chapter 7) | 07/14/2011 | Y | Active, Code Included |
11-077-VJB | Amendment to Chapter 21, Section 7(e)- Usury of the Tribal Code of Laws (Title VII-Chapter 21 7€) | 07/14/2011 | Y | Active, Code Included |
11-078-VJB | Fort Berthold Road Safety Audit | 07/14/2011| Y | Active |
11-079-VJB | Maternal Child Health Grant | 07/14/2011 | Y | Active |
11-080-VJB | Adoption of Civil Motor Vehicle Code | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active, Code Included |
11-081-VJB | Authorization of FY 2012 Community Services Block Grant Application Submission to the Office of Community Services, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-082-VJB | Housing Improvement Program Budget Modification | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-083-VJB | Approval of Design Build Agreement with Alliance Building Group, 8871 W. Flamingo Road, Suite 202, Las Vegas, NV 89147 to construct the Hotel Expansion for the 4 Bears Casino & Lodge | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-084-VJB | Authorization for the Three Affiliated Tribes to apply for Technical Assistance Funding for Fiscal Year 2012, from the Native American Business Development Institute and the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-085-VJB | Approval of (Re)Engagement Letter - Tallsalt Financial Group | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-086-VJB | Approval of 90 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-087-VJB | Approval of the Reinstatement of Tribal Membership of Carl Russell Jerome Enrollment # 301 U-05409 | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-088-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Dustin Paul Wilkinson Enrollment # 301U- 09418 from Membership of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-089-VJB | Approval of Name Change of MHA Resources, LLC to Missouri River Resources LLC and Appointment of Board | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active, Related 11-019-VJB, 23-243-FWF |
11-090-VJB | Appropriation of $549,328.00 to Missouri River Resources to be paid from Red Willow Great Plains LLC / Stetson Oil and Gas Extension Proceeds | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-091-VJB | Approval of Contracts with S&L Construction to complete construction of Seven Houses in the Four Bears Segment and Mandaree Segment | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-092-VJB | Approval of Legal Counsel Engagement Letter for Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Tax Department: Jacobson, Buffalo, Magnuson, Anderson & Hogen, PC, 335 Atrium Office Building, 1295 Bandana Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-093-VJB | Grant Approval to the Red Sage Organization | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-094-VJB | Request for BIA to Proceed with Review of Land into Trust Application for proposed Refinery Property | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-095-VJB | Request to Re-contract certain Program Functions, Services and Activities in FY 2012 under a Mature-status Master Contract with the Bureau of Indian Affairs under the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-096-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Allocation Request in the amount of $1.5 million identified in FY 2012 and intended to meet the growing oil and gas and energy development needs on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-097-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Request to Contract from the Bureau of Indian Affairs program functions, services and activities related directly and indirectly to Indian Child Welfare Act Oil the Fort Berthold Reservation, pursuant to the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-098-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Request to Re -Contract Law Enforcement Services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-099-VJB | Recontracting of P.L. 93-638 Contracted Bureau of Indian Affairs Program Functions, Services, and Activities commencing in FY 2011 And extending for an Indefinite Period | 08-11-2011 | Y | Active |
11-100-VJB | Authorization for the Three Affiliated Tribes to submit proposals to build tribal capacity (or energy resources development under the Department of Interior's (DOI) Tribal Energy Development Capacity (TEDC) grant program | 08-25-2011 | Y | Active |
11-101-VJB | Requesting the EPA to Delay the Implementation of the Synthetic Minor Source Rule Pending Meaningful Consultation and to Prevent any Delay in Oil and Gas Production on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation | 08-25-2011 | Y | Active |
11-102-VJB | Adoption of Civil Motor Vehicle Code | 09-14-2011 | Y | Active, Code Not Included With Resolution |
11-103-VJB | Tribal Business Council Approval of Fort Berthold Rural Water Programs' Water Depot Project. | 09-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-104-VJB | Establishment of the Three Affiliated Tribes Standardized Rates for the issuance of Easements and Rights of way on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 09-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-105-VJB | Approval of our Four Bears Segment Tribal Council Representative's Change or Board Appointment for TERO. |10/06/2011 | Y | Active |
11-106-VJB | Approval of 30 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/06/2011 | Y | Active |
11-107-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Nickolas David Jetty Enrollment # 301 U-10934 from Membership of the Three Affiliated Tribes |10/06/2011 | Y | Active |
11-108-VJB | Request to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for Negotiated Guaranteed Maximum Price and Square Footage Reduction for Twin Buttes K-8 Replacement School | 10/20/2011 | Y | Active |
11-109-VJB | 2011 Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians | 10/20/2011 | Y | Active |
11-110-VJB | Approval of 43 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/20/2011 | Y | Active |
11-111-VJB | Approval of Tallsalt Asset Management/ Melle Associates LLC Annual Contract for Services | 10/20/2011 | Y | Active |
11-112-VJB | Request to Secretary of Interior to Acquire Certain Tribal Fee Lands into Trust Status on Behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/20/2011 | Y | Active |
11-113-VJB | Authorization to Transfer Title to MHA Clean Fuels Refinery Project Lands to United States to Be Held in Trust on Behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 10/20/2011 | Y | Active |
11-114-VJB | Authorization to Hire Independent Company to Conduct Groundwater Monitoring for MHA Nation Clean Fuels Refinery Operations | 10/20/2011 | Y | Active |
11-115-VJB | Special Legal Services Contract for the Clean Fuels Refinery Project |10/20/2011 | Y | Active |
11-116-VJB | Providing for a Fair Oil and Gas Tax Proceeds Agreement with State of North Dakota 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-117-VJB | Request for all Unused Year End Tribal Priority Allocation Funds, to be used for Oil and Gas Production and Royalty Auditing and Reconciliation Services on Allotted Lands |11-28-2011| Y | Active |
11-118-VJB | Approval of Proposed Water Depot in Mandaree and Authorization to issue a Permit for said Project | 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-119-VJB | Establishment and Authorization of Enforcement Authority of MHA Department of Transportation - MHA Highway Patrol encompassing a Traffic Safety Enforcement Field Operations Division and Motor Carrier Safety and Inspection Division | 11-28-2011| Y | Active |
11-120-VJB | Approval of an Extension of the $9,500,000 loan with Starion Financial, and Authorization for the Chairman, Treasurer, or Secretary to execute all Necessary Loan Documents | 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-121-VJB | Approval of 39 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-122-VJB | Approval of the Conditional Relinquishment of Anthony Gerald Roasting Stick Enrollment # 301 U-08336 from Membership of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-123-VJB | Approval and Ratification of Renewal of the Existing $4,000,000 Revolving Line of Credit with BNC Bank of Bismarck. North Dakota for General Operating Purposes of the Tribes and Authorization for the Chairman and Treasurer to Execute all Necessary Loan Documents. | 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-124-VJB | Authorization for a disbursement to the Elders | 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-125-VJB | Amendment to the Corporate Charter of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation Health Authority | 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-126-VJB | Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Corporation Act | 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-127-VJB | By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation of Thunder Butte Petroleum Services, Inc. | 11-28-2011 | Y | Active |
11-128-VJB | Membership to the Intertribal Agriculture Council | 11-28-2011| Y | Active |
11-129-VJB | Reauthorizing and Extending Regulations Governing the Issuance and Allocation of Range Units for the Grazing of Livestock on the Fort Berthold Reservation | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-130-VJB | Adoption of Fiscal Year 2012 General Fund Operating Budget and Special Project Budget | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-131-VJB | Organization and Formation of Makes Cents Inc. | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-132-VJB | Organization and Formation of First Cents Inc.1 | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-133-VJB | GECC Non-Disclosure Agreement | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-134-VJB | Heart River Trading Company LLC Business Advisor Agreement | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-135-VJB | TranDotCom Referral Agreement | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-136-VJB | No Non Cents LLC Servicing Agreement | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-137-VJB | No Non Cents LLC Loan Transaction Documents | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-138-VJB | First Cents Inc. Consumer Loan Agreements | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-139-VJB | Approval of our Mandaree- West Segment Tribal Council Representative's Change of Board Appointment for TERO. | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-140-VJB | Pilot Tribal Traffic Safety Management Program Application | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-141-VJB | Safe Routes to School Program Applications | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-142-VJB | Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Twin Buttes Community residents approval and support for the proposed Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp. Salt Water Disposal Well | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-143-VJB | Permitting an Oilfield Disposal Pit for Nonhazardous Dry Cuttings | 12-14-2011 | Y | Active |
11-144-VJB | Missouri River Resources Right of First Refusal to Mineral Interests of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 12-22-2011 | Y | Active |
11-145-VJB | Election to Participate in Spyder #3-17H Well | 12-22-2011 | Y | Active |
11-146-VJB | Approval of a Business Loan in the Amount of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($450, 000.00) for Dr. Biron Baker | 12-22-2011 | Y | Active |
11-147-VJB | Approval of Term Sheet with Arrowhead Lone Star Energy Services LLC, 5005 Riverway, Ste. 350, Houston, Texas 77056 for Joint Venture Project- Thunder Butte Development Park | 12-22-2011 | Y | Active |
11-148-VJB | Prohibition of Constructing and/or Operating Oil Field Worker Camps aka 'Man Camps' on Tribally Owned Land within the Parshall I Lucky Mound Segment of the Fort Berthold Reservation | 12-22-2011 | Y | Active |
11-149-VJB | Approval of Consent (or Kodiak Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s amended and restated first lien mortgage and second lien mortgage of oil and gas leases on lands/mineral interests owned by the Three Affiliated Tribes and/or the title to which is held in trust by the United States (or the benefit of the Tribes or subject to Federal restrictions against alienation | 12-22-2011 | Y | Active |
11-150-VJB | Approval of 17 Applicants for Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes | 12-22-2011 | Y | Active |
11-151-VJB | Approval of Land Exchange Between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Nancy Fox. | 12-22-2011 | Y | Active |
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