1960 Resolutions

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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status |

  • 60-001-N | Amendment to Tribal Law and Order Code. | Missing |

  • 60-001A-N | Amending Credit Committee Resolution no. 59-24 dated March 23, 1959. | 2/4/1960 | Y | Active |

  • 60-002-N | Dissolution of Ft. Berthold Stockman' s Association. | 1/25/1960 | 9-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-003-N | Exchange of lands Tribe and tribal members exclusive of oil & gas and other minerals to convey Tribal land (formerly allot. 578-A) , Sec. 1/4 Sec. 25, T152N, R94W; Allot. No. 439-A, NE1/4SW1/4, E1/2NW1/4SW1/4, Sec. 8, T150N, R93W, and Allot. No. 1787, Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, S1/2N1/2 Sec. 3, T149N, R93W, the tracts totaling 419.12 acres. | 1/22/1960 | 7-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-004-N | Missing

  • 60-005-N | Request to Congress for the appropriation of $1,774, 704.00 the TAT Grant Agricultural Program  1/25/1960 | 7-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-006-N | TAT Opposition to the Department of Interior & Bureau Policy Regarding the purchase of land by Indians being moved to Fee Status. | 1/25/1960 | 7-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-007-N | Raise of per diem from $20 to $30 a day for Tribal Council Member. | 1/28/1960 | 8-0-0-0 | N | Active | 60-008-N | Purchase of Allot. 1889. |2/4/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active, eligible |

  • 60-009-N | Payment to Ernest Wilkinson |2/16/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-010-N |Missing |

  • 60-011-N | Purchase of Allot. No. 388 and 515-A, NW1/4SE1/4, N1/2SW1/4, less SE1/4SE1/4SE1/4NW1/4SW1/4 Sec. 26; N1/2SW1/4, NW1/4 less NE1/4NE1/4NW1/4NW1/4 Sec. 35, T.147 N., R 91 W, of the fifth Principle Meridian, Dunn County, North Dakota containing 356.875 acres exclusive of oil, gas and other minerals for the Twin Buttes School - Water supply |2/29/1960 |6-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-012-N | Amendment to Tribal Attorney contract |2/29/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-013-N | To provide Gordon Bird and Milton Reed (Students at Flandreau Indian School) $50.00 each to attend as an all Indian Post to the National Boy Scout Jamboree at Colorado Springs. |2/29/1960 |7-0-0-0 |N |Active |

  • 60-014-N | Standing Authority to advertise for the sale of Tribal lands from time to time when leasing prospects appear favorable and it is to continue until revoked by the Tribal Council granted to advance for sale of oil & gas.  To include all of the ceded areas for which restoration has been requested. |2/4/1960 |9-0-0-0 |N |Active |

  • 60-014A-N | Credit Committee action on J. Wilkinson con. |2/4/1960 |9-0-0-0 |Missing |

  • 60-015-N | Approval of purchase of allot. No. 1545 described as W1/2NW1/4 , Sec. 34, T148N., R. 89W, of the fifth Principle Meridian, McLean County North Dakota, containing 80 acres, from the heirs of Susie Heart, FB-1545 at its appraised value of $2,500, exclusive of oil, gas, and other minerals. |3/16/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-016-N | Request for the BIA to assume control & responsibility of the Law enforcement facilities Program as of May 1st, 1960. | 3/31/1960 |9-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-017-N | Missing |Y |Active |

  • 60-018-N | Payment of expenses of lobbyist J.L. Lord to accompany the Tribal Business Council on trips to Washington D.C. | 4/25/1960 |8-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-019-N | Payment to Rose Marie Mandan  $75.00 for clerical duties performed during the Tribal Business Council trip to Washington D.C. |4/7/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-020-N | Request to the Secretary of the Interior to use of minors funds for cattle & land. |4/7/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-021-N | Exchange of lands Tribe & Mamie Packineau FB-898 part of allot. No. 800 described as the NW1/4SE1/4 Sec. 6, T147N, R88W containing 40 acres exclusive of oil, gas, and other minerals in exchange for tribal land described as formerly part of allot. 1502, NE1/4SE1/4, Sec. 28, T148N, R88W containing 40 acres, exclusive of oil, gas, and other minerals. |4/22/1960 |6-1-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-022-N | Sale of Fee land by Sarah Baker to the Tribe for $8,000 described as NW1/4, Sec. 22, SW1/4NW1/4, W1/2SW1/4, Sec. 28, T149N., R93W. Dunn County, North Dakota containing 320.00 acres. |5/9/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-023-N | Rescinding resolution no. 59-43 and approved a request to the Secretary of the Interior to restore all unused lots in the City of Parshall to tribal ownership. |5/9/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-023A-N | To change per diem rate from $20 to $30. |5/9/1960|Y |Active, Missing |

  • 60-024-N | To pay $500 to Carl Whitman. |5/9/1960|Y |Active, eligible |

  • 60-025-N | $200 grants to promote recreation areas & $800 for facilities |6/9/1960 |9-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-026-N | Land Exchange; Frank Heart, FB-858 and 1058-A; and Isabelle Good Bird, FB1570 and 1096-A. |6/9/1960 | 8-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-027-N | $2000 loan to Soil Conservation Enterprise. |6/9/1960 |9-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-028-N | Surplus Commodities . | 6/29/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-029-N | Additional $500 for Recreation Site & Celebration. |7/8/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-030-N | Missing          

  • 60-031-N | Missing          

  • 60-032-N | Missing          

  • 60-033-N | Missing          

  • 60-034-N | Missing          

  • 60-035-N | Missing          

  • 60-036-N | $300 Scholarship for LaVonne Howling Wolf to the American Indian Development. |7/19/1960 |7-0-0-0 | Y |Active |

  • 60-037-N | Attorneys Exp. Estimate /Contract no. No . l-1-Ind. L42492 not to exceed $3,500 for July 1, 1960 - December 31, 1960. |7/22/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-038-N | Tribal Programs Budget Requests for FY1961. |7/22/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-039-N | Request to appropriate $90,000 for FY 1962. |7/22/1960 |7-0-0-0 |Y |Active |

  • 60-040-N | Exchange of land between Tribe and Hilda L. Smith FB-2031 allot. No 2031, described as the S1/2 Sec. 4, T.147N, containing 240 acres exclusive of oil, gas, and other minerals for lands of equal value. |8/11/1960 | 7-0-0-0 |Y | Active |

  • 60-041-N | Clarify clause concerning requirements for candidacy (Councilman). | 8/12/1960 | 9-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-042-N | Absentee voters shall vote in next & all future elections in segment they voted in last regular election. 8/12/1960 | 6-0-0-0 | Y |Active |

  • 60-043-N | Support petition for release of $200 of minors funds. | 8/23/1960 | 6-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-044-N | Authority for Hall, Malloy & Young Bird to go to Washington, D. C. | 8/23/1960 | 6-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-045-N | Purchase of Mervel Hall land & Improvements for the sum of $15,000 for surface land and improvements, exclusive of mineral rights. | 8/23/1960 | 7-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-046-N | Request advancement of $50,000.00 of Tribal funds for the continuation of the Land Acquisition Program outlined in resolution no. 59-30. | 8/25/1960 | 7-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-047-N | Amendment to Tribal Attorney's Contract (Malloy & Malloy contract no. 14-20-450). | 8/23/1960 | 7-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-048-N | Land purchase from Richard Grinnell (FBU-385), Allot. 893-A described as W1/2NE1/4, SE1/4, Section 27, T149N., R93 W.  Containing 240 acres and exclusive of oil, gas, and other minerals. | 9/7/1960 | 8-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-049-N | Purchase of Allot. 1614 from Phyllis Rogers Grady (FBU-551) described as Lot 3 of section 18 , T.149N., R.92W containing 39.21 acres. | 9/7/1960 | 8-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-050-N | Election of Tribal Chairman and breaking the deadlock between Robert Fox and James Hall. | 9/9/1960 | 10-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-051-N | Authority granted chairman to purchase for Tribe. | 9/12/1960 | 7-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-052-N | Exchange of lands between Tribe and Izora White Body. | 9/2/1960 | 7-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-053-N | Special Election to elect Tribal Chairman. | 9/16/1960 | 9-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-054-N | Pay $400 membership dues to N.C.A.I. | 9/30/1960 | N | Active |

  • 60-055-N | Missing

  • 60-056-N | Endorsement of the Game Control Program in Theodore Roosevelt Park. | 10/7/1960 | 9-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-057-N | Missing          

  • 60-058-N | Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Tribal Business Council members shall continue to receive their meals, and payment of said meals will be disbursed from Tribal Business Council Funds, Three Affiliated Tribes, upon receipt of meal tickets. | 10/7/1960 | 9-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-059-N | Missing

  • 60-060-N | Grant of $75 to Davis Bedell | 10/13/1960 | 7-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-061-N | Duties of Council Members defined. | 10/7/1960 | 9-0-0-0 | Y | Active, eligible |

  • 60-062-N | Missing          

  • 60-063-N | Budget amendment to include an additional $2,675.00 to establish a clerk-stenographer position in Branch of Realty GS-4 level for FY1961. | 11/4/1960 | 8-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-064-N | Authority to purchase new tribal car. | 10/14/1960 | 9-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-065-N | Authorizes the application of the City of Parshall, North Dakota to drill a water well for the use of the City on a Tribal unrestored tract of ceded land in the City of Parshall described as Lot 6 in Block 30 in the original townsite of Parshall, North Dakota and hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all papers and do all things necessary to permit the City of Parshall, North Dakota., to complete and maintain the water well. | 11/10/1960 | 9-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-066-N | Payment of bill to Evenson Welding Supply, Minot, N.D. | 11/10/1960 | 9-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

  • 60-067-N | Amendment to Code of Law s Election and appointment of Judges, Judicial system Indian offenses, sentences, motor vehicle code, and domestic relations. | 11/25/1960 | | N | Active |

  • 60-068-N | Approval to purchase Mervel Hall land & Improvements. | 11/21/1960 | 9-0-1-2 | Y | Active |

  • 60-069-N | Purchase of Allot. 1041 & 1043 from Thomas Bluestone (FB-1045). | 12/19/1960 | 8-0-0-0 | Y | Active |

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