1971 Resolutions

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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status | 

  • 71-001-N | Judgement to Reinvest for 1 year | | | Missing |

  • 71-002-N | Senior Citizens Facility | | | Missing |

  • 71-003-N | Renewal of General Counsel Contract | | | Missing |

  • 71-004-N | General Counsel Payment for 1/1/70 to 6/30/70 - $5,000 | | | Missing |

  • 71-005-N | General Counsel Payment for 7/1/70 to 12/31/70 - $5,000 | 1/7/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-006-N | HOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the reimbursement voucher of Wilkinson, Cragun & Barker, in the amount of $7,500, is hereby approved for payment by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota. | 1/7/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-007-N | Wilkinson, Cragun & Barker Boundary 1-1-70 to 9-30-70 $929.87 | 1/7/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-008-N | Steps Necessary to Collect on A04-14-20-1045 | 1/13/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-009-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council requests the establishment of a post office at Four Bears to meet the above described needs; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council will cooperate to the fullest extent in assisting the post office department in locating suitable building space. | 1/13/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-010-N | Range Technician, GS-3 - Land Operation | 1/13/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-011-N | Comprehensive Report for McLean County | | | Missing |

  • 71-012-N | WHEREAS, the Three Affiliated Tribes have many programs initiated for the improvement of the social and economic conditions of the Indian people of the Fort Berthold Reservation, and WHEREAS, the final approval decisions of a majority of the programs are with agency headquarters located in Washington, D. C., and WHEREAS, many programs affecting the Tribe require legislative action also Washington, D. C., and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorize James Bluestone, a member of the Tribal Business Council, to remain in Washington, D. C., to act in behalf of the Tribal Council in providing assistance and follow through to assure that the tribal program are acted upon without undo delays. | 2/6/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-013-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, Fort Berthold Reservation, that a Special Committee be established with the following members to serve from the date of this Resolution until February 1, 1973, to provide continuity: CAP - CAP Director, Dale McGrady, SPARE - Dr. Herbert J. Wilson, CHR - CHR Coordinator, Wanda Shepphard, IHS - Dr. William Miner, BIA - Agency Social Worker, Floyd Goss, TBC - Myra Snow, Council Member, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Special Committee has the sanction and complete backing of the Tribal Business Council and is to work diligently to coordinate all interested agencies, organizations, etc.; establish a program for the benefit of families and individuals experiencing problems because of alcoholism; and explore avenues of funding to set this program up, | 2/1/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-014-N | WHEREAS, Senate Bill 2349 provides for an amendment to the North Dakota Century Code to require acceptance of state jurisdiction by Indian citizens, and WHEREAS, the proposed legislation contains the provision that "upon acceptance by Indian citizens in a manner provided by this chapter", and WHEREAS, the manner of acceptance has been defined in Section 406 of Public Law 90-284, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council does not oppose the intent of Senate Bill 2349, taut encourages the North Dakota Legislature to provide for concurrence by the Indian citizens in accordance with Section 406 of Public Law 90-284. | 2/1/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-015-N | WHEREAS, a Parent-Child Center Program was written, approved and funded under Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes accept the grant of $34,310.00 for the project period ending 6/30/1972 The headquarters of this center is to be located at: Mandaree, North Dakota. | 2/11/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-016-N | WHEREAS, the Standing Rock Module Construction Industry proposes to supply house modules for said housing programs, and WHEREAS, module construction appears to offer a quality house at very competitive prices, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council, through its local Housing Authority, hereby agrees to purchase housing modules from the Standing Rock industry, providing that such modules or housing components can be provided to the Three Affiliated Tribes at or less than competitive prices in the housing market. | 2/6/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-017-N | WHEREAS, The Fort Berthold Indian Agency has available the following equipment; Tractor/Crawler, International, 100 H.P., T-9, Serial No. 0864404, Condition R-4, value $900.00, BIA tag No. 1-11088. WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has expressed a desire to obtain the above named equipment to aid the people to carry on soil conservation and erosion control work; the group will use the equipment only on land owned or leased by the group for which a plan of conservation operations has been adopted; to complete many needed small projects that are too big for individuals and small groups to complete; and to supplement where the BIA is unable to provide this service; and WHEREAS the Tribe is without funds to purchase the necessary equipment; and WHEREAS, The Tribe has sufficient funds in its soil conservation enterprise account to maintain and operate the above equipment in good operating condition by making necessary repairs and by properly servicing it; and to dispose of the equipment only by "trade in" or sale with proceeds applied on acquisition by the group for field equipment for use aforesaid in soil conservation and erosion control work. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby request the Bureau of Indian Affairs to transfer title to the above equipment to the Tribes for them to maintain and operation. | 2/6/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-018-N | WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council plans to contract with the Bureau of Indian Affairs for road construction and/or other road work under a Buy-Indian Contract; and WHEREAS, The Tribe has need for the following equipment: 2 - Cat 12 Motor Graders 4 - 631 Cat Scrapers 1 - D-9 Cat Bulldozer 1 - D-8 Cat Bulldozer 1 - 950 Cat Loader 2 - Trucks, 5-ton and any other road construction equipment, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby requests the Bureau of Indian Affairs to screen all surplus equipment in order to locate the above mentioned equipment so that the Tribe may utilize the said equipment under a use permit; that after said equipment is located, that the Bureau of Indian Affairs obtain this equipment, | 2/6/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-019-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes support reorganization within the Agency to establish a Branch of Engineering ; under this branch all engineering services for the reservation would be met by one office. | 2/6/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-020-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes request and accept the offer of the loan and grant from the Economic Development Administration to pay the cost of the water and sewer systems of the Four Bears Project #675 as outlined in the Economic Development Administration offer of $66,500 (EDA loan, $13, 300; EDA Grant, $33, 250; EPA grant $19,950) | 2/11/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-021-N | WHEREAS, Only one-third of the housing needs of the Indian people has been met through the housing programs; and WHEREAS, Additional new homes are being completed daily and families are being allowed to move into them; and WHEREAS, It has been brought to the attention of the Council that persons now living in recently built houses are being considered as applicants for the new houses being completed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes respectfully request the Fort Berthold Housing Authority to consider only those persons as applicants for the new houses that are presently living in substandard housing, | 2/11/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-022-N | WHEREAS, A six-acre, more or less, portion of land adjoining the present with the only restriction being that the land would revert back to the owner if said land is abandoned or no longer used as a lagoon; and WHEREAS, To further identify said land the following description is given: SW1/4,SE1/4NW1/4, Sec. 14, T149N., R94W., 5th P.M., North Dakota. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes approve the purchase of the easement for the Mandaree Community sewage lagoon, | 2/11/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-023-N | WHEREAS, This Corporation is presently conducting a relending program in accordance with the terms and conditions of a "Declaration of Policies and Plan of Operation" adopted by the Tribe and approved by the Area Director on April 28, 1961 and Modification No, 1; and WHEREAS, Modification No, 1 establishes a Small Loan Program of $50,000, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorize the filing of a request for modification to increase the base of the Small Loan Program by $8,000,00, | 2/11/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-024-N | WHEREAS, the Branch of Land Operation's work load continues to increase with the more sophisticated ranching operations, and WHEREAS, the number of Indian livestock operators is increasing and expanding, and WHEREAS, the Branch of Land Operations can no longer keep up with the needs of the Indian people in providing technical services for their ranching operations, and WHEREAS, the Branch of Land Operations needs to expand their assistance to the individual Indian people in the management of their natural resources. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a Range Technician position, GS-4, be established in the Branch of Land Operations and a promotional opportunity bulletin be issued for the recruitment of a local employee. | 2/12/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-025-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Council of the corporation hereby authorizes the filing of an application for a loan from the Revolving Fund for loans up to the amount of $100,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing land, and authorizes and instructs its Chairman and Secretary to: | 2/12/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-026-N | Education Coordinator under the Buy Indian Contract to Provide Funds to Employ | | Y | Active |

  • 71-027-N | WHEREAS, funding of Special Education Programs for Indians is provided by the Johnson O'Malley Act and other funding for students, low income families are available through Title Programs. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes that the JOM Committees of Parshall and New Town are requested to incorporate under the sponsorship of the Three Affiliated Tribes to work c loosely with the School Boards of Parshall and New Town in planning and developing Special Education Programs for the benefit of our children. | 2/26/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-028-N | WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council maintains an emergency loan fund for the purpose of lending small loans to individuals and families for emergencies; and WHEREAS, This loan fund is now depleted; and WHEREAS, The need has arisen for additional funds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes the transfer of $1,000.00 from their "T/2 Business Council, Three Affiliated Tribes" to "T/2 Tribal Small Loan Program", said funds to be repaid by January 2, 1972, unless extended by the Tribal Business Council, | 2/26/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-029-N | WHEREAS, The completion of the Tribe's large tourism complex located in Four Bears Park will be this fall; and WHEREAS, Legalized gambling would complement this complex; and WHEREAS, Legalized gambling would supplement the much needed revenue to assure the financial success of this complex. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorize gambling at the Four Bears tourism complex located in the Four Bears Park. | 2/26/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-030-N | Accepting Membership in ICAP | | | Missing |

  • 71-031-N | Invest Judgement Funds for Period of 1 year beginning upon Termination of Present Investment | | | Missing |

  • 71-032-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes that Carl Whitman, Jr. be designated to serve on the official Board of Directors as one of the four tribal members, | 3/5/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-033-N | Rental on Tribal Land | 3/5/1971 | | Missing |

  • 71-034-N | Requesting Bureau to Give Agency 10% for Supplemental Income Missing

  • 71-035-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes request that a Buy-Indian Contract be approved so the Tribe may provide a range technician and such assistance to the Branch of Land Operations as necessary. | 3/5/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-036-N | WHEREAS, The Three Affiliated Tribes has neither the funds nor the technical know how to conduct such a resource inventory, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes requests the Economic Development Administration to provide such funds as are necessary to obtain such an inventory; and FURTHER BI IT RESOLVED, that the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Mines, and U, S. Geological Survey are requested to provide such funds and/or assistance in kind as is possible to assist this project. | 3/5/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-037-N | WHEREAS, it appears that it is necessary for the interests of the Three Affiliated Tribes to be represented by their own Attorneys. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the said law firm of Wilkinson, Cragun & Barker is instructed to take all necessary steps in the boundary dispute appeal, including the preparation of briefs and presentation of oral argument before the Court of Appeals, as contemplated in said Paragraph 13 of the general counsel contract between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the law firm of Wilkinson, Cragun & Barker. | 3/22/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-038-N | WHEREAS, The Treasury Department continues to oppose giving the Tribes power to issue tax-exempt bonds; and WHEREAS, The Treasury Department's proposals involve very far-reaching concepts which in many ways are entirely contrary to existing law and to what Indians have considered should be law; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota, that we hereby go on record as objecting to any legislation or regulation which would modify or erode the present tax status of individuals Indians and Indian Tribes; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council believes that Indian Tribes should have the same power to issue tax-empty bonds as do city, county and state governments, | 3/22/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-039-N | Charter of the Fort Berthold Development Corporation |3/22/1971 | | Active, Missing |

  • 71-040-N | OJT at the Grand Pacific Motel in the Positions they will fulfill at the Four Bears Complex | 3/22/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-041-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council approve the exchange of lands held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Edward S. Danks, PBU-682, under the terms and conditions as stated below and hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Edward S. Danks, EBU-682, under the terms and conditions as stated below: W1/2SE1/4 Section 10, Twp. 148 N., Rge. 89 W., of the Fifth Principal Meridian, North Dakota, containing 80 acres, exclusive of minerals, being valued at $8,200.00 for Tribal land described as the N1/2SW1/4, N1/2NW1/4SE1/4 Section 9, Twp. 151 N., Rge. 94W., of the Fifth Principal Meridian, North Dakota, containing 100 acres, exclusive of all minerals, being valued at $8,175.00. The $25.00 difference in land values is to be waived by Edward S. Danks. | 3/22/1971 | Y |Active |

  • 71-042-N | Misc. Expenses for Boundary $728.04, 8-1-70 to 9-30-70 | | | Missing |

  • 71-043-N | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation hereby grants a right of way and radio tower-site, for no consideration, and for so long as needed for such purpose; to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 3/23/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-044-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Council of the corporation hereby authorizes the filing of an application for a loan from the revolving fund for loans up to the amount of $100,000.00 for the purpose of increasing its present relending program. Of this $100,000.00, $50,000.00 will be used for the Small Loan Program and $50,000.00 will be used to make loans under Paragraph 3 of the present "Declaration of Policy and Plan of Operation". Further the Tribal Council authorizes and instructs its Chairman and Secretary to: (1) Prepare and execute such application and to offer the following security: General assignment of income; and (2) To obligate the Corporation up to this amount under such conditions as said officers may deem proper; and (3) To execute and deliver to the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative such written instruments as may be required as evidence of any loan made pursuant to the terms of this Resolution. | 3/22/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-045-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, Fort Berthold Reservation, hereby requests the Indian Health Service, Aberdeen Area Office, to provide funds to meet the budget deficit of $10,000 so as to meet the complete health needs of all our Indian people who are entitled to the health benefits provided by the Indian Health Service under their "Contract Health Service." | 3/29/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-046-N | WHEREAS, the Fort Berthold Tribal Council contract for services of the Great Prairie Lakes Development Corporation as Management Consultants to the Four Bears Complex. Contractual services to be provided include: (1) Selection and training of key departmental personnel with approval of Tribal Council. (2). Installation of complete motel accounting system and front desk procedures. (3) Providing on the job training program for unskilled personnel as needed. (4) Prepare a beverage and food preparation and audit system including inventory controls. (5) Prepare a complete advertising program. (6) Purchase of beginning inventories. (7) Promoting and planning of recreation and related activities. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Council requests the necessary funding to implement the consulting contract on April 15, 1971 and to continue until April 1972. | | N | Active |

  • 71-047-N | Concession Agreement and Lease of Facilities Between Tribes and Fort Berthold Development Corporation | | | Missing |

  • 71-048-N | | | |Missing

  • 71-049-N | WHEREAS, the execution of said agreement is intended to satisfy all requirements of the Economic Development Administration that are prerequisite to the release of loan funds for the said Four Bears Development Project, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Chairman and Secretary are directed to execute the attached concession agreement and lease. | 4/14/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-050-N | FHA Loan - Letter of Intent | | | Missing |

  • 71-051-N | Establish Special Land Acquisition Account at 1st. International Bank, Watford City | | | Missing |

  • 71-052-N | WHEREAS, The "Letter of Intent" relative to the processing of a loan from the Farmers Home Administration to obligate the necessary funds; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council to execute such document. | 4/14/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-053-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes approves the contract dated October 28, 1970 with the law firm of Vogel, Bair & Brown to represent the Council in the Election Contest suit. | 4/23/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-054-N | Transportation | | | Missing |

  • 71-055-N | Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, that the Chairman be delegated with authority to do whatever to do necessary to make this Irrigation Project into a reality under the terms end conditions discussed in a meeting held this day. | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-056-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes request that they be designated as the sponsoring agency and in turn transfer Title I monies to the White Shield School Parent Council Committee to program and administer their program in their immediate area | 4/4/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-057-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation supports the development of a curriculum in Indian history, language, values, and culture and in agreement with the politics of the North Dakota State Department of Education to be used in all schools and at all grade levels , where feasible in North Dakota. | 5/4/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-058-N | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby waive their immunity from suit or liability in any suit that may be brought by the United States, pursuant to Section 4 of Public Law 91-229, PROVIDED that such waiver of immunity shall not entitle the United States to any judgment, lien or attachment upon the property of the Tribes other than the income or other property specifically pledged to the United States for the loan described in this resolution. | 5/4/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-059-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation that we approve of the name, Minni-Tohe, for the Health Center Complex. | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-060-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes request that the Bureau of Indian Affairs provide participation of Parent-Teacher members, Johnson O Malley Advisory Board, and community leaders, Approximately 15 people. | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-061-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribes apply for a Grant from the Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Business Development Fund in the amount of $150,000.00 and authorizes and directs it's Chairman to prepare and sign such application and other documents as are necessary to complete the said application. | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-062-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes that a committee composed of heads of the following agencies - CAP, CHE, TWEP, ???, PHS, BIA, FHA, Mainstream, Public Housing_______, State employment - be established with the Chairman of the Tribal Council to the Chairman of the committee : this committee to serve as a means for providing information and to coordinate program affecting the tribal members of the Fort Berthold Reservation | 5/21/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-063-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes the following: 1. That an application on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes be made to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a grant under Section 703 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, in an amount equal to (two-thirds) (three fourths) of the development cost of the Neighborhood Facilities Project, such development cost now estimated to be $770,558. 2) That the Neighborhood Facilities Project (a) is necessary for carrying out a program of health, recreational, social, or similar community service in the area; (b) is consistent with comprehensive planning for the development of the community; and, (c) will be available for use by a significant (portion) of the Area's low or moderate-income residents, 3. That Nathan Little Soldier, Chairman of the Tribal Business Council is hereby authorized and directed to execute and file such application, to provide such information and furnish such documents as may be required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in the accomplishment of the Neighborhood Facilities Project, and to execute such contract or contracts as may be necessary for the grant applied for. 4. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the Applicant with the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 5. That the Neighborhood Facilities Project will be carried out in full compliance with applicable Federal Statutes and regulations of the Secretary of Labor pertaining to the employment of laborers and mechanics on projects assisted with Federal funds, | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-064-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council hereby charter the Fort Berthold Utility Commission to operate and otherwise manage all or any part of the water , sewer, and sanitation facilities wherever needed and contracted for on the Fort Berthold Reservation except that the operation and management of water, sewer and other facilities of the Four Bears Motel Complex shall come under the jurisdiction of the Fort Berthold Utility Commission upon such terms as may be agreed upon in a contract between the Commission and the Fort Berthold Development Corporation , such contract to be approved by the Tribal Business Council . The attached charter and bylaws of the Fort Berthold Utility Commission are hereby adopted as an integral part of this document. | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-065-N | WHEREAS, This Corporation is presently conducting a relending program in accordance with the terms and conditions of a "Declaration of Policies and Plan of Operation" adopted by the Tribe and approved by the Area Director on April 28, 1967 and Modification No. 1 and 2; and WHEREAS, Modification No. 1 and 2 establishes a Small Loan Program of $58,000.00; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes the filing of a request for modification to increase the base of the Small Loan Program by $92,000.00. | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-066-N | The Three Affiliated Tribes now is desirous of modifying said contract to increase their present commitment from $100,000 to $200,000, additional funds to be used for the purpose of relending to its members ($50,000 to be used in connection with the Tribes Revolving Credit Program , and $50,000 to be used in connection with the Tribes Short Term Loan Program). THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation Hereby: 1. Authorizes the filing of a request for modification of its loan contract with the United States . This modification to be identified as Modification B. Contract 14-20-A04-1845. 2. Authorizes and directs the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, and the Secretary of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-067-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation hereby accepts actions of the Commissioner dated May 11, 1971 as follows: | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-068-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota as follows; 1. That there exists on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota a need for low-rent housing which is not being met by private enterprise. 2. That the application of the local authority to the Government for the preliminary loan in an amount not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for surveys and planning in connection with low-rent housing projects of not to exceed approximately One Hundred Twenty-five (125) dwelling units is hereby approved. | 5/24/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-069-N | Buy Indian Contract - Tribal Court Judges, Clerks of Court and a Jailer in the amount of $17,239.01 for fiscal year 1972 under the Buy-Indian Act as approved | 6/3/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-070-N | Approving and Providing for the Execution of said proposed Contract (DEN-068) in Four Counterparts on Behalf of the Public Body | 6/3/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-071-N | FY1972 Tribal Budget | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-072-N | Tribal Preliminary Budget | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-073-N | Tribal Support of Development of Curriculum in Indian Culture | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-074-N | Estimated Number of Indian Families in Need of Housing | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-075-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes requests that said program of the Department of Agriculture to provide surplus commodities be continued on the Fort Berthold Reservation, and that the Bureau of Indian Affairs contract with the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council for the operation of said program. | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-076-N | WHEREAS, The Bureau of Indian Affairs has the capability to enter into a contract to provide a Work Experience and Training Program on the Fort Berthold Reservation NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes requests that said contract be entered into between the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-077-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: The Tribal Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes approves the proposal presented by the Education Program Administrator to conduct a tour for students of the schools of the Fort Berthold Reservation to India. | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-078-N | Expert Witness Mont Saunderson, $7,150 Voucher | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-079-N | Land Acquisition Loan | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-080-N | Support Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Regional Council | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-081-N | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the reimbursement voucher of Jonathan C. Eaton, Jr., in the amount of $406 .78 due under this contract is hereby approved for payment by the Tribal Business Council for the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota. | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-082-N | Wilkinson et al - $563.25 | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-083-N | Wilkinson et al - $203.12 | 6/28/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-084-N | Vogel Election Expenses Voucher | | Y | Active |

  • 71-085-N | BIA Available Funds to Promote Four Bears Tourist Complex | 6/30/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-086-N | Empowers & Authorizes the Officers to Sign Documents | 6/30/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-087-N | Conditional Assignment on Corps of Engineering Lease | | | Missing |

  • 71-088-N | Assignment of Interest Between the Tribe & Development Corps. | | | Missing |

  • 71-089-N | Land Exchange - James Danks & Tribe | | | Missing |

  • 71-090-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council requests the assistance of all private and governmental agendas (HUD specifically) to render what service each can offer in processing an application to HUD for a 100% funded planning grant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Mr. Paul Ewald be responsible for such application with assistance from Bureau of Indian Affairs and Community Action Program as needed. Comprehensive Reservation Planning Need | 7/8/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-091-N | WHEREAS, Economic Development Administration has approved such application and has progress to the loan closing point, and WHEREAS, the tribe must sign the necessary legal paper to receive the money to pay the cost of such a facility, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council, of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation Nathan Little Soldier and the Robert Bell to sign all legal papers on behalf of the tribe to close EDA lease 676 and 675.1 EDA to Construct Tourism Complex | 7/22/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-092-N | WHEREAS, said Pow Wows are beneficial in the promotion of the social and cultural promulgation of the Indian culture , and WHEREAS, the Tribe wish to assist with the expense of these pow wows , and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes donation of $50.00 to each of the communities upon this request. Grant to Mandaree & White Shield Pow-Wow | 7/8/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-093-N | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council, of the Three Affiliated Tribes request the Bureau of Indian Affairs to assist with technical and financial assistance in the provisions or amending of the Constitution and By-laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes | 7/22/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-094-N | Maurice R. Huuke Tribal Prosecuting Attorney | 7/22/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-095-N | Tribal Court Judge Tschetter Resigned, Temporary Judge Mr. Bergerud on a part time basis for a 90 day period, contract subject to renewal | 7/22/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-096-N | Government Houses Available to the Tribe | | | Missing |

  • 71-097-N | CHR Renewal Contract | | Y | Active |

  • 71-098-N | Contract with Jerry Nagel to Truck Commodities | | N | Rescinded |

  • 71-099-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes the following: (1) That the low bid submitted by Lunn Construction Co., be, and hereby is, accepted by the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation; the Tribes to assume no "over-run"; (2). That representatives of the Tribe and other concerned parties expedite efforts to gather all necessary proof of advertisement, qualification of bidder, and other documentation and submit the same to the Department of Housing & Urban Development for final approval, and (3) That request be made to the Department of Housing & Urban Development for the setting of a pre-construction conference at the earliest possible date in order to facilitate the start of construction on said White Shield Community Building. | 8/17/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-100-N | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council, through its authorized representatives, hereby authorizes the signing of the conditional assignment of the interest of the Three Affiliated Tribes in License No. DA-25-065-CIVENG-60-16, a lease agreement between the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation and the Army Corps of Engineers dated November 26, 1969 for the lease of land at the site of Four Bears Park, in accordance with the request of EDA that such a conditional assignment be made as security for the above-reference loans. | 8/17/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-101-N | Conditional Assignment of Corp of Engineers Lease | | | Missing |

  • 71-102-N | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council, through its authorized representatives, hereby authorizes the signing of a conditional assignment of the Three Affiliated Tribes' (lessors') interest in the Concession Agreement and Lease of Facilities dated April 14, 1971, between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the Fort Berthold Development Corporation, and a conditional assignment of rents under said Concession Agreement and Lease of Facilities, in accordance with the request of EDA that such assignments be- made as security for the above-referenced loans. | 8/17/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-103-N | Referendum Vote on establishing a Blood Quantum | 8/17/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-104-N | Coal & UPA Vote |8/17/1971 | |Missing |

  • 71-105-N | Chapter 18, Section 10 - Law and Order Code - Hunting Ordinance by Artificial Light | 8/17/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-106-N | NONE

  • 71-107-N | WHEREAS, The Three Affiliated Tribes made application to the Department of Transportation for a Demonstration grant to undertake a project number ND-DMG-1, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes accept project number ND-DMG-1 and authorizes and direct its Chairman to Sign all necessary documents to complete said contract. | 8/17/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-108-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reimbursements at voucher of Ball Associates, Ltd. in the amount of $566.66 due imder this contract is hereby approved for payment by the Tribal Business Council for the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota. | 8/31/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-109-N | WHEREAS, HUD and EDA have financed the construction of a community center in White Shield, and WHEREAS, in order to meet construction progress payments, interim financing is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Treasurer are authorized to sign interim financing documents from time to time for the White Shield Community Project not to exceed approved unpaid bills on hand at the time. | 8/31/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-110-N | Matthew Holding Eagle for the position of Captain of Police | 8/31/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-111-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby requests and accepts the responsibility of administering a Title I contract for the White Shield School to provide five teacher aides plus one professional teacher during Fiscal Year 1972; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Parent Council organization of the White Shield Community is redelegated the Program execution. | 8/31/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-112-N | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes that all agencies Involved with the placement of Indian children In foster homes place such children with Indian families whenever and whenever possible. | 9/9/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-113-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes request Public Health Service to provide these facilities in conjunction with the Fort Berthold Turnkey III Housing Project (AB-71-986). | 9/20/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-114-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation request that the position of clerk-stenographer in the Reservation Programs office be filled immediately. | 9/20/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-115-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes request that Henry Balliet, Reservation Principle, be replaced | 9/9/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-116-N | WHEREAS, Mr. Conrad Bicknese has made no effort to socialize or familiarize himself with the Indian Community and failed to show any ability as a community worker or leader, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council request that Mr. Conrad Bicknese, White Shield School Principal, be replaced. | 9/9/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-117-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes request that the White Shield School Board be dissolved and the Education Program be delegated to the Tribal Council. | 9/9/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-118-N | NONE

  • 71-119-N | Housing & Urban Development Waiver Conditions for the White Shield Community Building | 10/8/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-120-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes request a grant from the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the amount of $33,000.00 to administer a Home Improvement Program on the Fort Berthold Reservation in the fiscal year 1972, | 10/8/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-121-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reimbursement voucher of Ball Associates, Ltd. In the amount $646.18 due under this contract is hereby approved for payment of the Tribal Business Council for the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota | 10/27/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-122-N | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reimbursement voucher of Ball Associates, Ltd. In the amount $108.11 due under this contract is hereby approved for payment of the Tribal Business Council for the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota | 10/27/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-123-N | Land exchange w/Tribe - Wallace Hosie. | 10/27/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-123-N(B) | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council requests the U. S. Public Health Service to pay to the Three Affiliated Tribes for deposit in the Four Bears Construction Account, Project Number 676, the amount of $10,000 (Ten Thousand Dollars) in fulfillment of this agreement, | 10/27/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-124-N(A) | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes approve the exchange of lands held in trust by the United Stated of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in trust by the United States of America for Kingdom Black Hawk, FB-1785 under the terms and conditions as stated below the hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council its Secretary, the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes and Kingdom Black Hawk, FB-1785, under the terms and conditions as stated below; Lot 6 NE1/4SW1/4 Section 6, Twp. 148 N., Rge. 92 W., 5th P.M., North Dakota, containing 73.49 acres m/l., exclusive of all minerals having a value of $2,200 in exchange for for tribal land described as Lot 3 , NE1/4SW1/4 Section 18, Twp. 148N., Rg. 91W., 5th P.M., North Dakota, containing 72.40 acres m/l., being valued at $2,150.00. The difference of $50.00 in value is to be waived by Kingdom Black Hawk , FB-1785. | 10/8/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-124-N(B) | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes request of the Bureau of Indian Affairs that the Three Affiliated Tribes be considered for participation in the Tribal Affairs Management Program. | 10/8/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-125-N | Tribal land committee, approval of the purchase of an easement for a sewage Lagoon for the Mandaree Community from Phoebe Smith. | 10/27/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-126-N | WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Bell has full time employment which prevents him to always be available to perform the secretarial duties, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Mrs. Myra Snow be appointed to the Tribal Secretary position as she is more available to perform the necessary duties. | 10/27/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-127-N | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby confirms its approval of the purchase of the land described below, exclusive of minerals, including oil and gas, from Joseph Clara, Jr. ???-620 for a cash consideration of $ 3,300, which is the fair market value , and hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to transfer title of the lands to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, to wit: Allot, no. 439-A Description NE1/4SW1/4Sec. 4, T.150N.R.93 W. Acres 40. | 10/27/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-128-N | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby confirms its approval of the purchase of the land described below, exclusive of minerals, including oil and gas, from James Driver, FBU-187, for a cash consideration of $ 8,800, which is the fair market value , and hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to transfer title of the lands to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, to wit: Allot, no. 437-A, Description Lots 3 & 4 Sec. 1|, T. 150 N., R. 93 W. 80.06 Acres | 10/27/1971 | Y | Active |

  • 71-129-N | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby confirms its approval of the purchase of the land described below, exclusive of minerals, including oil and gas, from Wilbur Stevenson, FBU-187, for a cash consideration of $ 8,800, which is the fair market value , and hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and do all things necessary to transfer title of the lands to the United States of America in trust for the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, to wit: Allot, no. 437-A, Description Lots 3 & 4 Sec. 4|, T. 150 N., R. 93 W. 80.06 Acres | 10/27/1971 | Y | Active |

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