1995 Resolutions
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| Resolution Number | Title | Mtg. Date/Minutes | Signed/CERTIFIED | Status |
95-001-DSB | NONE
95-002-DSB | NONE
95-003-DSB | NONE
95-004-DSB | NONE
95-005-DSB | NONE
95-006-DSB | NONE
95-007-DSB | NONE
95-008-DSB | NONE
95-009-DSB | NONE
95-010-DSB | NONE
95-011-DSB | NONE
95-012-DSB | NONE
95-013-DSB | NONE
95-014-DSB | NONE
95-015-DSB | NONE
95-016-DSB | NONE
95-017-DSB | NONE
95-018-DSB | NONE
95-019-DSB | NONE
95-020-DSB | NONE
95-021-DSB | NONE
95-022-DSB | NONE
95-023-DSB | NONE
95-024-DSB | NONE
95-025-DSB | NONE
95-026-DSB | NONE
95-027-DSB | NONE
95-028-DSB | NONE
95-029-DSB | NONE
95-030-DSB | NONE
95-031-DSB | NONE
95-032-DSB | NONE
95-033-DSB | NONE
95-034-DSB | NONE
95-035-DSB | NONE
95-036-DSB | NONE
95-037-DSB | NONE
95-038-DSB | NONE
95-039-DSB | NONE
95-040-DSB | NONE
95-041-DSB | NONE
95-042-DSB | NONE
95-043-DSB | Authorizes Chairman & Treasurer to negotiate a short-term loan of $500,000 w/Lakeside State Bank, for payroll and other financial needs. | 1/6/1995 | Y | Active |
95-044-DSB | NOW/ THEREFORE/ BE IT RESOLVED/ That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and directs the Three Affiliated Tribes Natural Resource Department Fish and Wildlife Division to submit the "1995 Bison Management Funding Proposal" to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. | 1/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-045-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes, Tribal Business Council designates Donna Morgan as the official tribal representative on the Mni Sose Tribal Water Rights Coalition board, Austin Gillette and Tex Lone Bear are designated by the Tribal Business Council, as alternates for the Three Affiliated Tribes. | 1/12/1995 | Y | Rescinded by 95-188-DSB on 9/14/1995. Rescinded by 97-032-DSB on 2-13-1997 |
95-046-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby supports the efforts of the NDSU Extension Service of Fort Berthold in providing agricultural and youth programs and services to the tribal membership and all other residents of the Fort Berthold Reservation. | 1/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-047-DSB | Gaming counsel contract between TAT and Jacobson, Buffalo, Schoessler & Magnuson (JBS&M) of Minneapolis, MN. | 1/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-048-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council, with full knowledge of Resolution 93-33-JJR, does hereby grant to the Executive Committee the authority to negotiate, structure, and sign all necessary documents to employ Christopher Quale as legal counsel, on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes; subject to the approval of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. BE, IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That final approval of the contract shall be ratified by the Tribal Business Council. | 1/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-049-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby approves a tribal financial contribution to the Three Affiliated Tribes Gaming Commission in the amount of $26,451.00. | 1/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-049A-DSB | Adopts 1994 Election Board resolution to disband. | 1/12/1995 | |Missing |
95-050-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council authorizes the Natural Resources Department, Game and Fish Division to adopt and publish the 1995-1996 Fishing Guide and Proclamation as pursuant to the Chapter 18 Game, Fish and Recreation Code of Laws. | 1/26/1995 | Y | Active |
95-051-DSB | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the submission of the proposal titled "Hear the Old People", to the National Park Service for Grant funding. | 1/26/1995 | | Missing |
95-052-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the submission of the proposal in the amount of $27,795 to develop a Cultural Committee to act on matters of cultural relevance to the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arickara people. | 1/26/1995 | Y | Active |
95-053-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby acknowledges that the number one priority for the FY 1995 Community Development Block Grant Application is for a Multi-purpose Community Building to be located in the West Segment; and | 1/26/1995 | Y | Active |
95-054-DSB | NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to its Constitutional authority, hereby formally approves entry into the In House Counsel Contract between the Three Affiliated Tribes and Christopher D. Quale (a photostatic copy of which Contract is attached hereto and made part hereof), subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative pursuant to 25 U.S.C. Section 476 as delegated by 10 BIAM 3.1. | 1/26/1995 | N | Rescinded |
95-055-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes is willing to join and become a part of an official association of North Dakota Indian gaming tribes, unofficially known as the "North Dakota Indian Gaming Association", and to send an official delegate or delegates to any organizational meeting or meetings of such organizations as may be necessary, and, at some later date, to determine what level of financial commitment the Tribe will be willing to commit to such organization upon a presentation of a proposed budget by the organization. | 1/26/1995 | Y | Active |
95-056-DSB | ND Reinternment Committee funding proposal. | 2/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-057-DSB | Heirship Lands (To be deferred if there is some conflict with the new federal law.) | 2/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-058-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes the application for and acquisition of said credit card. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Three Affiliated Tribes assumes financial responsibility for all obligations to the card. | 2/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-059-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Budget submitted by the Legal Department is passed & approved in the amount of $226,516.00. | 2/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-060-DSB | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council hereby assures compliance with DHHS, ACF, AIPB, and Head Start regulations as part of this request. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council Chairman is authorized to sign and certify all required forms. | 2/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-061-DSB | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Three Affiliated Tribes which is the official governing body of the above-named Tribe/Nation, hereby authorizes Russell Mason Sr., Tribal Chairman who is the official principal tribal official, to take the necessary action to place the Tribe/Nation in membership in NCAI; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Tribal funds in the amount of $750.00 based on the Tribal Membership dues scheduled to the NCAI By-Laws, Article III Section 1(b), are authorized to be paid such Tribal Membership in NCAI; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, based on the tribal citizenry of 3,175 persons, the Tribe shall have 130 votes, in accordance with Article IV, Section 3 of the NCAI Constitution; and, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that, pursuant to Article V, Section 2 of the NCAI Constitution, the Tribe designates the following named persons as Delegate and Alternate Delegate(s), and instructs them to become individual Members in Good Standing in NCAI in order to fulfill their responsibilities as Official Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians 51st Annual Convention and Executive Council Meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby appoints Russell Mason Sr., Chairman as NCAI Delegate; and Edwin Hall, Vice-Chairman as NCAI Alternate. | 2/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-062-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the New Town School Board to apply for grants for school operation as provided in P.L. 100-297, Title V, Parts A & B, in the manner and time as will fulfill the requirements of Parts A & B and the communities needs as determined by the local School Board. | 2/23/1995 | Y | Active |
95-063-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council does hereby appoint the following individuals to serve as Commissioners of the Board for the Fort Berthold Housing Authority: Phyllis Howard, Iva Gillies, Pliga Bordeaux, Janet Gunderson, John Danks, Ron Smith Sr., Marva Pretends Eagle. | 2/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-064-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes the subcontracting of the Growth and Development program; the donation of the three (3) tribal lots in New Town; and, the acquisition of the two (2) tribal trailers for the purpose of establishing the Three Tribes Youth Community Center; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the most important responsibility of our society is to guarantee the health, protection, and education of our youth. The Three Affiliated Tribes acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the well-being and wellness of its communities by committing its support and resources towards the goal of eliminating the problems of alcohol and drug abuse on the Fort Berthold Reservation. The Three Affiliated Tribes will be an active and supportive partner in this effort to establish a reservation wide youth sports program for our youth in our communities. | 2/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-065-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby appoints the following three (3) members to the Native American Economic Council: Daylon Spotted Bear, Ed Hall, Jeanette Coffey. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby delegates express authority to the representatives to have authority to speak for the tribe regarding economic development matters. | 2/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-066-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby requests to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to close out and transfer remaining funds to the Bureau of Reclamation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribe shall enter into a cooperative agreement to complete the Municipal, Rural, and Industrial Water Project, Phase I Construction BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribe, BIA and BOR work towards obtaining Indirect Cost Funding for the Municipal, Rural and Industrial Water Project for FY1994 and past years of the contract | 2/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-067-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That in any future Grants with Multiple Activities received from HUD, the Three Affiliated Tribes shall, in order to comply with HUD regulations, adhere to and follow 24 CFR, 85-20, Paragraph B, 2 and OMB Circular A-8 7 in the administration of such grants. | 2/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-068-DSB | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby support the establishment of a Food and Nutrition Education Program on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. | 2/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-069-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby supports and approves the submission of the application for Mutual Help and Low Rent units by the Fort Berthold Housing Authority for FY 1995. | 3/3/1995 | Y | Active |
95-070-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council duly and officially approved the enrollment of the following thirty five (35) applicants. | 3/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-071-DSB | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The TERO Commission/Apprenticeship Committee formally requests to the Tribal Business Council to require Covered Employers to contribute to the Apprenticeship Fund, the required (BAT) Program Fee, which is calculated by V2 of 1 % of the total gross contract cost of a Construction Development project entered into, per project entered into; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, This fee is due upon the commencement of the project, per project, failure to pay this fee will result in sanctions, pursuant to the TERO Ordinance of the Three Affiliated Tribes; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby formally approves and adopts the "(BAT) Program Fee", to be paid into the Apprenticeship Fund, effective immediately. | 3/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-072-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes are in support of the Rapid City Indian Health Board continuing the Psychiatric Program through the contracting provisions of PL-93-638. | 3/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-073-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Aging Services Director is authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes with the ND Department of Transportation to aid in financing of capital and/or operating assistance projects pursuant to Section 18 of the Federal Transit Act Amendments of 1995. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Aging Services Director is authorized to furnish such additional information as ND Department of Transportation may require in connection with the application or the project. | 3/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-074-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the appointment of the above Council members to each respective committee and board of the Tribal Business Council and shall supersede all previous resolutions. | 3/9/1995 | Y | Rescinded by 96-074-DSB |
95-075-DSB | Opposes congressional recession of Indian Housing and Community Development Funds and elimination and destruction of the U. S. Department of HUD. | 3/15/1995 | Y | Active |
95-076-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby expressly waives the sovereign immunity of the Three Affiliated Tribes exclusively for the limited purpose of obtaining this revolving line of credit and delegates the authority to Mark Fox, Tribal Treasurer, and Russell Mason, Sr. , Tribal Chairman to negotiate and sign documents for the $500,000 revolving line of credit from Community First National Bank of Dickinson; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, Mark Fox, Tribal Treasurer, and/or David A. Brendsel, Financial Advisor are hereby authorized to make draw downs on this revolving line of credit. | 3/28/1995 | Y | Active |
95-077-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the 'Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arickara Nation hereby appoints Mark N.. Fox/ Treasurer as delegate-member of the Intertribal Monitoring Association. | 4/5/1995 | Y | Amended by motion on 12/04/96. |
95-078-DSB | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and directs the Three Affiliated Tribes' Natural Resources Department to obtain from the First International Bank, Watford City, North Dakota, a operating loan for the year 1995 and shall not exceed the amount of $165,000. | 4/5/1995 | Y | Active |
95-079-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby enters into a Cooperative Agreement with Bureau of Reclamation, to enact a Phase II of the Municipal, Rural & Industrial Water Project. | 4/5/1995 | Y | Active |
95-080-EH | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation endorses the attached application federal financial assistance to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to establish an Indian HOME Assistance Program for tribal members and their housing rehabilitation needs; and BE IT FURTHERED RESOLVED that the Tribe will commit the required tribal match of 44.5% for the Indian HOME Grant Assistance Program. | 4/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-081-EH | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby reappoints Diane Avery, as Associate Judge of the Three Affiliated Tribes and hereby also reappoints William McLees as Alternate Associate Judge, both to serve a term of twenty-four (24) months effective immediately; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the jurisdictional authority regarding the attached cases presided over by Judge Avery during the interim from February 10, 1995 to April 12, 1995 shall be granted retroactively. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes directs P. Diane Avery to negotiate an appropriate contract with the Alternative Associate Judge. | 4/12/1995 | Y | Rescinded |
95-082-EH | Supervisory Judge responsibilities to include authority to appoint special judges, when needed. Appointments to be approved by TBC within 30-day period. | 4/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-083-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council realizes the financial situation that MEC is in and hereby waives the $16,000.00 loans made to MEC in 1992. | 4/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-084-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE. BE ET RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes, does rescind resolution # 93-28-JJR. and approves the following as the Transportation Improvement List for Fort Berthold Reservation : | 4/14/1995 | Y | Rescinded by 96-171-DSB on 8/7/1996 |
95-085-DSB | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby authorizes and directs the Social Services Program/Human Resource Department to execute and file the attached application for Family Violence Prevention and Services funding in the amount of $40,000. including the required assurances as listed. | 4/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-086-DSB | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Three Affiliated Tribes recognizes the importance of prevention; works and fully supports the formation of the Native American Injury Prevention Coalition of the four (4) tribes of North Dakota and South Dakota; and | 4/14/1995 | Y | Amended by 96-119-DSB on 5/24/1996 |
95-087-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby relieves Irene Burr of any further obligation on Loan No. CF-1102 and directs the Tribal Credit Department to take the necessary action to immediately close the account maintained for said loan. | 4/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-088-DSB | Decreases Segment Employment Program Budget amount from $32.00 to $25.00 per hour, effective April 23, 1995. | 4/14/1995 | Y | Rescinds 94-031-MW. Rescinded by 95-158-DSB on 8-10-1995. |
95-089-DSB | Cultural Preservation Office directed to draft compensation agreement for disposition and reburial of ancestral remains. | 4/14/1995 | RESCINDED? |
95-090-DSB | Re-establishes escrow account for gaming fees and costs to State of ND; identifies signatory agents of TAT and State Gaming Division. | 4/14/1995 | N | Amended 06-14-95. Rescinded by 96-230-DSB on 11/15/1996 |
95-091-MNF | Establish Mandaree Volunteer Fire Department. | 5/1/1995 | Y | Active |
95-092-MNF | Mandaree Volunteer Fire Department transfer of BIA 1969 GMC fire truck to Mandaree Volunteer Fire Department. | 5/1/1995 | Y | Active |
95-093-MNF | YouthBuild Program. | 5/1/1995 | Y | Active |
95-094-MNF | Mandaree Community Building CDBG. | 5/1/1995 | Y | Active |
95-095-MNF | Certifies "Survey of Families and Incomes" conducted June 1994 for West Segment Community. | 5/1/1995 | Y | Active |
95-096-MNF | TAT COPS/FAST Program application. | 5/1/1995 | Y | Active |
95-097-MNF | ANA grant application. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-098-DSB | 1995 ICDBG application. (Four Bears/Parshall Community Facility/Expanded Community Facility.) | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-099-DSB | Supports Mandaree Electronics' request for T/A to enhance marketing and training opportunities. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-100-DSB | Traffic Safety Coordinator Position. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-101-DSB | WHEREAS, 25 CFR Part 166 allows for the distribution of grazing preparation fees tot he Tribe; and WHEREAS, The Natural Resources Department has developed a plan that would utilize these funds on Fort Berthold to the benefit of the Tribe, landowners, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the land itself. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the plan as proposed and submits the plan to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for approval. preparation fees. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-102-DSB | Commodity Program - acknowledges and supports need for establishment of a new commodity warehouse/office for TAT. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-103-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the contracting of the planning, designing, and construction of the streets needed by the Four Bears Community to meet their needs. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-104-DSB | 30 applicants approved for enrollment. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-105-DSB | New Town/Little Shell elections for Housing Board, TERO, LCM, Museum, FBCC, Like-a-Fish Hook Consortium, and FBCE. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-106-DSB | New Town/Little Shell authorized to secure a $7,000 loan with their share of FY95 Docket Funds. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-107-DSB | Request to IHS for TAT to contract for the design, construction, inspection, and expansion of Minne-Tohe Clinic. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-108-DSB | Designates LCM as prime contractor for MR&I Water Project, including 4 water treatment plants and WS distribution lines. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Rescinded by 95-180-DSB on 9/5/1995 |
95-109-DSB | Gaming Commission, TAT donation of $31,027.48. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-110-DSB | Salary reductions in Tribal Budget. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-111-DSB | Termination of tribal comptroller; Personnel advertise and recruit for position; hire an individual in the interim to perform duties of comptroller. | 5/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-112-DSB | Phase II- $151,901 pledged from S701-Rural Economic and Comm. Dev Account; FBCC to submit plan for fund raising for Phase III; loan package subject to final review of TBC. | 5/18/1995 | Y | Active |
95-113-DSB | Cattle Relending Program - registration of TAT livestock brand X and changes names under brand. | 5/25/1995 | Y | Active |
95-114-DSB | Tribal Tax Commission. LEE, Ervin J.; FOX, Arlon; DANKS, James. | 5/25/1995 | Y | Active |
95-115-DSB | FY95 Tax Department and Tax Commission Budgets. | 5/25/1995 | Y | Active |
95-116-DSB | 638 Contract Documents - authorizes chairman to sign on behalf of TAT. See also R#95-103. | 5/25/1995 | Y | Active |
95-117-DSB | Recontracting 12 Mature & 13 Term Contracts from BIA for FY96, under P.L. 93-638. | 5/25/1995 | Y | Active |
95-118-DSB | Northern Plains Intertribal Court of Appeals 3-year membership, and payment of $500 for 1-year membership dues. | 5/25/1995 | Y | Active |
95-119-DSB | Addresses reallocation of AAO/IHS allocated funds to non-area self-governance tribes. | 5/25/1995 | Y | Active |
95-120-DSB | Charles Robinson Land Purchase - $12,000.00. | 5/25/1995 | Y | Active |
95-121-DSB | 1995 Summer Internship Program. | 5/25/1995 | Y | Active |
95-122-DSB | Supports Senator John McCain's Senate Bill No. 814 on BIA reorganization. Recommends inclusion of IHS. | 5/26/1995 | Y | Active |
95-123-DSB | NONE
95-124-EH | Summer Youth Program - Employment Training Administrator to select/appoint terminate/dismiss all participants in TAT 477 Program. | 6/8/1995 | Y | Active |
95-125-EH | FY96 recontracting of 6 IHS Mature Contracts. | 6/8/1995 | Y | Active |
95-126-EH | Chairman to negotiate MOA w/IHS-BIA to detail Susan Fredericks as Indian Health Planner to TAT for 2 years. | 6/8/1995 | Y | Active |
95-127-EH | Directs chairman & treasurer to seek loan package up to 5 Million secured by trust dollars. | 6/8/1995 | Y | Rescinded by 95-162-DSB on 8-24-1995. |
95-128-EH | Royalty rates for TAT gravel and scoria. | 6/8/1995 | Y | Active |
95-129-DSB | Supports contracting of Old Scout's Cemetery Realignment from COE/BIA. | 6/8/1995 | Y | Active |
95-130-DSB | Establishes a TAT Tourism and Cultural Development Office for 120-Day trial period. | 6/8/1995 | Y | Active |
95-131-DSB | Donates $10,000.00 to each of the 7 Segments for cultural activities in 1995. | 6/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-132-DSB | Places a moratorium of 9 months on present and future proposals for Class III Gaming. | 6/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-133-DSB | Approves MOA w/City of New Town on abandoned motor vehicles. | 6/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-134-DSB | Supports membership participation in indigenous games, and contributes up to $4,000 to participants. | 6/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-135-DSB | Establishes rehabilitation policy for tribal gaming employees consistent w/IGRA and state compact. | 6/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-136-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby agrees to make monthly installments of $5,000, from Tribal Income, beginning on June 20, 1995 and each month thereafter no later than the twentieth day until the liability is paid in full, to the Internal Revenue Service on behalf of the Fort Berthold Communication Enterprise. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby agrees to authorize the Tribal Chairman to sign any and/or all documents pertaining to the Re-negotiated Agreement between the Three Affiliated Tribes and the Internal Revenue Service on behalf of the Fort Berthold Communication Enterprise. | 6/16/1995 | Y | Active |
95-137-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council hereby adopts and approves the attached Indirect Cost Proposal for FY 1995 that includes a Provisional Rate of 39. 6. | 6/16/1995 | Y | Active |
95-138-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby approves travel and per diem policy and procedures for Tribal Council members as follows: Travel Authorization, Council Per Diem, Receipts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all Council members shall exercise due diligence in planning and arranging travel and shall make effort to secure any or all savings to costs available; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Treasurer shall be authorized to deduct, in a reasonable manner, outstanding amounts owed to the Tribe from Council members compensation; BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman shall be authorized to revoke or deny, for a reasonable period, travel for Council members who fail to comply with this travel policy and contents of this Resolution; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall supersede and rescind all previous Resolutions which conflict with this travel policy for Council members and the contents of this Resolution. | 6/29/1995 | Y | Active |
95-139-DSB | NONE
95-140-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council, does authorize the establishment of an escrow account at the first International Banks and Trust of Watford City, ND., to meet the condition as set forth, in the "Chip and Seal on Fort Berthold" contract documents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, This account is to operate for the duration of the Fort Berthold Chip & Seal Project. At the finalization of this project, and after a full accounting of funds dispersed, and reported to the Tribal Business Council, this account shall be closed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council, does authorize the Tribal Treasurer to sign these documents or his designee. | 7/13/1995 | Y | Active |
95-141-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council, does request that, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, make available from the 2% funds converted to construction, and those funds programmed to conduct an inventory of the BIA roads system, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Three Affiliated Tribes requests that the Bureau of Indian Affairs, contract with Transportation Associates, Inc. of Albuquerque, Nave under the authority of the Small Business 8(a) program, to assist the Indian Tribes within the Aberdeen .Area to develop a Transportation Geographic Information System (TGIS) and to assist in conducting of the roads inventory on Fort Berthold, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, If it is not feasible of the BIA to develop an area wide contract, the Three Affiliated Tribes requests a contract from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to develop a TGIS and to conduct the inventory of the Indian Reservation Roads System on Fort Berthold, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Bureau of Indian Affairs is requested to expedite this contract to allow for field work to be accomplished before the on set of winter weather. | 7/13/1995 | Y | Active |
95-142-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby proposes to support the Fort Berthold Housing Authority and the Growth and Development Program in their efforts to attain funding to be implemented into their comprehensive drug use prevention strategy, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the most important responsibility of our society is to guarantee the health, protection, and education of our youth. The Three Affiliated Tribes acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing and wellness of its communities by committing its support and resources towards the goal of eliminating the problems of alcohol and drug abuse of the Fort Berthold Reservation. The Three Affiliated Tribes will be an active and supportive partner in this effort to establish a reservation wide drug use prevention program for our youth. | 7/13/1995 | Y | Active |
95-143-DSB | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Center for Business and Community Development having depleted it's first term funding May 12, 1995, wishes to apply for a Part II Continuation grant to advance and sustain the Center, and, will be permitted by the FBCC Board of Directors; the current Director, Cleo Leigh Wells to apply for said second term funding utilizing College facilities contributed in-kind during this reapplication period; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council, in its endorsement of the mission of the Fort Berthold Community College and the Center for Business and Community Development, hereby supports the Part II Continuation application submitted to the United States Department of Agriculture/Rural Business and Cooperative Development Service (USDA/RBCDS); and, that this resolution serve as evidence that the Fort Berthold Community College Board of Directors has reviewed and approved of this course of reapplication and its contingent benefits. | 7/13/1995 | Y | Active |
95-144-DSB | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the purchase of land, exclusive of minerals, from Helen I. Burr, 301-U1086 | 7/13/1995 | Y | Active |
95-145-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Three Affiliated Tribes, with the Fort Berthold District Court as contractor, will support a program that includes: (1) development and revision of tribal codes, policies, and procedures that directly address the criminal justice and social service systems' response to child abuse and neglect; (2) development and revision of procedures for reporting, referring, handling, investigating, and prosecuting cases of child sexual abuse and physical abuse; (3) provision of specialized training to community advocates, criminal justice, social services, medical and mental health professions and other professionals involved with handling child sexual abuse and physical abuse cases; (4) development and strengthening of working relationships with Federal, state, and local agencies providing services for child victims and their families; (5) development of Memorandum of Understanding for successful implementation of this project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, The Tribal Business Council hereby authorizes the contracting of funding received from the Office for Victims of Crime's Children's Justice Act Grant Program for Native Americans, to the Fort Berthold District Court for purposes outlined above. | 7/13/1995 | Y | Active |
95-146-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby establishes the Special Committee to execute the amendment process of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes regarding specific concerns/issues with the Governmental structure of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Special Committee shall be comprised of one (1) member selected by each Councilman and the Chairman and one (1) member selected by each respective Segment/District of the Fort Berthold Reservation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby adopts an Objective Action Plan which stipulates actions necessary to execute the duties prescribed to the Special Committee by the Tribal Business Council. | 7/13/1995 | Y | Active
95-147-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the WAKE FUND shall be increased from $1600.00 to $2000.00 per funeral situation, and that any additional costs exceeding the Docket Revenues for such purposes shall be supplemented by tribal gaming revenues. | 7/13/1995 | Y | Rescinded by 95-214-EH |
95-148-DSB | WHEREAS, Post 253 Legion and Auxiliary of White Shield will represent the Three Affiliated Tribes for the Korean War Memorial Dedication the week of July 24-29, 1995; and WHEREAS, The cost of the trip has been a grass roots' community based fund raising effort to cover expenses for this trip. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tribal Business Council authorizes matching these funds of $4,000 to defray expenses for this trip. | 7/13/1995 | Y | Active |
95-149-DSB | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby directs the Bureau of Indian Affairs to prepare a reservation oil and gas lease sale as expeditiously as possible. | 7/13/1995 | Y | Active |
95-150-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council hereby grants reimbursement of financial support to the Twin Buttes Community in the amount of $15,000 for provision of community based alcohol and drug abuse services; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council Treasurer shall determine from which Tribal account the above appropriation shall be made. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-151-DSB | FY95 Consortium Application for Title IX Education Grant. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-152-DSB | Authorizes Councilman Gillette as Scout Cemetery Contract Representative. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-153-DSB | Stipend and mileage for board and committee members. ($75.00 per day) AMENDED 05/10/96, R#96-104. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Amended by 96-104 on 5/10/1996 |
95-154-DSB | Arikara repatriation from Washington University, St. Louis, MO. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-155-DSB | Mandaree Pedestrian Crossing. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-156-DSB | Injury Prevention Conference monetary assistance of $250 from Tribe. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-157-DSB | Termination of Program Director of Circle of Life. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-158-DSB | RESCINDS R#95-088. Decreases Segment Employment Program budget from $25.00 to $21.00 per hour, effective August 28, 1995. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-159-DSB | Establishes TAT-Contracted Programs Account at Community First National Bank, Dickinson. | 8/10/1995 | Y | Active |
95-160-EH | WHEREAS, the New Fire Department also seeks to amend its current contract for Fire Protection Services for the LCM Building , Growth and Development Trailer , and Alcoholism Center within City limits and the Head Start Trailer in the Rural area, and WHEREAS, the New Town Fire Department is billing the Three Affiliated Tribes a total of $648.00 dollars for the described revisions to the Rural Contract and $ 198.75 for Revisions to the City Contract for a total due of $846.75 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Tribal Business Council approves and accepts the described amendments to its Contract with the New Town Fire Department and approves payment for services for the 53 private tribal member homes and the additional tribal facilities listed above. | 8/17/1995 | Y | Active |
95-161-DSB | NDSU Extension Service Indian Reservation Program Proposal for FY95 and FY96. | 8/17/1995 | Y | Active |
95-162-DSB | RESCINDS R#95-127. Pledges $5 million plus interest from Economic Recovery Fund for Community First loan package to re-establish Tribes' financial base. | 8/24/1995 | |Missing |
95-163-DSB | Establishes OTFM automatic transfer from Economic Recovery Fund to Community First Bank for loan installments. | 8/24/1995 | Y | Active |
95-164-DSB | Signatory authority for chairman & treasurer on accounts established at Community First National Bank of Dickinson. | 8/24/1995 | Y | Active |
95-165-DSB | Directs treasurer and financial advisor to coordinate Economic Recovery Fund Investments w/BIA-OTFM. Quarterly Investment Report to be presented to TBC. | 8/24/1995 | Y | Active |
95-166-DSB | Designates Treasurer Fox to act as representative of the Tribes "concerning the management contract" during the NIGC review of the casino management agreement. | 8/24/1995 | Y | Active |
95-167-DSB | CSBG FY96 application for Material Resources. | 8/24/1995 | Y | Active |
95-168-DSB | $44,525.33 IRS debt negotiated repayment schedule of $2,000 per month beginning 9/16/95 from tribal revenues. | 8/24/1995 | Y | Active |
95-169-DSB | HOLTE appointed as associate judge for 24 months. | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-170-DSB | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council approves the exchange of lands described below, exclusive of minerals, held in trust by the United States of America for the Three Affiliated Tribes and lands held in FEE status by P. Diane Avery, 301- U3041, hereby authorized the Chairman of the Tribal Business Council, its Secretary, and Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency, the Area Director, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to prepare all documents and to do all things necessary to exchange lands for which title is to be transferred to the Tribe and P. Diane Avery, under the terms and conditions as stated below; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this particular land exchange shall be exempted from the requirements of Resolution No. 88-261-TL | 8/31/1995 | Y | Amended 94-036-MW |
95-171A-DSB | Phyllis Walker land sale. | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-171B-DSB | Elgin W. Dye land sale | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-171C-DSB | Kenneth Drags Wolf, Jr. land sale. | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-172-DSB | Authorizes TAT Transportation Department to apply for carry-over 2% planning funds that may be available from AAO/Roads. | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-173-DSB | FY96 Commodity Program Recontract w/USDA. | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-174-DSB | Policy on publishing of minutes & official actions by all TAT enterprises, boards, and committees. | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-175-DSB | 85 applicants approved for enrollment. | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-176-DSB | TERO Commission amended to 7 members. | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-177-DSB | WHITE BEAR, David, appointed to TERO Commission. | 8/31/1995 | Y | Active |
95-178-DSB | Committees & Boards of TBC. | 8/31/1995 | Y Rescinded by 96-074-DSB on 4/11/1996. |
95-179-DSB | Treasurer/Chairman authorized to negotiate, purchase, sell, lease, or trade tribal vehicles. | 9/5/1995 | Y | Active |
95-180-DSB | WS Waterline Bid awarded to Olander. Water Treatment Plants awarded to LCM. Tribe to assume role of prime contractor for water treatment plants. Tribe to bid Mandaree and WS Water Treatment Plants. | 9/5/1995 | Y | Amended by 95-226-DSB on 11/09/95, amended by 96-015-DSB on 1-31-1996. |
95-181-DSB | Head Start Continuation Grant for CY 1996. | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-182-DSB | Authorizes TAT Chairman to negotiate and/or enter into a lease w/TB Community Association to develop, operate, and maintain #8 and powwow/rodeo grounds as recreation sites. | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-183-DSB | Supports ND Indian Council on Addictive Disorders. (By-Laws attached.) | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-184-DSB | Fort Berthold 1995 Education Summit. | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-185-DSB | 1995 ND Indian Education Conference, TAT donation of $1,500. | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-186-DSB | Designates September as Three Affiliated Tribes Child-Find Month. | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-187-DSB | Empowers G&F to enact and enforce the 1995-96 Deer (Bow/Gun), Small Game, Furbearer and Fishing Proclamations. | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-188-DSB | Designates Mni Sose Tribal Representatives. | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-189-DSB | Gaming Commission, TAT donation of $47,877.96. | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-190-DSB | Limited waiver of sovereign immunity issued to Community First National Bank as part of $5 million loan package. | 9/14/1995 | Y | Active |
95-191-DSB | Interpretation of Article VI, Section I; and Article VIII of TAT Constitution regarding referendum process for benefit of Community First as part of $5 million loan package. | 9/14/1995 | | Missing |
95-192-DSB | Extension of consultant agreement for Special Judge Frank Pommersheim. | 9/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-193-DSB | Amendment of filing fees. | 9/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-194-DSB|Mahto Bay Access. | 9/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-195-DSB | Approves ICDBG Administrator for West Segment Community Building Project. | 9/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-196-DSB | FY95 Tribal Revenue Programs Budget. | 9/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-197-DSB | FY95 Tribal Revenue TBC/Administration Budget. | 9/27/1995 | Y | Active |
95-198-DSB | Twin Buttes School waiver of requirement of Indian Policies and Procedures concerning residence of school children. | 10/5/1995 | Y | Active |
95-199-EH | Native American Child/Family Services Mandaree School certification of bilingual instructors. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-200-EH | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes, pursuant to Mandaree Electronics Corporation's By—Laws hereby appoint the following individuals to serve as MEC's Board of Directors; Lisa Bedford, David Charging and Tillie Walker, and the alternate shall be appointed by said board. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-201-EH | Contract criminal investigator position from BIA. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-202-EH | Special prosecutor for TAT legal claims. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-203-EH | Training Institute Project. (See also 96-036.) | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-204-EH | Standards for child care licensing. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-205-EH | TIP List. | 10/12/1995 | N | Amended by 96-171-DSB on 8/7/1996 |
95-206-EH| 20 Bison for Winnebago Tribe. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-207-EH | 14 Bison for Lower Brule Sioux Tribe. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-208-EH | 30 Bison for Devils Lake Sioux Tribe. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-209-EH | 05 Bison for Ponca Tribe. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-210-EH | 10 Bison, pending availability, for Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-211-EH | 05 Bison, pending availability, for San Juan Pueblo Tribe . |10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-212-EH | Grants automatic preference of annual TAT/G&F hunting permits to active military and honorably-discharged veterans of TAT. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-213-EH | Representation for chairman of TAT. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-214-AG | AMENDS R#95-147. Wake fund increased from $2,000 to $2,500. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Rescinded by 96-073-DSB on 4/11/1996 |
95-215-EH | In-House counsel contract with Thomas M. Disselhorst, w/attachments (3). | 10/12/1995 | Y | Rescinded by 97-255-DSB |
95-216-EH | National Indian Gaming Association Membership (Dues)|10/12/19955|Y|Active|
95-217-DSB1995 Administration for Native Americans (ANA) Grant Application. | 10/12/1995 | Y | Active |
95-218-AG | Relinquishment - SEARS, Andrew w. | 11/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-219-AG | Relinquishment - JACKSON, Bernard P. | 11/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-220-AG| Relinquishment - BRANDON, Salina Lynn (Howard). | 11/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-221-DSB | Relinquishment - PLENTY CHIEF, Emanuel Lance. | 11/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-222-DSB | Relinquishment - PLENTY CHIEF, Maurena Maude. | 11/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-223-DSB | Relinquishment - PLENTY CHIEF, Minnie Ann. | 11/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-224-AG | RESCINDS R#94-015-MW, Enrollment. Relinquishment - CHASE, Trudy A. | 11/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-225-AG| LCM and Dialysis Lease on Dialysis Building. | 11/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-226-AG|Tribe assumes role of prime contractor for water project. | 11/9/1995 | Y | Amended 95-180-DSB. Amended on 01/31/1996 by 96-015-DSB. |
95-227-AG | Clarifies Lumber Construction Manufacturing Corporation as being the correct name of LCM. | 11/9/1995 | Y | Active |
95-228-DSB | 1995 $4,000.00 donation to All Indian Nations Basketball Classic, Bismarck, ND. | 11/22/1995 | Y | Active |
95-229-DSB | Correction of dual enrollment of MC CARTY, Nicole Lynn. | 11/22/1995 | Y | Active |
95-230-DSB | 10 applicants approved for enrollment. | 11/22/1995 | Y | Active |
95-231-DSB | Ted Lone Fight III removed, and Joletta Bird Bear appointed to serve on FBHA Board of Directors from Mandaree Segment. | 11/22/1995 | Y | Rescinded |
95-232-DSB | WILSON, Dr. Herbert J. appointed to TBC Human Resources Committee. | 11/22/1995 | Y | Rescinded in Jan. 1997 |
95-233-DSB | Dialysis Center Reorganization . | 11/22/1995| Y | Active |
95-234-DSB | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves AUM rate of $6.50 for all tribal lands in the 1996 grazing period, and the Council will request the BIA to re-evaluate each range submit to warrant any increase in the carrying capacities; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Tribal Business Council that the Bureau of Indian Affairs is hereby requested to review each range unit case by case to justify the 25% increase of carrying capacity. | 11/22/1995 | Y | Amended 94-040-MW |
95-235-DSB | FY96 Docket Fund Withdrawal and Distribution. | 11/22/1995 | Y | Active |
95-236-DSB | Fort Berthold Lumber Supply and Construction Corporation Business Charter; Board of Directors. | 11/22/1995 | Y | Amended 96-001-DSB on 01/11/96 |
95-237-DSB | Withdraws proposed Little Soldier gaming management agreement from review by NIGC. |11/22/1995 | Y | Active |
95-238-DSB | FY96 TAT Summary Budget and Revenues; General Fund Budget and Revenues; Segment Employees Budget; Tribal Programs; Tribal Enterprises. | 11/22/1995 | Y | Active |
95-239-DSB | FY96-97 Domestic Violence application for funding from DHHS . | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-240-DSB | Application for FY96-97, 97-98, 98-99 funding from AoA/HDS/DHHS/State. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-241-DSB | Declares five counties w/in reservation boundaries as disaster areas to attempt to secure relief for Indian farmers and ranchers. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-242-DSB | Participation in the Energy Planning/Mgmt. Program w/Mni Sose Intertribal Water Rights Coalition. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-243-DSB | Relinquishment - WHITE, Bert Owen. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-244-DSB | Relinquishment - YOUPEE, Nellie Boyd Hall. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-245-DSB | Relinquishment - RICHARDSON, Cory Ray. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-246-DSB | Relinquishment - RICHARDSON, Tashina Leann. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-247-DSB | Relinquishment - STRETCHES, Skylar Brooke. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-248-DSB | New Town ND Legal Services, Inc., TAT donation of $35,812.00. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
95-249-DSB | Attorney Contract w/Hobbs Straus Dean & Walker from January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1997. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Amended |
95-250-DSB | Establishes "Three Affiliated Tribes Equipment and Vehicle Leasing, Inc. | 12/21/1995 | Y | Active |
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