Management Information Systems (M.I.S.)

➤ location

MHA TERO/Energy Building
305 4th St
New Town, ND 58763

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

☎ contact

Phone: (701) 627-6194
FAX: (701) 627-3614


Services Provided

Management Information System Department (MIS) was created to provide quality information technology (IT) services and solutions to MHA Nation employees, vendors and customers and to provide the most cost-effective solutions that facilitate and improve the conduct of business for our tribal employees, businesses, and other government entities.

The MIS staff provides technology solutions to customers within the MHA Nation to enhance their performance and productivity. Activities range from troubleshooting PC problems, all the way through researching, developing, implementing, and maintaining up to date technology.

Eligible Participants

Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation employees are eligible for M.I.S. services.

Area(s) Served

The M.I.S. staff supports departments within the MHA Nation and also outlying segments on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and satellite offices.

Purpose/Mission Statement

To advance the development and efficient use of management information systems services and technologies and to increase the effectiveness of the MHA Nation and its entities, while safeguarding the information assets of the MHA Nation.


Work Orders Call: 701-627-6194
or Email:

TERO/Energy Building 4th Floor Suite 4200

Bonnie Baker
Office Manager
Office: 701-627-6194
Work Cell: 701-421-6828

Nevaeh Quarry
Website Designer
Office: 701-627-6484
Work Cell: 701-897-1458

TERO/Energy Building Basement

Wayne Simpson
Cell: 701-421-4329
Office: 701-627-6194

River Dye
Computer Tech ll
Office: 701-627-8198

Nicholas Garthwaite
Computer Tech ll

Nicholas Rabbithead
Computer Tech lI

Any questions regarding the MHA Nation website can be directed to

