Fire Management — MHA Nation

Public Notice - Free Tribal ID’s

Fire Management


➤ location

Tribal Administration Building
215 Main Street
New Town, ND 58763

mailing address

TAT Fire Management Program
404 Frontage Road
New Town, ND 58763

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 4:30PM

☎ contact

Phone: (701) 627-2897
Fax: (701) 627-2896


Marle Baker

MHA Nation 3 Chiefs Logo-Color_transparent.png

About us

The Fire Management program provides wildland fire protections services on the Ft. Berthold Inidan Reservation utilizing to the extent possible, resources available on the Reservation, complying with the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) guidelines. This is accomplished by providing NWCG sanctioned training and equipment for local tribal and Emergency Firefighters.

Currently the Three Affiliated Tribes has six Type 6 Wildland Fire Engines and two Type 5 Wildland Fire Engines as well as 25 qualified wildland firefighters. Prescribed fire is also a major component of the protection of the people and resources on the Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation.Numerous areas throughout the reservation are burned to reduce or eliminate hazardous fuels utilizing NWCG sanctions planning and methods. Off reservation dispatch is a secondary function of the Fire Management Program. Hand crews and/or Engine crews can be dispatched throughout the nation to assist in wildland suppression efforts.



Burn requests


When conditions are favorable we can burn around your home to either protect it from wildfire or to reduce snow buildup in the winter months.
For more info:


Training Opportunities

We will list training dates on our calendar for opportunities to advance your career as a communities to protect wildland firefighter.
For more info:

Fire Prevention


Smokey is available for Fire Prevention booths or to make special appearances at your school to spread the word of fire prevention.
For more info:


Prescribe Fire


Through the Hazardous Fuels Reduction (HFR) program we burn around them from wildfire in the spring and fall.
For more info:


Employee List

Mr. Baker is an enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes. He is a qualified Burn Boss Type 2 and has been working for TAT Fire Management for 8 years. He holds a bachelor's of Science degree in Environmental Science and enjoys his family, technology and reading.


Marle Baker began his current position as Fire Management Officer for TAT in April 2004. He began his career as a Wild land Firefighter in the spring of 1991 as a Type 2 Firefighter and has worked his way up to Incident Commander Type 3, Task Force Leader and Prescribe Burn Boss Type 2. Marle's formal education was acquired at the University of Idaho with a bachelors of Science in Forestry. Favorite hobbies include hunting, hiking and enjoying the great outdoors.


