NHSC Responds to Impact of the Pandemic by Forgiving Student Debt


Aug. 19, 2021

CONTACT: Dr. Twyla Baker, president

NHSC Responds to Impact of the Pandemic by Forgiving Student Debt

New Town, ND – To assist students still recovering from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College (NHSC) has forgiven outstanding student debt, allowing students to begin the 2021-22 academic year free from previous tuition-related obligations.

“Our students have faced considerable personal losses as a result of the pandemic,” said Dr. Twyla Baker, NHSC president. “They’ve had the added pressures of illness, homeschooling their children and many other hurdles. They have been challenged in so many ways, and we are thankful we can use Covid relief funding to help them begin anew.”

NHSC does not provide student loans. College costs are financed through Federal Pell Grants and other grants and scholarships. The college offers payment plans for student debt but has opted to forgive more than $200,000 in outstanding debt in advance of the upcoming school year.

NHSC enhances the quality of life and builds a strong, positive identity for the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nations or Three Affiliated Tribes. NHSC offers in-demand certificate programs and associate degrees as well as three bachelor’s degrees. The college offers high-quality cultural, academic and vocational education. NHSC provides encouragement and support to facilitate successful college careers.
