Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College gives students a boost with new food pantry
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 30, 2021
CONTACT: Deanna Rainbow, Student Development/Retention Counselor – 701-627-8036
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College gives students a boost with new food pantry
New Town, ND -- Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College (NHSC) has recently created a new avenue for student support on campus. The NHSC Food Pantry opened this Fall to assist current students that are in need of food, toiletries and other necessities.
The College’s Student Development/Retention Counselor, Deanna Rainbow, has been working on developing this assistance for students out of need created from the pandemic. The College also offers emergency aid for students in need. The aid is funded by various grants and supports students who may need emergency assistance.
Deanna Rainbow stated, “We are so pleased to be able to help our students in any way that we can. While the food pantry has just opened, there has always been a need for this kind of support on our campus. With the continued support on campus and throughout our community, we hope to see our food pantry continue to grow to help our students with more than just food and toiletry needs.”
To donate items to the pantry, contact Deanna Rainbow at
Located in New Town, ND, NHSC enhances quality of life and builds a strong and positive identity for the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nations that make up Three Affiliated Tribes. NHSC offers in-demand Certificate programs and Associate degrees as well as three Bachelor’s degrees. NHSC is the only TCU that offers an Equine Studies and Sustainable Energy Technologies programs. NHSC also offers a world-renowned Native American Studies program that covers three Native languages.
NHSC students gain specialized training, get a jumpstart on their college careers or obtain Bachelor’s degrees. The college offers high-quality cultural, academic and vocational education and provides encouragement and support to facilitate successful college careers.
The mission of Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College is a unique educational community founded in culture and spirituality that nurtures holistic student success.
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