NHS College Awarded Grant Funding to Create a Center of Engineering Excellence 



Ann Vallie, PEEC Director


NHS College Awarded Grant Funding to Create a Center of Engineering Excellence

New Town, ND -- Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College has been awarded a five-year, $3 million grant from the TCU Enterprise Advancement (TEA) Centers to establish the Full-Circle Center of Engineering Excellence.  The center will expand workforce training opportunities for NHS pre-engineering students and improve engineering services available to the MHA Nation. 

“NHS educates pre-engineering students and helps them transfer to four-year universities,” said President Twyla Baker, Ph.D. “Because of the Center of Excellence, the likelihood of these students getting bachelor’s degrees and returning to the reservation is much greater. 

“This will be a win-win,” Baker said. “Trained engineers can come back to the reservation for good jobs, and the MHA Nation will gain engineers who understand our culture and our unique needs”.

Pre-engineering students who participate in the Center of Excellence program will benefit from service-based learning opportunities, such as community engineering projects, job shadowing and internships. They will work with the Tribal Business Council, the Chairman’s Office of Science, Technology and Research; and the tribe’s senior engineer. Students and Centers of Excellence faculty will team up to complete community projects. 

NHSC enhances the quality of life and builds a strong, positive identity for the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nations or Three Affiliated Tribes. NHSC offers in-demand certificate programs and associate degrees as well as three bachelor’s degrees. The college offers high-quality cultural, academic and vocational education. NHSC provides encouragement and support to facilitate successful college careers. 

