Polar Plunge Supports Cancer Foundation


By: Alexus Arthur
February 26, 2018 05:35 PM CST

It may not have seemed like shorts and bathing suits weather today, but that's what we found near New Town.

And not just because it was a little warmer than usual.

"It's cold," said Georalynn Bily, Polar Plunge Participant.

Despite the cold people were lined up to dive, splash, or belly flop into the water.

Polar Plunge Participant) "It's awesome," said Anson Yessalt, Polar Plunge Participant.

All 48 jumpers went in for a reason. They are supporting the American Indian Cancer Foundation.

"Every penny will go towards making a difference and changing the cancer story," said Kris Rhodes, American Indian Cancer Foundation CEO.

For Marybeth Jarsai, this event is a bit more special.

"I did six rounds of chemotherapy," said Marybeth Jarsai, Cancer Survivor.

For 8 years, her mother had cancer and passed away in 2012. It was only a few months later that she received the news that she had been diagnosed with uterine cancer.

"It was pretty scary to see what my mom went through and knowing what I had to go through but I knew my mom could do it, I could do it," said Jarsai.

Having the support of her community made her journey easier.

"To see people do this it's like amazing," said Jarsai.

Marybeth is cancer free for 5 years as of March and while she celebrated life, lots of other say hitting the icy water makes them feel the same.

"You're alive now once you get in there," said Mark Fox, Tribal Chairman.

Having a nice warm blanket waiting after the plunge doesn't hurt either.

The Polar Plunge raised just under fifty-thousand dollars for the American Indian Cancer Foundation.

See story shared at MyNDNow.com here.