Janecek-Hartman College Scholar Named ROI Institute Award Winner



Nov. 6, 2020                                                    Jennifer Janecek-Hartman, Ph.D. 

Vice President, Campus Services 

Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College 



Janecek-Hartman College Scholar Named ROI Institute Award Winner

NEW TOWN, N.D. --Jennifer Janecek-Hartman, Ph.D., vice president of Campus Services, Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College, recently received a Most Innovative Approach to ROI award from the ROI Institute. 

Janecek-Hartman was recognized for an outstanding application of the ROI Methodology® and honored for exceptional work in measurement, evaluation and analytics. Developed by the ROI Institute, the methodology assists professionals in improving programs and processes using return on investment (ROI) in non-traditional applications. 

Dr. Janecek-Hartman created an ROI evaluation model for tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) serving native communities. Her Indigenous assessment is based on local, traditional and tribal values that comprise the lens through which decisions are made at TCUs. Non-monetary ways of measuring ROI include institutional changes resulting from programming, institutional successes and the number of graduates and pre-and-post-graduation earnings.

Partners in Janecek-Hartman’s work include five North Dakota Association of Tribal Colleges presidents: Cynthia Lindquist, Ph.D. (Cankdeska Cikana Community College), Twyla Baker, Ph.D. (Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College), Laurel Vermillion, Ph.D. (Sitting Bull College), Kelli M. Hall, Ph.D. (Turtle Mountain Community College) and Leander McDonald, Ph.D. (United Tribes Technical College), as well as the American Indian College Fund and the Strada Foundation, which provided grant funding for the project.

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MHA Covid-19 Task Force Services and MHA Wake-Funeral Protocols

On behalf of the MHA Covid-19 Task Force, due to the sharp increases in covid positive households on Ft. Berthold, and in enrolled households off the reservation, we would like to send out a notice to everyone who does not yet know that MHA Nation has established emergency aid services for those affected (Isolation and/or Quarantine). I'd like to provide a brief message on those services, which has been in place and activated since March 2020. 

These services are free to the public, optional, and implemented for the length of the pandemic. We have committed members who volunteer their time to provide the following services to those in need.

  1. Public Awareness

  2. Community Monitoring

  3. Isolation Center

  4. Distribution Aid Center

  5. Mass Testing

We provide timely updates and other relevant information to the community through social media, our members, KMHA, local newspapers, and our Segment Coordinator Group. Please see the MHA Covid-19 Task Force Facebook Page for more detailed information.

Please feel free to share this information out and if you are in need of assistance yourself, or know of someone who does, please encourage them to call 701-627-7300,  7 days a week 8am-8pm. to request assistance.

Since we are seeing a surge in emergency aid assistance requests along with the rise in cases, if you call and we do not immediately answer, please allow us 15 minutes to finish assisting the other household on the line and we will return your phone call. You are also able to leave a voicemail if you wish to do so and a time we can reach you if you have any other questions regarding other Task Force Services. 

If you have any questions, need clarifications on your testing health status, signs and symptoms of Covid-19, Isolation and Quarantine processes, testing schedules, please call

  • Elbowoods Memorial Health Center: 701-627-7641

  • Marilyn Yellow Bird, Director of Public Health: 701-627-7715

Here is the Wake-Funeral Protocols for reference as well. These protocols were created early into the tribes pandemic response efforts by our Elders. 

If you are interested in volunteering your time, skillsets to help our incident response, please contact me by cell or email.  We will continue to provide these services to those households in need, it is our goal to lighten their burdens as best we can, and will do so to the best of our capabilities.  Thank you for your continued support.

Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College to offer new Associate of Science in Sustainable Energy Technologies 




FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 30, 2020
CONTACT:   Stephanie Packineau, Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness – spackineau@nhsc.edu  701-627-8021

Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College to offer new Associate of Science in Sustainable Energy Technologies 

New Town, ND -- Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College (NHSC) has recently received approval from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) to offer a brand new Associate in Science program. An Associate of Science in Sustainable Energy Technologies will be its newest addition to their offerings in Associates degrees.  The College offers 13 Associates degrees, 3 Bachelor’s degrees and 3 Certificate programs.

The College plans to offer the new program starting in Spring 2021, while providing students the education needed to become solar installers, technicians and operators of both Solar and Wind technologies.  The long journey towards offering this new program was initiated back in 2014 with a grant that was managed by Tom Abe, which allowed the school to start offering Sustainable Energy classes as electives for the Environmental Sciences degree program.  The initial grant provided the building blocks for a subsequent grant that Dr. Kerry Hartman received in 2016 for a Targeted STEM Infusion Project, which was to lay the groundwork for the addition of an Associate of Science in Sustainable Energy Technologies.

President Baker stated, “We are so pleased to be able to carry on the legacy left to us by our long time instructor Tom Abe, and honor his wish to bring these types of learning opportunities to our Tribal Nation. I’m very excited to see us continue to build this program for the future of not just the MHA Nation, but our state and country as well.”

The approval of the new program will help NHSC and the Mandan, Arikara and Hidatsa tribes since NHSC is the only tribal college to offer the Sustainable Energy Technologies program.  NHSC’s new program will incorporate culturally relevant sustainable energy concepts and utilize constructivist methods that will focus on the needs of the MHA Nation

Located in New Town, ND, NHSC enhances quality of life and builds a strong and positive identity for the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nations that make up Three Affiliated Tribes. NHSC offers in-demand Certificate programs and Associate degrees as well as three Bachelor’s degrees. NHSC is the only TCU that offers an Equine Studies and Sustainable Energy Technologies programs.  NHSC also offers a world-renowned Native American Studies program that covers three Native languages.

NHSC students gain specialized training, get a jumpstart on their college careers or obtain Bachelor’s degrees. The college offers high-quality cultural, academic and vocational education and provides encouragement and support to facilitate successful college careers. 

The mission of Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College is to provide quality cultural, academic, vocational education and services for the Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation.



The MHA Nation Tribal Business Council has approved Resolution No. 20-173-FWF which authorizes a one-time $1,000 disbursement for all enrolled members regardless of age.  This disbursement, per the Resolution, will be mailed out no later than September 15, 2020, to all members 14 years old and above.  

Any delinquent monies owed to the Three Affiliated Tribes Division of Child Support Enforcement shall be deducted from this distribution at the rate of $750.00. Any delinquent monies owed to Travel, Small Loans, Home Mortgage, Business (Independence) Loans and Tribal Court shall be deducted at a rate of $750.00 (see below for contact info).

Enrolled members under the age of 14 as of January 1, 2021, will be required to have their legal guardian fill out the SEPTEMBER 2020 – RESOLUTION NO. 20-173-FWF Minor Disbursement Form and return to Finance.  Forms will be available at People’s Fund Department @ the MHA Complex, segment offices, and the MHA Nation website.  Please allow up to four weeks to process once Finance receives your form.

Enrolled members under the age of 14 as of January 1, 2021 that DO NOT have a completed SEPTEMBER 2020 – RESOLUTION NO. 20-173-FWF Minor Disbursement Form returned to Tribal Finance by January 1, 2021 will have the disbursement held in Trust until the age 18.

Enrolled members under the age of 14 as of January 1, 2021, in the custody of the Three Affiliated Tribes and ICWA shall have their disbursement held in Trust until the age of 18.


Three Affiliated Tribes Department of Child Support Enforcement
Contact: Ashley Meade (701) 627-2860

Three Affiliated Tribes Finance Travel DepartmentContact: Susan Three Irons (701) 627-4781

Small Loans Department
Contact: Mary Ellen Sun (701) 627-4781

Home Mortgage Department
Contact: Mariam Fixico (701) 627-2560

Business/Independence Loan Department
Contact: Symbria Bell (701) 627-2541

Fort Berthold District Court
Contact: Veronica Freeman (701) 627-4803