veteran affairs

National Vietnam Veterans Day in Hawaii

MHA Nation took 117 people to the National Vietnam Veterans Day in Hawaii.  Hawaii was a stopping point for Veterans on their way to Vietnam.  Many of our Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Nephews, Nieces and Grandparents, served in Vietnam.  Austin Gillette, Staff Sergeant, USMC, Vietnam Veteran, was a guest speaker at the Opening Ceremonies.  MHA Veterans, VFW Post 9061, Younghawk/Bear American Legion Post 253 and Myron B. Johnson/Nathan Good Iron American Legion Post 271 brought in the Colors as Clark Creek Singers, lead by Shylo Baker, sang the Flag song.  After the Opening Ceremony was completed, we then marched in the Mile long Parade.  Our group also included the VFW 9061 Auxiliary, Younghawk/Bear American Legion Post 253 Auxiliary, Myron B. Johnson/Nathan Good Iron American Legion Post 271 Auxiliary and Little Shell Unit 300.  MHA. Nation Tribal Business Council payed for All travel, all involved are very grateful for the opportunity to represent our nation, our Veterans and their families.  


We did get invited to attend the Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of World War II, held in Normandy France.  MHA Posts and Auxiliary are in the planning stages of attending.  MHA Nation is very proud of our relatives who served in many different Wars.  We are very humbled to walk on these sacred grounds that our ancestors walked, fought and had dreams of returning home.  

All Photos were taken by Malvina Baker